
Chapter 68

Chapter 68 Instigating

  Starfall City.

  In the dark and empty tomb underground, only the sound of priests praying echoed.

  The clansmen and vassals of the Dayne family gathered here to express their condolences for their young lord and his aunt.

  After the priest finished reciting the prayers, the eight knights stepped forward to put the coffins of Edric and Allyria into the grooves on the stone wall, allowing them to rest here with the ancestors of the Dayne family.

  At this point, the funeral was over.

  The priest left first.

  And Earl Beric Dondarrion, who personally brought back the remains of his wife and nephew, left the tomb full of shame without the face of continuing to face the people present.

  In addition, some guests who came to watch the ceremony also left one after another.

  Only the members of the Dayne family and some "Sand's" did not move.

  Their faces were solemn, but they seemed to be expecting something.

  The Earl of Starfall City died without leaving any heirs. What's worse, the main branch of the Dayne family is actually extinct!

  This brings up a serious question - who should inherit the position of Earl of Starfall City?

  Although the main branch of the Dayne family is extinct, the side branches are still thriving, so they don't worry about having no heirs.

  But the problem is that the succession order of the collateral line is a mess at all. No matter how many maester's who are proficient in heraldry come, I am afraid that they will not be able to sort out the order of succession.

  Moreover, there are still many "Sand's" in the main branch of the Dane family, especially Urik Sand.

  This person is the uncle of the deceased Earl Edric, and he has served as the acting city lord of Starfall City for more than ten years. So he has a very high prestige and he lacks is a surname.

  At this moment, in this dark tomb, an undercurrent was brewing.

  Finally, one of the oldest elders of the family walked tremblingly to the front, faced everyone, and said,

" Since everyone is here, why don't we discuss who should inherit the title of Earl of Starfall City... "

  "I object!" A loud voice suddenly sounded.

  Everyone turned their heads in astonishment, a little surprised, but also took it for granted as that was Urik Sand who spoke.

  The most prestigious illegitimate son of Starfall City.

  Facing everyone's eyes, Urik Sand came to the front calmly, his quiet and serious eyes slowly scanned the audience, taking everyone's expressions into his eyes, and then said loudly:

  "I I think the most urgent task is not to discuss who will inherit the title."

  Someone said: "Sir Urik, then what do you think the most urgent matter is?"

  "Of course it is to avenge Earl Edric and Miss Allyria !".

  The thick and powerful voice caused echoes in the tomb.

  "Revenge? But they encountered an accident during a hunt. If you are referring to that wild boar, it must have been chopped into pieces by the Earl Beric. Haha...ha..."

The man was smug for his joke, but it was very inappropriate, so it only got unanimous glaring from everyone.

  Urik also curled his lips sarcastically, and said, "You really think it was just an accident?"

  "Don't you?"

  "Of course not!" Urik said firmly, "This assassination, aimed at children and women together, was an assassination without honor!"

  As soon as this remark came out, everyone's expressions were different, and there was a lot of discussion.

  After a while, someone asked:

  "Sir Urik, do you know who the murderer is?"

  "Of course I do."


  Urik took a deep breath and paused word by word:

  "Lord of Eagle Island, Samwell Caesar!"

  Now the discussion became louder.

  "What evidence do you have?"

  Urik nodded to the attendant beside him. The attendant immediately turned around and left the tomb. After a while, he returned again, and at the same time dragged a man who was covered in blood and couldn't even walk steadily.

  "Who is he?" someone asked.

  Urik kicked the man who was lying on the ground: "Boy, introduce yourself to everyone. "

  "I, my name is Jill, and I am under Lord Caesar..."

  "Why did Samwell Caesar send you to Starfall City?"

  "Send me..." Jill wanted to say that he was just here to deliver wine , but when he thought of the torture he had suffered before and the threat of that terrible man, he could only tremble and say, "Master Caesar sent me to monitor the movements of the Dayne family..."

Buzz——then everyone started murmuring .

  But some people calmly asked:

  "Even if this is the case, it does not prove that Samwell Caesar is the real culprit behind the assassination of Earl Edric and Miss Allyria . "

Urik looked at man who asked this question——

  "Ser Gerold Dayne from High hermitage City, known as the "Darkstar".

  The Dayne family in High hermitage City is a branch of the Dayne family from Starfall City, and it is also the most powerful branch of the collateral line.

  Although the succession rights of the collateral line are a mess, in the end it must depend on strength to speak. Therefore, the eldest son of High hermitage City is actually the person who is most likely to inherit the Earl of Starfall City.

  Of course, this is under the condition that Urik Sand will not change his surname.

  But now, "Darkstar" Gerold obviously sensed Urik's ambition, so he jumped out and tried to stop it.

  Urik seemed to be prepared for such a question, and he answered calmly:

  "You should also know that just last month, that Sir Caesar visited Starfall City. Moreover, he also showed me a portrait."

  With that said, Urik turned to look at the butler Slia.

  The steward nodded and confirmed this: "That's right. I was also there at the time. Sir Caesar did take out a portrait and asked about the identity of the person in the painting. But...that painting is Miss Ashara, What does it have to do with this?"

  "I thought it was Miss Ashara at the time, but now that I think about it, I'm afraid he drew Miss Allyria !"

  The steward frowned, but then nodded and said : "It's possible, the two ladies are somewhat alike."

  "That's it!" Urik said decisively, "Samwell Caesar was just confirming Miss Allyria appearance to me, and he will hand it over to the killer to carry out the task !"

  "What kind of evidence is this!" Gerold said disdainfully.

  "But it is enough to prove that this person is suspicious ." Urik snorted coldly, "Moreover, he opened up territory in Eagle Island, which is a real threat to Starfall City! In the future, he will definitely become lord .

Sir Gerold, why do you shielding him again and again?"

  " I just don't want to slander a knight's reputation for no reason." Gerald tried to defend himself.

  But he also found that his defense was too weak.

  Because no matter what, Samwell Caesar is the enemy of the Dayne family, and now it seems that there are certain suspicions.

  Under the circumstances that two important figures of the Dayne family were assassinated, it would indeed easily arouse public outrage if he defended such people again.

  "Of course I won't wrong an innocent knight. However, in order for Earl Edric and Miss Allyria to rest in peace, we must capture Samwell Caesar and let him stand trial!"

Urik drew out his long sword violently, and shouted, "Who is with me?"

As soon as the words fell,someone strode out:

  "I am!! "

After coming out, Urik's face could not conceal his excitement .

  He knew that his opportunity had finally arrived!


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