
Chapter 67

Warhammer name and pic in previous chapter . Thanks@Holy_Passerby 👌👌


  Chapter 67 The Princess

  Dorne, located at the southernmost tip of the continent of Westeros, is probably the only region in the Seven Kingdoms that is tired of this long summer.

  The continuous high temperature has aggravated the drought and barrenness of Dorne. The fresh water land is as valuable as gold here, and the wells that can produce water are guarded by the lords with heavy soldiers.

  Sunspear City, located at the easternmost end of Dorne, was blown by the salty sea breeze and nourished by the Greenblood River. It was a rare city that was not troubled by drought.

  It is also the residence of House Martell, ruler of Dorne.

  Damon passed through the triple door which were heavily guarded, skirted the curved wall, and reached the old castle, which was shaped like a sailing ship.

  "I have something important to inform the princess."

  "Please follow me." The guard obviously knew the illegitimate son from Godsgrace City, nodded at Daemon, turned around and began to lead the way.

  Although Dorne has surrendered to the Iron Throne, unlike the dukes of the other six countries, the Martell family still calls themselves "Prince" and "Princess" in accordance with the tradition of the Rhoynar people.

  The princess ,Damon was talking about was naturally the eldest daughter of the current Prince of Dorne—

  Arianne Martell.

  As the guards pushed open the dark brown door, Damon smelled a strong fragrance of Miyi flowers.

  He knew that this was Princess Arianne's favorite taste.

  Stepping into the spacious palace, Damon saw enchanting figure of a person sitting on the Myr carpet at a glance.

  " Princess!" Damon suppressed his inner desire and restlessness, and stepped forward to salute.

  Arianne was looking at an old yellowed book, with a glass of red wine and a cyvasse board in hand.

  Hearing the sound, she put down the book in her hand and stretched out on the carpet, looking like a noble and elegant cat.

  She had olive skin, large black eyes, and black curly hair. She was dressed in a light lavender silk dress, which covered her beautiful and full body, but could hide nothing.

  Her facial features are not perfect, but she has a strange charm that any man can't take his eyes away after just one glance.

  "Damon? Why are you here?"

  Arianne's voice was lazy and magnetic, as if it could penetrate into the ears of the audience and scratch their heart.

  "I have received important news, so I came to inform immediately!" Damon looked at the princess in front of him obsessively.

  "What news?" Arianne asked casually, propping her chin with one hand.

  "Edric Dayne and Allyria Dayne were attacked by a wild boar while they were out hunting, and unfortunately died!"

  "Edric Dane, Allyria..." She didn't react, but soon, she remembered the meaning of these two names -

  these are the last two heirs of the main branch of the Dayne family in Starfall City!


  Arianne stood up abruptly from the carpet, and accidentally knocked down the wine glass beside her. The dark red wine soaked the expensive carpet, but she didn't care about it at all, but stared closely at Damon's eyes, Asked:

  "Are you sure?"

  "Sure!" Damon nodded fiercely, "It was my cousin who sent the news from Black Harbor City, he would not joke about such things. And he said in the letter that although there is no evidence, he still suspects that this is not a hunting accident, but a well-planned assassination!"

  "Of course it is an assassination!" Arianne's eyes widened, "Otherwise, it would not be such a coincidence, that main branch of the Dayne family just died!"

  She couldn't help walking back and forth on the carpet, thinking, the bell tied around her ankle made a crisp sound.

  It made Damon even more restless.

  He couldn't help lower his voice and said:

  "Princess, I suspect that this matter may have been done by Urik Sand!"

  "Urik Sand? Are you talking about the acting city lord of Starfall City?"


  "He has this courage and ability?" Arianne didn't seem to agree with this, "And even if Edric and Allyria died, it would not be his turn to inherit Starfall City as an illegitimate son but another branch of the Dayne family ."

  "But what if Urik can make great contributions and make everyone think he is qualified to be named Dayne? You know, he is the illegitimate son of the old Earl Davos. Once his identity is legalized, Starfall City is his."

  "What great achievement?" Arianne curled her lips, seemingly disdainful, "Could it be possible that he wants go enter the reach..."

  Before she finished speaking, Arianne remembered what she had heard recently. Suddenly, she turned her head:

  "Do you think he will attack Eagle Island?"

  "That's right!" Damon said with a firm face, "I guarantee it in the name of Longhalberd, and Seven Gods . Urik ,that guy will definitely mobilize the troops from Starfall City to attack Eagle Island!"

  Arianne looked at the flames in the eyes of this illegitimate son of Godsgrace City, and nodded secretly.

  Indeed, being the same "Sand", Damon must empathize with Urik situation. If the head of the Allyrion family is extinct at this time, Damon, the illegitimate son, will definitely be willing to risk everything in order to inherit the godsgrace city .

  Although the credit for capturing Eagle Island is not great, it is worth Uric's risk.

  Moreover, she also heard that a silver mine was dug out in Eagle island .From this point of view, it is indeed a treasure land of geomantic omen. If it can be successfully conquered, maybe her father will really reward Urik for his achievements. And he may ask the king for a decree to legalize his illegitimate child status.

  "I don't think Urik dares to send someone to assassinate Edric and Allyria . Once word of this kind of thing gets out, he will be doomed. However, you are right about the other point. Urik will definitely attack Eagle Island."

  "That's right! Princess !" Damon asked excitedly, "Should we participate in this battle?"

The reason why he brought this news at the first time was not only because he wanted to meet the princess who he had been dreaming for a long time. …, also because he knew very well that Princess Arianne was a person who was unwilling to stay put .

  She will definitely not miss this war.

  And he didn't want to continue to bear the surname of his illegitimate child for a long time.

  "Of course." Arianne nodded as expected.

  "Then let's ask His Royal Highness for instructions! Ask him to send an army to accompany us to Starfall City."

  Arianne shook her head slowly and said,

  "No, don't tell father yet. Let's go to Starfall City by ourselves. It's just an Eagle Island, and Starfall City's soldiers and horses are enough to capture it."

  Damon hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "Yes, Your Highness."

  Arianne turned and walked out of the hall, what she didn't tell Damon was that It has been a long time since she saw her father.

  The ruler of Dorne always liked to stay in the water garden, and no one could easily see him except his brother, Prince Oberyn .

  Yes, not even his own daughter, Princess Arianne.

  You must know that the Martell family follows the tradition of the Rhoynar people, and female heirs have the same inheritance rights as male heirs, so as the eldest daughter of the prince, Princess Arianne is the future ruler of Dorne.

  However, Arianne accidentally discovered a letter from his father to his younger brother Quentyn, promising that he would become the ruler of Dorne.

  This made Arianne think that her father was going to disinherit her.

  For this reason, she has cried, despaired, and resented, but as the Martell family saying "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken" (Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken), she still chose to be strong after all.

  She believes she can change her father's mind.

  She just needs a chance to prove herself.

  Prove that she has what it takes to rule Dorne just like Nymeria, the warrior queen of the Rhoynar.


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