
Chapter 3: Perverted Trio, Koneko

Kuoh Academy

(Lucas POV)

As I was walking upstairs, I was thinking on how I should approach and become friends with Souna and Shinra or atleast make some good impression of myself to them. I plan to have an easy going school life, so I need some connections to people who have power and authority in this school. You cannot predict a time when problems occur during my years in this school so its better to have someone as your backing.

Lucas: "Hmm, for what I observed , Souna san seems to be strict and a serious person. As for Shinra san, I can tell from her posture and actions that she seems to be a subordinate under Souna." I concluded my first impressions from the two women. I can tell at first glance some basic traits as I have seen many kinds of people from slaves, servants, and high ranking officials.

Class 1-A

I arrived at the door of my classroom and I can see that there are already students forming their own circle of friends. I went in and found a sit on the first row infront. I am currently maintaining my image as "Good Boy" "cough", I mean maintaining my image as top performing student. I can hear whispers from the students around me. Honestly, I could have started a conversation with someone but I am more on the type of being an observer than actively knowing the person. Its a waste of my time talking effortly to a person and you just found out that he is not to your liking. Better watch on the side line then see if a person is compatible with you or worth befriending.

After awhile, the school bell rang and the teacher came.

Teacher: "Good morning class! I will be your home room for this class. My name is..... ."

Teacher: "As it is our first day of class, everyone should introduce yourself to the class. Let us start at the back.. You there introduce yourself"

Student 1: "Hello classmates, my name is...."

As everyone is introducing themselves, I was observing and listening to each person's information, there background, hobbies, likes, how they talk and deliver themselves, there gestures, etc.

I can see some students wanted to look cool infront of the class especially the boys. I noticed that there are 28 girls and only 8 boys including me "cough". No there are 7 boys and I considered myself as the only "Man" in this class. "Im definitely not an old man". I nodded as if praising myself.

My attention was piqued when I saw the next person stood up. She has a silver short hair and a petite body. She faced everyone with a cold personality. "Cute " I find her cute even though she had that indifferent face.

Koneko: "I am Koneko Tojou. I hate perverts." Plain and simple introduction.

Everyone was silenced for a second before the teacher called on the next person.

I was also stunned for a moment when she said that. "Well, thats some new way to introduce yourself""chuckle".

After the girl next to me finish her introduction. I fixed up my posture and stood up.

Lucas: "Hello classmates, I am Lucas Agawa. I am from Kyoto and just arrived in Kuoh Town last week. I am please to meet you all." A simple introduction with a gentle smile. I sat down on my seat as I finished my script. No need to give away too much info of yourself as I will lose the so called "A Mysterious Guy" aura. I nodded again as if praising my own cleverness. Maybe some girls are now curious about me right now. "Hehe"

After everyone finished their introductions, the teacher reminded us of the policies and rules of the school then handed us our textbooks and proceeds to his lecture proper. I listen attentively in class as I have to maintain my grades or else my scholarship will be stopped.

After some time, the bell rang and its time for lunch break. Everyone formed groups and eat together. I went out of the classroom as its too noisy inside. I also like to use this time to familiarize myself with the school.

As I tour outside, I saw the three boys again that I met in the entrance this morning. They were peeping on a small window and it seems a locker room for the girls in the swimming class. They were caught by one of the girls and was chased by a group of angry girls.

I watched at this scene speechlessly. I admired their guts for doing something like that. Are they not worried on their own image when they are doing that.

...: "Perverts" I heard someone talking from a distance away from me and then looked into the direction. Its the silver haired cute girl in my class. She was staring at the three perverts running with a cold face and looked at me for a second then walked away.

I saw Tojou-chan walking away and pondered something in mind. I shook my head, if I were those three I would have planned it carefully and not get caught by the girls. "Should I go to those three and talk about it?" "Nononono, what am I thinking. Lucas Lucas you are not a pervert" "Certainly not" (nodding my head). I am having my inner drama for a second then I continued my tour.

While familiarizing and roaming the school, I arrived at some place and saw an old building that has a clock tower in it. "Hmm, looks like an abandoned building." I looked around and check the surroundings "it seems a little peaceful here". I saw a tree nearby and sat down. I took out my packed up lunch and started to eat.

After eating and fixing my lunch box:

Lucas: "That was satisfying." I stretched my arms and leaned back on the tree. I took out the oat cookie in my bag and began munching it. I saw the clear blue sky and as lay down to take a nap. "Huh, its white"

The person jumped down from the tree branch and looked at me with cold eyes.

Koneko: "Pervert"

I was stunned for a second on what happened. I saw the person standing infront and identified the person. "Koneko Tojou, silver short hair, Golden eyes,  Body measurement [B67-W57-H73 cm] [B26-W22-H29 in], height 4 feet and 6 inches, Boyfriend: unknown, Likes: unknown.. (coughx2). Ok Im getting out of topic. The most important note: does not like perverts" I subconsciously having an inner conversation to myself about the info I know on the person infront.

After I pause for a second, I compose myself and stood up.

Lucas: "Hello classmate Toujo. You misunderstood me. I was just gonna lay down to take a nap and just noticed you. I certainly did not know that you are there." I gently smiled and explain myself calmly "I am sorry if I offended you" I bowed a little as to show my sincerity.

I certainly must not allow the person to think that Im a pervert and spread rumors. It will affect my image as a "Good boy" and if it reaches the ears of the student council, I would say goodbye to my peaceful school life.

I saw Koneko staring at me for awhile before nodding her head indicating that she understands and accepted my apology. I sighed a breath of relief.

Koneko: "What are you doing here?" She asked with a neutral tone.

Lucas: "Well, I was familiarizing myself with the school and ended up here. Also, I find this place peaceful so I ate my lunch here." I said as I showed the lunch box.

Koneko just nodded not knowing what she was just thinking. I saw her looking at my oat cookies.

Lucas: "You want some?" I offered. "I am full so you can have these".

Koneko stared at me for awhile before reaching out to get a piece of cookie. I noticed that we were standing so I sat back to my original position.

Lucas: "You can sit here. I will not bother you" I offered as I know that she seems to be the quiet type and likes not to be bothered.

She paused for a moment before sitting a little distant beside me. She munched on the cookie and I saw her frown a little.

Lucas: "You dont like it?" I asked.

Koneko: "Its.. a little bit plain." She hesitated for a moment before saying it. "But its good." She continued.

I looked at her as I realized something.

Lucas: "I can buy you a sweeter one tomorrow." I said it casually as if I did not see her reaction. "Tojou chan likes sweet..Checked." I noted it in my mind.

Koneko raised her eyebrows and looked at me for a second but did not say anything. She looked away and continue munching the cookie.

Under the tree, I was taking a nap while beside me was Koneko munching a cookie. This place is tranquil and I can relax my mind from time to time. Which reminds me of something.

Lucas: "Uhmm, are you doing gymnastics?" I just realized that she jumped down from the tree maybe 25 to 30 ft high. Well, I can also do that but my landing would not be as cool as her. I would be rolling in the ground after landing.

Koneko:"No, I am strong." She answered then continue munching.

I was speechless of her answer and began to look down on her legs if she has a toned muscle but all I can see is a petite and smooth legs. I rolled my eyes and continue my nap. Koneko saw my reaction but did not say anything. We just lay and sat there quietly until the bell rang indicating that lunch break is over.

I did not notice that someone is looking at us from the window of the old building and another one from a distance.

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