
5ª Progenitor in DXD

After having an accident and being in a coma. His soul was transmigrated to the world of Strike the Blood where he was turned into a progenitor against his will and in his revolt became a tyrannical demon king. Until the day he was defeated and killed only to wake up in his original body in his old world, and he decided to live in peace. Only to find that his world was far more dangerous than he realizes. Can a demon king live a normal life of gods and devils?

history_Experiment · Anime und Comics
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8 Chs

The Serpent's Awakening and the Underrated Servant

Nearby familiar, a sentient weapon, Gate of Babylon or or some noble phantasm of fate?


"Alright... take as much as you need" Yasaka spoke quietly with a reddened face as she dragged her kimono off her shoulder.

"Thanks, beauty" Leon sighed hugging Yasaka and putting his arms behind her.

He blew a light breath on Yasaka's neck making her cringe.

"My name is Yasaka" Yasaka moaned, giving herself to Leon's arm as she held his back to keep from falling.

"I will keep the name of her beautiful Yasaka" Leon bit Yasaka's neck, sinking his fangs into her flesh and piercing with all the delicacy not to hurt her too much. He made sure not to force the wound he inflicted on Yasaka too much, he just needed enough blood to wake up Gorgon.

He tasted the blood coming out of Yasaka's neck and falling into her mouth. It had been so long since he'd tasted blood that his instincts began to scream for him to drink more. Leon wasn't a man who got carried away by instincts, so he stopped the moment he saw that was enough.

"Ummm" Yasaka groaned feeling weak from the loss of blood and nearly collapsed into Leon's arms.

she felt her face rest on Leon's hard chest and looked up. she saw the red marks start to glow across Leon's body.


Her eyes widened when she saw the spear approaching Leon violently almost in front of him to the point of not even the idea of ​​deflecting being plausible.

Tears fell from Yasaka's eyes. She knew that Spear and knew that it was a spear capable of harming even the gods. Whether a progenitor or not, Leon would die and Yasaka's faction would be blamed for killing a faction leader. In the end, all was lost

He looked at Yasaka and smiled comfortably at her "It's ok now... I'll take care of everything just rest"

As he said that, the spear touched his back and unlike what Yasaka thought would happen, the spear bounced back and rolled through the air returning from where it came from with even more violence than it had been thrown.

Leon put his hand on Yasaka's face and kissed her forehead causing a kind of black mist to enter through her eyes, nose, ears, and mouth making her sleepy.

"When you wake up, it will all be over" Leon put his hand over her eyes and closed them making Yasaka go limp. She still had conscience but, she was too tired to do anything, it was scary but comforting

Leon then looked at himself and smiled seeing the red stripes on his body "I expected to take the hit head-on, but, not only did I wake up Gorgon, but I also left another semi-awakened, in addition to coming back as a full vampire"

Leon then looked at Yasaka half asleep in her arms "she is indeed powerful"


Cao Cao was furious as he looked at everything turned to stone around him. He almost died, and a damn monster was the cause of his death. He was right, all supernaturals are dangerous to humans, they must be destroyed for the good of humanity

"Die you damn filthy monster" Cao Cao roared and stomped forward violently, straightening his body and pulling his spear hand forward with all his might. He threw the spear making a sound speed-breaking blast and the spear disappeared from close to him in a single second.

"Cao Cao, what have you done? Don't discard your weapon like that! You'll be defenseless" George yelled furiously at Cao Cao as he descended from the air with speed mounting many defensive magic circles

"Don't worry! My spear is a True Longinius, That damn monster will die with a single attack" Cao Cao cackled wildly with a hateful smile and madness of hate in his eyes, he was already beside himself

"But what about Yasaka," George asked

"Fuck her, fuck her! All monsters we will destroy them all" Cao Cao clenched his fist and looked at George violently "Aren't you feeling sorry for monsters this George?"

"What... no... Cao Cao You're not thinking" George yelled back to Cao Cao and grabbed the leader's collar "You're going to kill us"


The Two's eyes widened at the sound and turned and looked in the direction of the sound only to see the Spear that Cao Cao threw coming back at him even faster than it was thrown by Cao Cao.

"Damn" The two screamed in sync and tried to get out of the way only to see the spear get them closer than they could move.

Every second the spear approached them, they could see all the phases of their lives, their regrets, their happiness, their wants, everything!

haha so this is how death is

"Phoneutria" a roar took over the forest and a light shone taking the form of a large spider that jumped in front of the two and with one of its paws raised, it hit the spear deflecting it and making the spear hit a tree if digging

"That was a close one, are you all right boys?" A sarcastic voice called them

"What" The two looked back seeing the spear stuck in a tree instead of stuck in them and looked at the giant spider standing in front of the two. They had two thoughts in shock, one was to run away and the other was to attack the spider

"My, my, it seems that the rumor that he is injured is right, he is much weaker than before" The voice reached Cao Cao and George's ear again causing them to look in the direction of the voice and see a man with a doctor's outfit and a gentle smile "this man doesn't look like the frightening 5th progenitor in master Kira's stories"

The man had glowing red eyes and a slightly venomous tone as he looked at the two. He kept his hands in his pockets like he was above any danger

"Fifth what? Wait... Nekoma you damn... you're a Vampire!" Cao Cao roared when he saw the truth about Nekoma and clenched his fist ready to attack him. But, in the next moment, he could only widen his eyes and gasp as he felt a strong impact on his belly.

Cao Cao looked ahead once more and saw that smug smile and Nekoma and those red eyes filled with amusement looking at him.

"How?" Cao Cao gasped as he knelt not understanding what had happened. Nekoma was just a vampire and shouldn't be so fast, vampires were just a minor race in the supernatural world. Even the vampire Faction leaders weren't that powerful, so how? There are two such powerful vampires in one place, were the vampires hiding their power all along?

"Cao Cao, Nekoma you damn" George yelled and made a fog ready to attack Nekoma

"Hey behind you" Nekoma smiled gently and pointed a finger behind George making him look. George's eyes widened as he saw the giant spider that saved him behind him.

He tried to jump to the side to get away from the spider, only to fail miserably when the spider lowered its paw and hit George in the back knocking him over and hanging George to the ground.

"Don't compare me to that low-level trash" Nekoma wiped the smile off his face and grabbed Cao Cao's neck lifting him and lifting the boy's breath making him gasp and glaring at him "Next time you do that... I will torture you until you ask to die, you understand me"

Nekoma's voice was so low and, at the same time, so menacing that the two humans shuddered, feeling helpless just hearing his voice. Cao Cao understood, he was now not facing any higher class being anymore, nor had he taken a late class being by surprise. Now, He was standing in front of an ultimate class being fully prepared and unwilling to extend the fight for fun or any reason whatsoever. Nekoma was an ultimate Class Being who wanted to kill Cao Cao, not capture him, nor was he afraid to start a war if Cao Cao was from some powerful faction.

"Phoneutria Huh? I remember a brat from Lebedev, using this familiar, he's too young to be born at this time if that were the past..." Leon's friendly voice broke all over as he walked through the stone forest with Yasaka on his lap as if nothing was happening and looking around, he then looked at Nekoma "I don't know you... but, I'm sure you weren't a servant of that brat's blood at the time I met him... Tell me, servant of Blood, how many came with me?"

"Enough talk, get ready to The 5th Progenitor, The Demon King of Chaos, the most brutal vampire that ever lived, I know you are wounded from your battle with the 4th Progenitor, I will kill and prove it to you. The master that I am worthy to be a part of the main family" Nekoma yelled with her eyes glowing red and pointed at Leon "Phoneutria, Poison him to death"

Phoneutria released George and roared at Leon raising both paws aggressively and jumping on Leon to kill him.

"Stop those nicknames, you're embarrassing me, for my shameful past as Chuni" Leon bent down as if he regretted something and then raised his head only this time with red eyes" and you think you can beat me with a familiar of that level? That Lebedev brat should trust you!"

Leon mocked and arranged Yasaka on his lap, He then bit his lip making his recent tattoos shine on his body as the giant spider approached him to attack him.

"I who reign in light and darkness, who were born of a sanctified sin, I who do not know life, I who do not know death, invoke you the incarnation of revenge against the cruel Divinity" Leon sang a song not very in tune and when the giant spider was already in front of him ready to sting him"Petrify all Gorgon oppressors"


A light shone and the figure of a giant woman perished in Kyoto and disappeared in a single second leaving an entire forest of more than 1000 kilometers petrified and releasing a wave of power that was felt by all sending a warning.

For all those who knew who the warning was for and for those who didn't know, but were warned anyway, The 5th Parent is not weak or injured


"I think I exaggerated a little" Leon laughed a little embarrassed seeing everything turned to stone"Too bad I couldn't keep it for a long time, that's my current magic power level, well who's in charge, you summon your second most powerful beast At first"

He looked around and noticed that both Nekoma and the humans were fine, and a little girl was floating in front of them between Leon and Them, of course, everyone was passed out.

{Strong! Even at my best, I wouldn't win} Leon commented to himself and pressed his foot to the ground {I'll run away from her every move}

"Strong... you are strong... Help me defeat... The red one" The little girl said emotionlessly and shaking her hand as she took some stone dirt from her hand" when... We, we will meet... in the future... "

"How strange...' Leon sighed that he didn't have to flee from such a powerful being and didn't even fight.

And just as the little girl appeared, she disappeared taking all of Leon's enemies with her.

"Master" Sakuya appeared in front of Leon taking off his mask with a smile

"Daddy" The childish cry came to Leon

"Daddy" Both Leon and Sakuya screamed in surprise and saw a little girl with a fox tail on top of a huge snake coming towards them.

"Master... what is the meaning of this?" Sakuya questioned him seeing Yasaka on Leon's lap

"I don't know, let's just follow" Leon laughed and snapped his finger making the forest go back to normal "Let's go before some decent snake charmer comes to pick a fight after the warning to stay away"

"yes, it would be annoying to deal with that lunatic" Sakuya huffed and touched Leon turning them into Mist with the little girl and the snake that arrived beside them