

<Episode 21> 21. Not Satisfied with Boyfriend at All♥

"Haah... Haah... Was it good?"


Jeongsoo asked with an eager expression, but Yoonmina just pulled the blanket closer.

She silently turned her head to the other side.

Two figures intertwined on the model bed, in their second relationship sharing love, yet the response was somewhat tepid.

Despite the heat moments ago, it felt like a 7-year marriage with only ashes remaining.


If satisfaction in bed could be expressed in words, this sigh would probably suffice.

It wasn't outright disappointing, but it fell far short of expectations.

He just moved his hips according to his own mood, like a male monkey.

No consideration given before starting, no moans of pleasure during sex.

Still, since they've been dating recently, she didn't turn her back on him completely, so she turned her body back around.

"Hey, by the way, do you have time tomorrow..."

"Kyaah... Ku... Kkuu... Kkuu..."


Turning her body again, Jeongsoo is lying there like a corpse.

Even the sound of his breathing seems annoying.

The fatigue from the shopping date and post-sex philosophical time floods in, and even saliva drips from his droopy lips, lacking any vitality.

She grabs the blanket harshly, annoyed by the unsatisfying male.

"Ugh... How did the goddess Yoonmina fall this far."

She could tolerate the date with lip service, but showing such a significant flaw in the end naturally invites comparison.

The benchmark is, of course, Chaeseonwoo.

They entered a relationship before due to coercion, but she couldn't help but think of him constantly.

He was the only one who provided the highest satisfaction level, surpassing all other men on their first sex.

For days, she denied it, shaking her head, but Yoonmina, being weak-willed, gave up and admitted it.

The intense sex, led by him as if her body wasn't her own, was deeply appealing.

Enough to shake her hips boldly from the first day.

"Haah... Ugh."

Unable to resist the thought, she starts masturbating with her boyfriend lying next to her.

Thinking of Chaeseonwoo, she even recalls their sex, inserting up to three fingers.

As this miserable routine repeats, she can't help but think of him.

Like a pathetic rag, her desires accumulate after a few days.

She misses him, though they are not even lovers.

"But there's no reason to meet..."

She has his phone number.

But considering their relationship, he's an extortionist, a friend of her boyfriend.

Moreover, creating a pretext to meet, even just the two of them, after fighting would be an extremely difficult task.

As she bites her nails with the hand that wasn't used for masturbation, Yoonmina tries to come up with a plan.

Struggling and struggling, she finally finds one way to meet, all while keeping her image intact.

"Yeah, that should work♬"

Her brain, which had been quiet since high school entrance exams but now rolling with the idea of luring Chaeseonwoo.

Hoping her scenario plays out smoothly, she hugs the blanket tightly and falls asleep.

[Do you want to earn more money?]

If you were asked this question, most would answer YES.

Just 10 minutes ago, I saw this message on the hacking tool and purchased another app.

This is my second app after [Female Taro], which cost me 10 million won.

This time, it's an app that costs a whopping 20 million won.

"But 20 million won is my entire savings...."

My savings from part-time jobs and rewards, a distant 20 million won.

It's natural to hesitate with such a large amount.

However, considering the value of the [Female Taro] app I previously purchased, it's worth a lot.

In real terms, [Female Taro] is worth more than a billion won.

Based on the trust given for such a sweet feature at a cheap price, I immediately made the payment right there.

And what I got was,

[Let's Enjoy Together!]

Now it's time for you to step up. When you open a streaming service using this app, your video will be broadcasted on all domestic adult channels.

Videos shot with [Let's Enjoy Together!] app are of ultra-high definition, clear enough to be displayed on street billboards.

Videos shot with [Let's Enjoy Together!] app cannot be easily duplicated by any means, and the copyright strictly belongs to you.

As a purchase bonus, a golden lion helmet will be awarded. Check your mailbox in a few days.

*This app will be upgraded with additional features upon purchase.

*To gain more features, accumulate more experience.

*Revenue from videos will be settled weekly. Real-time viewing income can also be checked for replays.

I read the long text two or three times, but in short, it was that.

They were telling me to do a broadcast.

My face crumpled like a tin can on the street.

"Why suddenly broadcasting?!"

Personally, I enjoy watching broadcasts, but I don't feel like doing it myself.

I have no topics I want to discuss, no enthusiasm to do it. I'd rather meet a girl in my spare time.

Moreover, broadcasting is more of a hassle than I thought.

You always have to come up with content and show fresh performances.

If I were good-looking or pretty, I might consider camming, but I wasn't born with that kind of looks.

At the very least, I'm not good at making conversation.

The only thing I could show off is my well-endowed ****, but... Could it be?

Are they asking me to get funding from men who enjoy watching videos like that or from LGBTQ+ people?

Just imagining myself being a **** in front of the camera makes me feel miserable.

Even if they offer me a truckload of money, I'm not interested.

I can do anything, but pretending to be someone I'm not and taking money from people I have no interest in front of them seems too much.

Anyway, I have no intention of broadcasting.

I wanted to back out, but the policy at the time of purchasing the app was no refunds.

Clicking once wasted 20 million won.

Feeling disappointed with the world, I lay on the bed, but time doesn't turn back.

○○○ Bank balance: 672,420

I checked my internet banking balance, hoping it wasn't true, but it was empty.

"....Let's go out for now...."

Feeling embarrassed about the impulse purchase, but since I had a special appointment in the morning via text, I went out for some fresh air.

I'll think about what to do with the [Let's Enjoy Together!] app later.

I put on some old clothes from my closet and headed to the city center.

When I entered a cafe near a famous station, Yoonmina was waiting for me.

"Ah! Here you are."


At first glance, I couldn't recognize her.

She was much more dressed up than when we met with friends at the bar before.

She had a bright tone foundation, deep red lips, and long eyelashes curled up with mascara.

She also had various chunky gold earrings on her wrists and neck.

Clearly, she put in a lot of time and effort into this makeover.

─ Isn't that table over there really pretty?

─ What? Is she a celebrity?

─ Well, she seems to have a boyfriend next to her...?

Perhaps because of that, she was getting a lot of attention today.

She was originally an SNS star just with her looks, so her basic base was already excellent. Now that she's deliberately dressed up, she's at the level to chew up even celebrities.

Gone is the rag-like image of Yoonmina, replaced by her unique model aura.

"Uh, ...hi."

Maybe because it's cold today, my mouth feels a bit frozen.

Just seeing the nicely dressed-up Yoonmina made it feel like a date for two, but she wasn't the only one there.

"Damn! What the hell, you."

Jeongsoo sits next to Yoonmina and asks, his tone sharp.

Looking at that face, I feel my tongue getting shorter out of annoyance.

"What's up, with you calling me here? You punk."

"Seriously... did you say everything?"

"Enough. Stop fighting."

As soon as they sit down, a tense atmosphere fills the air, but Yoonmina intervenes, like a trainer calming down fierce beasts, and soothes the situation.

Jeongsoo, who was glaring at me, turns his gaze and questions.

"What's going on now? Why did I have to come out here to meet this guy?"

"So, your girlfriend called me here. You know."

"This guy... did you say everything?"

"Hey, stop it. I told you not to fight."

The rebellious retorts from Jeongsoo are cut off in advance.

Usually, he would grumble, but when Yoonmina speaks sincerely, he doesn't dare to make a peep.

For them, who should have had an equal relationship, a vertical hierarchy definitely exists.


Anyway, I sat quietly and listened to the story.

I roughly understood the situation and made a decision.

"Okay, sorry."

"Huh? ...What, what?"

Jeongsoo is bewildered by my sudden apology.

"Sorry. I acted like a spoiled brat back then, didn't I? I was surprised by your girlfriend's introduction, and as I listened, I felt inferiority complex. Sorry about that."

Although I didn't bow my head, I conveyed a proper apology message.

I didn't feel sorry for Jeongsoo even a bit, but I behaved decently.

By acting according to Yoonmina's will, there's surely a reward waiting for me.

Jeongsoo, who received my apology, is taken aback by the unexpected blow and hesitates for a while.

He avoids eye contact forcibly, fiddles with his phone unnecessarily, and gets a jab in the ribs from his girlfriend Yoonmina's elbow.

"Hey! He apologized like a man! Why do you keep acting like a loser?"

"Ah, I got it! ...I, I'm sorry too. I, I teased you too harshly about the old stuff. Sorry."

He apologizes with a heavy heart.

Even though we both apologized in the end, there's still an unsatisfactory expression on both sides.

It seems that even though we both apologized, they still don't feel comfortable.

He puts his hands in his jeans pockets and stands up abruptly.

"I'll go smoke a cigarette."

He leaves with an air of swagger.

"Where do you smoke here?"

"The smoking booth is across the crosswalk."

"Why do you have to cross the crosswalk just to smoke a cigarette... sigh."

There's no way to be graceful until the end, so I end up arguing with the cafe staff and leave the cafe.

As Jeongsoo leaves, the noise level drops a notch.

"So noisy."

"Sigh... Tell me about it. That bastard acts all high and mighty."

Yoonmina swiftly sympathizes as if anticipating the mood.

But it's not just idle gossip.

"Hey, about your outfit today. Did you dress up prettier than before?"

Not only the makeup but also the coordination is perfectly done.

A fresh tennis skirt with a blouse adorned with a ribbon and a thin cardigan.

Combining pink and white to create a bright look.

Anyone could tell she made an effort.

"Huh? Pretty?"

"Yeah, you look pretty. Do you really need to dress up so nicely for this occasion?"

"I-I just dressed as usual."

"It feels like it's some special day."


She chuckles awkwardly, avoiding eye contact.

Though it was awkward, she smiles bashfully, her red lips trembling slightly.

She adds another question to change the subject.

"Since then, did you get caught?"

"Caught? ...Of course not! Why would you say that?"

The belated keyword makes me realize the meaning behind 'getting caught' is sex.

Yoonmina's face flushes like a hot coal.

Finding her adorable, I subtly reach across the table and our white hands overlap, holding each other affectionately like lovers.

"I was worried. If we got caught, it could ruin our relationship."

"Hey, hands..."


"Jeongsoo might come..."

Saying so, she doesn't let go of my hand.

She gently strokes the back of my hand with her thumb, smiling contentedly.

As I expected.

After Yoonmina secretly texted me using the phone number I gave her before, it was clear.

The reconciliation with Jeongsoo was just an excuse, and Yoonmina had her own agenda.

And I caught onto that hidden agenda perfectly.

Subtle skinship of holding hands secretly from her boyfriend.

I like it, but if we hold hands for too long and get caught like in a morning drama, it would be awkward.

So, I smoothly withdraw my arm while continuing the conversation.

"But, even though we reconciled with Jeongsoo, I don't want to see his face for long."

"I-I don't want to hold hands for long either! I just wanted the two of them to make up...."

"So, now that they've made up, is it over? Shall we go?"

"....Do as you please."


Pretending to be calm, I stand up, then mutter with a fake performance like a drama protagonist.

"Oh~ but it's a bit late, and I'm tired of taking the subway. Should we rest at a motel for a while? (Reading a Korean textbook)"

Although it was a terrible acting performance, Yoonmina's ears perk up like a rabbit's.

"Should we book a room with the 'Let's Play Together' app... Oh, it's conveniently nearby. Room 407 at △△ Motel... Booking accommodation."


"Do you want me to write it on a tissue so you won't forget?"

"T-There's no need. I just memorized it."

"Huh? Why did I memorize the motel when you're the one?"


As I point it out, her face blushes brightly like a boiling kettle.

Finding it amusing and adorable, I stand up and lightly kiss her heavily blushed face to confirm.

"I'll be waiting."


Yoonmina's wistful gaze resembled that of a girl in love. Or should I say, a girl smitten?

As Jeongsoo returns from his distant cigarette expedition, Yoonmina is alone at the table.

Oddly enough, it's a relief for Jeongsoo.

He sits directly across from her.

"Hey, where did that guy go?"

"Hey, don't call him that to his friends."

"It's Sunwoo. Even though he's not here, you still gotta be careful... Got it. I get it."

As Yoonmina's gaze ignites like fire, Jeongsoo can't help but quiet down.

Yoonmina takes out her makeshift makeup kit and quickly touches up her cheeks.

After meticulously inspecting her jawline and ears, she slings her bag over her shoulder and stands up from her seat.

"So, now that we've made up, can I leave too?"

"Huh? Leave? We promised to go on a date if you came out of the cafe."

Oops, she must have realized, but Yoonmina boldly exits.

"...Next time."

"Hey! We made a promise. I even booked an escape room. And, you dressed up so nicely, why waste it on a motel..."

"Oh, I'm tired, so let's do it next time."

"We just got here, why do you keep saying you're tired—"

"...I said let's do it next time, didn't I?"


Even in unfavorable situations, a single serious expression can turn the tide.

As if implying Jeongsoo's mistake, she shoots him a look and then turns away.

It's too forced, but Yoonmina doesn't care about that.

It's not the time to care.

She leaves the cafe and swiftly crosses the street through the crowd.

Some men admire her flashy appearance, but she's too busy repeating the motel name and room number to herself.

Just then, her apology phone vibrates, and a KakaoTalk message pops up.

"Come quickly to △△ Motel room 407."


The address kindly written down for her.

In just one message, it's hard to believe how much passion and affection can burst forth.