

Recap: With zeus almost having his way with mira. Our hero was down but not out of the count. What made the moster wake up faster. What we are about to witness the struggle of our hero.

Story Starts Here: 

  we see daniel in the perfect body on the ground, Getting hit 3 times in the head, He saw how zeus slowly made his way near mira. Desperation the feeling of powerless came back again. Daniel who thought he will change slowly is now facing a delima, wanting to help mira. Even at the cost of his life.

He called system asking for help. But system response pushed him into more desperation. System said " The body is too damaged. The head trauma has made disabled many movement function, The blood loss also making worse. Its almost not possible to move, I am sorry Daniel, we have almost no chance of saving here".

Daniel asked once again, His only hope with begin system " Come on their must be a way to help her. How will I face mira after this how can I look her in the eyes again, what will I say to her, that I am sorry was to weak to protect her". with Him holding hope even of it's little. 

But the next words of system shocked him.  which were " Daniel your hesitation to knock him out, at the start caused this all. I already told ya clearly. Go and warn others while i call the cops, But you did not listen to me and did not warn anyone, ran here what good did you do, Look at you know slowly gonna die in this body form blood loss, Be another nail to be pushed in the heart of mira. You will live in the little body but mira what about her". 

Letting daniel hear and process the words, system continues "  You clearly know what it feels to be a victim, And how people treat the victim, Rumors, talk, gossip. It will all slowly crush her, And you know from experience. what can any one do when they lost all hope and are crushed by society. An sorry to her parents a sorry at her funeral. This all will happen, But what they will continue living, After 2 to 5 days forget that mira existed. All because OF YOUR DECISION TO RUSH HERE".

The words bringing down the hope he had. Making his mind wander. Remembering all the experience bullying unfairness. He reached to the state where he can easily remember all the words that were said to him. with these words stuck in his head " look at him he looks soo fat how does his mother afford it all. she must think of him as a burden. right why don't he kills him self". With him then replacing mira with himself.

He can clearly see how mira will be rejected. He can see zack helping her. But alone his help will not be enough, Watching until reaching the point. He saw it mira finally broke under the pressure of all. He saw it clearly the smile she gave zack. The smile which clearly told she had given up. Zack not wanting to leave her side wanted to stick with her for whole life. But with her words asking for a bit of alone time. zack reluctantly  Gave her the little alone time. 

Reaching home giving everything she loved or liked a last look. With daniel begin their in a sprit like state. screaming and tell her to stop. Even trying to snatch pen away. going as far to stand in front of her closet. trying to stop her form taking out any thing but ultimately failing, Doing everything just to see her gave the last smile.

Then he is taken back to reality by the words of system " Now there is one way to save her. The is for you to reach the state where even if your unconscious your body will move freely. But how to reach it, I don't know, But i have these words if you can understand, But what your feeling now. Remember that feeling, only when she takes over your freed of all morals and hesitations, But don't let her over take you,  No matter how good the power is your ability to control matters, Command it to protect mira. Make it protect mira, Your power of mind will help you direct it, Thats all i have it's up to you now call lady death".

  Hearing system words, He understands one thing he can stand up and help her. With all the power of will he tires to do what the system said, But fails, Slowly hearing mira crying and crawling sounds. By each second he is being pushed into despair, Blood is slowly turns into a pool around his head, Losing to much blood is causing daniel to hallucinate, He hears a girl voice "Do you want help to protect her. Take my hand and rest leave it all to him"

Daniel thinking he is hallucinating. But still keeps hope. Looking a girls hand. Holding it, He lose consciousness, With only one thought in mind to protect mira. Daniel gets up Exhaling slowly, Opens his eyes void black pupil and white iris, with no emotion, Those eyes locks on zeus.

Making his way behind him. All the living begins in the jungle starts feeling restless, Small animals running away, Birds flying away. Even the mighty bear feeling scared.  What is the cause of such phenomena.  But what ever it might be. Its out for blood. 

UI Daniel making his appearance standing behind zeus, Uses the skill bloodlust, emitting Bright red aura, Alerting zeus like a scared rabbit. zeus froze looking back seeing daniel with blood running down his face not caring about it. Zeus wanting to say something but fails.

Grabbing his hair and pulling him away form mira then it slamming it into ground with enough force to break the tiles below. breaking his nose and some of his teeth's.  Not leaving the hair pulling him up back to his feet, Zeus getting this little moment says "daniel listen WE CAN TALK ABOUT THIS I WILL LEAVE AND NOT COME BACK GIVE ME ANOTHER CHANCE".  Raising his both arms to beg for mercy. But UI Daniel has his eyes on the arms and the look he gave by no means say mercy. 

Leaving his hair. Zeus gets hope thinking he forgave him. With blood falling from his nose and forehead, He is missing 3 teeth. Looks up, But quickly realizes where daniel eyes are looking. He attacks trying to punch him in the face. 

Daniel easily dodges and grabs the arm which was used to throw the punch doing the shoulder throw easily making zeus to the ground. Not leaving the arm twisting it, Bringing down the knee on the humors with such force that it breaks like a paper, Damaging the ground as well.  Zeus scream is heard by all the people in the camps. But none dared to go out. 

They all saw how many little animals and birds ran away. With some instructors saying " It must be a big animal fighting or hunting so i hope you all remain in your rooms. Don't come out until we say". saying this instructors went to contact the emergency services to alert them of such thing. 

Now zack , vasco ,jay ,jace sits in the room. With vasco telling jace and jay everything. zoe, yui, mary , vin are also in the room. Zoe explained everything to them. With all of them thinking of many possibilities.

Vin who was in the room gets annoyed and says "  What's to much to think about it. He went their to help the boxing simp's girlfriend. What more is their to think about". Zack hearing this gets annoyed replies to vin "Shut it glasses no one asked for you opinion, and am getting bad feeling my gut's telling me something is wrong with mira. And he also ran with worry on his face like he saw a ghost".

Hearing this jace with the biggest analyzing brain says " There might be 2 possible out come why he ran thier. 1 he just wanted to help her and hearing she was caught by instructor he is worried ..for her. 2nd i don't want to say the bad words, But he might have ran to protect her form someone or something".

Quick note none of them heard the scream they were in the room when he screamed, And they heard instructor giving big animal warning over the speaker. note ends here.

Vin feels the room is stuffy and hard to breath goes to open the window. He opens it and sees eli outside and says "I see you like to spy, Now answer me would you like to shit and vomit blood".  Eli hearing his replies and says " I am form hair department, And all the classmates are girls, They all wanted to be in one room with me, i bearly made it out alive and wanted to hide here inside the room, and i heard ya so i stopped and was about to check the other room ".

Everyone hearing this all sweats and vasco has a tear on his cheek which only jace saw. taking pity on him they allow him in the room. Eli asks what they were talking about and Yui explains it to him. Eli hearing this says "  I heard an student saying they heard scream coming form storage ". 

Hearing this all eyes are on eli trying to find any reaction or face moment to tell if he is lying or not. Looking at him for 10 secs. Zack stands up and rushes toward the storage, With jay and on his back. Vasco also wanting to follow tells jace "Stand here and protect the girls jace, I will go with them to see what is wrong".  Jace nods and vasco also leaves.

Eli jace vin are in the room. Vin gets angry and says " Look at those fuckers, Leaving me behind. Maybe i should follow and throw them off a cliff".  Vin thinks this is a great idea and follows, Eli not wanting them to fight also follows.

We see zack and jay running toward the storage, With vasco also on their back, Arriving their all stop at the door and see it closed, Vin and eli also get their vin breaths heavily and says "You fuckers could have ran a little slower, It's not like your gonna get rewar". His words are cut when something is thrown out of the storage door. Breaking the door it lands near the feet of vin.

It grabs  vins legs which freaks him out, Giving a scream vin jumps away form it, calming down the beating heart which feels like will pop out of chest, Now all get a good look on what is it, Not realizing him, But from the uniform he is wearing they realize it's an instructor with no pants on. 

All look in the storage form where he was thrown. They all can feel the atmosphere is not right, Vin is trying to fight the urge to curse with the foulest word known to man. to whoever throwed him at his feet, Eli also getting first time meeting gun flash backs.

Zack can also sense it's like he is back at the cult. And vasco feeling like he is back in the middle school. But all thoughts are the same what ever is inside it is not good for them. Zack begin the simp... i mean the Goat he is takes the first step. Wanting to find mira.

With the rest following zack inside.

Inside the storage the lights are flickering, looking around they can see blood on the walls and ground. it's like a slaughter house. With the whole storage damaged and out of place. Looking around they all see daniel standing Infront of mira.

The flickering lights they all see the daniel white shirt almost red with his hand begin blooded. And him bleeding form the head. Zack looks around and spots mira behind mira Daniel and looking at her eyes close Zack heart almost stops beating.

Zack goes toward mira But is stopped by eli and vin. Both having experience of such situations. Zack trys to throw both their grip off as he says "  Let me go i need to see what is the condition of mira". His eyes showing worry for mira and anger for eli and vin. 

Eli tries to talk some sense in to zack "You saw first hand how he was thrown out, Like a potato sack. And we are now seeing the man who threw that sack. Some caution will be apricated". 

Vin also adds "As much as i hate to say it, But i agree with the twin haired bastard. His condition and the room condition is screaming at us. To say alert, The man condition i don't need to say it". zack hearing this gets a little clarity and his emotions under Nods. As vin and eli let go.

Now vin says " What ever happened here, we all can say daniel has a big hand in it ".

Zack slowly goes to check the condition of mira. Daniel is still looking at them. Not paying attention to Zack who is going near mira.  His hand was about to touch mira. It is grabbed By Daniel. Who looks at Zack with out any emotion in his eye. Throws him away form Mira. He hits the shelf in the room. 

With the shelf falling apart a small sitck around forearms length. Drops near eli. Picking up the stick He looks at daniel and feels like he is facing gun again. Not fighting for 3 years has dulled him alot, But not to the point where he can't defend him self. Vasco sees Daniel throw Zack away he says "What are you doing daniel we are gonna check on mira and see how is she doing"

Hearing the word mira Daniel locks his eyes on Vasco. The pressure is felt in the room with the skill Bloodlust starting again. The word mira has reset him again. Now His eyes on the new opponents or victims. 

With his eyes on them he rushed toward vasco trying to kick him. But is stopped when eli comes in the pic with UI sensing him begin a bigger threat. He moves toward Eli. seeing Daniel rush him. With a stick in his arm eli thinks to himself ' I will use what he taught once again, As much as i hate him. But now this is the best way to take him down with out hurting him much'. Looking at Daniel eyes he can see gun smiling back at him, With Gun figure slowly overlapping Daniel.

Taking the offensive Eli goes to strike daniel in the face shoulder and stomach. But the stick is grabbed easily. Pulling the stick as eli also comes with it. Going to punch eli in the face but. Eli leaves the stick stabilizing himself Knowing aikido flips him.

With flip momentum he uses rtaekwondoo Axe.  Eli instincts warns him and he takes a step back  Daniel leg striking the ground breaking the tiles. Landing on the ground and rushing eli,.

But vin comes in the middle and says "What do you think you are bastard ignoring me. am i a joke to yo". Vin words are ended with a straight punch landing on his face which throws him in the wall. He is down for a while. 

  Setting his eyes on eli again. Now using the retaek wondoo bob-up speed blitzing, coming in front of eli and using aikido to flip him. Like he did then using retaek wondoo baekdu. striking eli in the stomach while he in mid air. Eli feels like he is been hit by and hammer. with all the breath forced out of his lungs. falls on the ground with his face up. 

Daniel goes to finish eli by striking him in the face with a powerful blow is stopped by vacso. who grabs his hand form behind.  Daniel now shifts his attention to vasco. then grabs him form under shoulder and throws him down. with jay having none intention to fight or hurt his friend. 

with all the people on the ground Ui again goes back to protecting mira. Zack gets up groaning in pain form the shelf. Eli rubs his stomach where he was struck. Vin rubbing his face. Vasco feeling his back aching form the pain. 

Vin looks at everyone conditions and then at jays condition and gets angry and says "Dumb yellow haired bastard, your useless you could at least help us, But no you chose to stand on the side and watch us all get beaten, Did any one of us offend ya in any way". Everyone else nodding to vin words.

Jay hearing vin words nods. Which sets vin even off who says " I don't speak the nod language. Stupid man. were you dropped on the head as a kid".

Then eli drops a strange revelation on them saying "I know this might sound stupid but, He is not awake. or the correct word might be not in his right state of mind". Hearing his words all are confused.

Then vin adds "What do you mean not awake or right state of mind, That fucker punched me mid sentence and you say he is not awake And am sure humans does not work like it. Even if he is not awake i will wake that sleeping bitch up, Look now fuckers how the great vinjin beats him in the ground".

Vin then gets ready and rushed toward him. He jumped wanting to grab his shoulders, But plan back fires with the use re taekwondoo dragon catcher. Smashing his head in the ground. Now completely putting him down.

After seeing what happened to vin everyone thinks to themselves "what an idiot". As then they all give each other a look. Then vasco and zack both run toward daniel at the same time. with eli and jay as backup. eli looking form a opening to take down daniel . jay trying to take down daniel without hurting him too much.

vaso and zack punch at the same time. daniel easily stops both their fist. As daniel who was about to go for a akido throw on both zack and vasco. Is stopped due to eli holding arm and trying a shoulder throw.

But daniel counters it. by putting his hand on eli spine. not giving his chance to bend his back to complete. the throw. As then daniel. Attempts to punch eli on the head. but he is grabbed by vasco form the back. As then everyone seeing the opening. all rush to take down daniel. eli zack jay. go for a punch daniel turns around using his feet as in a rotating moting. he puts vasco back facing the attack of all.

He loses the grip on the daniel. As then they all feel daniel slowly goes for a powerful kick. they all feel. what ever attack daniel is going to do is dangerous. As then ui daniel uses retaekwondo recoiless kick.  As then they all try to run. but fail.  they all close their eyes and get ready form impact. but the kick was never completed. daniel falls to the ground due to blood loss and head impact form the sneak attack of the zeus. They all sigh a breath of relief.

Then zack seeing daniel fall down he runs towards mira. seeing mira  is fine. As then he wooin on the ground also bleeding. 

Cops and ambulance comes. As then a cop comes towards zack .eli .jay .vasco and vinjin. As then the cops tells them. "clam down your friend is fine. the doctors are saying he will be fine after some sleep. But after hearing. the wooin statement. I will also have to tell daniel that he is being charged with assault or intention of murder".

After hearing what cop said. everyone is enraged. As then zack says " what is this bullshit. you also heard what counselor wooin said if daniel was late for a minute. worse could have happened to mira. If that happened to mira. I don't know about daniel but i would have killed him". 

As then cops tells him "Kid you don't understand. form also you statement daniel was not awake when you reached. But still breaking arms  . completely destroying kneecaps. badly damaging backbone. And for his face. You all can see for your self. and some other place which are  better left unsaid it would be a miracle if zeus can move. heck even wake up form that much injuries".

Cop seeing  them tells about  zeus condition they all stop speaking. After hearing it. The cops continue "If you were late he might have putted zeus six feet under.  he was fully prepared to send zeus away. so you must understand. their is far. then theirs's too far. I also applaud what daniel did to the rapist . but also understand form the view of law".

  after hearing all what cops said. they stand in silence. As then cop say more "We can ignore all charges . But daniel have to say that he beated zeus in self defense. As with protecting mira this way daniel can ignore all charges. but woobin statement says daniel did not stop even when zeus was begging. woobin told us everything. As how daniel slowly broke all his bones and did what you saw". 

  Story ends here.

I HOPE YOU ALL LIKE THE CHAPTER, and also tell me if you liked the fight scene. 








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