
66 Bloody supernatural HELL !!


A plan , that's we needed but unfortunately that's not what we got .

After Zascare waved his hand and we appeared in the park , I felt confused ( aswell as dizzy , I hated teleportation )

" Why are we here ? " I asked still in control of my body.

" Because of that . " Zascare said pointing to a small half hill . " That's one entrance to Vic's castle . "

" Shouldn't we try sneaking in ? " I asked .

" We would, but I don't think your human bodies can last long in lava . " Olibia said ," So here's what we're going to do - "

" Mmmh , I just realised I don't work with a group. " Zascare said folding his arms ," Especially when I get nothing for it."

" You selfish , self-centred , vain - " Cazra took control of my body and I was back to being a spectator .

" I'm the first two but definitely not the last . " Zascare said cutting him off ," But still , I'm a Reaper and I give what I get . "

" Do not insult the names of all Reapers by calling yourself one . " Cazra said with gritted teeth and Zascare narrowed his eyes .

" Alright , alright . Enough with the hostility . " Olibia said waving Steve's hands around ," Zascare , what do you want ? "

" Sister , don't tell me you instantly agree to his demands ? " Cazra asked and she shrugged her shoulders .

" Agree or not , we need his help and I don't have time to argue . So , what do want ? Light sphere ? Anubis's staff ? A new house ? " Olibia said and I frowned ( mentally , I couldn't move own eyebrows )

" I want something from both of you . But nothing like you listed . I just want ... your sworn vows ." Zascare said with a smile and I saw his mouth was lined with sharp teeth . He was a monster .

" For what ? I don't want to swear off my powers to you . " Cazra said with a glare ," You won't get - "

" Cazra , stop trying to start am argument , we don't have the time and I don't have the patience ." Olibia said with hands on hips , then she turned to Zascare ," But he has a point , you're not the pinnacle of trust here . What do want from us ? "

" I want you both to agree to an ... Asication . " he said and both Olibia and Cazra opened their eyes wide in shock .

" Hold on , back up , slow down , freeze , pause , stop and nobody move an inch . " Olibia said raising her hand to stop Cazra from speaking and she looked at Zascare .

" Does this have anything to do with what you want ? " She asked him and he nodded his head . She looked down and bit Steve's lips hard and finally gave a tisk .

" Now this is madness . " she said with a smile ," Cazra , I need you to agree . "

" Do you agree ? " Cazra asked and Olibia gave a nod , " Fine , I will agree but I doubt Father or Gena will comply . "

" They will, they gave to after all." Zascare said raising his hand in a fist and Olibia and Cazra put their hands on it with open palms .

" You consent ? " Zascare asked and they both nodded their heads . A small glow formed on their hands and I felt a rush of scents and feelings ; first I smelt flowers and felt leaves on my face , then I smelt something like molasses and felt a sensation like knife stroking my arm and finally I smelt a smell like wet paper and felt a chill down my flesh .

" Good , vows sealed . " Zascare said with a smile and I wondered what this vow was and why Olibia or Cazra didn't argue about it .

" So , for the plan - " Olibia started but Zascare raised his hand like a school boy .

" Yes Zascare ? " She asked and I saw she was irritated ," What now ? "

He tilted his head and pointed to the edge of the park . Three glowing red flashes appeared and I ( we since Cazra was also using my eyes ) saw them moving closer .

" They found us . " Zascare said and raised his hand , " I think you should work on your plan inside . I'll be there in a short while . "

He folded his hand into a fist and punched the ground , creating cracks in its surface . I saw a white glow form and drops of water rise , looking like slush . They rose and formed a giant thing like a rhino with claws and standing on its hind legs . It was slightly transparent and I could swear it was made of wet snow .

" Slush beast , " Zascare said , and turned to us , he gave us a leer ," Cold luck . Strice - strice - sice - sice - ice . "

As he said the last words we seemed to fold like a paper page being folded in half . It was painless and for moment everything went black and then we appeared in a small room .

" Why didn't he just take us in here to begin with ? " Cazra asked looking around .

" Who knows but be quiet . We're here and we have tred carefully . " Olibia said and touched our chests , a warm sensation filled me like I was floating ," Our essence is fuzzy now , harder for them to sense . "

" I was looking forward to a fight now . " Cazra said and Olibia smacked his head . I winced , the old lady had a hand like steel .

" You don't fight a dragon to steal it's eggs ... you tred carefully and steal them away . Which is what were doing now , were not fighting , not as long as I can help it . " she said turning around and pointing to a doorway ," I'll guide us to. the soul charge and his Beloved . "

" What if there are guards ? " he asked her as they moved .

" Then we have no choice but to engage . " Olibia said with a sigh ," I just hope we don't destroy these bodies in the process . I don't want all that paperwork . "

What !? , I thought in horror

< Don't worry , I'll keep you safe > Cazra thought and I gaped mentally again .

You're going to get us killed ?

<No , we'll try to keep you two alive . Olibia is right , your deaths would be a very hard thing to explain , especially since we're controlling you .>

Why are you still inside us anyway ? I asked him , Wouldn't it be better if we split up and tried to find them ?

<No need , Olibia can sense where the Corpse is . Her contract with him binds him like a leash . All we have to do is follow it . Hopefully he'll be alone with no guards .>

What about Yuree ? , I needed to know how he was

<Oh , they'll probably be together . No doubt Voc is going to try and persuade the Corpse by threatening his Beloved .>

Bloody hell , then let's move faster ! I yelled mentally .

< We are sneaking in an underground castle filled with monsters of fire and ash . If they find us , we'll be burnt to nothing but dust , your bodies and our essence included .> he replied and I frowned .

If they're so dangerous why are you now itching for a fight ? I asked and he sighed .

<I just really want to punch something after seeing Zascare . He always makes me feel like that . > he replied

Hey , I'm curious , what's up with him ? He seems like he is really mad at your dad . What's that all about ? I asked .

<Were you eaves dropping on our conversation ? Shame on you .>he chided .

Eaves dropping my ass , we're in the same body right now . I hear everything you're talking about .

< Fine , yes he's mad and i mean crazy. He made a foolish decision , commiting a horrible crime that exiled him from our father's graces . >

What did he do ? kill someone ? I asked and he smiled using my lips .

<We are Reapers , our job is to kill . No , what he dud was far worse ... he fell in love .>

What ?! How is that a crime ? I thought indignantly

<It's a crime if you fall in love with the enemy .>

Wait , wait , wait . How does that -

My sentence was cut short when a huge explosion caved the floor underneath us . Miraculously , we were not blown to pieces but plummeted down into a dark void below .

I wanted to scream but couldn't usey mouth and Olibia and Cazra didn't seem panicked . They stood in the air , I mean that literally , looking down .

" A short cut I suppose . He's down there and so is his Beloved ." she said looking at us ," Unfortunately they're not alone ."

" How many ? " Cazra asked .

" Too much for you alone . We work together . " she said putting her hands on Steve's hips .

" Fine , but aslong as I get to kill all I see and let none escape . " Cazra said and Olibia nodded her head .

" Well , here's the bottom . " she said looking down and I saw a flat space approaching and red orbs with spikes roaming around .

" Let's have at it then . " She said and as when reached the bottom , ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE !!!

The battle is in the next chapter . hold on to your imagination !

And please vote for me

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