
Trip start

The sun hung over the eastern horizon, a low red circle with a glow of the early morning. It shed light to the ghost town like city with its mass of undead inhabitants and it's central citadel. Zombies could be heard groaning, moaning and growling to the air. A pungent smell of decay, decades old, kissed the nose with each breath like an old hags wet lips.

The hundred meter tall walls of the citadel in the center of the city stood strong and sturdy, a testament to humanity's ingenuity and desperation for survival. No zombie, upper rank or otherwise had ever broken through the defenses and each human hidden inside, believed it would be so forever.

In old Grenhit, at an old two story apartment building, a silhouette could be seen on the roof. His atmosphere was not tense but not warm either, like a whale balanced on a century old frozen lake, unsure when the first crack will come. Lesley tied a knife, one of the few that Mel had found for him yesterday, on his belt. He stood in his white vest, dirty and more brown than white, his squad jacket, which looked like the tested appetizer of a swarm of moths and his blue trousers with combat boots.

He went down on his knees and sharpened another knife that Mel had gotten him yesterday. He didn't know from where the zombie had gotten them though but a part of him had suspicions though. One knife had come with blood on it and he'd demanded if the zombie had killed someone.

The zombie had denied it. That didn't mean he believed it.

He sighed as he looked up at the sky and sharpened the knife faster. They should have already been on their way by now, hell, they were supposed to have gone yesterday but something unprecedented came up.

His thoughts were interrupted when a loud thudding bang on the wall echoed in the partly deserted streets. Lesley grabbed his knife and rushed to the wall where it came from. His face was cold and ready to butcher the undead creature that dared to attack him.

" Oh,it's you. Get up here!" Lesley yelled to the blonde zombie hanging on the side of the wall. The zombie had jumped up and thrust his hands through bricks to climb up Lesley. Like a mountain climber he climbed the side of the apartment until he made it on the roof.

" Good mor- "

" Did you do it? " Lesley cut Mel off before he could finish.

" Yes." Mel said and Lesley nodesd his head.

" Okay, good. They won't bother us too much then." He said and then he turned to the edge and Mel joined him.

" Don't forget to catch me or I'll cut your head off." Lesley warned with a glare and Mel nodded his head quickly before jumping down two stories.

He landed with a loud and earth cracking crunch and Lesley soon jumped after him. He fell down like a suicidal bride before her wedding but luckily someone caught him before he could splat on the ground. Mel caught him gracefully in his arms as if he weighed almost nothing.

" Let's go." Lesley said quickly without bothering with a gesture of gratitude.

The two of them moved across the streets, through alleys and dark corners like fugitives of the law. But they were not hiding from the police or military, instead their persuers were not going to throw them in a prison cell but eat their insides. At least one of their insides.

" Which side? Left or right?" Lesley asked his undead acquaintance. He would beat up anyone who said companion or friend in line with him and Mel.

" They are left, we should go right." Mel said softly and Lesley nodded his head.

" Then we'll go straight." He said decisively and started running down an alley.

" But I said-"

" I heard what you said but I want to check myself, where they are. With my own living eyes. " Lesley said distrustfully," And stop talking, they'll hear."

" They could be close. We should go back and turn right." Mel said to convince him but Lesley kept moving forward.

They got close to the end of the alley, and could see an empty street beyond it, ahead of them. Lesley had his eyes peeled but he wasn't prepared for what happened next.

A screaming woman ran up and turned down the alley, where they were coming from. She was large but not fat, old but not ancient and her clothes looked like the remains of a charity bin's own charity bin. Her face was lined and her bright blue eyes were wide open, as she screamed loud to the world.

Lesley acted fast and turned the other direction, ready to flee from the woman and more importantly whatever was chasing her. Unfortunately when he turned to where they had come from, he saw savage looking men in ugly clothes, almost as ugly as the woman's waiting for them. It was as if they appeared from nowhere. His heart sank and he swore when he saw he was surrounded on both sides.

An animalistic growl next to him, made him realize what was about to happen and he placed his hand on the zombie's chest to stop him. If Mel attacked the survivors then they would have to deal with a lot more than bloodthirsty zombies on their trip. So it was with grim reluctance that Mel didn't attack, Lesley gave a sigh and the woman joined them in her arrest by the savage survivors.

" I should have gone right." He thought as he was tied up.

Yeah, there is a reason that yesterday they did not go on their trip but went today . It's maybe important or maybe not.

the reason that is.

Anyway, if you've read this and have not commented, reviewed or power stoned the book.... I gotta say, I'm mighty disappointed.

Nixel_Lazulicreators' thoughts
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