
3 Marriages to the Same Man

[18+] Shen Yanyue shared a steamy night with her unrequited love, Lu Beichen, a.k.a. the 2nd prince. They would eventually married, but would her love be reciprocated, or would the one night and union break them further apart? Was there a deeper meaning that connected their fates? Whose cries did she hear in her dreams? And how should she deal with the hot mess on her bed, while finding herself entangled in a revenge plot that began their story? Cover Art by Hinayukisaki

Yenyou_Yang · Urban
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63 Chs

A Messy Scene in the Presidential Suite

This morning was colder than usual. Yanyue shivered and wanted to pull the blanket in closer. She pulled and pulled, but the blanket was stuck.

She tried one more time, but what surprised her was the raspy murmur that came beside her. She felt goosebumps all over her body and her eyes opened wide in fear.

Of course, she wasn't alone on this bed because last night she had given her first time to Beichen. Her heart was beating like a drum, especially after realizing what a great sin she had created.

At first, the pleasure overcame the guilt, but now that she was fully awake, guilt was all she could feel. She wanted to cry and sink into despair.

She gently removed Beichen's arm that was holding onto her stomach and got up successfully. She was relieved when he didn't wake up.

She saw the messy clothes on the floor and her face flushed a bright pink. Seeing the clothes made her realize that last night was not a dream. She grimaced in discomfort and almost fell due to the pain from below when she tried to get up. This was also proof of a wild night. She lied back down on the bed to wait until her body adjusted to the pain.

Her mind was in a jumble as she looked at the sleeping person next to her. She woke up next to him like she was his wife, and the thought made her a little happy. She once had a dream of becoming his bride, but he had someone else by his side now and he would never spare her a look.

The man was sleeping like a baby. His eyelashes were long. She suddenly had the urge to touch his face.

She traced his dark eyebrows, then moved along his prominent nose to his thin lips. Everything about him amazed her.

Beichen was still sleeping, but he frowned. It was like he knew that she was the one touching him and was unconsciously showing his displeasure. He had a way to pierce her heart.

She pulled her fingers away and was going to get up. She didn't want to face him. It was better to leave quietly. She knew he would want that as well.

But she didn't even get to do that. The next thing she knew, the door flung open like someone had kicked it with force. A regular door would be broken into pieces by now.

"Yanyue, how could you sleep with my fiance?!"

A loud, heartbroken cry filled the luxurious room. It was from Wanyue, Beichen's fiancee who was also her older sister.

The disturbance woke the man on the bed up completely. He saw his fiancee standing in front of the bed with tears streaming down her two watery eyes.

Then, he saw the woman he hated most next to him, snuggling into the blanket as if embarrassed. He immediately knew what happened even without words and a burst of anger overcame him.

"I hate you, Beichen!"

Wanyue covered her mouth as if in despair and ran out the door, bumping into the reporters that were filing into the room to scoop the latest gossip.

"Miss Shen, did you drug President Lu so that you could sleep with him to break up your sister's engagement?"

"President Lu, will you cancel the engagement?"

"Who do you love more?"

Questions came one after another nonstop. Beichen was still having a headache from the aphrodisiac, so he was not in the brightest mood. The reporters were making his headache worst.

"Get out!"

His voice was loud and clear, but no one would be stupid enough to get out when there was hot front-page news happening right before their eyes. Everyone was vying for a promotion, and this was a great opportunity. The parties involved were the big families of Country Y after all.

"President Lu, please answer our questions, will you cancel your engagement date and be with the older Shen lady?"

"I said get out!"

The reporters were adamant. Their cameras flashed ceaselessly at the two people on the bed. This was a lifetime opportunity for them. They couldn't possibly miss this chance.

"Everyone, please get out or we will file a lawsuit against your publishing company!"

Assistant Wen pushed through the crowds with some guards. They managed to disperse the reporters after a few scuffles.

"President Lu," Assistant Wen said and bowed his head.

He was a little scared because right now the President looked like he could kill anyone with just a glance.

Beichen was already fuming at this point. He looked at the frightened Yanyue with a sneer. He grabbed onto her chin.

"You dared to drug me?"

She was still shaken from the chaos, but Beichen's harsh words woke her up. Tears were threatening to fall off her beady eyes.

"I didn't drug you."

Her voice was shaky, but she said the important points. She just didn't know if he believed her given the escalated situation.

"Don't spread your wings too far just because grandma favors you. You might accidentally break it."

He flicked her chin away with his fingers. She felt pain all over her neck. He could break her neck if he wanted to with his strength.

Assistant Wen had the housekeeper brought in a rack full of highly expensive tailored suits and then went out with the guards.

The room was very quiet after everyone left. The only sounds were the steady, but heavy breaths of the two people who were still on the bed and the sound of blankets ruffling.

Beichen got up from the bed. He didn't care that he was still naked at all. He picked an outfit and put it on in front of Yanyue, who didn't dare to raise her head and was quite frankly still shocked from the previous experience.

"If something happens to Wanyue, I will make you pay!"

With that, the door slammed shut and he left. It was most likely that he went to chase after his fiancee.

After he left, she lied on the bed defeated. She closed her eyes because she was tired. She couldn't decide if it was from the chaotic night she had or the rough morning just now. Anyway, she felt suffocated from both events.

The ensuing days were hectic for her. Being from a rich family didn't stop the news from spreading far and wide. Soon, everyone on the internet was calling her a mistress and a home-wrecker as if Beichen and Wanyue had already gotten married.

Grandma Lu arrived at the Shen residence the next day, regally and firmly announced that Beichen would be engaged to Yanyue. Their wedding was to be held in the Central Palace on the next lunar moon. There was only a month until then. This formally annulled the unofficial engagement between him and her sister.

The news shocked the whole world.

Everyone knew that Beichen dated Wanyue ever since their high school days, so it was only natural that the pair would end up together.

However, the occurring events were not as they imagined. The original relationship between the lovebirds came to an end and Yanyue became a third-party in the two people's world.


On this fine day, she was heading to an auction event. There were no reporters on her way, which felt like a breath of fresh air. After the whole fiasco, people went on about their own lives. She wished that every day would be like today.

The room was almost full when she arrived at the auction.

"Yueyue, over here!" a handsome young man said as he waved his hand towards Yanyue.

Her face brightened and she waved back at the man.

"Jason, you're already here," she said and sat down on the chair next to his.

"You didn't need to come," the young man said, his tone a little caring.

"This is for my mom; I have to make sure that we can get the land."

The man saw her determination. He understood her temperament well.

If she wanted something, then she would do everything in her power to get it. She was that headstrong.

Even when they were little, she had always been the one protecting him from bullies. But now that they were older, he wished that she could rely on him a little more.

"Alright, alright. You never change. My little knight is still stubborn," he said teasing her.

She smiled. "Of course, after all, I'm the only one who can protect myself."

He was a little sad. "Well, always remember that I'm here too. What are best friends for if not to help each other?"

She laughed and nodded her head in agreement. "Aren't you here now? Thank you, Jason."

The auction began and they stopped their conversation.

The first few items were pieces of jewelry from some rich families. They were pretty, but this wasn't Yanyue's goal.

Her goal was the piece of land located in the lakeside area, and it was also the real purpose of this auction.

Her mother founded a design company and named it after a Moirai goddess, Klotho, one who spins the thread of life. She wanted to design clothes that would accentuate a person's hidden charm; thus, it was fate that brought them and that piece of clothing together.

However, the company went bankrupt after her mother's death. She was young at that time, so she couldn't save it. However, after years of savings and investment, she now had enough to revive Klotho

All she needed was the land's right.

If the land was in the hand of someone else, she wouldn't dare to imagine what they would do to her mother's company. Worst, they could demolish it.

So, she needed that land desperately.

"Now, we have arrived at the final item," the host announced enthusiastically against the microphone.

The screen behind him showed the blueprint of the land.

"This land on the lakeside belonged to the late Mrs. Shen. Later, it fell to the hands of the Yang Enterprise. Now, they have opened the land for sale. The starting value is 50 million!"

As soon as the host announced the original price, the audience began raising their cards.

"55 million!" a loud voice echoed from behind Yanyue.

The host repeated, "The gentleman holding card number 3 offered 50 million."

Then another voice revoked the offer. This happened one by and soon the value started to increase.

"60 million!"

"70 million!"

"75 million!"

The numbers continued to rise. She knew that the competition was fierce, but she came prepared.

She waited until the room died down before raising her card.

"90 million!" Her voice echoed the room loudly.

She had done her research. No one was going to bid this high, so she felt confident.

"The lady with the card number 9 offered 90 million!"

The host announced once and then twice, looking around to see any opposition. When he saw that everyone else sat back in their chairs in defeat, he finalized the result after opening the floor one last time.

"Congratulations to the lady in-"

"200 million!"

The audience went wild. This was beyond everyone's expectations. Even though the land was in a nice location as it was by the lakeside where people usually frequented, but everyone knew that it wasn't worth that much as it had been deserted for years. They were curious and eager to see who the buyer was.

"200 million!" the host said excitedly. He knew that no one else could beat this value, so he closed the auction. "Congratulations to Mr. Lu of Lu Group!"

Yanyue was stunned. Her energy rose when she thought that she would be getting the land, but her soul left her body as soon as she heard the last offer.

She didn't know who else would be interested in the land. It was a barren land with no high-profit margin. However, she thought that even if she couldn't get the land now, she would at least convince the person who bought the land to sell it to her.

But that person had to be him. He hated her so much that he didn't even want to look at her, so there was less of a chance that he would sell the land to her.

She gazed to his seat on the balcony. He stared back, but unlike her who was surprised and lost, he was calm and collected as if everything was under his control.

She saw the invitation list and his name wasn't on there, but he suddenly showed up. What was he planning? Was it to take revenge on her?

He had so much money that he could waste it on a land that wouldn't generate much profit for him. So, this was certainly done to spite her.

"Beichen, that bastard!" Jason said angrily as he looked at the familiar man on the balcony. "Yueyue, don't worry. I'll help you get the land back from my brother."

She was still lost in her thoughts, but she snapped out of it and said, "Let's wait."

She would never give up on this matter. She grabbed her things. "It's noon, so let's go grab lunch."

They left the auction with a heavy heart.

After lunch, she hopped on a taxi. Soon, she arrived at the Lu's headquarter.

Three high-rise buildings stood side by side. They all belonged to the Lu Group.

Without a doubt, the Lu Group was rich beyond words. Not only were they big domestically, but their markets also extended overseas.

If someone like this wanted to wipe her out, then all she could do was watch her hard work shattered to the ground.

She sighed and gathered her courage. She must meet Beichen no matter what.

"I'm here to meet President Lu," she said to the reception girl.

"Do you have an appointment?" the girl asked kindly.

Yanyue hesitated, but finally said, "No, but you can tell him that I'm Shen Yanyue."

The girl on the other end looked at Yanyue again.

She was new to the company, but there was no way that she didn't know the name Shen Yanyue. This was the person who broke their President's good relationship with his longtime girlfriend.

She was the mistress that dominated the recent news!

"Miss Shen, you can't meet the President without an appointment."

"In that case, can you call to let him know that I'm here to meet him?"

"Miss Shen, please understand that this is our policy. Our President is busy, so he can't just meet anyone especially someone of lowly-teaching like you."

The receptionist became angry at being bossed around by Yanyue whom she viewed as a mistress. She didn't want to be good to a home-wrecker.

She had an idea that if she embarrassed this third party, then she would impress the President's girlfriend. Who didn't want to curry up to their future Madam?

So, she rejected Yanyue's request once again.

However, Yanyue didn't want to give up. She couldn't just leave without trying.

Soon, there was an uproar in the reception area, drawing the attention of everyone on the floor.

"This lady, how many times do I have to tell you that you need to make an appointment first!" The receptionist rose her voice out of anger.

Yanyue was stunned. It was just a simple phone call, but the receptionist refused to do it.

"What is going on here?"

The voice belonged to Assistant Wen. She met him in the hotel that morning.

"Sir, this lady insists on seeing President Lu without an appointment."

Assistant Wen looked at the determined face on the side. "Miss Shen," he said and lowered his head respectfully towards Yanyue.

"It's okay, she'll go with me."

The receptionist's face turned blue at his words.

She felt an extreme burst of anger that Yanyue could easily go with Assistant Wen. No one had embarrassed her before except for this mistress! But she was only a low receptionist, so she could only nod and agree with the result.

However, as soon as the party was over, she took out her phone and dialed a number.

"Thank you, Assistant Wen," Yanyue said politely, her face brimmed with hope.

She breathed a sigh of relief and followed Assistant Wen. For sure, the people working at Lu's Group were headstrong. They were all stingy.