
So There Is A Reason Why It's Only Rare Grade...

<Headquarters: Black Dragon WG>

<1st Squad monthly meet>

In a big fancy room, there was a huge table in the middle. Around the table were soft couches. Five people were sitting there.

A man with long yellow hair slammed his teacup down hard. His face was red with anger. "That idiot monk caused trouble again, even after we told him many times not to. Tsk!! Now, the guild doesn't have enough money to get him out of jail. We always have to spend most of our funds on him only. what a bastard."

A girl with blue hair sipped her tea calmly. "Calm down. Don't get too worked up. This is not the first time he has done this, and he never listens to us anyway."

A middle-aged man spoke, "Well, he is the reason our Black Dragon group is still number four, even though many talented members of the first squad left. So we can't really do anything about it, after all, he is the main pillar of Black Dragon." 

Taking a small pause, His eyes moved towards the handsome young man with black hair sitting on the other side of the table, "Now that we have one of the greatest talents joining us. With the Sword Saint here, now we don't entirely have to depend on that crazy monk, we might even be able to move up in the ranks too." He let out a small chuckle.

The black-haired man shrugged modestly. "You think too highly of me. I just became S rank."

"You're being too humble," the blue-haired woman smiled. "Well, it won't take you long to surpass that troublesome monk and those high Pendragons. After all, you are the genius of your generation. You achieved S rank at the mere age of 32."

The middle-aged man suddenly laughed and said in a loud voice, "Well, I have some interesting news. I heard the Volford kid is joining our youth camp for new Wardens." 

When he mentioned Volford, the Sword Saint's face became dark, but he remained silent.

The blue-haired girl asked with a frown, "Volford? Isn't Ragnar the last Volford?"

The middle-aged man glanced at the Sword Saint's hardening expression. "He had a son. His name was... hmm, what was it again? Ah yes, Asuka Volford, is that right?"

"Oh, I didn't know Ragnar had a son." The girl's eyes went wide with interest. "But why does his son have a Japanese name? Whatever, we now finally have Volford blood in our guild, and that's what matters. So, how is he? Is he talented?

"He was raised by the Kaito family," the man said, looking at the black-haired man. "You probably know more about his talent."

The Sword Saint then finally replied in a firm voice "I don't know that, but I think you all shouldn't hype it much. Keeping high expectations from him just because of him being Volford, you are putting pressure on him." 

with a small pause, he again continued, "It's his path, so he will decide if he wants to work with Black Dragon or not, if he wants to be a Warden or not. It's his choice. I want you to keep that in mind." Keeping his cup down, with a blank face Sword Saint moved out, "Now that the meeting is over, I will take my leave."

After he left, finally, the man who had been sitting silently in the corner all the time mumbled in a low voice, "I wonder why Ragnar allowed his dear son to be with the Kaito." He grinned, "What are you planning, Ragnar?"


<After 2 days>

Asuka woke up from his bed. Glancing around his bedroom, he spotted his katana propped in the corner. 

He looked down at his hands, remembering yesterday's training with the Standing Wind technique. After hours of practice, he could now perform all six forms, though his mastery was still at a minor level. 

A small smile tugged at his lips, for now, he was quite satisfied with it. 

There are four stages of mastery for learning any art/technique: minor mastery when you're able to perform it, followed by intermediate mastery, advanced mastery, and perfection. There is also a fifth stage, only available for some, when you have grasped every aspect of the art and can tweak it to suit you better, also improving it. That is the enlightenment stage.

Asuka stretched his arms above his head with a yawn. Today was the awakening ceremony at the Black Dragon training grounds. Asuka had to be there. Snatching up his katana, he headed for the door.

As he came closer to the stairs, he spotted an unusual guest, a man looking in his 30s, with long black hair and blue eyes, sitting leisurely on the sofa. All the staff and Yuna were present beside him, catering to his needs as he calmly drank his tea.

Asuka's brow furrowed in confusion. "Brother?" he asked in a low, surprised murmur.

Putting down his tea, the man looked at Asuka. "So you finally woke up. I heard you achieved minor mastery in Standing Wind."

"Ah, well... yes," Asuka answered hesitantly.

"Then come to the training ground."

"What for? I have to attend the awakening ceremony."

Cold eyes bored into Asuka. "I'm waiting. Come quickly."

With his brother's words still hanging in the air, Asuka could only nod obediently. Still, in his night dress, he fell into step behind the imposing figure.

As they went, Asuka stole a glance at Yuna, who kept her eyes downwards. "What's he up to?" he muttered under his breath.

Yuna's voice was barely audible. "I don't know, Master. But Master Hayato seems...in a foul mood today. I think you should do as he says."

"Tsk! What a hassle right after I woke up," Asuka muttered, letting out a sigh.

He then quickly walked up to the training ground, spotting his brother in the same place he usually practised in front of the wooden doll. 

"So what are we going to do?" Asuka asked, irritation evident in his voice as he clutched his katana.

Hayato's sharp eyes fixed on the sword in Asuka's grip, "Hmm...Get ready!"

"Get ready for what?"

Hayato wasn't holding any kind of weapon. He then quickly stretched out two fingers, pulsing mana into them, forming a sharp blue mana blade. 

The intensity was so sharp, that hot steam was surrounding it. Hayato's blue eyes then locked at Asuka.

Asuka stumbled back a step. "Hey hey... wait, what are you up to? I know you don't like me, but killing me is too much," His free hand raised defensively.

Hayato didn't reply. With a flick of his wrist, he slashed out, releasing a strong mana energy blast straight at Asuka's chest.

Gritting his teeth, Asuka focused inward, gripping his katana tightly to gather his own mana. Just as the blast neared, he drew the blade in one fluid motion. 

"Whirlwind defence!" he muttered as he unsheathed his katana, generating a rapid spinning motion to form a protective barrier.

But before his barrier could form, the strike curved at the last instant, the mana slash moved from his side, hitting the hand holding his katana, making him drop the katana.

However, there was no visible injury, just before the direct hit, the mana slash vanished.

Asuka let out a strong gasp, panting heavily as he dropped to his knees.

"Why do you think you failed?" looking down at him, Hayato's cold voice cut through the ringing in Asuka's ears. 

"Because you're so strong and maybe you like to dominate your juniors," Asuka said in a sarcastic voice, panting heavily.

"Hmm, looks like you failed to grasp the true meaning of Standing Wind. When you first learned it, you probably thought it to be more than just a rare grade technique, right?"

"Yeah, how did you know?" Asuka's brow furrowed. "Was it the same for you too?"

Hayato shook his head minutely. "Unlike you, I didn't rush my learning." His fierce gaze bored into Asuka. "Read it again, the whole Standing Wind technique is based on its first form. You failed because you didn't do the first form before the third."

Asuka opened his mouth to retort, then paused. "Do I always have to do the first form? Won't that make me vulnerable to sudden attacks?"

"Exactly, that's why it's only a rare grade technique. With enough practice, you can overcome it. But still, I'm quite impressed. I thought you wouldn't even be able to control your mana." Hayato said as he glanced down at Asuka, with an appraising look.

He then turned around. "I will ask the family to send you a better technique if you want."

Pushing himself upright, Asuka brushed off his clothes. "No, I think I will focus on this."

Hayato stopped, his back still facing Asuka. "Asuka, I know you committed murder yesterday. Day by day, you're acting more like your father, walking on the path of crime." 

He turned, piercing eyes locking on Asuka's. "Whatever reasons you think you have, they don't justify murder. I'll be honest, I've never liked you. I came here intending to punish you. But..." 

He paused, his jaw tightening. "You showed me your passion for the sword. I want to believe in that. I want to believe you'll change. Asuka, please, don't do anything to harm the family's reputation now. Your mother has...Tsk, let it be." Hayato sighed as he walked away, his tone was cold, but carried an undercurrent of concern.

Asuka continued to stare at Hayato as he left the training ground. "Fair enough, even I despise this loser," Asuka mumbled before standing up.





Thanks for reading! So did you like the chapter?

I've got a question for you: Why do you think Asuka doesn't live with his father? If you manage to make sensible Answer I will share Asuka's illustration. (Well I will do it either way hehe!)

And what are your thoughts on the character of the Sword Saint? I know it's a bit early to judge, but I'm curious to hear your initial impressions.

Also, don't forget to comment and vote for me with power stones—they're the fuel to my motivation.

Thanks again, and I hope you continue to enjoy the story!

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