

never thought would write this at the start of the chapter but. carefull trigger warning,

Story starts here

As after having a fun night with friends. big Daniel who was drunk. with his friends.

As yui is simping over zack.

zoe is asking for little Daniel number.

zack was acting like he was a weak.

jinhoo thinking he is a big shot keeps taking shots and thinks ' i must drink strongly make them think like they are weak '.

while this all was happening we see mira who has not drink an single class looking at them. After all those shenanigans. they all fall asleep. then suddenly the doors are bashed opened by instructors.

Then one instructor goes in mira room seeing them all collapsed.  Just  when he was about to reach into his pocket to pull out the phone. System using big body stands up. scaring the instructor. As then seeing Daniel wake up he tries to punish daniel and says  " This is not appropriate behavior for a student ". And starts to scold daniel.

If it was daniel using second body he might have just listened to teachers talk. but this was not daniel. But system using the body speaks "sir can we talk somewhere else please. They all just fell asleep i don't wanna wake them up". 


The instructor obviously taken a back by the calmness that system showed. The instructor  which was identified as zeus .Agrees to the demand.  leaving the room, With system coming close to the said instructor and swiped the phone out of his pocket, with swift speed and reflexes , zeus feeling something wrong but does not want to put his hand inside his pocket to check, but refrains as to not make the student in front of him suspicious. Out of the room.

we see woo bin punishing doolee and hair department girls. seeing zeus comes out of mira room. Looking at zeus with jealousy or disgust. while having  the doolee and his friends are talking bad about him. but seeing daniel with him he says "was he also drinking".

  Just when zeus was about to speak system using big body of daniel says "no sir i was just gonna take a walk out to get fresh air as instructor zeus was also accompany me. on the walk".

  Zeus hearing this was about to deny he words of daniel wanting to say that he was  lying he sees his phone in daniel hand. Wanting make a sudden move and to stanch it back. But stopping cause, He does not want others to gets suspicious of him. 

He then turns to woobin and say " I saw this student was awake. Him begin here on the first night and not falling sleep is natural, I wanted to take him on walk to get him familiar by surroundings, which might help him clam his nerves, as we have a big day tomorrow". hearing this woobin agrees and he says " Don't take too long".

Getting away form the eyes of the people zeus does not wait any longer and goes to snatch back the phone, But fails due to the speed and reflex of the system with perfect body. Realizing all his attempts are in vain. He turns to make use of his authority. By saying.


"Student don't waste both our times. Give me the phone and be on your way, don't make me want to restrict you to your room for tomorrow". Hearing this system stops zeus see this is works. Also stops his attempts to snatch it back. Putting his hand out. The gesture shows, 

He wants system to put the phone on his hand. Following his command. When the phone was near his hand.  Using a little force. Crushing the phone and dropping it on the hand of zeus. With shards of little glass and a smoking phone on his hand. Zeus retracts his hand.

  seeing what happened to his phone. zeus gets angry and says "look at what you done. you stupid fuck. Do you know how much it cost me". And thinking ' i was gonna upload the pictures of all the girls tonight '.

  system  Looking his reaction which was expected by him calls out zeus and says says "clam down counselor zeus or should i says mr heemin". After hearing the student in front of him. 

mention his name zeus suddenly stops like all the anger was taken by something magical, and leaving fear and cold sweat behind.  Looking System playful look and his eyes saying he knows everything about him. he feels a cold sweat run down his back. Fear starts to build.

  Zeus Hearing this says "hemin, who is he. You must have mixed me up with someone else". already expecting his refusal. Then system speaks " Heemin charged r*** se**** assault and many other charges, escaped form the prison a week ago. Is this all or I am missing somethings". 

Hearing this all, Zeus body starts to feel cold. With a single thought in his head ' How does he know that all, secret agent, spy, or a police informant ' his train of thoughts are interrupted. By system snapping back to reality.


System says "I know what you are thinking, secret agent spy or police informant right, Your face can tell me all I need to know with. Your body language screaming panic and fear". Putting a hand on his shoulder system says " You got 1 day to leave and don't look back other wise don't blame me for doing what I will do". 

After sayng this system leaves back to the room. To check on his friend and zeus is left their standing. Who knows thinking what. But system knows what he is thinking, He saw the manhwa, and knows how is zeus personality and is thinking ways to get revenge. Cause his planet sized ego is hurt badly. All that fear and panic will be turned to anger and revenge.

  System thinks ' I set the stage for the Little daniel to see the darkness. Now its up to you if you can save her or not. 'All according to plan the infinite tusikiyomi ahem ahem. I mean its all going as I planned '.


Zeus who was left standing outside after hearing System words. The words were like replaying in his head, Like a clear movie with each word movement sound begin accurate. The emotions of zeus begin to turn. With system Last words Kept repeating in his head. 

  His anger reaching to a such degree. Which he must have never thought had existed. Skin starts turning red veins appearing  on his arms and head . BRO"S THINKING HE IS YUIJIRO HAHAHAHAHAH


With his thoughts 'No ever in my whole life ever threatened me or questioned my actions ever. Everything I did was ignored why the reason begin. I was better looking then anyone  when ever someone saw me they looked at my face not at my personality. they were all just saw my looks and never did anything. even when i was wrong. SO WHY DOES HE THINK HE CAN QUESTION ME, MY ACTIONS. BECAUSE HE ALSO HAS A HANDSOME FACE, HE GAVE ME ONE DAY TO LEAVE. NO HE ORDERD ME. I WILL SHOW HIM, I WILL MAKE SURE YOU REGERT WHY YOU DID NOT MAFDE ME LEAVE IMMEADIATELY. But how can I make him regret, Think heemin think, I got it the room. It was not his, I remember he was nearest to that brown haired girl. The same girl on which I have my eyes on'

zeus eyes with a look of madness as then lighting starts in the back ground. With his plan set. He laughs loudly a maniacal laugh. With one goal in his mind to make Daniel regret and set an example to him

After stopping his evil laughter. He is scared to the point of pissing his pants again when he feels an hand on his shoulder. Looking over he sees another camp instructor. He breaths a sigh of relief and leaves the area to rest.

The next day everyone were going boating through the valley river. But before leaving the counselor woobin says "Remember everyone completely strap your life jackets. And if you feel anything is wrong tell us." 

He was about to continue but is stopped due to students dissatisfaction. As he hears them say "shut up your annoying. what are you our mother. look at his face i know he is jealous of zeus".As they were about to rant more but are stopped.by zeus

who says what woobin said exactly "everyone ready. take care of your safety". After hearing zeus say to take care all girls. Are going crazy as how zeus is gentle.while woobin feels wronged. From the conor of his eye zeus see mira talking to Daniel who is now using the perfect body. Looking at them both laughing and happy. Zeus feels his plan will be the best.

With  all of them boating through the valley. woobin sees zeus playing with girls. As he also tries to play with them but they all make a disgusted face saying "look at him he looks like he is about to do something devious". As they are saying bad things about him.

While Daniel is using the perfect body and is having fun in the camp. System is using the little body to jog around. And is very confused due to the changes in the Little body, He thinks ' I am jogging for around 15 mins at the same pace with out getting tired, or any other discomfort. I saw Daniel also use this body to jog for a minute then starts breathing for his life. Is this due to me begin a system. Is that the reason form me to not feel it. Even if it was. But how do I explain the weight lost, the body has been losing weight like crazy'. 


Then wanting to understand what is going on. And dismissing all the recent thoughts by thinking it must be form vasco reward. Opening the stats in the little body. He sees and is shocked 









When system sees the stats is shocked. The stats even with race reward would have not reached S this fast. Confused on such fast improvement and fascinated with fast progress. Happily opening the skills section to see the skills. But all happiness and fascination. Vanishing like it never existed.


cooking level : 8 passive makes your food tastes beyond 5 stars level chef

BLOOD LUST : Active skills makes people feel pressure and effective if they already fear user.

singing level: 6 you can make a girl fall in love with your voice.

(new skill) Perfect body (20%) passive skill : by using upgrade token daniel park little body is upgraded to match big body structure. To become perfect like big body

Now understanding the reason for sudden growth boost in the stats and weight lost. Also getting angry. Due to daniel using the using the upgrade token to upgrade the body which was reserved for him. To upgrade and see what new features he would have unlocked. After a while if anger system clams down with the thought of what is the use of anger now when it's over.

Time passing form day to evening. With system using the little body. Using the little body he goes to the work in the convenience store, The owner says " hey daniel when is the other daniel gonna be back form the trip". 

The response to the owner " maybe a week or less, This is will be his 3 rd day their". Owner nods after hearing. With that said owner leaves the store to do some work. Leaving the system to watch over the store,  after 4 hours the owner come back with some papers and a wanted notice telling system to put them on the glass. Of the store windows. 


System sees the wanted paper of zeus. Already knowing it. With that system is also using the other body too keep an eye on him.  Knowing now is the time. System contacts The daniel who was using the perfect body. 

We see Daniel who is using the perfect body lying in his room. Tired form the all day activity and was about to fall asleep. He feels his view shift form his room inside the camp. To the store where he works. And sees the wanted notice of zeus and the crimes for which he is wanted. 

All the tiredness washed away with him asking the system "Hey what is going on system, why did you pull me here. Just to show this". With system responding " I guess you were right about the bad feeling for the zeus. Now listen to me carefully go and find him where he is and do not let him out of your eye sight for a second. Now no more questions and go".

Sending him back to the perfect body. Waking up in the room Daniel stands up and goes outside the room only to find zoe waiting for him with a message " Hey daniel zeus asked you to visit him in the storage, mira was also with me so he asked her to help move the boxes and ". not waiting her to finish he rushed toward the storage with a worry ful face. 

While he was running he is spotted by zack and vasco. Both not understanding why he rushed away in such a hurry. They ask zoe for the reason. With her telling them the about the instructor message and how they were caught walking around. Zack and vasco hearing this both stand down and starts thinking why he ran their. 


We see zeus and mira in the storage. Mira is helping him with the boxes. She was busy with the boxes not noticing the strange look in the eye of zeus. Then when he was about to attack her. Woobin the fat little instructor came in the storage. He had his eyes on zeus form day one. 

He had a feeling that zeus was not good. And now he was hiding and looking at the zeus movement and he clearly saw the look his eye. Zeus seeing the woobin their stands down. With mira taking a step back. To move away form woobin.

Zeus also notices this and moves in front of her to hide her a bit more. Woobin seeing gets angry. Zeus shows the strange look once again to provoke woobin into attacking him. Which works successfully. Attacking zeus who is caught off guard by the strength of the little fat man. And is quickely pushed in the ground by woobin who now sits on top of him attacking him in the face. 


But woobin is pushed off by mira buying him enough time to get up on his feet and beat him. Kicking him in the face and stomping on him. Then daniel using the perfect body also enters the storage with him saying " mIra get away from zeus, He is not good". Mira wanting to defend zeus. 

She is hit in the head which makes her fall down. Then zeus says " even with your warning am still here". But daniel did not payed any attention to him. And goes for attack. Using boxing jab trying to hit him in the  face but fails.

  Due him begin hit on the leg by zeus. Who knows muy thai. Ignoring the pain. He then uses question mark kick to kick him on the side of the ribs. The kick made zues cover his mid section and not covering his face. As he is hit in the face by a fast left hook. Making him fall down. 

Daniel then goes to check mira condition. Mira who was hit in the head feels dizzy and her head spinning. With support of daniel she gets her bearings back of the surrounding.  At the same time zeus also gets up and sees Iron rebar on the ground. Picking it up and siliently wanting to attack daniel in the head.

Mira who is now fully awake and is feeling better then before. She looks up and sees zeus hitting daniel in the back on his head with the iron. Wanting to attack him a second time on the head but mira pushes daniel. Making him miss the attack. 

Daniel who was shaken form the first attack on the head. Cannot see clearly and feels a warm liquid runnng down his face  taking a fighting stance. Zeus seeing his second attack miss is annoyed. Mira goes to grab his hand trying to make him drop the iron bar. But failing. Zeus kicks her away.

Daniel looks away form zeus to mira. Taking his eyes off him for just enough time to get hit on the head again. Making him more dizzy and bleed. Zeus going in for the third one. But fails as his legs are swept form under him. Making on fall  on his back. 

Then Daniel using all the force his body could muster. Goes to punch him in the face. But misses due to dizziness, zeus taking this god given opportunity. Pushes daniel away. Getting up and kicking him in the face. Making him fall.


Mira trys to crawl away only to end up in a corner. Praying desperately for someone to save her. Zeus seeing this gives a perveted smile and says " Don't resist, you will soon enjoy it".  Mira gets a little stone and she throws it at him. which hit him in the eye

Getting angry he says " You bitch". He goes to grab her hair. He then pushed her in the wall. with her head hitting it and she falls unconscious , seeing her fall unconscious he goes to get her pants off. 

But feels someone no something is behind him. He can feel it. The feeling of begin looked by something which cannot be explained. With all his instincts screaming to run. 

Wanting to look behind. But his body did not allowed it, forcing it to turn only to see. A man with black eyes and white pupils looking at him. As blood runs form his face on the ground, With one word said by zeus  "Monster". As then a loud scream is heard all over the camp.

the image will be in comments

The story ends here. 


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