

Raw; https://mtlnation.com/novel/finally-waited-until-the-night-of-the-genocide-picked-up-attributes-and-opened-mangekyo Traversing through the pages of history, a boy named Chiba emerged in the village of Hokage. The night of the impending massacre loomed, but fortunately, the god-level pickup system had been activated. [Pick up 100 Chakra attributes, Chakra +100] [Pick up Body Flicker Technique, Body Flicker Technique fusion level +1] [Pick up 50 points of Sharingan power, Sharingan power +50] Chiba approached Obito and exclaimed, "Include me in the plans for the genocide night!" On the night of the massacre, Chiba joined forces with Itachi and Obito, finally unlocking the Mangekyō Sharingan! [Pick up 100 points of Sharingan power, Sharingan power +100] 【Congratulations on surpassing the limits of your Sharingan power and awakening the Mangekyō Sharingan】 A few years later, Chiba and Itachi returned to Konoha. "Danzo, I'm coming for you, you damn traitor!" "Third Hokage..."

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Chapter 3 Danzo's Conspiracy, The Police Force

Deep within the confines of the Root Tissue Base, Danzo meticulously perused the action report brought by his subordinates, carefully analyzing Itachi's recent movements. He maintained unwavering vigilance when it came to Itachi, leaving no room for uncertainty in his understanding of Itachi's every action.

As his eyes scanned the report, Danzo's gaze suddenly froze in recognition. "...Itachi encounters Chiba Uchiha at seven o'clock in the morning..." Chiba Uchiha? The name stirred a familiar chord within Danzo's memory.

Yamanaka Feng, the intelligence operative, provided a reminder, "He is the son of Yan Uchiha." Ah, yes. Danzo's gaze shifted, and he retrieved Yan Uchiha's dossier, studying it intently. "Indeed!"

A sinister smile crept across Danzo's visage, his features shrouded in darkness and foreboding. He perceived the parallels between the situations faced by Yan Uchiha and Itachi. In other words, Itachi could be swayed by Danzo's proposition, a prospect that delighted him. It would serve to further stoke the flames of conflict between Konoha and the Uchiha clan. Itachi, torn by indecision, would be compelled to make a choice.

A ruthless gleam glinted in Danzo's eyes. After delving into Yan Uchiha's profile for a while, he posed a question, "Do the relatives and friends of Gang Shimura and Hirayuki Sarutobi seek vengeance?" Gang Shimura and Hirayuki Sarutobi were the two comrades abandoned by Yan Uchiha in the past. Despite sharing the same clan, their relationships were far from amicable. The members of the Shimura clan depended on him, harboring an undercurrent of fear.

Yamanaka Feng responded, "Shimura Go's younger brother and Hirayuki Sarutobi's son can be persuaded." He refrained from explicitly confirming their willingness but hinted at the possibility of swaying them. Nonetheless, Danzo nodded with satisfaction. "Inform them that the time for vengeance has come!"

With an air of indifference, as if discussing a trivial matter, he added, "I have one request: Eliminate Chiba Uchiha. Ensure it is executed flawlessly."


The Shimura clan.

Upon receiving Danzo's orders, Yan Shimura, the younger brother of Cungang Shimura, immediately resolved to carry out the mission. The same unwavering determination coursed through Hirako Sarutobi, the son of Hirayuki Sarutobi. In addition to seeking retribution, they were enticed by the promises of various rewards bestowed by Danzo. After careful deliberation, the two decided to enlist the aid of an ally each, ensuring that no unforeseen setbacks would occur.

Together, the four of them meticulously analyzed the information provided by Danzo Shimura, preparing themselves for the upcoming task.


The following morning, Chiba rose at the crack of dawn, performed his ablutions, and hastened to the police force headquarters. As a member of the force, he had enjoyed a day off the previous day, and today marked his return to duty. Along the way, he procured some nourishment and swiftly consumed his meal upon arriving at the headquarters.

[Pupil Power +1]

[Pupil Power +1]

[Pupil Power +2]

As Chiba stepped into the headquarters building, his pupil power surged rapidly, increasing by more than ten points in a short period of time. He entered calmly and nodded coldly at a fellow teammate who had arrived. The teammate reciprocated the gesture and closed their eyes, seeming fatigued from insufficient sleep the previous night. The relationship between them, former teammates, was distant and detached, which actually spared Chiba from unnecessary social interactions.

They belonged to the eighth team, led by Uchiha Shin, a middle-aged man with a mustache. Once all the team members had gathered, they commenced their assigned patrols.

[Obtained 4 points of Chakra, Chakra attribute +4] [Obtained 1 Fire Style Chakra attribute change]

During the patrol, Chiba diligently collected various drops, even benefiting from the contributions of his teammates.

In the morning, they dealt with three minor conflicts, maintaining composure throughout. However, as night fell, some individuals began causing disturbances after consuming alcohol. Chiba noticed that his teammates' approach became rougher, resorting to slapping, kicking, and other forceful measures.

Observing his teammates mete out a lesson to an intoxicated individual, Chiba couldn't help but feel momentarily speechless. "No wonder the Uchiha clan's relationship with the rest of Konoha is so strained. This only adds fuel to the fire."

Casually picking up an attribute, Chiba and the others apprehended the intoxicated troublemaker and brought him back to the headquarters. The man protested, "Let me go! I'm from the Shimura clan!" Another chimed in, "I'm from the Nara clan, and I know your captain." And a third exclaimed, "I am from the Sarutobi clan, and our clan leader is Hokage-sama!"

Observing the bustling headquarters, Chiba grinned. Well, in a single night, they had managed to offend Danzo, the Third Hokage, and the Nara clan. He didn't feel compelled to say anything and swiftly completed his task before leaving without a second thought. Family matters or affiliations held no significance to him; his focus was solely on his personal strength.

After concluding their general operations, Chiba made his way to the Ninja Hospital to gather more resources. By the end of the day, his gains surpassed those of the previous day.

[Pupil Power +103] [Chakra amount +2056] He had acquired over a dozen secret ninjutsu techniques, and his Body Flicker Technique had reached Level 2.

[Body Flicker Technique: Level 2 (11/100)]

"What a fulfilling day," Chiba exclaimed with a smile as he walked home. However, as he proceeded, he began to sense that something was amiss. The surroundings were unusually quiet, even for the remote path he traversed.

"It's been discovered!" "Then let's do it!" "Kill him and avenge my brother!" Four figures emerged from the darkness, closing in on Chiba and surrounding him. They were members of the Shimura and Sarutobi clans who had received orders from Danzo.

Chiba quickly recognized their identities, and his expression turned icy. These individuals were his adversaries, and he sensed genuine hostility emanating from each of them. However, the past conflicts had seemingly settled down, making their sudden attack puzzling.

"Danzo or the Third Hokage?" Chiba asked directly, recalling the names of two influential individuals. The faces of the four assailants twitched slightly, but they didn't pay much attention. They continued to approach Chiba, while taunting him.

"What does it matter if you know? You're going to die today, regardless." "Yeah, why don't you surrender and spare yourself from pain and suffering?" "Just you?"

Chiba sneered, his heart filled with solemnity but devoid of fear. With his current strength and mastery of various techniques, he knew that even if victory seemed unlikely, he had the means to escape. He activated his Three Tomoe Sharingan, fixing his blood-red gaze on the terrified trio before him, and spoke coldly.

"It's in your best interest to obediently reveal who sent you, or else you won't be able to handle the consequences!"

The four assailants abruptly halted, their faces contorted with horror as they stared at Chiba.

"Damn it! Wasn't the information about the Mangekyou Sharingan?" "What should we do now?"

Realizing the misinformation, all four of them contemplated retreating. However, the weight of Danzo's pressure bore down on them, forcing them to clench their teeth and continue.

"What are you afraid of? If the four of us attack together, I refuse to believe he can defeat us!"