
Chapter 3

The entrance of academy. Izuku and Wednesday were parting ways with their parents.

"Alright dear....did you get your toothpaste?" Inko asked her son worriedly.

"Yes." He replied shortly.

"What about toothbrush? Umm pair of clothes...what if you are not ready...what if the food here will be not to your liking or...or...or perhaps you will be bullied again!?"

Inko was really worried for her son after all it was the first time that she should let go of her little bird.

"Mom...." Izuku said softly grabbing Inko's hand. "Everything will be just fine! I will study hard in here."

Inko couldn't hold herself any longer but burst into tears which seemed more like a hose spilling too much water. For Izuku, this has certainly become a habit. His mom was always overprotective of him...even now.

Izuku smiled again and proceeded to hug Inko.

"I will regularly call you and dad....take care observing this new state."

"D-Don't...*hic*...forget to call,dear."

With that said Inko sat inside the Adams' family car while Morticia was still saying her farewells to Wednesday.

"Sooo, Wednesday." Marticia said teasingly.


"Don't you wanna tell me what is going on between you and that japanese boy~?" Marticia's tone was that of an actress playing a role.

"Nothing....but here however comes my question...why are you so curious about him?" Wednesday said something surprising to Marticia who smiled like Cheshire cat.

"You see...this child is bearing a huge burden on his soul...my spirits are telling that his fate is linked with our families' one."

Wednesday clearly didn't understand her words.

"If you think that I'm you than you are clearly mistaken,mother. You wanna tell that I should do something like dating don't you?"

"Ah,dear...your words are like knife to my heart." Marticia held her hands near her heart.

"Knife to your heart? You don't have a heart to say this."

As always Wednesday was merciless with her words,but Marticia didn't payed attention to this. Instead she expanded her arms handing Wednesday some kind of necklace which was in W shape. Wednesday thoughtfully took a glance seeing it.

"See? That's our bond,dear....Now it's in W shape which is your initials and if you turn it upside down it will be M shaped which is mine initial. It will help you to channel with spirits after all it's pure obsidian."

Wednesday rolled her eyes.

"Which one of your spirit gave you such a horrible idea?"

Marticia seemed to get sad by her daughter's tone.

"Alright dear...also remember one thing,if you want to find your answers in life try to observe him." She pointed towards Izuku as slowly Marticia was getting back to her car while Wednesday seemed a bit surprised by her mother's words.

"Did spirits told you that?"

"No,just my deduction."

With that said Missis Adams sat on car which slowly disappeared in horizon.

"Parents are sometimes    o-overprotective don't you think,W-Wednesday-san?" Izuku said scratching back of his head.

"If by overprotective you mean extremely annoying than perhaps you are right."

"Uhh...haha perhaps sometimes parents can be annoying but mostly this is because they care about us."

For Izuku whose mother was like his only parent the worth of parents was more clear rather than for Wednesday. He thought of her as person with huge ambitions and clear mind.

"So,when are you going to start introducing me to your colorful world? Or was it just a bluff made out from anger? Let's start by thing which most friends do." Wednesday surprisingly was more talkative than she used to.

"Well...umm... let's observe each other and say what we think of ourselves." Izuku gave an idea which seemed more like a Riddle for Wednesday.

"So you want us to say each other's good parts and bad parts?"


Wednesday thought about it while took a sit on nearby bench.

"Alright I will start first than" Wednesday looked at Izuku for a dozen of seconds and started her observation info. "So well. I think that you are over optimistic,way too reckless and annoying to the point where I do wonder whether I should choke you to death or burn you alive."

This lines made Izuku to flinch from fear.

"W-Wow....e-even Kaachan had a better opinion on me..." He chuckled with sweat on forehead.

"I'm not done yet. Despite being such a wuss you somehow manage to be brave at times,you look like a fairytale character who goes on with lines such as 'Let's do it.' or 'Power of friendship is undefeatable.' which is the problem for me. The problems in fairytales are in that they are not real."

Completely monotone face without any change in emotion. For Izuku however she seemed more like a close soul to him. Despite being so different they both were so similar.

"Th-Thanks for your feedback on me....." He thanked Wednesday for her telling truth about him while upon scratching his head he decided to tell his opinion on Wednesday; "W-Well,to cut the long story short I think of you as Person with strong ideals, Ambitions and a clear goal. I think that we both can become good friends and I will never give up on convincing you. I want to change your emotionless face with even a slightest part of emotion."

"Oh you are already making me feel some kinds of emotions." Surprisingly she managed to mix her monotone and sarcasm in one sentence.


"Yes, Emotions of being annoying that is."

"W-Well at least I managed to awaken one...."

"That's actually surprising that I still didn't killed you." Wednesday said once again calmly and scarily.

"Haha,G-Good joke!" Izuku started to laugh but saw Wednesday who with all her appearance seemed hundred percent serious.

"I never joke."

"I-I somehow figured it out....haha...."

"So is that all? I thought friendship is something more considering your speech but seems I was mistaken." Wednesday seemingly wasn't pleased with idea of being friends with Izuku nor anyone else. The only thing that she hated is to loose, especially in challenges and duels.

"Friendship is really something cool! I once had a friends and hanging out with them were super cool!" As if his eyes were full of sparkles he looked at Wednesday with puppy eyes.


"Ah...haha...well since I was figured out as quirkless unsurprisingly people started to avoid me. The guys which I thought to be my friends became my bullies."

Wednesday never feels sympathy to anyone so it wasn't as if she was moved by his backstory at all.

"That's what you get for being friendly with everyone. I said that once and will repeat my words again. You are way to innocent,like a rabbit but in this world people are more like wolfs rather than rabbits so sooner or later I can guarantee that you will fell for wolfs' trap."

Izuku decided to be silent as he knew himself how it's like to stop argument.

~Chapter 3: Wolf and Rabbit.~

Izuku and Wednesday were being led towards there dorms by Larissa who was humming a cheerful song while said;"Your transfer here was really sudden Mister Midoriya so there weren't much of dorms left beside one."

"Wait...what does that mean?" Izuku a bit confused replied.

His question was ignored by both Larissa and Wednesday. Talking about Larissa. Whole time that Izuku saw Larissa strange feeling was coating his heart....as if she had some grudge...but grudge not towards him but somebody else. He decided to not think about it too much and simply thought to himself; 'Just my imagination.'

"Anyway,here is your new dorm~!" Larissa exclaimed.

They were standing beside a huge door which was made of wood. It was old enough to look creepy but strangely got to Wednesday's liking... surprisingly unsurprising at all I would say.

Larissa pushed the door revealing a huge room which was wide enough for three people to fit in just perfect.

First thought that entered Izuku's mind was;'Whoah!!! It looks super cool!'

While Wednesday's eyes caught something so disgusting that her expression changed from normal monotone to disgust monotone one. The sight that she saw was a colorfully bright corner of room. Full of rainbow like decorations mixed with unicorns and photos of celebrities. And speaking of room,it was way too dusty with a huge window in middle of it but thanks to the decorations it looked much more relaxing. Well what is disgusting here you might ask? Well it was disgusting for Wednesday.

"Is that my new roommates!?" The blond haired girl with curly hair exclaimed coming out from colorful corner of room.

She wore a pink hoodie while her hair was blonde with hair ending with pink color in right and blue on left. Also not to mention she had a pink butterfly hair clip adjusting some part of her hair but it was accessory rather than stuff needed for adjusting hair.

Upon seeing her Izuku understood that she was an optimistic person with bright personality....and his guess was right.

"Yes,Miss Sinclair they both are your new roommates."

The certain word 'both' made Izuku crimson red.

"Wh-What do you mean both?" Izuku asked nervously and timidly.

"As I said earlier there are no free rooms in dorms so you should stay in here. After all this dorm is pretty wide for two people."

"No No...are you really fine with me being in here!? I m-m-mean I'm a boy and...."

"Hahaha! Mister Izuku I can guarantee that no one is displeased with you being here."

Wednesday nodded as said calmly; "I can understand why principal is so calm. After all you are too much of an innocent soul to dare do anything to harm girls."

"A surprising statement coming from you Miss Wednesday." Larissa noted.

"Oh it not a statement just the thing I know."

Enid already grew tired of waiting and staying silent.

"So I got a goth and nerdy roommates? Cool!"

Enid exclaimed wanting to hug Wednesday but she dodged her masterfully making Enid to heat her head on nearby wall.


The loud noice came from wall while Izuku a bit worried ran towards her.

"A-Are you ok,Enid-san!?"

He as fast as lighting helped her to get up as started to check if her head was ok or not.

"No really I'm fine...agh you could have not dodged dammit..."

"I am allergic to bright colors,if something colorful will touch me my flesh might tear up nor I will throw up."

But Izuku wasn't backing up.

"But what if you might have got a bad t-trauma...."

"Seriously dude, I'm fine hah—!?"

Izuku's face was near her while she blushed a bit seeing his face.

"A-Actually my head might be bad....Down Bad." As if trying to be cool she stood in a cool posture similar to 'Hey babe~' word.

"Thanks to god you are ok." Releaved he sighed with a smile as bright as sun while Enid's cheeks got even more brighter.

'C-Cute!!!' she screamed to herself as showed her thumbs up "Damn! Principal Larissa good job on bringing him here!"

"I see there won't be any casualties I guess...well than I will leave you all for now observe the school kids. Enid make sure to show them around."

"Yes~!" She raised her hands cheerfully.

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