

Tomura watched as the Quinjet landed on his labs roof, he stood and effortlessly cleared the 30 feet jump between his roof and the labs.

A door opened with a whir and Tomura walked into the jet. Tony was about to open his mouth for some snarky comment but saw the look on Tomuras face and decided for his tongues sake to keep his mouth closed.

The Nomu followed shortly behind, Wanda and Pietro looked at each other in slight disbelief and then turned to stare at the mutant they saw not too long ago.

Steve looked the teenager up and down, his outfit was pristine but the boys face. He had large eyebags and such anger radiating from him that it was conceding.

"You okay Tomura?" He asked the teenager who met his crystal blue eyes with the sharp rageful red ones.

He didn't respond and sat down on the large bench in the jet.

Tony couldn't resist opening his mouth once. "Not very talky, get us going now Clint"


"Ultron knows we're coming, odds are we're riding into heavy fire. We chose this, the people of Sokovia, they didn't. So our main priority is to get them out, all they want is to live in peace. That won't happen today, so we need to do our best. Then we find Romanoff, find out what Ultron is building." Steve took a deep breath

"This isn't about only beating Ultron, this is about proving him wrong about us being monsters" Steve said as the Quinjet landed.

The Avengers and Twins took well to the speech, Tomura didn't care to listen and was only hearing one thing in his head.

'The doctors said I might-probably won't ever walk again'

Sterns voice was bouncing around his skull as his eyes narrowed.

The door to the jet opened and the Avengers rushed into the city to save people and stop a threat to the world.

"Nomu, kill as many Ultron bots as you can" the black shadow blurred and kicked a nearby ultron bot into pieces and then blurred again as he started to deal with the surrounding bots.

Tomura just walked through the chaos surrounding him.

Every step he took rang through his ears.

Every step seemed to reverberate through his entire body. He walked past fleeing families, he walked past fighting Avengers.

He had waited a long time.

'The doctors said I might-probably won't ever walk again'

He felt the ground shift below him as Sokovia started to rise from the ground.

Screams erupted around him, as buildings crumbled and fell.


He was used to it, his eyes finally came across the thing he was looking for.

Ultron, the robot stood 9 feet tall and had shoulders broader than any man.

It spotted him aswell and laughed lowly. "Ahh Tomura Shigaraki right?" Ultron did some obscene hand gestures "that was rhetorical, I know your name." The robot clarified.

"I know your name aswell, Ultron" Tomura said with a straight face.

"Oh, well done I also know a Samuel Sterns, he was in the hospital, well I guess he is still in the Hospital." Ultron laughed lightly.

"I forgot that Hospitals have their own morgues don't they"

Tomuras roaring blood fell silent as a few silent seconds passed.

"What?" His voice had gone empty, did Ultron think he killed Sterns "Sterns is fine, he-"

"May not be able to walk again right?" Torumas blood ran cold. "Yeah I heard, you didn't find the chip one of my bots got onto his neck?"

Toruma felt the ground shake beneath him, he looked down and saw his hands shaking.

His palms burned.

"Well when you last visited him, this morning I decided I got bored of listening in, I got the chip to just kill the man"

Toruma was deadly silent.

"Simple electric shock, especially on a recovering man it's very eas-"

Toruma shook his head in denial, he had saved Sterns, he saved him. Toruma looked down at his clenched fists.

He should have stayed with Sterns.

What use is revenge to a dead man.

Is there comfort in knowing your killer is dead.

His eyes burned and he forgot where he was.

He was on a battlefield, he would be quickly reminded.

A fist the size of a human head planted itself into Torumas chest with a crack as several of Torumas ribs snapped.

He was sent flying back into a building behind and crashed through the wall, he heard ringing running through his head.

He tried to stand but felt a large foot place itself onto his chest and push.

Toruma screamed into the sky not in rage but pain. He could feel his chest start to give and fall apart at the seams.

He looked into the red eyes of the robot and weakly placed his palm onto the robots foot.


Toruma coughed blood and looked at the smiling robot above him.

He thought back to Sterns, this thing had killed the man.

He thought back to Logan and Jean.

He thought he would get some burst of energy, some sudden increase in power but nothing.

He just felt hate.

Tears burned at his eyes.

Ultrons body was sent flying by a sudden blow of a hammer, but the feeling didn't stop.

The rage in his body, it ravaged him, he could feel his heart beating too fast, his collapsed lungs trying to breathe but failing and his blood roaring for a fight.


His eyes opened, it was not a surprise.

He knew he would wake here. He stood up and turned to the podium and saw the hand.

The hand, it must have known about All For One.

He felt his fists shaking.

"We ar-"

"Shut up" Tomuras anger was clear in his voice as it rang out in the church.

He looked around the church, the engravings, the windows the very floor and walls look like they've been decayed.

Then he came to a realisation.

He blinked.

This is his, this is a church dedicated to him.

'Would a pastor speak to Jesus in such a way' he thought to himself angrily.

This is his.

He took echoing steps towards the hand.

"Stop, we need to figh-"

"We, will do nothing." Torumas voice rang out. "I've figured it out hand, you're not mine"

The hand twitched.

The hand was a crutch, a limiter. It was All For Ones.

"Your here to keep me in check, to make sure I do what All For One wants-"

"DONT SAY THAT NAME!" The hand screamed.

Toruma was now only feet away from the hand. "Your just a crutch, your something that isn't needed in my place of worship." His voice was cold.

"Your place of worship! Boy I built this church!" The hand was suddenly articulate as it twitched and clenched.

"Yes, you built it" Toruma placed his palm against the giant open palm of the hand. "For me" his blood was roaring as he activated decay.

The hand cracked and then smashed apart into decayed chunks on the floor.

The energy released from the Hand was released in a shockwave that rattled the stained glass windows.

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