
135. Take Tunmei To The Small Universe! Why Do You Share The Deluxe?

Facing Su Yi's request.Tunmei looked at Hela first.Hela nodded, gave a thumbs up and said, "Sure, Su is super handsome~!"Anyway, in terms of Hela's aesthetics.This kind of Su Yi, who is good-looking on the outside, charming on the inside, and has a strong body, completely rubs her G-spot.Otherwise Hela wouldn't have said that when they met for the first time that day.And Tunmei knows that she is in casual clothes now.So she adjusted the brown sunglasses, and then clicked on the video call.As soon as the video opens.Both parties appear on the phone.Tunmei's eyes really lit up when she saw Su Yi, in terms of human aesthetics, Su Yi's appearance has come to an end.But Su Yi let out a sigh of relief when he saw Tunmei."call..."Isn't this Tunmei?The eyes are purple, it's strange if it's not Tunmei.This face, this name, these eyes.Bao Zhun Tunmei.But Tunmei was taken aback when she saw Su Yi let out a sigh of relief.Then he said angrily."Why, do you despise me?""no."Su Yi bowed his hand and said directly and helplessly."Your name is Ganata, so your father's name is Galactus, Planet Devourer."He just hasn't met Tunmei now.Just meet up.Tunmei could immediately perceive Su Yi's strength and strength.Whether it's a planet devourer or a swallow girl.They both have a strong perception of energy.So whenever she sees Su Yi.Tunmei must know how strong he is.Then what else to play.Just speak plainly.Tunmei stared at this sentence.She suddenly pushed the brown glasses in a panic.Then he looked around and whispered again."Who are you? Why do you know so clearly? You won't tell my dad that I'm here?""No! If my father knows the existence of the earth, he will come and swallow the earth!" "627" Tunmei can call Uncle Tun directly in her mind.But she came to live on earth secretly.Because she doesn't want to gobble up the creatures on the planet.But her father is different!Her father not only swallowed.He even hired a few people to find him a planet with living creatures!So Tunmei knows.The earth must not be known by her father!Otherwise the ball is not spicy!But when Su Yi heard these words, he couldn't help laughing."I cover the earth, and I let you swallow it?""Your father swallowed me to work there?""Are you unemployed and looking for a job again?"When I think of myself as an unemployed person, I have no place to check in.Then Su Yi definitely doesn't want to!He doesn't care if the parallel world explodes.But the earth cannot die!He is still working here!"ah?"And Tunmei was stunned when she heard that.A master like you is still looking for a stable job?Still afraid of losing your job?Again.This ball matches?"Okay." Su Yi looked at Hela who was behind Tunmei, who was looking up, and then said to Tunmei."You answer the phone as Hela, then come and talk to me."Tunmei nodded.Then return the phone to Hela.Hela asked as soon as she got the phone."What's up? Who is she? What does the Planet Eater do?""Why didn't she let her father know the location? Did she run away from home?"ForeheadStrictly speaking, it's a bit of a runaway from home.But Tunmei is peace-loving.So strictly speaking, it was a conspiracy with her father, and then they got married."Don't ask so many children, let's talk together when the time comes."Su Yi looked at Hela who put her face on the camera in the video and said."You two know each other so well that you can get together."Hela thought about it and shook her head."I do not know.""I came to play with the big guy, and she flew to me in an instant while playing.""My Night-sky sword and the big guy's atomic breath didn't work for her, and then she asked me where the energy came from.""If I don't tell her, she will beat me."Su Yi: "Then did you say that?""said.""No, I just said half of it!" Hela quickly explained: "I said everything about you, that's why I made this call!Fine.In fact, it doesn't matter if Hela says it or not.Take this Ability of Tunmei.Her technological invention is also very powerful.If Hela doesn't say it.Tunmei went back to study a Hela locator.Then the pictures inside the northern building could not be scanned.In the end she blocked the door of the northern building.In the end we will meet again.So it's all the same in the end.As long as Tunmei sees her, she can't hide unless she leaves the earth.Su Yi nodded."All right, you bring her to the small universe.""Okay." Hela nodded.Su Yi also hung up the phone.Then go to the small universe and wait for the two of them.After Hela hung up the phone.She looked at Godzilla and said."Big guy, I have to go back first."Godzilla nodded when he heard it.Then turn around and swim to the sea.Tunmei came to stand beside Hela.She is quite a bit taller than Hela, and falls between girly and teenage girly.If it is proportional.Hela stood up under Su Yi's bear.Gwen stood up under Su Yi's chin.Wanda stood up under Su Yi's nose.So when Tunmei stood up, she was probably at Su Yi's shoulder.definitely.Gwen will still grow.She is now in teenage form.But as time goes by, she will continue to grow, maybe it will reach Su Yi's nose.Taller than Wanda.At that time, Gwen will be in the form of Yujie.Then Su Yi used divine power to keep Gwen in youth and form forever.Um.Just like that!Just keep the best years!Just like Wanda.Su Yi has already prevented her from aging anymore.Always ripe peaches!Plump and juicy!Heck, back to reality.Tunmei asked curiously looking at the back of Godzilla leaving."What kind of creature is it? I haven't seen it in the universe.""Its breath not long ago killed most of the creatures in this universe."I heard Tunmei praise Godzilla.Hela said with a little pride."It's called Godzilla, I call it the big guy, Su likes to call it the little guy, wait for a while.""Su intends to throw it into the universe for training and growth."Tunmei nodded when she heard it.This Godzilla should be quite strong in the universe.But this doesn't matter to Tun Mei.definitely.If you count Godzilla as food.Tunmei still thinks it is very fragrant.definitely she couldn't swallow it.Because it has an owner.If it is an alien creature without a master, she will definitely swallow it.This is the principle of Tunmei.After the two watched Godzilla leave.Hela took out the teleporter and said."Let's go, I'll take you to Su's small universe, Su is still waiting for us.""Well, good." Galactus nodded first, and then realized: "Small universe?!""That's right." Hela was stunned: "Isn't your father very powerful, doesn't he have a small universe?""No..."Tunmei scratched her head in embarrassment.Her father really didn't.Although her father is one of the five great gods, he is usually used as the background board and the standard of combat power.The strength to beat Galactus is strong.If you can't beat Galactus, you're weak.And her father is still a big bastard.To fight is to use its own huge energy to call around and shoot around.Skill? No!I'm going to blow you up!And after Hela learned that Tunmei was gone.She smiled smugly.Then take out the transmitter and press it."Kach~"next moment.Both disappeared in an instant.Then one appeared at the gate of the small universe, and the other appeared inside the small universe.At the door is Tunmei.Inside the door is Hela."Huh?" Hela was taken aback.She looked down at the transmitter and thought it was broken.Su Yi waved his hand after seeing it.Then Tunmei can come in."I only gave you five access rights to the small universe, so she didn't come."Oh~~~" Hela understood.After Tunmei came in, she took off her brown glasses.She looked at the thousands of mountains and rivers in the small universe and almost salivated, leaving only three thousand feet!"Suck~~~"Then she sighed with a long breath."It smells so good~!"It's not a good thing to be considered very fragrant by creatures like Tunmei.But Hela didn't understand."It's a little fragrant, but not as exaggerated as yours?""No, you don't understand." Tunmei shook her head, and asked greedily about the breath of the small universe.Su Yi looked at her and explained with a smile."Because the energy she needs is life energy, or the energy base that can give birth to a life."So the climate, temperature, environment, and style of the microcosm are suitable for the birth of life in the microcosm, which is a huge energy that can give birth to souls."Hela was shocked when she heard it.She's on target now.No wonder Tunmei is so greedy for the things in her stomach.Because Su Yi's... is not only the energy of life, but also the energy that can give birth to life.And it's multi-universe-level energy!But for Su Yi's explanation.Tunmei nodded in agreement."The energy of this small universe is many times greater than the life energy of the earth.""If my father comes, after he swallows this small universe, he won't need to swallow energy for at least many, many years.Hela asked curiously after hearing this."Then how often does your father swallow?""It's about a month now, but it's going to get faster.""So fast?"Hela marvels.Once a month.Isn't that like eating a living planet in a month?The key is that Galactus can only eat but not make.The Tenjin group is still being created while being born.Strictly speaking, energy is conserved.But Galactus just eats it."Alas..." Hearing this, Tunmei couldn't help it: "That's why I left my father, I don't want to be like that, being controlled by hunger, and even going crazy.After hearing this, Hela agreed with regret: "But you will be like this in the future, so what will you do in the future?"future?Isn't the future just around the corner?Tunmei immediately came to Su Yi..Then he took out his mobile phone and showed it to Su Yi."What are these energies you give Hela? I canWant it? Or I'll go crazy with hunger!"Give it to Hela yourself?Su Yi looked at the phone screen, and it turned out to be a perspective view of Hela.But the two balls in Hela's belly...the energy is highlighted, and then it says "Super High Energy"!D...!When Su Yi saw this thing, he suddenly took a breath in his heart.He looked at Hela.Hela explained with a guilty conscience."I didn't take the initiative to show it to her... She took that thing and clicked it to show it...""I also had a fight with her, and I called the big guy, but I didn't fightSu Yi: ...Su Yi folded his hands in his arms, his expression was very nonsense.How can this thing be targeted?Anyone else beating themselves up?Wo said...Facing Su Yi's silence.Tunmei looked at Su Yi, and then looked back at Hela."What's wrong?""Hela said that there are two sisters who can share this energy.""Why can't I share?""Is there a condition? Or do you want to exchange?"Su Yi touched his chin helplessly after hearing this.He pursed his lips.Then he sighed and looked at Tunmei and asked."Then can you smell what this smells like inside Hela?""It's very fragrant!" Tunmei replied definitely."How about describing a flower fragrance?" Su Yi asked again.Now Tunmei fell into thinking.She immediately ran to Hela and smelled it again.Then he took out his phone and checked.After a while.She came back excitedly and said."Heather smells right!?"By the way, you still ask?Su Yi understood now.It turns out that Tunmei doesn't know anything about it.Su Yi clicked his tongue."Then you go and find out what the scent of heather smells like.""And how humans were born."Hear here.Tunmei immediately went to check again.DA...She didn't get shy the more she checked, but the more excited she got!After a while.She came to Su Yi excitedly.Then asked in surprise."You still have this magical function? I checked my dad's database! Why don't others have it?""No wonder Hela said that she doesn't know what other people are like, but she only knows that you have this Ability, so it's this!"Swallow sister thief excited.But Su Yi and Hela couldn't fix it.aren't you shyAre you not shy?Are you a girl?etc!oh~~~~Su Yi understood again.Tunmei is not a human being at all!Before she came to the earth, she was in the form of energy more often!She became human after coming to Earth!So Tunmei will not have the shame of human beings!Instead, there will only be infinite curiosity and anticipation!Gan!Su Yi understood.So it is!5.4 Su Yi pinched his fingers helplessly.He didn't know what to say or explain.Could it be that he told you to try it?As a result, Tunmei really asked."Can you give me a little to taste and study?"please.Don't say such things so innocently, okay?Su Yi almost nodded his head.Ganata's human form is beautiful!Silver-gray hair, purple eyes, bright red lips, and a graceful figure!simply put.It is the girl version of Yujie!Just by looking at her now, you can predict Tunmei's proud figure in the future!But now she is saying such explosive words to you with pure, innocent, flawless eyes and tone.Do you think you have a big head?Su Yi tells you!big!Su Yi held back for a long time.Finally spit out three words."not too good...""Ah, why?" Tun Mei was extremely regretful."It's just not good for us pure earthlings." Su Yi explained: "Doing these things requires emotional cultivation, not just overnight or temporarily."That's disgusting, I'd rather not touch it."Tunmei is thoughtful.She took out her mobile phone and checked love.as expected.Things like positive energy are given to each other only when both parties have a foundation of love.Only those with bad energy will be given overnight.And Tunmei is a good boy.She definitely wouldn't force her to give it overnight.So she thought hard for a while, and suddenly her eyes lit up.She came to Hela in an instant.Then he held Hela's hands and said."Then when you accept it next time, can you give me a little to pretend!""Just a little, please! Let me taste it!"Hela shook her head immediately after hearing it.Why should I share my Milk Deluxe with you?You are my friend and I can't share your good things."Don't do it." Hela refused very simply. .
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