
When is the marriage?


I slowly blink awake from a very peaceful and deep sleep. I'm so warm, I feel something hard poking me on my ass. I gasp when I feel Aiden tighten his arms around my waist and mumbles something in his sleep and snuggles closer. I'm conscious of every breath he takes and how his hard length is pressed against me. I bit my lips.

When did he even get here? I don't remember getting undercovers. I was waiting for him when I fell asleep yesterday. There's something about Aiden that just feels right. I'm also scared by how things are moving so fast Between us. It's like everything is right where it's supposed to be.

I don't like fast things, they always end bad. Look at me and Damian. When I first met him 3 years ago, I was still in college, he was already working as an intern for his father's business. i saw this guy with brown hair, his eyes were the most beautiful brown eyes I've ever seen. He was confident when he approached me at the bar wearing formal clothing. We hooked up. And then he wanted us to continue meeting up randomly at his place. He would call me and like a puppy I would go to him. It lasted for a year and I was already deeply inlove with him.

I decided to put an end at our arrangement especially at the time my parents cut me off. I was going through a lot and I had no one excerpt for Bianca and Liam. Me and Damian never talked about personal stuff so I couldn't confine in him. A week passed as I was crashing at Liams's place, having no where else to go. Then Damian showed up, confessing his love for me and wanting a relationship. Stupid me was so happy, I accepted it. I moved in his apartment a week later. We were happy and yes we fought like any other couple but I was happy and satisfied. We dated for the 2 years then my birthday happened. God when ever I think about that, I want to cry.

I remember, Damian was not in town traveling for business but promised to come back the night of my birthday. I was happy he was making time for me when he is busy. Liam, a couple of our friends and I went out to celebrate my birthday. Unfortunately for me. I went back to the apartment because I forgot my camera, I used to love taking pictures of everything I stopped that day. When I got there I found Damian bending a guy on our kitchen Iceland. I remember the pain, I couldn't even do anything. I just stood there and watched him fuck the other guy harder. When he saw me standing there, I saw the panic in his eyes and regret but it was too late for that.

After moving out of his apartment, I found my own with the money I've been saving. I stayed at my apartment for weeks crying and weeping until Liam took me to that club and I met Aiden.

"What are you thinking about?" Aiden's hoarse sleepy voice brings me back from my thoughts.

"You." I say. I feel his smile at the back of my neck. He kisses my neck and I shiver.

"What about me?" He mutters while kissing my neck. I bit my lip to suppress a moan

"About how things are moving so fast, I don't know you and I really want to know you before we take things further." I blush, he stops kissing my neck. "If that's what you want." I whisper the last part not wanting to assume he wants to take things further. Maybe he just wants sex.

"Ooh baby don't ever doubt that I want you." He turns me then climbs on top of me. His hands on either side of my face. I blush at his intense stare. I look away.

"Look at me." I immediately obey. "There's nothing I want more than to have you. I want you so badly. Do you understand me?"

I nod, lost of words.

"Now, am I allowed to kiss you now that we are slowing things down." He asks, amusement dancing in his eyes. I nod shyly.

"No baby I want your words. Tell me, tell me I'm allowed to kiss you whenever and wherever I want. " I swallow thickly as my length hardens

"You are allowed to kiss me whenever and wherever you want." I whisper the words.

"Good boy." He says then takes my mouth in a kiss that leaves us both panting and wanting more.

"What about sex? Can I fuck you?" He says panting.

"Not yet." I whisper.

"Mmmh it's worth the wait baby, and when I finally do fuck you, i'm gonna take you all night and savior every sound you make, every touch and every orgasm. " He whispers in my ear and I whimper. He chuckles then stands up and goes into the bathroom.

Minutes later I hear the shower running. God, this guy is going to be the death of me literally. He comes back with a towel wrapped around his waist and I realize this is the first time I'm seeing him with out his top. He is mouth watering. His torso is strong and God those muscles. He is bigger than me. He would've made a fine firefighter. I have a thing for them, don't judge.

"Want help with that?" I look up at Aiden who is smirking at me.

" with what?" I ask confused.

Aiden gestures at me, I look down at my erection. I blush so hard. I pin him with a hard glare and storm into the bathroom, his laugh following me. I take a cold shower, trying to think of anything else aside from Aidens muscles. After I'm done showering. I dress in the bathroom. Aiden is already dressed when I come out .

"You are going to meet the pack today. They are all eager to meet to." He says absently as of its not a big deal . It's like I'm going to meet his parents as his boyfriend.

"Wait what? Now? Do you think they will like me? How do I look? Do they know I tried to run?" I ask panickingly.

"Whoa come down. They are going to like you." He chuckles then his expression turns serious. "Who let you out that night?"

"Ummh I don't know. The door unlocked and when I went to check, there was no one. Is there a problem?"

"No. When you were still dating Damian, did he ever do anything weird that might make you thing something is wrong with him?"

"No never, he was perfectly normal."

"Maybe he hypnotized you to forget." My eyes widen

"He can do that?!" Ooh God I wonder how many times he did. Maybe he even hypnotized me to love him.

"The stronger the vampire, the stronger the hypnosis. I still don't know how strong Damian is. Let's go before we are late. The Alpha doesn't like to be kept waiting. "

He leads me to the larger dining room. Before we even get there, I hear people chatting happily . I'm so nervous. Before we even arrive, the conversation abruptly stops. Damm these werewolves and their strong senses. At the dining table, top seat is a man who looks like he is in his forties sitting there with a hard expression. I guess that's the Alpha then. He resembles Aiden a lot except for the eyes, his are blue whereas Aidens are green. Everyone is looking at me. Aiden walks with me following close towards the end of the table where the Alpha is sitting, there is a chair next to the Alpha.

Aiden sits on the that chair and gestures at the chair besides him. I sit down, Aiden mutters a good morning then introduces me and I follow suit and it is returned by good mornings, nods, frowns and smiles. I'm sitting between Aiden and Bannard then Mike is next, so on. I think people are sitting in ranks. I don't know why I'm sitting closer to the Alpha.

The Alpha picks his fork and everyone follows. I guess you don't eat before the Alpha. I too start eating. People are chatting. Some pregnant woman named Freya who is married to a guy named Sabastian engages me in a conversation asking me where I'm from and other questions and thankfully not anything personal. Others comment lightly. I feel welcomed but I can't help but frown at the man who looks to be about the Alpha age at the other side of the table looking at me with so much hate. What did I do to him?

I can't believe these people are Wolves, they are so kind. A kid even comes to sit on my lap and tells me he is inlove with me. Aiden mutters "he is taken" under his breath and im sure everyone heard him with their hightened senses. Everyone chuckles at the cute boy on my lap. I feed him food while also eating. I'm surprisingly calm and happy. This I can get used to.

"When is the marriage?" I feel Aiden tense besides me. I look up and see it's the guy who has been staring at me with hatred. Everyone quets down as they look at me and Aiden waiting for answers. What is he talking about marriage? I just met Aiden. I look at Aiden and he is looking at his hands and he is clenching his fork so hard I worry it will break.

"Hopefully soon." I answer smiling sweetly at the man. Aiden relaxes. The man scoffs and turns his head away from me. I later find out that his name is Morris and he is Aiden's Uncle.

hope you are enjoying the story. thank you for reading.

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