
Chapter 4: Rias X Sona

(20 mins ago)

ORC Building

(Rias POV)

I just got out of the shower and wear my Kuoh uniform. I peek out on the window while drying my hair and saw Koneko with a guy. My eyebrows raised and upon ckecking on who the guy is, I was surprised that it was the person I met in the convinience store yesterday.

Akeno: "Fufufu, Koneko made a new friend on her first day of school." Akeno speaks with a teasing smile as she approach me from behind. "Buchou, if I guess correctly, he is the person you talked about yesterday?" She asked with a smile as she looked at the direction of Koneko.

I nodded to her question and said:"I tried to check his body but for some reason I cant further investigate as if something is blocking me. But I am sure he does not have a sacred gear on him".

Akeno pondered before saying "Hmm, he seems just a little bit stronger than the ordinary human". After a pause she asked: "What is you plan Bouchou?"

I thought for a second and said: "I still have some Evil pieces to fill up the position. We can invite him as one of my pawn after observing him for some time". I concluded my plan and shared my thoughts to Akeno. "I only have a year." I was reminded of my engagement and frown a little. After a pause "Have you checked his background?" I look at Akeno and asked.

Akeno listened as I speak and saw me frowning a little. She guessed of something and she started to get worried for me. A paper appeared infront of her as she read: "Lucas Agawa, he was an orphan since he was a baby. He was adopted by the orphanage manager. During middle school, he excels in everything either in academics or sports. Her adopted mother died last year from heart failure. So far he is living a normal life and he is not involved in any supernatural faction."

I nodded as I look at the direction of Koneko and Lucas leaving figure. I sensed someone in the vicinity and look at a certain direction, I saw the person at a distance, she was looking at the two leaving figures or to be precise, it should be at Lucas. "Hmm, it looks like were not the only ones to notice him."

Akeno also look at the direction and saw a white haired girl leaving. "Ara ara~, Buchou it seems Sona also is interested in him." She smiled and speaks in a teasing tone.

I pondered for awhile and decided: "Let Koneko be in charge in observing him."

Akeno nodded and responded: "Yes Buchou".

Rias:"Thank you Akeno for the hard work." I smiled at her as I spoke.

Akeno: "No worries Rias-san. This is what I should do. We should go to class too. Fufufu" she answered me with a smile.

I nodded and went to class together.


(Lucas POV)

I went back to class with Koneko but we did not say anything to each other as we went to our seats.

The bell rang and the lecture resumes...

Lucas:"Urgghh, I am bored. I want to go home and read novels. This class is boring as hell but I need to endure it" . I am complaining inwardly.

3 hours later

("Bell ringing")

Lucas:"Finally I can go home". I packed up my things and ready to leave. I tried to look for Koneko but she already left. I was disappointed a little bit."Nevermind, there is still tomorrow".

As I was walking along the hallway, I saw the three perverts again. They seem to have bruises on their faces. They are discussing something on their own. I was curious, "Maybe they are planning on their next target." So I walk to their direction planning to give them some advice so "we" will not get caught "cough2x". I mean "they" will not get caught next time. I am really not going to join them in their operation... Really!!

I stopped nearby, enough for me to hear their conversation. I pretended to look outside the window and like a nostalgic person looking at the sky.

Matsuda: "Hey let's go to my house. I bought a new DVD porn limited edition of Momozono Momo".

Motohama: "That's an excellent idea Matsuda-kun. We need to enjoy our youth even if those girls are hindering our path, we will not waiver!! Ise-kun you come as well."

Issei: "Okay then! Today, we won't hold back! We'll get some fizzy drinks and chips while watching porn DVDs".

They continue their perverted discussions on the hallway and everyone passing would show disgust and disdain while cussing at them.

While I was listening to their conversation, I was speechless. It seems they are one grade higher than me. "Ok as a fellow schoolmate, I have the obligation to show them the right path. First I need to join them and see if what they are watching will destroy their future. Certainly I need to finish watching those videos to arrive at a conclusion, ahem that is always the process when doing analysis of the problem." I gave myself a reason and nodded satisfyingly.

As I decided to approach them. Someone seems approaching behind.

Akeno: "Ara ara Koneko, your friend seems to be interested on those things".

I stopped on my tracks and froze in place after I heard the name. Without thinking much, I compose myself like I was just casually looking back. I was again surprise to see a beauty the same level as Rias. "I am really starting to like this school". And then looked at the person beside her.

Lucas: "Tojou-san, you are here. Do you want to walk home together?" I asked in a relax and calm tone like I was really "originally" going to go home. I dont know if they watch the whole process of me listening to those three but I still need to act like a "Good Boy".

The trio also heard our conversation and look in our direction. They were immidiately mesmerized.

Motohama: "Its Akeno Himejima senpai, the top 2 beauty on the school list, Bust size 102cm, Waist line 60cm, and hipline 89cm. The other one is Koneko Tojou, a first year student and she is one of the cutest in school. One big, one small." Motohama quickly introduced the beauties to his two friends.



After Motohama finished speaking, he was seen flying and falling to the ground. He seems to passed out. Koneko wiped her hands and said "Distgusting pervert" then she went back to the side of Akeno as if nothing happened. Issei and Matsuda was stunned for a moment before reacting, they quickly approach Motohama and carry him on their way back home.

I did not react for awhile and just stared at Koneko. She look back at me with a blank expression. I felt awkward.

Lucas: "Uhmm"

Akeno: "Chuckle" "Hello, my name is Himejima Akeno. Pleased to make your acquaintance. Koneko told me about you. She is usually quiet but I was surprised that she made a friend on the first day of school."

Akeno introduced herself and Koneko to the side seems to look at her with questioning gaze. Akeno pretended she did not see it.

Lucas: "Well, haha its just a coincidence that we met and talked to each other." I answered her a little awkwardly as it seems she is teasing Koneko.

Akeno: "Fufu, coincidence or not please take care of her as she is a little shy to people."

Lucas:"Dont worry senpai, I will take care of Toujo-san." I nodded while saying. "I will be going first Senpai, Toujou san." I noticed the time and bid farewell.

Akeno: "~Goodbye Agawa-kun. Be careful on the way~" responded and waved her hand with a smiled.

Koneko just nodded. I bowed and went to the parking lot to get my bicycle before going home.

Unknown to me, A white haired girl saw all of this and went to the Student Council Office.


(Sona's POV)

I was reading some documents in the office when someone "knocked".

Sona: "Come in"

The door opened and I saw one of my peerage, Momo Hanakai.

Momo: "President, I have something to report". She came infront and bowed a little.

Sona: "What is it Momo?" I asked while reading the documents.

Momo: "The person you asked me to monitor, Lucas Agawa, has met members of Rias peerage. And according to what happened awhile ago, it seems they have plans on recruiting him." She said, unsure if she concluded it right.

I paused and stop what I'm doing. I frowned and pondered on what to do.

Sona:"Who did he met?" I inquired.

Momo: "During lunch, he met Koneko Tojou near the ORC building. Then awhile ago, it seems Akeno san purposefully approached him." She thought and recalled the events.

Sona: "Tojou? I think she is also from class 1-A". I rub my eyebrows as I remembered the person. "What bad luck". I sighed. It seems Koneko will be their bait.

Sona: "Continue to monitor him, I will think of a way to recruit him". "You can leave". "Also Thank you for your hardwork Momo". I said with an appreciative smile.

Momo: "Its no problem President." She answered hurriedly while waving her hand. "I will go first Sona sama" she bowed then left.

I was left alone in the room thinking of something. "Rias seems to be in a hurry. But.. I will not give up on recruiting him".

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