

One Week Ago…

As the front door swung open, I was attacked.

"Lexi!" Quinn chirped happily as she continued squeezing me into a hug.

I reciprocated, "Hi!" I said back enthusiastically.

Quinn was only a few months younger than me. Her tousled pixie cut was faded into more of a lilac blonde. Her wise, light caramel eyes always seemed full of cunning and mischief. An olive tone to her skin perfectly matched her eyes.

I looked over her fading purple hair into her empty house.

"Where is Seri?" I ask, eyebrows knotting together.

"Ah, upstairs prepping the bathroom," she threw a thumb over her shoulder, "Come on in! I am so excited!"

I grabbed the abandoned plastic bag filled with bleach and hair dye and followed her up the stairs.

A girl's night is just what we needed on this Wednesday night.

I turned half-way up, realising my mistake, "Oops! The door."

It had been left open slightly. Before I could take a step, a pale-yellow wisp flew past, hitting the door shut. I laughed and turned back to Quinn.

"Not a problem," she said, flicking her wrist as the yellow light disappeared from her hand, "Come on," she chirped happily, leading me to the bathroom.


The second hug I was prepared for, I placed the bag on the vanity and opened my arms slightly for Seraphina.

"Ooh! What colour have you chosen, Lexi?" Seri asked, peering over my shoulder into the brown paper bag.

"My favourite colour!" I laughed.

"Yes! I've been waiting for my red moment!" Quinn, giddy with excitement, took the items out of the bag.

The bathroom floor is covered with old duvet covers, splattered with paint and previous dye. A chair in the centre looked like it had seen better days, but it was perfect for dying Quinn's hair.

She sat with her feet bouncing as Seri mixed the bleach.

I took a moment to appreciate these two girls… Well, witches.


However bossy she could be, she was outgoing and brought banter. She is the main reason I have some confidence; her energy, passion, and pep talks boost our small group, and she was quick to anger, especially regarding her friends.

Like her father, her magic is drawn from energy (everything dead or alive) and has excellent potential to lead a larger coven. Her pale-yellow magic reminded me of Tinkerbell's pixie dust.

An hour later, Seri and I were painting the bleached hair bright red.

"So…" Quinn started, trailing off as she painted her nails to match the new colour hair, "About you and Lathen."

I resisted the urge to eye roll. Instead, my eye twitched lightly, "What about 'us'?"

Seri's lips puckered slightly, listening to Quinn not speaking a word and avoiding my eyes.

"You never told us why you broke up," Quinn hinted.

"Of course, I have. It was weird. You know he's like a brother to me." I said.

Lathen and I's relationship started from a friendship. Admittedly, I did like him romantically at the time when he asked me on a date.

But then my dreams about my fate began to manifest, and after a few short weeks, vivid dreams about a life with Lathen showed me a future I didn't like.

My crush fizzled out, and I decided we were better off as friends.

Quinn on the other hand…

"You really expect us to believe that?" her eyes met mine, but she gave nothing away.

"Yes. Because that's what happened."

"Surely, that's not the only reason."

I shrug, "It wasn't fair on him to dream of another dude," I mutter.

Quinn went quiet and only hummed.

"Ooh! Have you had another? I bet it was saucy," Seri jumped in, wiggling her eyebrows.

I laughed but didn't respond, instead directing a quest to Quinn, "How are you and Devan?"

"Oh yeah! Ah, and your 2nd anniversary is coming up! Any plans?" Seri asked…


"There." I said, trimming the last bit to her pixie cut, "How's that?" I said.

"Perfect, you are a genius!" Quinn gushed, ruffling her fresh, red-dyed hair.

"Red suits you," I say, admiring her short locks.

"Every colour suits Quinn," Seri pointed out, winking.

I agreed and began to yawn.

"Boring you already?" Quinn teased, "Looks like you need some beauty sleep."

"Come on, Lexi. It's getting late anyway!" Seri said, tapping her hands on my shoulders.

Bed sounded like a lovely idea. My tired eyes blinked as we prepared to leave.


Dropping off Seri, I finally made it home.

Unlocking the front door, Mrs Crowley, a friendly neighbour, and my brother's babysitter, greeted me.

"Hi, Mrs Crowley. Thank you for looking after Alex."

"It's not a problem, dear. He is up in bed. Now, don't be a stranger!"

She hurriedly shuffled on her shoes and exited the house. I waved her off and locked the door ensuring it was secure. I practically raced up the stairs, hearing the call of my comfy bed.

It never took me long to doze off, and I only hoped for sweet dreams…


Stifling another yawn, I shifted my bag onto my shoulder, and I smiled goodbye at Alex as he exited the car. I focused on the entrance to the school and watched Alex hurried off to his small group of friends at the top.

I checked the group chat, looked at the previous messages, and jumped as a warm arm hooked around my neck.

My head whipped left to find Seri with a smirk on her face. She pushed me forward to the steps, making me stumble a little. Before I say anything to her, another arm went around my waist, keeping up the walking pace. Searching to my right, Quinn was there, grinning back at me.

My face lights up with a smile as the whispering starts in my left ear.

"So, what do you reckon?" Seri began.

"Uh about what?" I asked confused.

Quinn cut through my question, "I say we put a freaky looking doll on the door just to freak her out."

"You know we can't do that, Quinn!" Seri gasped, moving her freckled face before mine, raising her eyebrows.

"It was just an idea!" defended Quinn.

"Who are we talking about?!" I half shouted, only to be shushed as a small group of students hurry past us.

"Coach Reily. We are trying to get her gone for a while," Quinn whispered, ushering me forward.

"Wow…" I replied sarcastically.

That poor woman… Seri and Quinn often come up with pranks to pull and no one was safe. Friends, family, students, teachers, even the headmaster… And I was often roped into it…

"Well,"–she removed her arms and crossed them on her chest– "It will make a better story than the black hair dye," she nonchalantly spoke.

Seri shushed her, "You know the headmaster is still trying to figure out who that was!"

"Haha! That snarl the next day."

A wicked smile appeared on Quinn's face, but Seri's grimace said it all. There was venom that faithful day for all the school. The lustrous red hair was box dyed black after a splotchy mess was revealed that morning. I couldn't help but chuckle at the back and forth between the pair.

The shrill of the school bell rang. 8:55 am. It startled me, and looking towards the sound, I watched as Alex scampered through the main entrance. Sigh.

"See you at lunch?" Quinn asked, hopping ahead to her class.

I simply nodded and lagged behind Seri.


Lunch came quickly. Thank the Goddess.

Heading over to our usual spot outside, I spotted Quinn already sitting cross-legged, looking over an art textbook.

She smiled at me as I sat near her and leaned back against the tree, a fiction book in my hand; I greeted her as I sat.

It wasn't long before Seri and Devan joined us.

Devan had not changed from when we were kids. Just taller. His short sandy blonde hair was jelled into a comb over fade, and his eyes reflected a blue-violet, unique like mine.

He was like a rock: Self-disciplined, honest, and strong. He stays collected through any problem and stays fair-minded. For any issues, he was the man to talk to. Also, he and Quinn made relationships look easy; he was fiercely loyal to her, and they were like two puzzle pieces, complimenting each other.

Deven settled next to Quinn, and they greeted each other with a small peck.

Seri practically collapsed out of breath. She laid down on the grass next to me and took advantage of my lap, placing her head on it. I chuckled and ruffled her fringe to her annoyance.

"Hey Lexi. How's Alex?" the modulated voice of Devan reached my ears.

As I glanced at the snuggled pair and shaking my head gently, I reply, "No signs yet."

Witches tend to gain their full powers around the age of 13. We call it Enmagica; going through the process is more like a bad cold. Fever, sweating, tired and run down.

Unfortunately for Alex, as far as we know, he is the first in our family not to go through Enmagica. A 'late flower', as my mother calls it. The older a witch gets, the riskier it is.

"Call us if it happens while your mum is gone. We'll try our best," Seri spoke up.

I smile back at her and playfully reply, "You really think I will deal with it on my own? Oh, buddy, you're number one on my speed dial!"

Laughter filled my ears, and I noticed an absence of a fifth.

"Where is Lathen?" I asked, confused.

"Detention," Devan replied.

I rolled my eyes, of course.

"I know," he agreed, "Oh and come over at six tonight."

We have a weekly coven session every Thursday and rotate the meeting spot, tonight's would be at Devan's.

Devan's phone pinged. He looked down confused, "It's from my dad…" he trailed off.

"We can meet at my place if there is a problem?" Seri offered.

"Ah… No, it's not that," Devan confused looked up to me, "My dad has something for you, Lexi."

"Me? Has he found more hidden pictures again?"

"I don't know. He hasn't said." Deven replied, shrugging.

I simply copied him and went back to my book; Seri often took advantage of my absent-minded head massage, something I often did when reading—a habit I picked up from having a cat on my lap.


The day was uneventful, thankfully.

Spying the young ones finally leave the building, and I shout, "Alex! Hurry up!" They scrambled forward as if they had only just noticed us, still talking animatedly.

"Well, I guess I'll see you all at 6. Later!" Devan restated, walking towards his car, his brother, Brandt and girlfriend, Quinn, in tow.

I was too distracted to reply this time, scouring through my bag for my keys.

"Do you want to be dropped off at home, or will you hang out with me?" I enquired to Seri while still looking for my car keys.

Jingle. Pausing, I glance up. My keys! Quipped with a bright smile, I take them from my brother's hand.

"You are so dead. When did you swipe them?" I jested to him.

"You dropped them this morning," joshed Alex.

"I will come with you!" Seri giggled, changing the subject.

Seri ran to the car to take the front seat. Unlocking it, Alex and Seri scrabbled to get in first.

"Okay! Stop, Alex! Seri is our guest," I bantered.

He gave in and climbed into the back of the car. I threw my bag next to him. Finally, we are heading back home. To comfort, to–

'Something unexpected.' I hoped for something more to the same routine.


Be careful what you wish for.

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