
All Mine

The divine energy he experienced when fighting the sinister six was burning through his body and healing his wounds while strengthening his muscles.

The energy the hand had siphoned from Tomura was now back with a vengeance as it flowed through his veins.

He was held back.

He stood up and faced Ultron, the robot was punching Thor.

But now I'm Free

The thought resonated within him as before Ultron could even realise Tomura had swung a closed fist towards the robot.

The bot went flying into a wall and before it could reground itself Tomuras palm planted itself directly onto its face.

Ultron screamed in anger as his faceplate was slowly decayed, his fist lashed out and sent the mutant flying.

Not for long as Tomura came back with a viscous grin on his blood covered face. He grabbed Ultrons ankle and started to decay, while was doing that he swung his body in a circle and threw the robot towards Thor who wound up his hammer and smashed Ultrons face into the ground below.

Thor took the advantage and hit Ultrons slowly recovering body with the lightning of the gods.

Tomura came in shortly behind and placed his hand on the back of Ultrons head, the metal slowly decaying away.

This was a game of attrition, this was no quick fight. This was about who stayed on their feet longest.

And the rage burning in Tomura Shigaraki.

It was going to keep him standing.

He dodged a clumsy strike of Ultrons hand and placed his palm on the back of Robots head again watching as grams of metal slowly decayed

Dozens of Ultrons bots suddenly surrounded the duo.

"NOMU!" Tomura screamed into the air.

In seconds what used to high functioning machines were reduced to scrap by a blur of black muscle.

Ultron suddenly stood and punched Thor, almost sending him off the floating Island. Tomura dodged underneath a sudden punch from the massive robot and tried to place his hand against the same right ankle he had been targeting before.

Instead of getting his hands on the ankle he got a Vibranium knee to the face that sent him reeling backwards and most certainly broke his nose.

Ultron advanced on the blurry eyes teenager but was caught in the jaw with a gods hammer.

Ultron screamed in rage, as he flew towards the approaching Thor.


The Nomu came from nowhere an disrupted Ultrons flight path with a sudden kick, then the beast then fled and waited for the next opportunity.

And already found it.

Both Thor, Nomu and Tomura ran to Ultron, he was on his back facing up. Thor placed his Hammer on one of Ultrons open palms and then Nomu and Thor both held down the other arm with their strength.

Tomura was sat on Ultrons chest with his palms directly placed on the screaming bots face.

The robot was screaming in rage as it struggled to lift Thor and Nomu off his arm.

"Looks-" Thor grunted in extertion "like your not worthy" Thor said with a bloody grin.

Tomura laughed as he looked down at the struggling Robot, it's faceplate was unrecognisable and one of its eyes was half decayed.

"How's it feel!" Tomura screamed into the Robots face.

Thor suddenly let go of the arm and flew towards an odd machine.

Ultron threw the nomu then grabbed Tomuras face and smashed it into the concrete below, again and again.


The robot stood and left the bloody form behind as he rushed over to the machine in the centre of the island.

Tomura tried to stand and fell back to the ground, his face was bleeding and his skull might be fractured but he didn't care.

He tried to stand again and fell to the floor with Nomu protecting his body from dozens of Ultron bots.


Thor had to let go of Ultrons arm, he flew over the machine. If the key is turned in this machine, the island will fall from the sky and billions will die.

He mentally apologised and decided he would buy Tomura some mead after this and explained what his father told him about.

All For One.

The very name sent shivers down his spine. He killed the bot trying to turn the key and watched as Vision started to fight the Ultron bot.

"All civilians are off the island! I repeat every civilian is off the island" Tony said down the odd device in Thors ear.

"So now we need to defend that Key and take Ultron down" Natasha said into the device.

Then Thor heard Steve speak "Avengers Assemble!"

He laughed and used a zap of lightning to take down an annoying bot.


The Avengers and the twins circled the machine that if turned off would destroy the earth and fought off all the Ultron bots attacking trying to turn the key.

Thor laughed as he took down the last 12 ultron bots and turned to Ultrons main body "Is that all you've got!" He shouted to the robot.

The robot laughed, it was now remarkably deformed from Tomuras decay with one of its eyes flashing on and off.

"No, this is all I've got" he said as thousands of ultron bots came running, flying and crawling towards the Avengers.

Thor felt a hand on his shoulder and turned ready to hit the threat with his hammer only to see a bloody, grinning manic looking Tomura.

Tomura pulled Thor back and got directly infront of the thousands of bots running at the group like a medieval army.

Wandas eyes focused on the black draped form with shining white hair.

He dropped to a knee

He touched the ground with a single palm.

And then the world came apart.

The ground crumbled to ash, then the ultron bots touching the ground turned to ash, then anything touching the ultron bots turned to ash and it spread and spread.

Within a second half of the island had disappeared and turned to ash.

Where Ultrons bots once stood was now air, the floor was gone, the ground was gone.

Ultron looked below and saw the ground, not the ground of the floating island but the earths ground.

A few seconds of complete silence took hold.

Until Tomura laughed.

The silence was broken by his manic laugh.

Tony's eyes were wide, the kid just took out half of an island.

And now he's laughing.

Ultron screamed in frustration and threw his body at the laughing teenager.

Nomu intercepted the Robot and made him crash into a nearby half destroyed house.

Tomura suddenly threw himself towards the house, and got punched by the prepared Ultron and he was sent flying back to the group of heroes.

He wiped his bloody nose and watched as Vision started to clash with Ultrons main body. He used his mind stone to send a beam that sent the robot flying backwards.

Tomura took advantage and ran towards the rolling Ultron, he follow the rolling bot and punched it into the ground below.

He placed both of his palms onto the side of Ultrons head, he watched as the head sparked with a grin on his face.

Ultron threw a punch towards the teenagers gut that was intercepted by a flying Nomu, the other hand was suddenly grabbed by the android Vision and held to the ground while Ultron grunted in frustration.

He got his hand free of Nomu and Thor then stepped on the metal appendage while his face sparked and both of his eyes decayed.

Not even 15 seconds later Ultrons head was a mix of wires, ash and vibranium.

Thor and Vision both flew away from the dead main body to take down the fleeing ultron bots.

Tomura screamed into the sky like an animal.

He had won.

Tomura Shigaraki had won.

"Nomu, kill any fleeing bots" he ordered to the already flying Nomu.

He stood off of the body and turned around, dozens of bots were still trying to destroy the core.

With only one person defending it from ultron bots.

Wanda, that was a face he recognised.

Magnetos daughter.


Wanda was quite easily defending the core from the ultron bots trying to turn the key and kill the human race.

And the mutants.

She had been using her powers for years, she knew how they worked and Pietro was the same.

She had no worries that she would be able to defend this machine and that Pietro would be able to fight off any fleeing bots.

So she was surpirsed when she noticed someone also taking out the bots surrounding her.

She recognised him, it was the white haired teenager she met back at Xavier's.

She felt uneasy even standing on the ground when he was nearby. But right now they were on the same team.

She joined Ultron at first, she thought he just wanted to kill the Avengers. She wanted to prove herself to her father.

When she realised Ultron would kill the whole human race and the mutants.

She changed teams.


Quickly they had killed all of the fleeing bots, Vision got the last one apparently. That was something Tomura was slightly resentful of.

Then the avengers dropped the remains of the island back to the ground slowly after Tony Stark hacked into Ultrons tech with the help of The Vision.

Tomura left the island with the rest of Ultrons vibranium body in his grasp, the amount of Vibranium in this could fund a small army.

He walked into the Quinjet, tired exhausted and dropped onto a seat. Tony quickly noticed the body of Ultron and spoke up.

"Uh, nice corspe can I have that?" He said as he walked towards the body.

Tomura snorted "No, it's mine, spoils of war" he said half jokingly, Thor actually nodded in agreement.

"Uh, yeah kid you see that Ultron guy might have left some stuff in there off maybes it best I take that off your hands" Tony explained, he really was paranoid about Ultron coming back.

Tomura met eyes with the billionaire "If you really want it you can have it, for 500 million" Tony coughed in surprise.

Clint choked, Natasha's eyes widened, Thor laughed and Steve almost died on the spot.

"No, no that's an insane price-" Tony started to say.

Tomura knew what he was doing Tony was trying to get the price dropped. When Toruma found out a metal named Vibranium existed from the files in Avengers tower he looked into it.

"Right now the going price is $15,000 a gram, that's $15,000,000 a kilogram, Tony I'm being kind by only asking for 500 million." Tony sighed.

"What's your bank details kid?" He asked with a sigh "just write them here." He handed the kid a notebook.

"I don't have a bank account, I'm not really a legal citizen I guess. I don't even have a birth certificate."

Tony sighed "Well I'll get you a passport, ID, Birth certificate, but then we drop the price to 450 deal?"

Toruma nodded, 450 million was still one hell of a deal. "Deal"

Tony then sighed and set next to him. "Alright I'm gonna need some information. When's your birthday?"

Toruma thought about it for a moment, he had to choose. "In uh, two days and I'm 17" he said.

Tony nodded "Okay so that's uh, it's October the ninth so two days-"

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