

Magical Realism
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What is 3455237734663227753224799965332222256677654323577443456644443332346664

Lesen Sie den Roman 3455237734663227753224799965332222256677654323577443456644443332346664 des Autors Md_Shakil_Ahmed_6273, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel....


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in this time

alvero his name is now scattered everywhere, famous throughout the city, a name that is now being talked about for being insulted, blasphemed and condemned. Alvero zercon, a city fugitive who has just been named a suspect in the downtown massacre that killed dozens. No one is sure what really happened, but when the police arrived at the scene they found Alvero in a state of stunned, standing surrounded by the corpse of the victim with a rifle. Without thinking, because there was no evidence and other witnesses, the court named Alvero a suspect in this mass murder case, with the evidence in the form of a rifle in Alvaro's hand at that time. On the other hand, after Alvaro was named a suspect, Alvaro now walks alone to the bridge that surrounds the city without anyone seeing him because this place is very rarely visited. after a few minutes his footsteps stopped over a steep river filled with rocks. Alvero who is standing alone without a friend without leaning on this lonely bridge, Alvaro steps slowly across the boundary of the bridge to the river that flows very fast, slowly bringing all regret, hatred, anger, and despair into one within him . heart and soul. Why? Why was he born if his life was only for betrayal and humiliation. With his eyes closed, Alvero decided to step aside and leave everything.Alvero just wants to be calm even though he is remembered as the most violent killer. Let ... Alvero's feet have come out of the bridge pedestal, now his body is floating ready to be carried away by the swift river currents and crashing into the steep rocks that fill the river ending all this drama. But before Alvero's body touched the water, he suddenly disappeared like a professional magician did his best, leaving dust flying. Alvero has now moved to a stopover installation space to travel time and space.

Fiyzia05 · Fantasie
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