
2nd chance of life with system

This is the story of a young boy who got reincarnated after being killed by unknown people on the day of his wedding. But luck was by his side that after reincarnation he got a system created by God of creation. Let's see how he takes revenge on those unknown people who appeared during his wedding and killed him with his wife for some unknown reason. Will he be able to get his revenge on those this time with the help of the system created by God of Creation? Will he be able to reunite with his or not? ★Note: The cover of the book is not mine. If the original owner of this cover wants to remove the cover please leave a review.

Naresh_Godse · Fantasie
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17 Chs

Chapter 14:-Bloodline awakening

After healing his wound he takes the orb from the mat and holds it near his heart with the help of his left hand and starts circulating his QI around it.

After a few minutes of QI circulation around the orb, the Orb started to enter Andrew's body. When the orb was entering his body he heard Emily's voice.

[Andrew you should start to meditate now.]

Hearing Emily Andrew stopped the QI circulation around the orb and started to circulate his QI in his body while meditating.

Changes started to happen in Andrew's body as the process of integration continued further.

His bones started to become stronger and stronger with the process, his body muscles also became stronger, and the number of cells in his also started to increase.

An hour passed as the process continued but the integration wasn't finished yet.

Another hour passed but the process continued as the orb was integrating with Andrew's body and strengthened his body as he focused on circulating the QI in his body.

Finally, after two hours, the strengthening of the body stopped, and a few minutes later Andrew stopped circulating the QI in his body and opened his eyes.

"I feel a lot stronger than before," said Andrew after checking his body with the help of QI.

[Do you want to see the information on the Titan Physique ] Emily asked Andrew after he was done checking his body strength.

"Of course, show me the information I want to check if there is any change in the description from the last time," said Andrew as he was expecting some changes.

[Titan Physique: -

Physique which is on par with God's Physique and one of the strongest physiques. Mainly focus on developing the body of the cultivator, best for close combat cultivator. Highly resistant against the Elemental QI attack. Increase the speed of learning of the close combat techniques.

Effect: -

(1)Titan Body (Passive skill): - There is a chance of increasing the attribute of the physique's possessor while battling the opponent with a higher state than the physique's possessor.

(2)Titan physique possessor is undefeatable in the same stage of the realm. The possessor gets extra strength, defense, stamina, and agility after the breakthrough.

(3)Power surge(Active skill) [ Sealed ]: - Increase the physical state of the body by 3 times during usage of this skill.

• Side effect: - After deactivating the skill, the host will feel weak for 1 hour.

(Note: - Side effects can be removed after stepping into a higher plane than an immortal plane. )

•Requirement for unlocking the skill: The host must step into the Immortal Plane.


??????? ]

As Andrew expected there are changes in the description of the Physique.

"So there is a chance of removing the side effects of the Skill. " Andrew was amazed by the physique a second time.

"Emily, now that I have merged with the Titan Physique, can I awaken the Bloodline? " Andrew asked Emily.

[ Yes now I can help you to awaken the Bloodline. ]

"so let's awaken it right now, I want to know what this Bloodline does," said Andrew, in his preview life he didn't know that he had the Bloodline but now he knows that he has the Bloodline he wants to awaken it very badly.

[I will stimulate the Bloodline now, but you need to endure the pain that will appear during awakening and try not to lose consciousness during the process] Emily instructed Andrew about the process.

"Ok, I understand" Saying this Andrew started to meditate as he knew that the best way to endure the pain while keeping consciousness is to meditate.

When Andrew enters the meditation state a white color energy appears out of thin air and starts to enter Andrew's body.

A few seconds later Andrew felt a warm spread through his body but the next second pain hit him hard through his whole body.

As time passed, the pain increased further and further. Andrew clenched his teeth and endured the pain while meditating.

"grrr... " A few minutes later the pain increased tenfold as Andrew clenched his teeth tightly. As the pain increased Andrew felt like he would lose consciousness so he bites his lips to remain conscious.

Blood started to come out of his lips as endured the pain.

Finally, after half an hour, the pain stopped appearing in his body and a huge amount of QI started to enter Andrew's body.

As the QI entered his body the pain started to disappear and warmth spread through his body.

Andrew feels a large amount of QI entering his body, he quickly starts to recite his Cultivation technique.

He could feel that if he cultivated now he may be able to breakthrough the mid-stage of the Body Refining Realm.

15 minutes later Andrew finally managed to breakthrough the mid-stage but it didn't stop there as the QI didn't stop entering his body.

He continued to recite his cultivation technique and after 20 minutes he had the second breakthrough of the day.

After reaching the late stage of the Body Refining Realm the QI stops entering his body and he finally opens his eyes.

Andrew was feeling a lot stronger than before and he knew that now he could defeat 100 of his past self.

"Emily show me my status," said Andrew as he wanted to check how much stronger exactly he got.


A blue panel in front of him shows his status which left him shocked.


Host: - Andrew Lionheart

Cultivation: -Body Refining Realm (Late stage)

Level up: -(00/400 QI)

Bloodline: - Chaos Bloodline

Physique: - Titan Physique

HP: - 1300


SRT: -120

STA: - 120

AGI: - 120

CHA: - 30

DEF: -130

SP: - 450


•Lust points: -10

•System points: - 6700

•Skill points: - 3



•Inspect (Rank 6)

•Swordmaster (Rank 1) ( Intermediate)

•Tiatan body (Passive) (From titan physique)





Lover: - none]

Looking at the status Andrew didn't know what to say as all his states were above the Peak stage of the Body Refining realm.

He could now fight the average early-stage QI Refining realm cultivator.