

Raw; https://mtlnation.com/novel/finally-waited-until-the-night-of-the-genocide-picked-up-attributes-and-opened-mangekyo Traversing through the pages of history, a boy named Chiba emerged in the village of Hokage. The night of the impending massacre loomed, but fortunately, the god-level pickup system had been activated. [Pick up 100 Chakra attributes, Chakra +100] [Pick up Body Flicker Technique, Body Flicker Technique fusion level +1] [Pick up 50 points of Sharingan power, Sharingan power +50] Chiba approached Obito and exclaimed, "Include me in the plans for the genocide night!" On the night of the massacre, Chiba joined forces with Itachi and Obito, finally unlocking the Mangekyō Sharingan! [Pick up 100 points of Sharingan power, Sharingan power +100] 【Congratulations on surpassing the limits of your Sharingan power and awakening the Mangekyō Sharingan】 A few years later, Chiba and Itachi returned to Konoha. "Danzo, I'm coming for you, you damn traitor!" "Third Hokage..."

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17 Chs

Chapter 9 Tsukuyomi, Konoha Higher Compromise

New updates flash across the display panel.

The first data represents his current Sharingan Power: Sharingan Power LV4 (1663/2163/10000), fortunately capable of automatic recovery.

The second data indicates the upper limit of his current Sharingan Power.

Immediately after using the Sharingan technique, he discovers a reduction in the upper limit of his Sharingan Power.

Foresight depletes by 50 points each time.

This is because the predicted time falls short of the 10-second limit.

Otherwise, it would consume even more.

"Is this the curse of the Mangekyō Sharingan? How vexing!"

Witnessing the drop in his Sharingan Power, one can only imagine the frustration weighing on Chiba.

Fortunately, his Sharingan Power can be replenished, so he remains relatively unconcerned.

Itachi takes a deep breath, feeling not lost, but rather a surge of rare enthusiasm.

Since childhood, he has been a prodigious talent, effortlessly surpassing every obstacle.

He always compared himself to individuals like Shisui, a seasoned ninja akin to Obito.

However, it is the first time someone of Chiba's age has ignited such a strong urge to engage in combat within Itachi.

"Your ability is undeniably formidable, but it is not insurmountable!"

Itachi swiftly analyzes several solutions, but presently, only one is within his grasp.

The rest demand a level of strength he simply does not possess.

"Of course, there is no such thing as perfect ninjutsu in this world."

Chiba shrugs indifferently.

Being invincible to a certain extent is enough for him.

Itachi gazes at Chiba and suddenly smiles, their eyes meeting.

"You've been careless. You're not the only one who possesses the Mangekyō Sharingan!"


Hum! ! !

With a shift in vision, Chiba finds himself trapped within Itachi's illusionary realm.

Bound to a cross.

"This is my illusionary realm, where the outside world experiences 72 hours in an instant."

You shouldn't have been careless!" Itachi's voice echoed as he slowly unsheathed his long knife, a triumphant smile adorning his face.

He relished his victory over Chiba, feeling a sense of satisfaction.

With Chiba defeated, the Genocide Night project could now get back on track.

Surprisingly, Chiba remained calm and unperturbed, showing no signs of worry.

"So, this is your Sharingan technique? To be honest, I expected more," Chiba remarked in a composed manner.

In the future, Sasuke might be able to break Tsukuyomi with the power of his Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan. Whether Itachi used water-based jutsu or Sasuke's innate talent, it was a possibility.

Chiba had intentionally provoked Itachi to test the renowned Tsukuyomi.

Itachi was taken aback, looking at the collected Chiba with astonishment, a growing sense of unease creeping into his heart.

"Release!" Chiba simply dispelled the illusion with a sealing technique.

Itachi's laughter suddenly erupted, betraying a hint of fear in the face of Chiba's strength.

"This is a Mangekyō Sharingan illusion. Do you think...?" Itachi's voice trailed off, his expression shifting to one of horror as he witnessed the gradual disintegration of the illusionary space.

Chiba smiled without offering an explanation.

The implications of dispelling the illusion at LV3 level were profound.

LV3 ninjutsu represented esoteric techniques, reaching the level of S-rank ninjutsu.

In essence, it could be considered on par with Mangekyō Sharingan techniques.

Combining the power of Mangekyō Sharingan with LV3 illusion release was akin to wielding Mangekyō-level illusions.

Naturally, Chiba wouldn't dare attempt such feats against the likes of the Heavenly Gods.

But Tsukuyomi?

Even if his attempt to dispel the illusion had failed, Chiba still possessed other means to overcome the challenge.

The illusion was lifted.

Only a moment had passed in the outside world, yet the two combatants continued to lock eyes.

Third Hokage, Danzo, and Obito observed them intently.

They all noticed the peculiar chakra emanating from Itachi's body, the unmistakable fluctuation of Sharingan techniques.

What would be the outcome?

The three of them stared at the battlefield, their anxiety surpassing even that of the fighters themselves.

And then, it happened.

Itachi snorted and staggered, his defeat apparent.

"Itachi lost?!" Third Hokage exclaimed in disbelief.

"How could he lose to Chiba's ordinary Mangekyō Sharingan?" Danzo questioned, finding it somewhat incomprehensible.

Obito took a deep breath, contemplating a possibility that still left him uncertain.

Just when they believed the battle had concluded, an unexpected change occurred.

Itachi's laughter filled the air.

"I want to thank you, Chiba!"

Chiba furrowed his brow, narrowing his eyes as he looked at Itachi.

He hadn't expected that his provocation would cause Itachi to awaken Amaterasu prematurely.

However, he no longer wished to continue this battle.

"That's enough, Itachi. You should know that even if you activate another Sharingan technique, it will be difficult to defeat me," Chiba stated firmly.

Itachi's eyes welled up with blood and tears, ready to argue.

But Chiba had no intention of prolonging the fight. He stared at Itachi, his tone serious.

"I don't want to waste my Sharingan power on such meaningless things. If you insist on continuing, be prepared to die!"

Hearing Chiba's words, Itachi took a deep breath, his expression changing.

Eventually, he nodded.

Chiba's recent display had unsettled him, and even he himself wasn't entirely confident.

Meanwhile, in the distance, Third Hokage and Danzo's faces turned grim upon hearing the conversation between the two.

They hadn't expected that not only did Chiba survive, but Itachi had also awakened another Sharingan technique.

More importantly, they knew nothing about this new technique, fueling their unease.

The battle was over, but the matter was far from resolved.

Chiba glanced toward Third Hokage and Danzo in the distance and sneered, "Master Hokage, aren't you going to give me an explanation?"

If he wasn't satisfied, he would lead the Uchiha rebellion directly.

As long as enough lives were sacrificed, they would acquire the necessary attributes without losing anything.

Third Hokage took a deep breath, realizing he had to step in.

Unless he planned to send people to kill Chiba, there was bound to be an uproar.

It's all because of your misguided plan.

Giving Danzo a dissatisfied look, Third Hokage made his appearance.

"Chiba, state your terms."

At this point, he didn't want any further twists and turns and decided to speak plainly.

The Flying Thunder God Technique!

Chiba was about to speak but swallowed his words.

Third Hokage would never agree and might even keep the Flying Thunder God Technique even more concealed.

"I want the Forbidden Technique. Since you won't give it to me, then give me all the Water Style ninjutsu from the Second Hokage, including S-rank techniques," Chiba added at the end.

Third Hokage couldn't help but take a deep breath. The request was excessive.

However, it paled in comparison to the Forbidden Technique.

The demand was well-calculated, leaving Third Hokage with no room for refusal, only sullen acceptance.

"I promise you, but I can't give it to you until this matter is concluded."

"But you must also promise me that once this matter is over, you must leave Konoha and not reveal any of Konoha's secrets to the outside world!"

The final sentence from Third Hokage was mere formalities, an attempt to save face.

Chiba gave him the courtesy, nodding in agreement.

Throughout the conversation, both maintained a safe distance and remained vigilant.

Even the ANBU members next to Third Hokage appeared one by one.

Although Third Hokage could order them to attack Chiba, why wasn't Chiba afraid of being surrounded?

It wasn't that Konoha had no means to deal with him; it was just that the price was too high.

With Itachi and Obito whose loyalties were uncertain, a delicate balance had been reached.

For now, this matter had temporarily reached a conclusion.

Remaining cautious, Chiba glanced at Itachi, who stayed behind, before making his way toward the Uchiha clan.