
Chapter 21: Lin Yu's Reasoning—The Full Story!

In the live broadcast room, after Lin Yu's public execution of Yu Xiaogang, he was ready to reveal his speculation about the entire background and details of Tang Hao and A Yin being hunted by the Spirit Hall.

This speculation was a product of Lin Yu's analysis of the original novel, combined with conspiracy theories from the internet and the information presented in the live broadcast. After extensive reasoning and confirmation, Lin Yu was confident that his theory was over 80% accurate!

Regardless of whether Tang Hao believed it or not, Lin Yu's reasoning, from motivation to logic, was solid enough to convince everyone on the continent of Douluo!

[Lin Yu (pondering): According to what I know, A Yin and Tang Hao met during Tang Hao and Tang Xiao's field training. The three hit it off immediately and became sworn siblings. Both Tang Hao and Tang Xiao later developed feelings for A Yin, but in the end, A Yin chose Tang Hao.]

[Lin Yu: Now, for the juicy part!]

[Lin Yu: After A Yin developed feelings for Tang Hao, Tang Xiao had no choice but to step aside. To avoid disturbing Tang Hao and A Yin, Tang Xiao likely left alone and returned to the Clear Sky Clan.]

[Lin Yu: I'm not sure whether Tang Xiao revealed A Yin's true identity to the Clear Sky Clan's patriarch, their father when he returned. However, later, when A Yin matured during their training period and Tang Hao was ready to marry her, they certainly returned to the Clear Sky Clan.]

[Lin Yu: Upon returning to the Clear Sky Clan, Tang Hao would have first gone to meet his father alone and confessed A Yin's identity, seeking his blessing. Unfortunately, the patriarch of the Clear Sky Clan likely strongly condemned Tang Hao and forbade him from marrying A Yin, who was transformed from a 100,000-year-old soul beast. Despite this, Tang Hao defied his father's opposition and married A Yin.]

[Lin Yu: Later, the couple went into hiding. A union between a human and a 100,000-year-old soul beast was taboo both in the soul beast world and the human world. Tang Hao's father would certainly have disapproved of his son marrying a soul beast, but if Tang Hao wanted to avoid confrontation, there was nothing he could do. Thus, while angry, he was helpless.]

[Lin Yu: Just then, A Yin became pregnant with Tang Hao's child. Tang Hao, hoping this news might make his father reconsider, informed him of the pregnancy. This information gave Tang Hao's father the perfect opportunity to devise a devious plan!]

[Lin Yu: The plan was to feign a change of heart, leading Tang Hao and A Yin to a location where he could meet his long-absent son, daughter-in-law, and unborn grandchild.]

[Lin Yu: The reason Tang Hao's father did not let him return to the Clear Sky Clan was that although he consented, the senior members of the Clear Sky Clan opposed Tang Hao's marriage to A Yin. Hence, he could not allow them to return.]

[Lin Yu: Tang Hao agreed to his father's terms and took A Yin to the city shown in the broadcast, leading to the subsequent tragedy.]

[Huo Yuan Zhen: Kid, you've been talking for ages but still can't explain what benefit the Clear Sky Clan gained from taking such a huge risk!]

Seeing Huo Yuan Zhen's comment, Lin Yu shook his head helplessly.

It seemed that people needed a more detailed explanation!

[Lin Yu: Fine! I'll explain from Tang Hao's father's perspective why he would betray his son and daughter-in-law and what benefits he might gain.]

[Lin Yu: Firstly, Tang Hao's father strictly forbade the marriage because the news would be a massive blow to the Clear Sky Clan's reputation. He couldn't afford to take that risk.]

[Lin Yu: However, marrying a 100,000-year-old soul beast had significant potential benefits. If A Yin could be sacrificed to Tang Hao, Tang Hao would become the youngest Title Douluo on the continent, with a 100,000-year soul ring and soul bone, making him extraordinarily powerful!]

[Lin Yu: As Tang Hao was a member of the Clear Sky Clan if he gained strength from A Yin's sacrifice, it would greatly enhance the Clear Sky Clan's power as well!]

[Lin Yu: Therefore, Tang Hao's father orchestrated for Tang Hao and A Yin to go to that city, where the Spirit Hall's Pope, Qian Xunji, would discover them. The Spirit Hall would hunt Tang Hao, but instead of declaring war on the Clear Sky Clan, Qian Xunji would use the information to threaten and pressure the Clear Sky Clan!]

[Lin Yu: Tang Hao's father's reason for not letting Tang Hao return to the Clear Sky Clan was to manage the Spirit Hall's pressure. Since Tang Hao and A Yin were discovered outside the Clear Sky Clan, it was best if Tang Hao left the sect voluntarily. If he didn't, Tang Hao's father could use ignorance as an excuse to sever ties with Tang Hao, providing ample reasons to explain to Tang Hao.]

[Lin Yu: A Yin's love for Tang Hao was undeniable, and facing the Spirit Hall's pursuit, she would certainly choose to sacrifice herself for Tang Hao. This would result in the Clear Sky Clan benefiting the most, not only avoiding potential damage to their reputation but also acquiring a successor with a 100,000-year soul ring and soul bone. Even if the Spirit Hall's attempt failed and the matter was exposed, the soul master community across the continent couldn't criticize the Clear Sky Clan.]

[Lin Yu: However…]

At this point, Lin Yu sneered.

[Lin Yu: No one expected that the Spirit Hall's Pope, Qian Xunji, was so weak. Despite possessing the divine martial spirit Six-Winged Angel and being a veteran Title Douluo, he was severely injured by Tang Hao, a newly advanced Title Douluo. In the end, he died.]

[Lin Yu: Qian Xunji's death led to the Spirit Hall's complete severance with the Clear Sky Clan and their attack. If Qian Xunji hadn't died, the Spirit Hall would have had to swallow the loss and wouldn't have had a reason to attack the Clear Sky Clan. Tang Hao's father misjudged Qian Xunji's strength.]

Though Lin Yu said this, he knew deep down that Tang Hao's father's plan hadn't truly failed.

Had things gone as planned, the Clear Sky Clan would have been the biggest winner. They would have resolved the potential damage to their reputation and gained a successor with a 100,000-year soul ring and soul bone.

With the enmity against the Spirit Hall, Tang Hao would have matured significantly. He would have worked hard to develop the Clear Sky Clan, seeking revenge against the Spirit Hall in the future.

Yet, no one anticipated that Yu Xiaogang's incompetence led to the Spirit Hall's Pope Qian Xunji's downfall, causing Bibi Dong to turn to darkness and ultimately leading to Qian Xunji's death by her hand.

Lin Yu felt that Qian Daoliu likely knew Bibi Dong was responsible for Qian Xunji's death. However, by that time, Qian Renxue was likely already born, and Qian Xunji's death was seen as justifiable.

Qian Daoliu could neither kill his granddaughter's mother nor reveal the truth to Qian Renxue. Therefore, he had to place the blame on Tang Hao and launch an attack on the Clear Sky Clan to preserve the Spirit Hall's reputation!

As a result, the Clear Sky Clan suffered a devastating blow!

Tang Hao's father's once-perfect plan had gone awry, leading to the catastrophic destruction of the Clear Sky Clan. Unable to accept it, he likely fell into deep regret and self-blame, and after being wounded while defending against the Spirit Hall's attack, he died in despair and pain.

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