
Chapter 39: Training Ki (II)

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Enjoy a double post.


I started to clear my mind of thoughts I didn't need during this time. Letting my breathing take a certain rhythm, my nerves became calm. Any outside distractions became a thing of a past. For a moment, I even forgot Lala and Zastin were nearby.

'Yosh. I think it's time for those memories to come into play, Aura.', I inwardly thought to myself, imagining the scene I wanted to bring forth for this training. As I thought that, I heard Aura's voice echoing in my mind.

"Understood, Master.", Aura simply responded. It wasn't long until I heard a single notification to sound off inside my mind.

[Ding! User Baki has initiated Shadow Training.]

It was then I found my mind blacked out, only to have a certain scene start playing inside my mind, one that focused solely on the aspect of ki.

I soon saw a rather open plain, letting the wind pass by rolling trees and rocks. Very similar to the ambiance my terrace was currently making with the busy street noises of Tokyo, but here, it was far away from city life, letting one embrace the scent of nature.

'The scene that I chose kind of kills two birds with one stone, so let's get this rolling. The first one is Ki Control, while the second one is called Bukujutsu, or in layman terms, Flight.', I inwardly mused to myself as this scene began to play on this wide open plain. Even though it was just in my memories, I could almost feel the gentle breeze passing through the trees as I thought that.

Three figures could now be seen standing on a wide open area of grass. One appeared to be a boy, sporting rather short and spiky black hair, his body packed with muscle and not a single blemish to be found on his body. Yet a hint of nervousness could be seen in his eyes. For the two figures across from this boy who appeared to be in his late teen years who had just entered high school like I did, he stood across from a child with rather unruly black spiky hair and was thicker than the boy's. But it wasn't the child that made him nervous, it was the girl who stood across from him, sporting a very serious look in her eyes. She too had black hair and appeared to be quite fit, and had a slim body.

"So for today's lesson, I'm going to teach you two the concept of Bukujutsu. Which is to say, it is the ability to fly through the air. This traces back to the root of Ki Control, so without proper use of your ki, you cannot fly.", The boy said, moving his head a bit as he explained.

"It really isn't that difficult to master if you know the proper steps.", The boy continued.

"Ki control? Just what on earth is Ki?", The girl whose hair was in two large braids down the side of her face asked. Hearing that caused the boy to pause, with more nervousness appearing in his eyes.

"What is 'Ki'? It's, you know, the hidden energy you feel deep down inside your body! C'mon everyone has it you know.", The black-haired boy tried to answer, only to have the black-haired girl reveal more doubt in her eyes.

"Stop joking already, Gohan-kun. Who has this hidden energy? Isn't that just a bunch of tricks?", The girl responded, revealing a small pout. It was clear she was showing doubt to the boy she called Gohan.

Hearing that, Gohan could only scratch his head, showing equal confusion as sweat began to form on his face.

"Seriously? So we need to start there huh?", Gohan uttered, scratching his head as he said that.

Gohan then looked toward the small boy who had very similar striking hair to a certain person, who went by the name Son Goku. Seeing Gohan look at this small boy, I continued to watch on in silence, it's not like I could interfere in this anyways, seeing as these were just memories. But if technology advances far enough, that could be a thing I could look into in the future?

"Oi Goten, can you go play by yourself for a while? I gotta teach Videl-san here how to use her ki. It might take a while. If you get tired, you can always head back into the house before me.", Gohan said to the black-haired boy.

"Un!", Goten happily responded, before proceeding to run off in a random direction on the large plain. He knew how to have fun here, so he just decided to venture off, leaving Gohan and Videl behind.

"So what's the deal with this ki business?", Videl decided to ask Gohan, still showing confusion in her eyes.

"You really don't know?", Gohan asked Videl. Videl shrugged her shoulders.

"Beats me. Each time I try to talk about that with Dad, he just shoots it off calling it a parlor trick.", Videl retorted.

"Hahaha...", Gohan responded with a dry laugh, scratching his cheek as he did. An air of seriousness appeared around him as Gohan began to explain the concept of ki to Videl.

"Well, ki ain't no parlor trick, that much is true. It breathes all around us. You, me, Goten, even Mom has ki. Even the creatures that surround us contain it. Ki doesn't exclude itself one way or another. Goten and I just happen to be a bit special, we could use ki from birth.", Gohan explained to Videl, causing her eyes to widen in surprise.

"Both you and that brother of yours could use ki from birth...?", Videl couldn't help but utter in pure shock.

"Yeah. Normally it takes years of training to achieve it. Seeing as you come from a family of martial artists, Videl-san, I'm sure you've built enough of a foundation to start practicing. Come, let's go find a good area to sit down. I'll show you.", Gohan said.

"What do I even need to do, Gohan-kun?", Videl wondered. As she said that, Gohan started to wander around on the plain that let the wind roll over the grass, making it both breezy and soothing to listen to. Feeling such a gentle wind caused Gohan to smile. Finding a good spot, he sat down, and crossed his legs, very similar to how I had my legs currently crossed. Gohan then padded the grass in front of him, signaling Videl to come.

"For starters, ease your mind and relax your body. You need a clear conscience to even try feeling the energy flowing inside you. Any intrusive thoughts will lead you astray.", Gohan explained to Videl, drawing his hands closer to each other.

"Clearing my mind, huh?", Videl wondered, taking a seat in front of Gohan.

"Let your mind go free. Feel it inside. Like this.", Gohan responded to Videl, drawing his hands closer to each other. But Gohan left his palms open, creating a small gap. Videl saw Gohan close his eyes, and entered a certain rhythm of his breathing. Gohan's nerves calmed down and the previous nervousness completely vanished. Gohan even felt for a moment that Videl was no longer in front of him. Videl just watched on closely, with great interest.

In just a moment or two, I saw the empty gap in Gohan's hands fluctuate, and a soft humming struck my ears. Next, a small golden ball of light soon emerged inside his hands. The humming was constant, and the golden light seemed ever so pure. Videl couldn't help but get attracted to it, even going as far as getting on her hands and knees, observing this small ball of light inside Gohan's hands.

"So this is ki...", Videl softly uttered to herself to not try and distract Gohan's concentration. Gohan continued breathing, letting his ki roam out in the open. Unfortunately this small period of silence and humming ended as quickly as it began. The ball of light suddenly vanished. Gohan opened his eyes, only to blink them seeing Videl so close to him.

"Heheh, just like that. So, think you can learn it, Videl-san?", Gohan asked Videl as he chuckled.

"I can do this too?", Videl asked again, still showing doubt in her eyes.

"Yup! Doing this requires some practice. You won't be able to fly immediately, not until you get ki control down.", Gohan responded, nodding his head.

"I'll do it. No matter what.", Videl said, clenching her fist as she did.

And with that the memory ended there. At least a part of it. What I just saw was the first half of the memory I wanted to see, but seeing Ki Control in action like that, I inwardly smiled to myself. Gohan was quite good at teaching the concept of ki, so I utilized him to serve that purpose.

Moreover, both Son Gohan, and Son Goten, children of the protagonist of one of my worlds that was meshed into this place I'm now in, Son Goku...

Recalling God's description, Son Goku should be sixteen years old right now. He would marry Chi-Chi at 19 years old, so that wouldn't happen for another three years.

Which meant the figure I saw before me hadn't even been born yet. That was quite a ways off, and Gohan entering high school was well over a decade off. By the time that happens, I would probably be in my early thirties. Right now, I was Gohan's age, basically. Unfortunate, but it's a shame Gohan wasn't born sooner. Leaving Goten aside, I could even see Gohan becoming an Avenger if he was around for the original group. Maybe he could become one in the future?


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