
The Circle

As soon as we arrived home, Alex quickly reached the door and opened it in seconds; abandoning his shoes and bag, he rushed into the living room. No doubt eager to play video games.

Seri and I barely got through the door before I could hear the start-up of his console. Taking off our shoes, Seri started asking,

"Is it okay if I use-" "Use the shower?" I cut her off.

"Seraphina, it's a Thursday ritual. I'd be insulted if you didn't." I jested.

She grinned back.

"You better go in now; your hair takes ages to dry," I remarked.

Walking to the door under the stairs. I waved my palm left, directly over the wood, while whispering.


I grabbed the handle and opened it to the guest bedroom with an ensuite.

"Thank you!" she bubbled, going through the door.

She already knew where everything was, including her towel.

"I'll be out in 20!" she finished.

'More like 45,' I thought, chuckling.

Moving into the kitchen, I spotted some freshly baked cinnamon cookies. Mums cookies! I seized the opportunity to take a bite.

Mmm, yummy!


Seri shut the door behind her and took a deep breath. She and Lexi were as thick as thieves from the day they met and always will be. Although, something nagged her in her chest, did she really know Lexi? She felt there was a gap, no, a crevice between them.

Did she imagine it?

Was there something Lexi wasn't saying?

Seri had often thought it on and off, even before her grandma passed away four years ago, but waved it off. Pessimistic thoughts get you nowhere.

Reasons unbeknownst to her, the feeling would return tenfold. It disturbed her to no end. It irked her not to know her best friend as much as she should.

She shook off the irrational feeling and carried on into the ensuite with a towel.


I pulled the car up to the dropped curb, blocking Devan's car; the time read 18:00 on the dashboard. Seri, Alex and I all but jumped out of the car when we arrived. Casually leaning against the small fence, Quinn waved and folded her arms onto the beam.

"On time, this time," Seri chirped.

"Congrats, want a medal?" ribbed Quinn with a raised eyebrow. Alex hastily disappeared inside to his friends.

I followed him into the kitchen.

Looking behind me, I asked, "Usual place?"

"Yeah, take this with you." Quinn handed me a full thermos. Touching it, I picked up on runny honey; this was Quinn's favourite, Honey Tea.

"Don't drink it all at once this time!" I teased, smiling at her.

She laughed, pushing my back towards the backdoor.

"It's supposed to get colder tonight. Don't want the flu now!" she stated, "I had enough of Devan when he was 'dying'." Using her fingers to quote.

Looking outside, I saw our small group at a dainty table, chairs almost carelessly stuck in the middle of the grass. Devan's back garden is broad. The far back was full of privet, leading into the natural forest behind his house. It gave the perfect cover for our weekly circles.


I opened the door, taking in the brisk night, and joined them while whispering to Quinn.

"So… You're going to give Lathen another go, right?"

"What? What gave you that idea?" I whispered harshly.

"Oh, come on Lexi, you've totally been flirting! You were best friends; he knows you well…Perfect match in my eyes."

Before I replied, a fruity voice piped up, "What are you girls whispering about now?"

The two of us halted, not realising how close we were. I looked at Quinn and raised an eyebrow.

She gazed at Lathen and remarked quickly back at him, "That's a need-to-know basis."

Placing the thermos on the table, I pulled out a chair, only for it to be stolen by Seri. Without pause, I sat on her lap. Oomph!

"Shh, you are my chair now, bitch," I joked.

"So, what did Travis give you?" Lathen quizzed me.

Shrugging, I replied, "I've not seen him yet, nosey." And tapped the side of my nose.

We stayed like this, prattling back and forth, until Travis started the lesson with the young ones. It was half 6. The sun is still saying goodbyes, and the moonlight is growing.


I leaned back taking in the laughter.

Quinn, Seri, Lathen and Devan were like my family. Being close in age, we all got along like a house on fire and complimented each other.

As witches, we draw power from the five elements: Water, Earth, Fire, Air and Energy (or Life and Death). My brother and I come from a long line of fire witches. Although the others would not believe it, I'm currently the strongest in the family. My brother could surpass me, so long as he doesn't burst into flames.

I had a fever and couldn't touch any books unless I wanted to burn them to ash.

Quinn slept like a sleeping beauty. Almost coma-like.

Seri had a jungle of a garden.

Lathen flooded the school, being connected to water.

Airy Devan nearly gave the town a tornado warning – freak gales were very rare here in the UK.


We trekked forward for 15 minutes, laughing and joking away like ordinary people, in a deep, dark wooded area and came across our usual spot.

Quinn took over, and an energy wielder, she was a natural priestess. She grabbed the salt and five candles out of a nearby stowaway. It was covered with glamour untraceable.

The candles represent a different element: Red is fire, blue is water, green is earth, yellow is air, and white is energy. We took our respective candles from her and stood within each point of the star. I flicked my fingers to spark a small flame on the wick first and lent out the flame to light the other candles.

Seri's magic rose to the surface of her hand, and a sky-blue wisp ran over the ground, creating a dipped outline of a circle. We stepped in before she closed it behind her, then drew a star within it, effectively making a pentacle.

Quinn traced the five symbols, her pale yellow making ghostly outlines in the air. Symbols for protection, purity, strength, healing and clarity.

Then she muttered, "Obscuravale." An invisible wall cloaked us from prying eyes. Looking from the inside, it was a white see-through wall following the circle. From the outside, we were utterly camouflaged. Quinn spoke the usual verses aloud.

I call upon the guardians of the north, spirits of the earth,

The east watch tower, guardians and spirits of the air,

To the guardians of the south, spirits of fire,

And to the west watch tower, guardians and spirits of water.

I humbly ask for you to bless this circle tonight,

If any spirit of love and light wishes to join us tonight,

I invite you now.

Tonight, she added something different.

"We call upon only the good energy to be present as we become one with the Goddess and her gift of magic. I revoke all dark energy and only allow light to guide us," she continued.

"May it give us clarity and freedom to express ourselves. I ask the universe to aid us in our daily tasks and karmic lessons."

"We are thankful for the blessings we receive and those we unknowingly give." Quinn's voice did not waiver, and she finished the blessing.

Bless this circle. May we be protected and loved.

So mote it be."

"So mote it be," We all repeated.

We placed the candles behind us on each point and stepped closer together; holding hands, we kneeled first to ground ourselves. We let the earth take all negative energy, fear, stress and worry from our bodies.

Gradually, I began to feel lighter; with each breath, I could feel my magic pulsing lowly, making me smile and giggle slightly. Circles gave me reprieve from the chains that bound my magic.

It made me somewhat melancholy, but I quickly shook off the feeling as it almost filled my spirit.

I was highly aware of the others and their magic. Devan and Quinn's signature was very similar, but the colour of their magic was different. Soulmates. It was always hard to distinguish them both from each other. I rejoiced in their excitement, thankful they found each other in the vast world.

In that moment I yearned for the same.


Carefully standing up, we could feel the energy and the moons energy around us.

Quinn began to move, leading us clockwise around and around and around. The energy is swirling. It got higher and higher, reaching the tall trees around us even though my magic was lacking slightly compared to everyone else.

Someone experiencing this could say it was overwhelming. It was a relief, trust, and a blessing to be a part of. The experience of a circle gets better with each passing year.

I opened my eyes more, seeing myself giving off my bright crimson colour magic, I relaxed into it; feeling free as it blurred with the eager sky blue of Seri's, the curious dark purple of Lathen's, the confident moss green of Devan's and stood out from the respectable yellow of Quinn's. It rose into the night in small wisp-like ribbons mixing into the night.

A beautiful sight to behold.

A silent prayer left me.

'Goddess, help me find the strength to unbind these chains. I wish to be free.'


After a while, we began to tire out, the energy level lowered, and with it, we were slowing from the dizzying merry-go-round. We came to a stop and slipped back down to our knees. Our breath came out in hurried puffs; even the athletic Devan was struggling with his breathing a little. We all grounded ourselves, removing excess magic and returning it to the earth.

I looked at the candle behind me, lifting an open palm; I squeezed it into a fist. Concentrating, all the flames went out, and the moon's reflected light provided an icy glow.

Quinn broke down the symbols and circle with a tiny swipe of her foot over the engraved earth. Seri swept her hand across the ground, and just like that, the pentacle was erased and replaced by 'undisturbed' leaves and dirt.

"Revelora," Quinn announced. Her hand moved diagonally from right to left, lifting the cloaking spell.


"I needed that," Lathen hummed, leaning forward onto his hands, no longer panting.

"It's been a long week," Seri affirmed, standing up to place the salt and candles away behind the glamour.

"Could do with a dip," tempted Devan, hearing the gentle sound of running water.

A few meters away was a deep river with a small pool.

"Shall we?" he smirked at Quinn in particular.

"You just want to see me naked again," Quinn ribbed as she was being pushed by Devan light-heartedly towards the water.

"You can't blame me for trying," he winked, still happily moving her.

I threw a hearty laugh and turned to look at Seri. We were used to their mannerisms and sex jokes. I wiped my eye as Seri started in song.

"Follow me down to the river," she started quietly.

I nodded, and we took off running. Surpassing the others, we continued the song together.

"Follow me down through the trees."

We stripped along the way to the steady water flow; our laughter could be heard for miles.

"Follow me down to the river, man."

We turned to the giggling voice of Quinn, quickly being followed by Devan. Lathen lagged with his shirt stuck, nearly tripping.

"I'll be down here on my knees!"

All 5 of us happily sang and laughed, turning left down the riverbed to the circular pool.

We had gone wild swimming in here before, skinny-dipping many times. Growing up around each other, you are not embarrassed in front of your witch family. Nor your sexuality.

Seri and I held hands as we paddled into the chilly water.

Follow me down to the river,

Drink while the water is clean,

Follow me down to the river,

I'll be down here on my knees,

Young love is as sweet as can be.

Tipping my head back, I sank under and broke the surface water. A tiny splash behind me made me jump and turn.

Nothing. I tried to stretch my senses out as far as they were able to. Something felt off and bristled across my senses. Wide-eyed, I quickly turned from where we came. Nothing. All I could see, and sense was us now. It left as quickly as it came.

I stood up slightly, looking around, my senses not reaching as far as they should be. Feeling frustrated I gave up. The feeling of restriction came back 10-fold.

"Are you okay?" I felt the gentle hand of Lathen grasping my elbow. Glancing at him, he was looking in the same direction as me.


After a few moments, I speculated, "Must have been an animal."

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