
2gether with me

Ackreas · Urban
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13 Chs

This Person


       *No expectations. No regrets 🥰*


//Handsome GC//

Fox_Fong is typing....

Fox_Fong: Free this weekend?

TheMan_Man: Heck yeah! What up?

Fox_Fong: Want to take Pear to the amusement park. Her friend Earn is tagging along. Distract her for me? You guys can bring friends too 😁.

IamBoss: Fong foxy as ever ヘ( ̄ω ̄ヘ)

Fox_Fong: ᕙ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ

TheMan_Man: Bring Win, Bright will come too (~‾▿‾)~

IamBoss: LOL. He can't say no hahaha.

Fong_Fox: aye aye. Leave it to me!

( ͝° ͜ʖ͡°)ᕤ

JustBright: @TheMan_Man ಠ_ಠ

JustBright: @IamBoss ರ_ರ

JustBright: @Fox_Fong ಠ ل͟ ಠ

JustBright: Idiots. You forgot to remove me from this group. I can read your damn messages (ノ`Д´)ノ彡┻━┻!!

TheMan_Man: Bright! Ehm...Who invited him here?

Fox_Fong: *ignores him* so it's a yes?

TheMan_Man: (ㆁωㆁ)

IamBoss: (✷‿✷)

JustBright: What the?!

JustBright went offline ...

TheMan_Man: ...pfft. He will come. See ya!

IamBoss: Triple yes. Oh yeah!

Fox_Fong: it's not even a question anymore ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

//End of convo//

The plan is set. Fong is 100% confident it will be a date between him and Pear only minus Earn. Man and Boss can handle her with their charms he bet. Bright isn't even a threat for Fong that he will steal the spotlight from him due to his "face". Fong is not selfish, he's even a good friend. A very intelligent friend for Win.

Double whammy baby.

Days passed by normally. Win is back to his normal self Fong suspects it has something to do with the privileges of being Bright's assistant aka "the unli supply of drink for Win till god knows when."

"Pear was looking for you this morning. Did you not tell her you have football practice today?" Win said after folding & placing the sticky note inside his shirt pocket.

"Hehe. See? She misses me already. I was thinking about texting her but I forgot." Fong wiped his sweat. He checked his phone and saw Pear's messages, Fong scratches his head.

"Well, Mr. Lover boy better make it up to her or else all your hardwork and my sacrifice for you will go to waste." Win said handing Fong the drink that Pear bought for him before she left.

Fong smiled at his friend widely. He still did not tell Win about the amusement park thing, another thing that Fong had forgotten. It would be tomorrow and telling Win at the last moment would not give him a reason to refuse.

Win looked at Fong suspiciously.

"Ahem. About that, I happen to invite Pear and Earn to the amusement park near our school this weekend. It's been a while since we last hang outside Win, I won't take no for an answer."

"You just want me to distract Earn so you could be with Pear alone." Win rolled his eyes. No matter, he can enjoy the rides and food there.

"My dear friend you know me too well. Tomorrow at the amusement park entrance okay?" Fong gestured an "okay" sign to Win. He purposely omitted mentioning about Man, Boss and Bright going along with them.

Fong sipped his drink in satisfaction.

The amusement park is packed with people during weekends. The night sky is clearly filled with stars, no signs of upcoming storm in sight. Fong told Win the best time to go is night time coz it's more romantic.

Win stared at the crowd of passerby going inside the park. He's in high spirits waiting for Fong to arrive, standing near the entrance of the park. Fong went and picked up Pear and Earn making Win wait for them. What a man his friend is.

"Hey, look! It's Win! Hey Win!"

Win turned to look at the person who called him. Are some of his classmates here too? Must be since it's a weekend. Win was surprised to see it was Man happily waving at him at the back was Boss and...

Win quickly averted his eyes and turned his back to them, pretending he hadn't already seen them walking towards him. When his and Bright's eyes met Win's heart fluttered.

Shit. Why is Fong taking so long?

"Eh? Where's Fong and the two girls?" Boss questioned looking around.

"Fong? Wait a minute..this means.."

Win cursed at Fong in his mind. That Fox invited them but didn't tell a word about it. If Win had known they will be here he could've worn much better clothes than what he's wearing now.

Man called up Fong telling him they've arrived. Boss went to the ticketing booth to avail the tickets for tonight. This left Bright and Win alone together standing side by side.

Silence. Win doesn't know how to start the conversation with him.

Before, it was easy. Honestly, it wasn't even this stressful for Win. Aishh..

"Here. It must be tired and hungry waiting for Fong Win." Bright spoke first breaking the silence between them. He casually handed Win an expensive box of chocolate.

Heh. Bright could've brought flowers along with it but scratched that thought out.

Win is speechless. Accepting the box Bright had given him. Chocolates? He's hungry but--seriously? Win peeked at Bright who is looking at him gently, Win can't help but smile back at Bright thanking him for the chocolate.

A minute later Win was on his 3rd piece of the chocolate. As long as he has food he can wait for them for hours. Win won't mind at all.

"Delicious? Mother loves sweets. She said it's one of her favorite brand of chocolates."

Bright turned and faced the bunny that is obviously enjoying the gift given to him.

"Mhm. So much! Try some Bright. No wonder your mother likes this." Win said muching through a chocolate in his mouth whilst picking another piece to eat.

"Hmm. Okay." Bright knows he's a bit taller than Win. He slightly leans in towards Win looking at him then at the chocolate at his hand, giving hints to what Bright expects Win to do for him.

Wha--?!! Win is dumbstruck. Bright wants me to hand fed this chocolate to him in front of these crowd?! Bright seems serious about it. Win steadied his heart, slowly placing the chocolate to Bright's mouth.

Win's fingertips felt how soft Bright's lips were.

Man coughed loudly making his presence known beside him is Boss with a bunch of tickets in hand. Bright acted like nothing while Win's ears clearly getting red.

Fong arrived with Pear and Earn. He introduced them to Man, Boss and Bright.

"Pear and Earn what befitting names for such beautiful ladies, I'm Man at your service." Man said saluting at them.

"Uh, hello Earn. You can call me Boss but I can also be your servant anytime." Oh dear, Boss is lovestruck. Earn thought the line was cringy nonetheless she replied Boss with her charming smile.

Bright greeted the girls with his usual prince like charms. Since the magazine club and Bright would be working together in the future being familiar with each other is normal.

"Hey Man I thought you'll be bringing girls with you I don't see any. Do we have to wait for them?" Fong whispered to Man making sure Pear doesn't hear their conversation.

"Bad luck bro. For some reason all the girls I asked were unavailable but don't worry about Earn just look at Boss, it's love at first sight for this guy. Can't believe I'll be third wheeling with this handsome face of mine."

Man tsked looking disappointed at the situation.

"Everyone got their tickets? What are we waiting for? Let's---"

"Got mine too. Aren't you guys gonna wait for me?" Everyone turned to the person who interrupted Fong.

It was Pam waving her tickets to them. Win looked at Fong accusingly. How many people did he invited? Might as well invite the whole class and consider this as a field trip.

"Pam!? Err...how did you.." Man is lost for words. Scratching his head scanning everyone's reaction. The atmosphere became awkward. Earn and Pear greeted Pam with a smile. Fong, Boss, and Man stared at each other.

Win greeted politely while Bright did nothing.

"Some of the girls at school talked about Man asking them to visit the amusement park but got rejected. So I figured why won't I go instead of them. I love amusement parks. This is gonna be fun right Bright?"

Pam excitedly dragged Bright towards the entrance, the rest of them followed behind.

Man had the feeling that everyone will be blaming him for this. Pam just self invited herself? Who does that?

"Oi, Where's your energy? Cheer up, it's not bad to have Pam with us anyways. You and I do our best third wheeling okay?" Win offered the box of chocolates to Man.

"Third wheeling? Isn't that what she's doing now?" Man mumbled eating a chocolate from the box.

The vibe inside the park is contagious. Everyone started to look up at the pamphlets of all the different rides the park offers.

Starting on what food to eat to what rides should they try first it was resolve by the ancient method of "paper, rock, scissors" game.

Pear pointed at a booth where people are trying to shoot cans down, if one succeeds dolls, teddy bears, etc. of their choice will be given as prizes.

The girls got excited so as Fong and Boss. This is a great opportunity to show off their charms getting the girls some prizes.

Man, Boss and Fong gets competitive. Racing who's going to get 1st and the most prizes out of this game.

"Come on Bright please? I really want that cute pink plushie. Can you get it for me?"

Pam pleaded cutely at the unmoving Bright. Win, him and Pam were just standing watching their friends battle.

"Pam you don't need me for that. Let Man get that for you. Look, he's almost winning."

"Hmph. Okay fine. I know you don't like playing these games anyway." Pam left. She cheered for Man pointing at the plushie she badly wants.

"You don't like these kind of games? Really?" Win questioned Bright curiously.

"If there's no reason to play why would I? The prizes don't interest me." Win wandered his eyes at the prizes. Bright has a point though but he could've just done it for Pam.

Win's eyes landed on a white teddy bear. A memory flashed on Win making him stare at it for long.

"Do you like that teddy bear?" Bright noticed Win's stare. The bear's size is half that of a human with a large blue ribbon wrapped in it's neck.

"Not really. It's just funny coz I have the same teddy bear at home, a small one. It's light brown with red ribbons, it's really cute. I have it since I was little."

Is it bad to miss the teddy bear?

The first gift given to him by his parents. Win treasures it so much.

Sigh, hope it's not lonely back at home.

Bright approached the employee in charge of the booth asking him the price of the teddy bear.

"Young man. This is not for sale. If you want one just do what others are doing and play the game okay?"

The employee's tone suggests he's not impressed at the man in front of him. Bright understood this, he picked up the fake gun and smiled smugly at the employee.

1,   2,   3 ,   4,   5  ....

The line of cans were down one by one. Man whistled. Boss and the girls clapped energetically. Fong's jaw dropped. In the end, Bright won all the prizes for the them.

"He's too perfect. Let's not bring him next time."

Fong texted to Man pasting a wide smile after. Hungry after a battle they headed next to buy some snacks.

"Pfft. What happened to not playing? But you were so cool there Bright. You're like a sniper. Baam! Baam!"

Win teased immitating Bright's moves at the booth. Bright smiled shyly.

"Can you hold this for me Win." The white teddy bear Win was staring at, Bright is now giving it to him. What a big teddy! Win struggled to hold it in his arms.

"Woah you got this!? It's really big and cute. Not giving it to the girls? P--Pam might like it."


"I think Fong is mad at me, so, no. Man can take care of Pam. Besides, I let them choose any prize they want from the booth except this."

"Huh? Why?" Win balances the teddy bear in his arms.

Bright took one step, placing his finger at the center part of the teddy bear where the heart is located.

"Because this...is MINE. The only one for me." And smiled confidently.

Win doesn't know where the words was really directed to coz at the same time he's holding the bear close to where his heart is.

"What a lucky bear." Win joked squeezing the bear.

Bright wanted to say more but again got interrupted. Pam dragged him telling them to hurry up coz the others are waiting.

"Pear want some cotton candy? They're selling different flavors of it, look." Sharing food is one way to get closer to her Fong thought.

Pear will bite one end and Fong on the other. Fufufu.

"Earn what flavor do you want I'll buy it for you."

Boss quickly fished out his wallet scanning the prices of each flavor. Earn seems happy with not spending money for food.

Pam looked at Pear and Earn happily chatting what flavor to pick. Pam turned to Man expecting him to do the same as what Fong and Boss is doing but Man disappeared.

Man took a quick detour to the comfort room sneakily. His wallet cannot take all the expenses for this girl. Bright shove the responsibility of taking care of the Council President to him.

Pam is jealous. She feels so left out looking at Pear and Earn. Asking Bright wouldn't work. He would just make Man buy it for her Pam thought.

"Bright can't you buy Pam some cotton candy? She looks like she want one. Or should I buy it for her?" Pam seems sad and out of place. Win knows she came uninvited but dismissing her completely is not right.

Pam did nothing wrong, it's unfair to treat her like this.

"Sigh. Win, you're really---alright. I'll buy one for her so stop looking sad like that."

Why are you so adorable my bunny? If you're like this I'm worried others will take advantage of you.

Bright approached Pam and talked to her. She immediately lighten up and got confused on what flavor she wants.

"Omg. Look at them. They look so good together!"

"Shh. Quiet they might hear you."

"The world is unfair! A handsome boy and a beautiful girl always ends up together."

"Are they celebrities? Quick take a pic."

Even in the amusement park Pam and Bright's chemistry is undeniable. It must be normal to hear conversations like this.

Under the colorful amusement lights, amidst the crowd of people passing by Win stared at the three couples in front of him.

His friend Fong with Pear...

Boss with Earn...

And Bright with Pam.

"Want some cotton candy too?" Win held the teddy bear in front of him pretending to talk to it cheerfully.

Win's fine. Really. It's not the first time anyway.

He suddenly felt thirsty and left the couples quietly to find something to drink.

I bet I look funny. A grown man walking alone with a teddy bear half his size in hand. Win passed by an assortment of booth that sells drinks but he badly wanted only one drink in particular.

Finally, Win found one booth that has his favorite Blue Hawaiian drink. A meter from it is a bench Win sat on it deciding to finish the drink first before going back to them.

Win placed the teddy bear beside him.

"Next time I'll let you meet your twin. He's smaller than you. Has red ribbons instead of blue. You're cute but his way more cuter. He'll be happy to have a new friend hehe."

Patting it's head, the bear is Win's companion for tonight.

Sipping the drink Win was reminded of the moments that happened over the past months. If he hadn't helped Fong that day in the cafeteria would he still have an opportunity to talk to Bright like now?

Will there still be sticky notes on his drink in the future?

"Why isn't he answering?" Bright dialed again but it's still unanswered.

"Maybe...maybe he just went to the comfort room Bright." Pam said trying to calm Bright who's starting to look worried.

Man got back from hiding and told them he hadn't seen Win in the comfort room.

"Um, well, maybe Fong can---" Bright left to find Win not waiting for them to follow. Pam called him but he's not listening anymore.

"Come on Win answer the call. Where the heck are you?" Sweeping every corner of the amusement park Bright tried to dial Win's number again.

Just leaving Win for a minute and now he's gone?

This place is wide with lots of people. What if he got robbed? Threatened? Or lost?

Bright is seconds away from calling the police luckily he spotted Win safely sitting on a bench alongside the teddy bear. Win seems deep in thought staring at his drink.

Bright wanted to scold Win for making him exhausted running aimlessly but he doesn't have the heart to do that not when he sees Win kind of down.

"Found you. And here I thought you kidnapped my teddy bear and left us." Bright joked. Win was startled and stood up wracking his brains of what excuses to say to Bright.

"Girl what are you doing? Hurry up the firework show is starting!"

A group of girls passed by them heading towards one of the amusement park highlights for the night, the Grand Firework show.

"Let's go Win." Bright pulled Win by the hand following the crowd towards the firework show.  

They manage to find a perfect spot to view the whole show. Win feels like his hand is on fire, Bright still hadn't let go of it.

"Watch the fireworks with me. I'm still sulking about you kidnapping the teddy bear so you have no choice." Bright knows how to tease a person if he really wanted to.

Win squeezed the teddy tighter to his arms. He only has one hand to hold it with coz the other, ehm, well, is still in Bright's grasped.

The countdown begins.






The grand show of fireworks lit up the night sky. Somewhere, Fong and Pear shared a peice of cotton candy, Boss and Earn bond over food, Boss keeps pointing at the fireworks entertaining Pam.

"Wow! How can they make such shapes like that? Look! A star, a heart? Oh a flower! Bright look there! These fireworks are beautiful."

Win can't hide his inner childishness pointing everything he sees in the night sky.

All eyes were focused appreciating the grandeur of fireworks lighting up the whole amusement park except for one handsome man who has his eyes stuck staring at the person beside him.

Win continued being fascinated with the fireworks, laughing and smiling widely all the while in Bright's mind he wishes the fireworks will continue to shine forever up in the sky.

"Yes. It's truly beautiful."

Tonight, the hands of two people continued to intertwine without them realizing.


I was worried coz I have this bad habbit of not finishing things that I had started. I have little knowledge about romance and flirting to be honest. It's just me imagining things and trying to express it in writing. The truth is I was planning to drop my two stories altogether. Just go AWOL on wattpad coz I have low self-esteem, I'm not confident with it and is always on the negative side but seeing the read counts and all the uplifting comments encouraged me. I'm not joking when I said your support inspires me.

I don't post anything, slow on my replies and just plain boring but still I'll keep thanking all the people who made my dream of being a story writer come true ♥️♥️♥️.

P.S. Badly needed your suggestions on what to name the bears with 😂


White - *name you like*

Brown - *name you like*

I'll anticipate it. Thank you ♥️😂