
Why Is Guildmaster So Obsessed With Me???

Hayato paused at the training ground's edge, his stern eyes locking with Asuka's. "Just attend the awakening ceremony, Don't bother with the entrance exam, your current skills won't qualify you." He took a small pause before continuing, "I'll handle securing your admission directly."

Without a word, Asuka simply nodded his acceptance from where he sat off to the side seat. 

Hayato turned towards steering, pressing the gas pedal, Hayato raced the grey-coloured Supra towards the Black Dragon Warden Guild training ground's parking.


<In Black Dragon WG Training Grounds>

In a huge, grand hall, there was a large blue crystal near a large stage with chairs for five people. Sitting on those chairs were the squad captains of different squads of the Black Dragon WG.

As this place held great importance for the Black Dragon Guild, the roof was decorated with various artworks showing the guild's long history, and many chandeliers hanging from the ceiling were emanating blue light, giving it a sophisticated and pleasant feeling.

Along the sidelines, a crowd of spectators murmured and cheered in eager anticipation of the awakening ceremony soon to take place.

Though the guild's reputation had waned in recent times, it still held considerable heritage as part of the CCE and had a huge fanbase, though nothing compared to the guild's prime days.

The awakening ceremony was an important event for both the individuals and the guild, shaping the future of both. The young ones lined up near the blue crystal were the guild's potential future Wardens.

*Step! Step!*

The murmurs, cheers, and all types of noise died down, a sudden quietness fell over the grand hall as a man with black hair made an unexpected appearance, stepping onto the platform. Wearing a formal black suit and pants, he bore an intimidating aura.

"Holy shit! The Sword Saint?" one trainee burst out, eyes wide with disbelieving excitement.

"Man, now it's getting exciting. The only reason I came to this guild was because of the Sword Saint," another one spoke loudly.

A third chuckled. "Yeah, with how things are going, the guild is in a declining state. But I also took the bait on the Sword Saint and joined. He surely can make the guild reach new heights. He can be the new Crazy Monk, but a more useful one, haha!"

"Did you hear about the Sillan Valley raid yesterday?" his friend cut in eagerly. 

The previous guy again continued, "Yeah, it was a total disaster until the Sword Saint showed up. Three whole squads would've been wiped out if not for his Dimension Break technique. He took down seven A-rank ENDs singlehandedly! It was all over the news for the whole day yesterday."

The previously subdued cheering started up again, but this time with even louder noise. After all, the Sword Saint was one of the guild's most important figures, and also part of the 12 Prodigies of the Generation – a title given to the extremely talented Wardens of the current generation.

"Sword Saint, what are you doing here?" A frown creased the blonde woman's features who was sitting at the corner of the stage.

The man's cold gaze turned dismissively toward her, "Being part of the First Squad, I think I have enough authority to be here."

Before she could say anything further, an attendant swiftly brought out an additional chair for the Sword Saint to take his place among the other captains.

"Proceed with the ceremony," the Sword Saint said in a loud voice.

"No, wait!" an unexpected voice cut through the Sword Saint's command.

"Now what?" Again, the woman at the corner frowned, looking at her watch. "I have a date. Start it already."

Many soldiers with military guns, wearing blue suits and helmets with the Black Dragon Warden Guild's badge on the chest, appeared. Positioning themselves near the stage. They were the guild's special forces.

And with them, a man with a casual dress, short blond hair and blue eyes, made an appearance.

"Miss Alisa, you look too impatient," the blond-haired man remarked lightly as he approached.

"Ah no, Guildmaster, I...was...just..."

"I have time on my hands, so can I take your place, Miss Alisa, if you don't mind..." Without waiting for a response, he slid into the vacant chair she'd hastily abandoned, leaning back with a relaxed air.

Alisa could only stare for a moment before hurrying off, her cheeks flushed. "Thanks Guildmaster!!"

"Hayato, don't you think I'm such a kind man?" the Guildmaster asked in a playful tone.

Hayato's steely gaze didn't waver, he replied in a serious tone, his eyes fixed on the Guildmaster's, "If you're here for Asuka, I think you should focus on other important matters."

"My, so cold, Hayato san!" The blond-haired man's voice remained light and playful. "I'm merely curious about the boy. You're here for the same reason, are you not? No need for such rudeness between us."

Then he began to observe all the trainees lined up, searching for a boy with crimson eyes, which was the sign of the Volford family. Only someone with Volford blood possessed this eye colour, as crimson eyes were not a naturally occurring eye colour.

The reason only the Volfords possessed them was because of a lineage blessing the Volfords received. A lineage blessing was something only the great clans possessed, another reason why they were hailed as nobility.

It didn't take long for the Guildmaster to spot a fat boy in the middle of the very first line possessing the crimson eyes. The boy was standing straight, folding his hands. Though he was watching the front, he seemed somewhat lost in thought.

A wide, playful smile tugged at the Guildmaster's lips. "You're right, Hayato-san. I do have important matters to handle, so I'll make this quick."


"Call that fat boy first for the awakening," the Guildmaster ordered, pointing at Asuka.

"But, Guildmaster, it won't be fair for those standing before him. Whoever it is, we can't treat them specially," one of the squad leaders sitting nearby voiced out.

"You're overthinking it, Mr Van Who goes first or second doesn't really matter," the Guildmaster said with the same playful smile, though opposite to his facial expression and words his intimidating aura, signalled him to shut up.

Cowering, with a simple nod, the squad leader sitting next averted his eyes elsewhere.

Upon being called out unexpectedly, frowning faintly, Asuka made his way through the parting lines toward the blue crystal.

As he walked past the second row, his gaze fell on a black-haired girl. She was beautiful, but her gaze was sharp, her eyes showing disgust toward him as if she hated him to the point that she was barely controlling herself from slapping him.

Ignoring her, Asuka faced the crystal again. Just then, a realization hit him. Being cool just a moment ago, now beads of sweat formed on his forehead, Swallowing hard, with awkwardness, he again turned toward her.





Thanks for reading, everyone! So How was the chapter did you like it?

As promised, here's the illustration of Asuka.....

Extra Info: About CCE Guilds....

1. The 10 guilds under the CCE have the authority to maintain their own private armies. They are also allowed to conduct research on the Ends.

2. Only CCE Guilds have permission to carry out missions related to the Ends. This is because humanity still doesn't fully understand the extent of their powers or why the Ends have been peaceful for many years, turning Australia into their paradise.

3. The CCE Guilds are not private, So they are funded by all UN member countries. Each guild receives different levels of funding based on their performance.

If you have any questions about the story, feel free to comment!

A big thank you to all the readers who have voted with power stones. If you haven't voted yet, please do, it really motivates me.

Thanks again for reading, and I hope you continue doing so...

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