
36. Hungry Tunmei! Phoenix Lollipops!

Hearing Hela refuse.Su Yi breathed a sigh of relief."Ah..., but I'm really hungry..." Tunmei held Hela's hand and said, "I haven't eaten for months...""No, it's fine if I watch from the side. Don't eat all of it then, can you save some for me?"Su Yi:...It's not just Su Yi anymore.Hela's eyes widened when she heard that.What the hell?are you so fierceHela looked at Su Yi.Anyway, Su Yi shook his head first.This is too much bullshit.He felt embarrassed.So Hela immediately shook her head too.So does she.Seeing that both Da Suyi and Hela refused, Tunmei was immediately discouraged and exhausted.She looked at Su Yi.Looking at Su Yi with watery eyes like amethyst.Although Su Yi thought she was cute.But still shook his head firmly."no."Some things can only be done after passing the line, that is, they can only be done after passing the time.As long as the line is crossed, both parties are willing and did not refuse.You can play as many BTs as you want.Where did Su Yi play?But some things just can't be done before crossing the line!If we meet each other, we will do it once a day.Then he really is not a thing.The two are not the same!Any stallion will do, see one before the other.But the harem is as long as there is love, and both parties love it, it is not casual and has no emotional basis!It's two different things!Do you understand now?After Tunmei heard Su Yi clearly said no.She wanted to cry immediately.You are not her.You don't understand how she feels when she's really hungry.Hunger is one of the most painful things in biological instincts.People will eat anything in a famine!Bark, dirt, rotting meat, and even animals will eat and sleep!So hunger can really be a crazy feeling!Not to mention Uncle Tun and Sister Tun.They are even more frenzied when they are hungry.It's going to be crazy!And Tunmei has nothing to do with Su Yi.The moment she saw Su Yi, Tunmei knew that this guy might be stronger than her father!Because she knows the energy density of her father.But Su Yi's energy density is even stronger!So Su Yi disagreed.Tunmei can't force others to be difficult.This is very tragic."but.…"Su Yi looked at Tunmei.Hunger 11 will drive Uncle Tun and Sister Tun crazy, and it's painful.So Su Yi thought about it.He stretched out his hand and gathered a small group of phoenix rebirth energy and said."This will give you a pad...""Aww~!"Su Yi hadn't finished speaking yet.Tunmei came over in an instant and swallowed the energy on Su Yi's finger in one gulp!"Zizizi~~~"He even mumbled a few times.Su Yi twitched in fright.Then he took his finger back with a bang.He looked at the drool on his fingers.well"The helpless Su Yi sighed.Then he walked over to Hela, picked up her clothes and wiped the drool off."Uh-huh!"Hela was taken aback for a moment, and immediately pulled back her clothes and said mentally."This is my favorite dress!""I bought it.""you...""I'll buy you more.""You wipe it."Facing Su Yi, Hela was almost always handled easily, and lost her integrity very quickly.Get it right!Su Yi wiped his fingers with Hela's clothes.Then look back at Tunmei.At the moment, she was chewing with satisfaction.And he raised his fists with both hands, as if trying to eat nai with all his strength."It's necessary..."Su Yi looked strange."Can't you just swallow it?""Nong Nong Nong~~~" Tunmei immediately shook her head, then opened her eyes and looked at Su Yi and explained: "This is so delicious, it's a pity to just swallow it, I want to eat more!"Su Yi: ...poor child.This must be starving.Galactus used to be hungry too.The bone-eating hunger would drive Galactus, one of the five gods, mad!So you can probably imagine how outrageous the physiques of Galactus and Tunmei are?Absolutely homey!And this bit of energy from the rebirth of the phoenix is ​​just a little bit of energy from Su Yi.Phoenix force's Nirvana rebirth is a bonus energy.When you are about to post or post, you will use this energy to nirvana.But it's not useless.Rather, it will recover.It is equivalent to the passive of the LOL ice bird. If there is cooling, it can be nirvana. If there is no cooling, it will be really dead.But after Su Yi reached the multi-universe level.He is still cold.But his energy is enough for him to Nirvana countless times.Equivalent to 100 phoenix passives first!Not enough to say.But just this little energy.Tunmei is like a treasure and it melts in her mouth!It's hard to imagine how restrained Tunmei was before.Or how much hunger I endured.It's too awful.At this time.People came in from outside the small universe.Wanda came in with a watering can to water the flowers.But she saw Tunmei."This is...""Eh... an alien, no, she is not considered a human being strictly speaking, but now she has transformed her energy into a human being."Su Yi explained to Wanda."Do you remember the five gods I told you before?"Wanda nodded, then a little surprised."She wouldn't just be...""Yes, she is one of the five gods, the daughter of the planet devourer, Ganata.""God's daughter?"Wanda put down the kettle upon hearing this.Then he walked over and looked at Nata curiously."Same as human beings.""Her energy has now been converted into a human being, so she is exactly the same as a human being now." Su Yi explained."But when she transforms into her main body, she will turn back into a mass of energy."Wanda was quite surprised when she heard that: "It's amazing."And Tunmei saw the hostess coming.She put the phoenix energy that had turned into a ball into her cheeks, so that one side of her face puffed up like a lollipop.Then he stretched out his hand to Wanda and said."Hello, my name is Nata, just treat me as a normal person."My name is Wanda Maximov."Wanda shook her hand.Then it was a little strange to watch her bulging cheeks.What does this child eat?Su Yi saw Wanda's doubts.So I told Wanda about the special physique of Tunmei and Galactus.Wanda opened her mouth in surprise."Then she's... a little too..."The word miserable, because I still haven't said it face to face.Yes.somehow.Tunmei is not as happy as Gwen at all.You can only compare with Wanda and Hela if you are miserable.Gwen's family is the best of the three.Love her parents, a harmonious and friendly family, a father with a good job and income, a mother who cares and understands her, and so on.This throws off Wanda and Hela by a large margin.The real happiness and love are not the level of ability, nor the rights of position.But a wonderful family, loving parents and wife, and healthy and sensible children in the future.This is happiness!Abilities and rights are just for the means to get them!Anyway, good superheroes must have beautiful families when they were young, and bad superheroes definitely didn't cough when they were young.But it doesn't matter now.At least Tunmei is happy now.Su Yi looked at Tunmei.I looked at the time again."Ganata, we're going out to buy groceries, how about you.Tunmei is happily eating Phoenix brand lollipops.heardshe asked, blinking her eyes."Then can I follow along?"She uses energy to change.Then the whole body turned into a daily girl's outfit.That is to say, he put on the brown sunglasses again.To hide her bright purple eyes.As for whether you can follow...Su Yi doesn't care about it, she is obsessed with ancient times.And Wanda saw Tun Mei so pretty.She thought for a while and said."Then you follow along, let's chat,"good!"So a group of 6 people went out and went to the supermarket to buy vegetables!The six people are Su Yi, Wanda, Hela, Tunmei, Wu and Ling.Fortunately, Su Yi shielded the presence of the dancers relatively high.And the group of people who belong to the active communication will be discovered.Otherwise, it will only be discovered by acquaintances.In other cases, it is a passerby NPC, and others will just treat it as a passerby.And grocery shopping is just to add inventory.That way there would be enough food for Nora to cook.So Wanda usually buys everything and stores it in the kitchen.Walking on the road, when choosing dishes.Wanda is also chatting with Tunmei, and Haili will interject from time to time."How long have you been on Earth?"Tunmei thought for a while: "It's not much, is it? I don't know?""Then what have you been doing all this time on Earth? We have never found you."Tunmei was a little embarrassed when she heard it: "I usually research technology to counteract the pain of hunger.""When the hunger is unbearable, we will use technology to capture viruses and alien viruses around the world to fill our stomachs.""definitely...sometimes I can't help stealing..."Wanda is puzzled: "Steal?""It's just stealing some monsters." Ganata sighed when she said this."There are too few monsters on Earth, and they are getting fewer and fewer."I used to be able to secretly eat a few mutants, or quietly absorb a little energy from the seeds of the Celestial Group.""But now that the mutant race is gone, I don't have anything to steal..."Good guy.Su Yi listened to it while picking vegetables.It turns out that you also ate mutants secretly.And Wanda got more and more curious to hear this.She picked up a piece of fruit and asked Tunmei."Then how do you feel about eating these? Is it delicious or not?""good."But Tunmei shook her head and said."The fruit you took is only 40 life energy.""That piece of meat has 300 life energy.""That skinny guy has 14 billion bio-energies."That fat man has 22 billion life energies."The one holding the kitten has 4 billion life energy.""And the earth has about 975,000,000,000 trillion living energy.""So the energy of dead creatures will be much lower, and the energy of living creatures will be higher."Tunmei's words.Tell Wanda and Hela directly.She can actually see everything she sees as life energy!This is too amazing, right?"What about me?" Hela immediately asked Tunmei curiously: "Then how much life energy will you get if you eat me?"Tunmei looked at Hela."The higher the strength, the higher the numbers I get.""In your case, it's probably close to quadrillion to a few trillion?"After talking, Tunmei looked at Wanda again."And you have at least a few gigabytes to tens of thousands of trillions, and you don't grow richer."After speaking, Tunmei looked at Su Yi again."I can't do what you say.""I can only feel that your energy is very high, very high, like an ordinary person standing near the sun!"According to this comparison, it's really about the same.If she looked at Gwen.That is at least 10 trillion levels, or even hundreds of thousands of trillions? How many trillions?Su Yi didn't know how to calculate this.Anyway, it should be about the same.next.Wait until everyone has finished shopping.As soon as everyone goes out.Wanda used magic to open the scarlet portal to the kitchen.Then tell everyone."Just put it in, it's too troublesome to carry it."Everyone nods.Then put all the vegetables in."Papa~~"Then Su Yi clapped his hands and said."Okay, we're going home to cook, and you, Runata.Wanda looked at Ganata and said the same."Yes, would you like to come to our house for a meal?"Ganata actually thought about it quite a bit.Whether it's eating, or she knows that she needs to increase her relationship with Su Yi.Otherwise, Su Yi wouldn't have given her the heather energy.But Runata also knew that it was not good to stick too close.And today is enough to bother people.So Ganata waved her hand and said."Then I'm going home too, I'm 887 going home to eat this energy lollipop, and I'll go play with Hela tomorrow.I heard that Nata can find me to play tomorrow.Hela's eyes lit up and she waved her hand quickly."Okay, then come over at noon tomorrow, and I will teach you how to play games!""I can play games." Tunmei said definitely: "I'm very good at playing games.""Really?!" Hearing that Tunmei can play games.Hela is as excited as an Internet addicted girl meeting an Internet addicted girl."Then you go home quickly, you must come tomorrow!""ok~!"Tunmei sees hope for tomorrow.She waved her hand, put her hands in the windbreaker pockets and went home.And Hela was overjoyed.Wanda joked after seeing it: "I have a real gamer friend~, Hela."Hmmmm."Hela is really happy.This is equivalent to that the otaku not only met friends outside, but he also has the same hobbies as you!The two can still play black together in reality!This is uncomfortable?The best match in the game is a friend!The best match for friends is not only friends online, but also in reality!!!Then the five of them returned home.Dinner or something will be ready in a while.Washing the dishes Hela just takes the dishes to the kitchen and gives them to the fridge Nola.Simply not too convenient.But Su Yi, who had finished dinner today, did not lie on the recliner.He was making a trip to the thick soft grass.After Wanda came to the small universe, she habitually recruited Su Yi.Wanda almost didn't see him when he was lying in the grass.But she went on.Then he sat beside Su Yi's waist and walked back.Su Yi stretched out his arm.Wanda was lying in his arms, and then Wanda turned slightly to one side, resting on Su Yi's chest.Su Yi entered from the side, squeezed and smiled."I delivered it to my door today, Miss Witch."Wanda lightly bit Su Yi's collarbone."Yes, win first.""???"Su Yi was taken aback.Mr. Succubus? About me?Su Yi immediately picked up Wanda and put it on his waist angrily."Are you bold, Miss Witch?""Isn't it your fault?" Wanda rolled her eyes: "Whoever tells me to do that, I'm fascinated by your obsession"This is what Su Yi should have said.As a result, today's Wanda contrasts with him?Su Yi used Phoenix force to directly modify the clothes of the two of them.Then do some reverse push-ups!Wanda froze instantly.Then he fell down slowly as if hit by an electric shocker.Su Yi smiled."That's it? Miss Witch.""Hmph, I still have Lixia!"after an hour."That's it? The Tide Witch.""Ajiu~, I still have the horse charm, I forgot to use it before!"Chirp is a cute little sneeze.Also the button to use the horse charm.Seeing the green light flashing on Wanda's body.Su Yi smiled, isn't this challenge coming soon?He immediately started accumulating energy."Okay, today I will tell you what it means that you have the way to die!"
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