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Lilith, a little girl with dwarfism, gets kidnapped by bandits and taken as a slave. She escapes and is pulled into the darkness by a black entity that asks her to become its host. She gains powers and takes revenge on the bandits. She meets three mysterious guardians and joins them on their journey. They defeat a group of bandits and Lilith decides to create an empire to help refugees This is not my original work , it was my friend work . credits ( Lost_GC_Niko ) ; )

Noobegg · Fantasie
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Lilith was a little girl in this big, bright world. She had a lovely family and a friend. But she also had personality disorder, which made her feel different. One day, as she was playing in the garden, a group of bandits appeared .

Lilith ran back inside, only to find her parents had been captured and her house was being robbed. Her mother told her to run, so she did. But the bandits caught up to her because of her small feet. They kidnapped her and took her as their slave trader.

Lilith woke up in a cell with her friend close by. Every day, the bandits would try to sell the children and they also witnessing their cruel treatment daily. Lilith was determined to escape and take revenge on the bandits. After a few months, one of the bandits gets careless and forgot to lock her cell, so she took the opportunity to escape.

She ran and continue running turning left turning right while being chased by a bandit that late noticing her missing she keep on running because she have no idea where she will be going until she found a rusty door and decided to hide inside . In the darkness, she heard someone crying for help. Without hesitation, she approached the voice, and a black entity grabbed her and pulled her into the darkness.

"Shaken and exhausted, Lilith passed out."

When she woke up, she saw a medium-sized scythe weapon piercing the ground . The black entity under the scythe asked for her help to become its host . Lilith, without thinking, agreed to help after she pulled out the scythe which took some effort. The entity swarmed into her like a smoke. She gained a mysterious power with a dark aura.

She burst out of the dark place and saw the bandits yelling at her. Lilith busted through the door, and in a fit of rage, she took out every bandit there mercilessly. She freed all her friends and escaped together . Having her newfound power, Lilith swore to take out as many bandits as she could to prevent this from happening again.

After escaping, Lilith did as she swore to take out as many bandits in her world as possible. She traveled from place to place, taking out bandits wherever she could find them. Her powers grew stronger with each victory until she found a huge lair of bandits in the deep caves after roaming around.

Lilith charged into the bandit's cave, with a long scythe in hands. She fought her way through the cave, defeating many bandits on her way. But as she got deeper into the cave, the bandits grew stronger and more numerous. She soon found herself surrounded, and despite her best efforts, she was outnumbered and defeated.

Just when all hope seemed lost, three mysterious figures appeared from the ceiling of the cave, taking out the remaining bandits with ease . she did not know who they were one of them has a wrinkle in his eyes and messy hair a small horn on his head and had red and yellow mesmerizing eyes, that person hold Lilith's hand. LILITH felt a warm and safe feeling holding the hand of the person who helped her.

After the battle, Lilith talked to the mysterious person who had Hold her hand before. He introduced himself as Gothy and said that he and his companion were guardians, traveling the world to fight against evil. Lilith was intrigued and asked if she could join them. Gothy welcome her, and they continued their journey together on more adventures and helping people in need.

As they traveled, Lilith shared her dream of helping refugees and creating an empire for them. Gothy and his companion agreed to help her, and they set out to find refugees in need of assistance. They found a group of refugees living in a nearby town and helped them rebuild their homes and farms. Lilith was overjoyed to see the smiles on their faces.

Lilith stayed with the refugees for a while, helping them build their new home. She also continued her quest to find her parents . She ask a certain broker for information about her parents until she finally got a lead on her parents' whereabouts and decided to go after them. She also ask Gothy personally to go with her and Gothy agree because who is going to denied a request from a cute girl.

Lilith faced many challenges on her journey to find her parents. She fought bandits, monsters, and even a powerful sorcerer. But she didn't give up. Her determination kept her going. With Gothy around make her feel much more safe since she worry she might go blood frenzy because of her dark power , " while walking in the dark forest with moonlight" .

Finally in the afternoon Lilith and Gothy arrive at a small town , Lilith was a little hungry but don't bother to say it but Gothy already realized it. Gothy stop at a sides shop to buy some sweet for Lilith. that's when he hears a nearby conversation about a slave market in an alley , after buying the sweet for LIlith, which earned him a bright smile. Gothy shared information about the slave market. hearing that, Lilith rush to the location.

After find the slave market, Lilith snuck into the slave market and found her parents. They were weak and malnourished, but alive. Lilith helped them escape and finally the family reunited again . They were overjoyed to see Lilith again and thanked her for never giving up on them. As Lilith returns home, she realizes that she has changed in many ways. She must find a way to reconcile her new self with her old life and make a new path for herself.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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