
Ben, run


After meeting the pack. Aiden finally gives me my phone back. I was so wrapped around everything that's happened, i forgot that I had one.

"Are you ready to go?" I look up at Aiden who is holding car keys. He agreed to take me to my apartment only if I pick up only the things I need. Vansfield is not a big town but we have everything we need here.

"Yeah I'm ready." I say excitedly.

On the drive to town, I notice how far we are from the town. It's an hour drive when w3 get there it will already be darm. It would've taken me a long time to reach the town on foot. My phone sudden vibrates and I look, it's Liam calling me.

"Hello." I say hesitantly cause I know I'm in trouble. I haven't talked to Liam in days. Thank God Aiden texted him pretending to be me saying 'I'm going to be staying with Aiden for a while. Don't worry I'm fine. I will text you whenever I can' . That's it but i knew Liam would be worried anyway.

"Are you kidding me Ben? What's wrong with you? You disappear for days leaving me with some bullshit message. What's going on?" I roll my eyes, Liam is such a mother hen.

"Calm down, I'm fine. I was with Aiden." I say risking a glance at Aiden who is trying really hard to pretend he is not listening to the conversation but failing .

" so how good is he in bed? Mmmh Ben you are such a whore. I bet he is big. I don't blame you though, I mean I saw him too, he is so goddammit hot. If I wasn't already taken I would practically fall on my knees in front of him." Laim keeps blabbing. I'm blushing so hard, I probably look like a tomato. I risk a glance at Aiden who smirks at me and winks. I blush even harder if it's possible.

I clear my throat. "I haven't slept with him." I say feeling embarrassed.

"What!" Liam exclaims sounding shocked. "What have you been doing all week with him? "

"I will call you later okay. I can't really talk right now. " I say wanting the conversation early.

"Okay fine but call me please, I miss you. And please do me a favor"


" please fuck Aiden. You can't let that good looking man go to waste" I groan. Liam chuckles

"Bye" I say hanging up. I sigh.

"I like how your friend thinks. You should listen to him more." Aiden says smirking at me.

"Well he told me to go to the club and fuck a guy I find attractive. So I think I will listen to my good friend." Aiden's face drops ,I smirk at him.

He goes back to driving and ignores me. The silence is comfortable around us and I like that.

When we finally reach my apartment Aidens kisses me before getting out the car. He is such a good kisser. I have this thing I can't explain that tugs me towards Aiden. It's like there's an invincible string attaching me to him. It feels strange but also good in a warm kind of way.

I feel like I haven't been here for months. I've never felt at home here well I've lived here for a month so it kinda makes sense. I look at Aiden who is sniffing the air. He frowns and goes to my bedroom. I follow quickly behind him. He stops at the entrance of my bedroom and turns to look at me with a dark look.

"Go back to the kitchen." He orders

"Why, is everything alright? " I frown. Fear washes over me.

"Just please listen to me. Go to the kitchen. I will explain everything " He pleads with me.

I hesitantly move to the kitchen. I sit down. Taping my foot down , what could it be? What did he smell? After a minute he comes back with a troubled expression. He stands before me. I have to look up at him. He bends down and pecks my lips and hugs me.

"Aiden what's going on? You are scaring me." He pulls back and looks at me.

"There's a body in your bathtub." My heart skips as I register his words.

"A body?" I frowns trying to understand what a body would be doing in my apartment.


"Who's bo..." I stand up quickly and make my way to the bathroom. Aiden quickly stops me with his large strides.

"You don't want to see that baby. It's bad." He says blocking my way.

"No please I want to see." I beg him. My eyes watering. He sighs and let's me pass. I walk into the bathroom and freeze. The smell of blood is strong. The scene before me is the most horrible thing I've ever seen. There's blood everywhere. A naked body is filling the bathtub. His torso is ripped open. It's a mess and gory. I look at the face of the man. A gasp escapes me when I recognize it as the guy from the club the other night, the one Liam brought with his boyfriend. His red hair is now mixed with his own blood. Those blue eyes that were always filled with laugher are dull.

I run to the sink and pour whatever food I've eaten. Aiden rubs my back while I finish emptying my stomach. He leads me towards the kitchen and brings me water to drink. I drink it. Tears spill down my face. Aiden hugs me to his chest.

"I'm sorry you had to see that baby. I'm sorry for your friend." He asks while trying to calm me down.

"What kind of monster would do that?" I ask him.

"It's Damian. He wants you back."

"No, Damian would never do such a thing. Would he?" I ask crying.

"He is a vampire. He would do anything to get what he wants and this time it's you. You saw what he did to you. And this is not the first time. Before this, he drained 3 humans of blood and left a note claiming you are his. " I gape at him.

"That's not.... why didn't you tell me?" I shout at him. "He is going to keep killing isn't he?"

"I think so." Aiden takes my hand to his. "I would have told you sooner but you were still processing a lot. I didn't want to overwhelm you with all..." he trails off when my phone rings.

I pick it up. And clear my throat and answer


'I see you got my gift' I freeze at the sound of Damian's voice. AIden immediately snatches the phone.

"You son of a bitch. You...."

'Though It could've have been better If you came without your guard dog' Damian continues ignoring Aiden completely.

"What do you want from me?" I say my voice croaking

'Isn't it obvious? I want you of course. If you want I can keep killing until you give in. Though I would prefer not to waste my time on useless things. You see I'm a very busy man.'

" please don't kill anyone else."

'Mmmh I was actually thinking of Liam or let's say Blanca.' I cry harder

"Please not them. I will do anything. Not them. Just please Damian this is not you." Aiden is seething besides me. He is dripping the island so hard.

'Then come to me baby, be mine and I won't ever kill anyone else. You are special, your blood is unique, it's the most delic....' he is cut off by the growl Aiden makes.

I look at him and gasp when I see that his eyes have turned blood red, his teeth are longer and sharper, his face is already starting to take a new form. His face is an expression of pain and anger.

"I can't control him." He growls out the words. His voice deeper and scarier. "Ben run, he Is coming out. Please run." He says the last words softly and then I hear the snap of bones and I turn running towards the exit.

I run outside. What triggered Aiden to turn? They said he doesn't turn unless it's the full moon. I'm so scared right now. I hear a howl in my mind that sounds exactly like the one in my dreams. I skid to a stop thinking. No why am I running? Aiden wouldn't hurt me. He probably needs my comfort now. He didn't hurt me when he was in his beast form so he won't hurt me now. I turn around strinding with as much confidence towards my apartment.

Just as I'm about to reach my apartment. A black SUV stops directly infront of me and out steps a guy wearing a black suit.

"Get in." He says

"Excuse me. " I don't wait for him to reply I run the other way but I dont even take 2 steps before I'm suddenly pushed inside the SUV with speed that should be impossible. I sit up as the guy sits next to me. I look at the opposite chair facing up and I flinch when I see Damian looking at me.

"Someone isn't happy to see me." He muses. "Let's go home baby." I move my hand to open the other side of the door.

"Don't even think about it. I have people watching your sister. With one phone call, she will be dead. Do you want that?" I shake my head.

"Good now let's go before your guard dog comes for you. When he is done with his transformation we will be long gone." He gives a signal and the car moves fast.

I'm so fucking dead. I shouldn't have left Aiden's side even if he said so.

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