
Chapter 22: Tang Hao's Choice—A Yin's Heartbreak!

In the live broadcast room, after hearing Lin Yu's detailed speculation, everyone, especially Ning Fengzhi, and others, was struck with shock and disbelief.

It seemed... that the real culprit might indeed be the Clear Sky Clan?!

Initially, they hadn't suspected the Clear Sky Clan at all. After all, the Clear Sky Clan was also a victim, suffering severe damage because of Tang Hao and A Yin, and had since gone into seclusion.

Who would have thought that a force that hadn't gained any benefit, but instead had been heavily damaged, could be the mastermind behind it all?

However, after Lin Yu's explanation, it became clear that the Clear Sky Clan did indeed gain something significant.

The biggest prize for the Clear Sky Clan was Tang Hao himself—now the youngest Title Douluo on the continent—who, due to A Yin's sacrifice, obtained a 100,000-year-old ninth soul ring and a 100,000-year-old soul bone!

Moreover, Lin Yu's reasoning wasn't just random speculation. Every step of his reasoning was logically consistent and intertwined perfectly.

Everything that happened had its reasons, fitting their understanding without any logical errors.

One had to admit, the reasoning was flawless!

In fact, if not for Qian Xunji's death, the Clear Sky Clan would have indeed been the biggest winner.

And from their perspective, Qian Xunji's death was a tragic and unexpected outcome.

Qian Xunji was a veteran Title Douluo, accompanied by two other Title Douluos, yet he was killed by Tang Hao, who had just recently become a Title Douluo.

Although Tang Hao possessed a 100,000-year-old soul ring due to A Yin's sacrifice, which indeed made him far more powerful than an average 91st-level Title Douluo, Qian Xunji's identity was far from simple. As the Pope of the Spirit Hall, he wielded the Six-Winged Angel martial spirit and presumably possessed all kinds of soul's bones.

Theoretically, even with Tang Hao's 100,000-year-old soul ring, Qian Xunji should not have been defeated, let alone killed.

Yet, things turned out most improbably!

Perhaps the plan failing so spectacularly not only failed to benefit the Clear Sky Clan but instead led to its heavy damage and seclusion was a major blow.

Tang Hao's father, having been injured in the process and is now old, must have experienced deep regret and despair after the failed plan.

In the end, Tang Hao's father died in agony, leaving Tang Xiao to succeed as the new leader of the Clear Sky Clan.

Realizing this, everyone couldn't help but gasp in shock.

The logic formed a perfect closed loop!

Could it be that Tang Hao's father truly betrayed his own son and daughter-in-law?

In the Clear Sky Clan, after watching Lin Yu's reasoning, Tang Xiao felt as if he had been plunged into an icy abyss, overwhelmed with despair and disbelief.

Emotionally, he was unwilling to believe Lin Yu's theory.

However, rationally, the facts could not be ignored.

From the live broadcast alone, it was clear that Tang Hao's decision to take A Yin to the city where Qian Xunji was supposed to visit lacked any reasonable motive.

Tang Hao's father had supposedly invited him and A Yin to meet him in that city, providing Tang Hao with a perfect reason to take A Yin there eagerly.

Tang Xiao was overwhelmed with pain.

Could it be that his father was truly so heartless?

A Yin, despite being a 100,000-year-old soul beast, was far more kind-hearted than many humans they knew!

[A Yin (sorrowfully): "Hao, even now, you still refuse to admit it? All I want is an explanation and an apology from the Clear Sky Clan. I won't force you to take revenge; I just need some acknowledgment of what happened. Is it too much to ask for a simple apology? Does your so-called love for me mean so little compared to the reputation of the Clear Sky Clan?"]

After Lin Yu presented his reasoning, even those who were skeptical, like Ning Fengzhi, were convinced. A Yin, of course, believed it too.

Given the revealed evidence, the logic and motives of Lin Yu's reasoning were too compelling to ignore.

Moreover, A Yin found that everything matched what had happened in the past.

At least when Tang Hao had spoken about taking her to a certain city, he had been unusually excited, claiming it was a surprise.

Tang Hao's excitement could not simply be for a casual outing, and A Yin realized that Tang Hao must have had some connection with the Clear Sky Clan.

Tang Hao's father had indeed sent them to that city, where Qian Xunji discovered them and plotted to make A Yin sacrifice herself for Tang Hao.

A Yin had never doubted Tang Hao's feelings for her. After all, Tang Hao had been willing to defy his father's opposition to be with her.

However, Tang Hao's favoritism toward the Clear Sky Clan and his disregard for her pleas were incredibly disheartening.

Even with all the evidence laid bare, Tang Hao still refused to acknowledge what had happened.

A Yin was deeply disappointed.

Asking for an apology from the Clear Sky Clan was a matter of dignity for her.

But due to Tang Hao's father's scheme, she had lost her life, or at least suffered greatly.

If it weren't for the unique nature of the 100,000-year-old Blue Silver Emperor, she might have died already.

Even though she was still alive, her current state was unbearable.

Yet, Tang Hao still ignored her pleas, and in front of the entire Douluo Continent, he distorted the truth and favored the Clear Sky Clan.

A Yin was on the verge of a breakdown.

She gave Tang Hao one last chance. If Tang Hao continued to side with the Clear Sky Clan, she would no longer cling to her feelings for him.

A Yin had sacrificed her entire life's cultivation, giving Tang Hao a 100,000-year soul ring and soul bone, and bearing his child—she had already done enough!

From now on, she would live for herself.

A Yin…

Seeing A Yin's relentless demand, Tang Hao was filled with immense pain.

He knew that the Clear Sky Clan had wronged A Yin, but the situation was irreversible.

His wife had suffered such a fate, and his father who had plotted against A Yin was now dead, which was his way of giving her a form of closure.

But the Clear Sky Clan was still around!

Must it be that the Clear Sky Clan's reputation must be utterly destroyed?

[Tang Hao (painfully): "A Yin, you… you need to be more mature! Even if what this Lin Yu says is true, my father is dead. Even if he opposed us, he's gone now. You shouldn't hold such a grudge. You need to think about our son too; he will need the Clear Sky Clan in the future. Everything is beyond repair. The Spirit Hall caused this, and we should seek revenge on them. You want to destroy the Clear Sky Clan's reputation based on a stranger's claims. How does that benefit us?"]

Seeing Tang Hao's response, A Yin's heart turned completely cold.

In a daze, she bitterly laughed to herself.

It seemed that, in his heart, her sacrifices were still overshadowed by the Clear Sky Clan, which gave him life.

It made sense, after all; their relationship had lasted less than ten years, while his bond with the Clear Sky Clan spanned forty to fifty years.

Realizing this, A Yin's heart turned to ashes, and she felt utterly disillusioned with Tang Hao.

She had given Tang Hao numerous chances, but he always chose to favor the Clear Sky Clan, ignoring her sacrifices.

As a victim, she had been labeled as immature.

The absurdity of Tang Hao's excuses was laughable!

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