
Liquid Mercury

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When the descendent of the O'Connell-Carnahan-Bay family finds herself in Mosul, Iraq excavating an Egyptian sarcophagus she knew that this would be a find that would put her in the history books like her family. However, Nick Morton has made that very difficult by unleashing the power of Ahmanet over the entirety of the world. Will she live up to her ancestors legacy? Only time will tell. Follow Elizabeth O'Connell as she makes her way through the present time Mummy adventure trying to save the world from a power that cannot be contained.

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Chapter 15,000 B.C.

A beautiful girl with shoulder-length black hair stood fighting with her opponent. They used wooden spears to fight, she dodged and twisted avoiding his blows. Her white dress flowed around her as she moved, imitating the whirling winds that whipped through the sands of Egypt. You could tell the girl was from royalty almost the second you saw her. She had won this round, the wooden spear now at her much larger opponent's neck. Smiling, she looked towards her father for his approval.

Princess Ahmanet. Beautiful, cunning, and ruthless. Sole heir to the throne of Egypt. The Pharaoh's kingdom would one day be hers to rule without mercy or fear. And Ahmanet would be worshipped as a living God.

Her father was very proud of her as they looked out to the pyramids of Egypt, he prided her in the art of fighting, knowing she would need it when she became Queen. As the Pharaoh and her shared a glance she knew that dream may not be true as his glance broke off for his Queen.

But the Pharaoh had a son. The boy now, would inherit her destiny. And Ahmanet understood power was not given, it had to be taken.

She had watched the birth of her brother. With anger flowing through her veins, she needed a plan, and fast. Power would not be hers if she did not take it back. She walked through the temple knowing what she needed to do, straight to the library where she would find the Set documents.

Vowing revenge she made a choice to embrace evil. Set. The God of death. They made a pact. A pact that would unleash darkness itself.

The girl cut her wrist watching it as the blood ran down it. Unrolling one of the dead scrolls, she read the ancient text aloud. Set would give her the power and strength she needed to become Queen. Once the blood met the water the crows above her started to caw and squawk to life. The fire rustled wildly as the shadow behind her offered her Set's dagger. In pain, the girl took the dagger into her hands with no thoughts of repercussions. The metal burned her skin as soon as she touched it. Falling over in pain the girl watched as her arms became covered in ancient text that burned their way through and over her body. She slowly rose the irises of her eyes doubling.

Ahmanet was reborn a monster.

Darkness overcame her body. Complete and utter darkness. She stood above her father about to slit his throat. He awoke before she was able to finish the job. No remorse showed in the doubled eyes, she slit his throat with the dagger, blood splattering on her face. She did the same in the next room with her stepmother and brother.

Yet the pact was not complete. She vowed to bring the demon into our world in the body of a mortal man. Together, they would take their vengeance upon humanity.

She straddled her lover, the man who understood her twisted ways and did not flinch when she reared up with the dagger attempting to kill him so Set could take his form. Before it could be complete she felt the darts filled with mercury in her neck. Screaming, she fell, dropping the dagger. The stone releasing from it. The man scrambled from beneath her to save her from sudden fate. Sacrificing himself anyway, he screamed out in pain when the mercury reached his blood supply. He fell, dead. Ahmanet reached for the dagger and stone in her anguish, though she did not reach them in time. She was dragged away and forced down onto the table for mummification. The guards wrapped her up in gauze trying to contain the screaming girl.

For her sins, Ahmanet was mummified alive. Her body carried far from Egypt. There she would remain, condemned to eternal darkness. But death is a doorway and the past cannot remain buried forever.

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244 Chs