
Chapter 4

"Our school doesn't have any special features beside one..."  Enid said raising one of her fingers."It is the place for every reject of society, starting with freaks and continuing with emo gothic students."

Surprisingly her look fell towards Wednesday who didn't payed attention to her words.

Izuku on other hand was observing the school. It was a huge place with many students. Several scary and huge buildings and many other things.

As to what Izuku understood students here had some kind of hierarchy among them. They all were gathered into there own groups.

"So you noticed." Enid said getting close to Izuku. "Our school had got a bad reputation and it is surprisingly fitting in here."

"Uh-huh...so this school is like a big honeycomb with it's own queen?" As sharp as always Wednesday's hunch came out to be just true.

"Indeed~! Like look over there."  

She pointed her finger towards a ni—...a black skinned girl who was sitting near a a fountain that was in the shape of a mermaid. Her eyes were brown with a hint of gold on them. She was graciously sitting while her hand was placed in water.

"Her name is Bianca Barclay the 'queen bee' of this place." Enid noted while expanding her arms.

"Queen bee?" Izuku asked.

"Enid wants to say that this girl something like a top student in here....I will be blunt I dislike her despite not knowing her myself."

"Haha, that's the spirit! Tho I would not want to be Bianca's enemy... especially now when she broke up with Xavier." Once again Enid pointed her finger towards the wall.

A tall boy with curly long hair was painting the wall while Bianca seemed to pierce him with her eyes.

"S-So it seems I'm the only Japanese in here...haha."

"I won't say that this is true, Izuku."

"What do you mean?"

"In fact there is one girl from Japan. You might meet her. Her quirk is super cool!"

"Really!?" He exclaimed surprising both Wednesday and Enid. "Oh! S-S-Sorry! Sorry!!!" He started to bow down like a machine gun. "I'm J-Just excited when the topic is about quirks,haha...."

Enid was silent for a moment as suddenly said "Whoah that's....So Cute of you, Izuku~!" She exclaimed jumping up.

"Wh-Wha!? C-C-Cute....??"

"You know you are like a rabbit haha!"

Yet again he was called 'rabbit' now he was really in dilemma weather he is Broccoli or Rabbit.

"As I said he is like a rabbit...and a broccoli." Wednesday finally decided to say her word.

Surprisingly there conversation was relaxing and good. Izuku never felt such a feeling before and it was....good. They were talking untill the strange tall guy didn't decided to come towards them.

"Hey Enid! Did you heard news about your new roommates!? They say one of them is a murderer girl who eats ponies for breakfast and feeds on human misery....sucks to be you,Enid..."

"O-Oh hey there!" Enid a bit nervous said while Wednesday crossed her arms in her back.

"What's the matter,Enid? You look like you saw a ghost lol." The guy laughed adjusting his Cap.

Enid in meantime started to roll her eyes rightwards to warn the guy.

"What does your eye movement means?" He as confused asked.

Wednesday finally decided to say a word or two.

"That new roommate is me. I'm bloodthirsty monster who loves to eat children dreams." She stepped towards the guy and by opening her eyes said; "Boo~!"

The guy in fright ran away while Enid with a bit of worry in her tone slowly turned towards Wednesday.

"Ajax is not a bad guy, really. He is just a little bit dumb ya know...his quirk makes him always high as f*ck."

"High?" Izuku asked confused. Well,despite him knowing English he still lacked in some words because he didn't wasted time learning some useless shitty words such as deez or ligma unlike me.....

"Whoah...in this age and era you don't know meaning of being high?....well being high means to be relaxed by using some drugs." As if teacher of English Enid explained to Izuku the meaning of word high.

"Wh-Whoah....SobeinghighmeanslikeflyinginskyfromantidepressantsIshouldnoteitorelseIwillnotbemodernenough." He started to mumble crazily making both Enid and Wednesday surprised.

"Hey,Izuku." Wednesday said but to no avail as he was still mumbling.

"Umm...Izuku." This time it was Enid but still no response."Hey..." No response again. "IZUKUUUUUU!!!!" She shouted right towards his ear loud enough to make his head go dizzy.

"Wh-Wh-Wha???" Shaking he replied.

Truth be told. Izuku was always overthinking things and often was so focused that no one could call out for him.

"What the hell was that just now?" Enid took initiative to ask this.

"S-S-Sorry just....I-If I tell you w-would not laugh and say to anybody right?" He took a glance at them both.

"My lips are sealed!" Enthusiasticly Enid exclaimed.

"Don't worry,I don't laugh when I see something funny I just scream." As always strange response.

"W-W-Well....just my head proceeds very little information too deeply so sometimes I let go of my thoughts...."

"Pft! That's so cu—I mean I am serious." Surely wanting to say; 'That's cute' Enid held her laugh.

"That's.... actually amazing in it's own way." Wednesday said while puting one of her hands on her chin saying; "You can proceed huge amounts of information quickly. Many detectives had those features. Hmm... Don't you want to have a little surgeon on your head?"

"Wh-What do you mean?"

"I'm quite interested in your head. Don't worry you will be alive...just a bit dumb."

"I w-would rather reject your k-kind offer...."

"Huh. Your choice....tch."

"Ok I clearly heard your tch...."

~Chapter 4: Duel till first blood.~

Izuku and Wednesday were still observing the school while Enid seemed to have some business.

"To my surprise this school is so enormous yet so mysterious...."

"Y-Yes....But still that's amazing."

"Indeed it but now how should we escape from here." Wednesday said with finger near her cheek.

"E-Escape? We?"

"Yes you heard everything right. I thought about that for awhile but I think I can consider you as a friend."

Izuku widened his eyes in disbelief.

"R-R-Really!?" He said shocked.

"Well even Sherlock Holmes had Watson so you can think of yourself as my helper friend. Don't misunderstand or something."

Izuku was glad that she considered him as friend.

It was surprising even for Wednesday but something said that Izuku was just a right person for such a things.

"Haha...Th-Thanks...but still why do you want to escape from here?"

Wednesday sighed as placed two of her hands on his shoulders.

"Schools are places where they hypnotize you to become person fitted to society. In other words it's a place where all your creativity dies and you become like an ordinary ant soldier doing everything as colony does while higher ups always takes a break controlling over you."

"Wh....Whoah. Your thinking is q-quite Radical....at least let's try to see some clubs. Is there any hobby you are interested in?"

"I won't say that I have a hobby nor anything else...hmm if I think I would like to go to fencing club."

Izuku became surprised by her hobby.

"Whoah you like fencing? Like with rapier right?"

His eyes were as if eyes of puppy.

"Yes. I do." She replied shortly.

So with that being said they started to search for fencing club. Izuku wasn't familiar with foreign sword skills...the only thing he knew was kendo which was about practicing with katana.

At the end they found it...well Wednesday did.

Upon entering they saw a huge building with enormous amount of students studying and sharpening there skills with rapiers.

"Wednesday,I got us uniforms for fencing. Also I figured that you won't wear white one so I got you a black pair of fencing clothes."

Surprising Wednesday he brought the good equipment for fencing and just with lovely Wednesday's color...which obviously was black.

"That's actually....uhm...Th...Th..." Her face was as if she were having a face dislocation disorder or even a hernia what's over.

"Wh-What is with your face?"

"I just wanna say Th...Th...ah! Th-Thank you." She said holding her face in pain; "Sorry,not really a familiar word for me I was scared of biting my tongue."

"Y-You are welcome...." He said upon thinking; 'Is it even possible to have a pain after word thank you??'

They started to observe students. But truth be told. The most attention catching student was Bianca who was masterfully using her rapier against a male student.

She masterfully pushed her left ankle forward adjusting her speed and with a sudden *swoosh* sound pierced through her opponent's defence.

"Score goes to Bianca!" The coach announced while her opponent opened his helmet.

By looks Bianca's opponents was a timid boy with pair of glasses and an orange hair. He seemingly resembled Izuku with his aura but was different from him. Izuku was much more confident and hardworking while the boy near Bianca seemed more like hopeless rather than brave.

"Is that all? I need a stronger opponent." Bianca said smirking towards the guy.

"Maybe you should fight me than?"

A sudden response coming from Wednesday surprised whole bunch of students who were there.

"Oh? So you are that transfer student huh? I expected to see an abnormal monster but got a strange gothic girl and....a broccoli headed wimp?" Her eyes fell towards Izuku.

"Well do you know what's a problem with queen bees?" Wednesday said.

"Huh? And what?"

"They don't last in there places as queens for too long."

Wednesday sudden roast made people nearby to say "Oooh" and laugh a bit.

Bianca became frustrated and angry from this.

"Listen. What's your deal?"

"Well at first I just wanted to have a simple duel with you but now that you said that my friend is a wimp and broccoli headed annoying rabbit I don't think I can forgive you."

Izuku sweat dropped as he was sure that Bianca didn't said the last part.

"Well whatever." Bianca said handing Wednesday a rapier.

They both got into there starting positions.

"The rules are simple. Don't bite,hit,kick or do any other things related with dirty play. Have a fair match." The coach said with a long whistle for start.

Bianca dashed first delivering her attack as a shotgun firing a bullet, however Wednesday pared it with a simple circular motion of her rapier.

Not giving her opponent a chance Wednesday turned herself in 180 degrees and with a fatal hit she scored one point.

"Hmph. Not bad Adams." Bianca complemented Wednesday.

Start of another round. This time Bianca was getting a lead and with her usual dash forward attack she finally scored a score.

"You got lucky,Bianca." Wednesday snorted as continued; "How about make the stuff real."

This confused Bianca.

"And what should it mean?" She asked obviously.

"Let's play without helmets. Till the first blood."

A shocking announce. Students started to whisper among themselves. Izuku obviously didn't liked this idea as said; "Maybe it isn't a good idea Wednesday?"

"Don't worry,I will show her my skills. I never loose in battles."

As confident as ever both girls took off there helmets.

As the coach's whistle was heard both warriors took off from there places.

*Dash* Wednesday's feet made a sudden sound from her speed while Bianca managed to avoid Wednesday's attack defending herself with a rapier.


The sound of rapiers colliding with each other were heard in the whole stadium. Both girls weren't backing down. Wednesday was winning in terms of speed however Bianca's strong feature was strength of her attacks.

And as if a bullet going through a metallic shield Bianca's rapier dashed forward. It was too late to dodge for Wednesday,the strong as bullet rapier was going forward towards Wednesday's eyes....just as the rapier was about to touch Wednesday suddenly a figure appeared taking a blow instead.

Izuku was standing there defending Wednesday with his arm. The rapier passed through his palm making a hole in it.

"Huh—!?" Bianca exclaimed seeing Izuku's hand being pierced by rapier.

A stray of blood was leaking from his palm with a dripping sound.

Every student gasped in fear while Izuku slowly pulled out his hand.

"Th-That is nothing to m—... A-Actually no...I need to see a doctor....damn...."


Hey Hey Hey! Your favorite author Jumbo is here....well I'm really glad that you still are reading my book and am actually happy.

I want to ask a question however....Do you think my writing style is comfortable to read? I'm just scared that people might find it difficult to understand.

And also....Did I managed to give a good picture of Wednesday character? I mean is Wednesday a Wednesday?

Also little fanart of Izuku and Enid.(Check comments section)

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