
Chapter 17

The first week of September was a big turning point as more countries also confirmed dimensional gates opened in their area as Registered Ethereal all over desperately conducted large-scale hunts as more creatures poured out and attack all known major cities,

after a week Guan Yu, Amelia, Ramiel, grandma Mao and Ms Lin Siniang already arrived at the Indonesian airport after a week-long preparation they boarded the used Fu Xi Shi private jet and Guan Yu issued a memo and gave specific members of his team including their family to join them in Indonesia for a needed vacation,

they were greeted and received by grandpa Tang and Mr Suryadi Hartono Ramiel couldn't control his feeling as he ran toward Grandpa Tang and gave him a big warm hug, Guan Yu and Amelia greeted Mr Suryadi Hartono in the traditional Indonesian manner, Ramiel also greeted them after gaining his composure Grandpa Tang saw his wife and welcome her with a hug and kiss while grandma Mao was acting out like she doesn't miss him at all, but you can see in her eyes the emotion that she was keeping hidden, as she wipes her teary eyes saying it was caused by her allergic reaction from dust.

Mr Suryadi Hartono bowed to grandma Mao and with a warm smile welcomes them as he escorts them toward the cars, Ramiel took grandpa Tang and Grandma Mao's hands and followed Mr Suryadi Hartono, grandpa Tang noticed that Ramiel was taller now and has bigger body physics like he was already ten years old, grandma Mao also wanted to ask him about if there were any documented instances that a body can self adjust base on the Aura that was holding, like creating a much sturdier vessel to accommodate the huge energy circuit in such a small body, Grandpa Tang wasn't sure but knows someone who can answer her questions,

Everyone was tired from the long flight, and as they arrived at the secret location by land and by helicopter provided by Mr Suryadi Hartono, after a few hours they finally arrive at their final destination attendants welcome them with smiles and open arms as the resort personnel gather all of their items, Mr Suryadi Hartono introduce each of the members who came must be treated well the utmost importance and dignity,

after a few minutes of introduction, attendees escorted each of them to their room except for Guan Yu he escorted and accompanied Amelia to her room, while the sleeping Ramiel was carried by Grandpa Tang and grandma Mao to their room, and after a day when they were fully rested, Amisha Hartono escorted Guan Yu, Amelia, Ramiel with the two elders out sightseeing upon orders of her father.

while Ms Lin Siniang remained at the unground temple to assist elder Dr YaXiu Fang to prepare the ceremonial hall to commemorate Guan Yu and Amelia union while Mrs Sersi Mikhailov Xú was with Annisha and elder Gong Renshu were also preparing for a ceremony.

Ramiel was fascinated with the temple all over the place, and the three separated from Amelia and Guan Yu, were also having a great time as they seek out the romantic place and admire the beauty of the temple gardens while walking hand in hand with Guan Yu she was able to take a few glimpses of there escort and saw her expression, Amelia knew that the female escort wasn't having fun at all and was having a hard time accepting her given task,

Amelia politely ask her Fiancée if he could buy them a bottle of water and soft told him her reason for asking this request, Guan Yu kissed Amelia and went on his way and told Amisha to guard her as he buys something to drink,

this was Amisha's first time personally meeting Amelia, and seeing her annoyed look Amelia wondered what was she feeling, so Amelia took it upon herself to her and walked toward Amisha and formally introduce her and offer her some candy that she usually gives her son, Amisha's reaction was polite and her annoyed reaction suddenly change as she receives the candy openly and thank Amelia for the kind gesture, Guan Yu saw both of them we talking he decided to give them space and use this opportunity to contacts Zixuan Xú concerning their time of arrival,

they were actually near the Opak river bridge a few meters from the Purbakala Tamanwisata Prambanan Temple, Amelia shared a few details about the reason why they are visiting her country,

Amelia told Amisha her life was filled with so much pain she had to face them all alone and endure it and learn to survive, she was so lucky to have a smart and mature son and was blessed to see that Ramiel had all of his son personally traits were inherited from her and not from her ex-husbands' genes, this made Amisha smile a little,

Amelia also shared that she wasn't able to meet new friends before because those moments when having to meet new possible friends will eventually become her ex-husband's reason to get jealous and once again beat her up, but now as she found the right man has shown her real love she changes her mindset and attitude in seeking happiness, Amelia looks at Amisha's eyes and told her that being alone all the time tends to block our vision from seeing what is right in front of us it might be our family, love ones and possibly a new friend.

Amisha saw Amelia's true feelings and felt that she was really honest in asking her for a friend so with a nod Amisha gave hart felt apology to Amelia concerning her attitude toward them, knowing that they are guests in the country and ask if she wants to be her friend, Amelia smile and said

" We are already friends"

Amisha smiled and said " we are friends" Guan Yu walked toward them carrying two bottles of water and gave them each Amisha was paralyzed on the spot and was only able to accept the bottle and said thank you,

Guan Yu ask Amisha to call his father right away and inform the local police to secure the area because he felt a unanimous feeling,

grandpa Tang and grandma Mao also felt it and made them weary that it was a bit different from those moments when energy fluctuates in the air and manifested a gate, grandma Mao held Ramiels hand as they call Amelia.

Amelia told them to go to the Opak river they are currently on the other side near the Mosque, and as soon as they saw each other Amelia grab Ramiel and hug him tightly. Guan Yu ask his uncle if he felt a different energy a few moments ago the two were convinced this is just the beginning and from what they both felt whatever is coming will be extremely dangerous.

Guan Yu saw that the people on the other side were helpless and were having a hard time gaining control of what they were supposed to do, the earthquake suddenly stopped and a powerful surge of electricity began to manifest in mid-air in the open field of the Purbakala Tamanwisata Prambanan temple, the green grass started to turn to dust as the electricity burns everything it touches and a crack slowly opens and frightening energy and stench of death flow outward and spreads on the soil, a doorway began to form and it was just about 3meters tall and 2 meters wide,

Guan Yu and grandpa Tang saw and felt the animosity that was coming from the dimensional doorway, so Guan Yu ask Amisha to go leave with Amelia and Ramiel and go back to the underground Temple now, without hesitation Amelia grabbed Ramiel and ask Amisha to hurry as she looks at GuanYu eyes saying come back alive with a nod Guan Yu and the two elders ran toward the other side of the river to stop what even was coming on the other side.

the wind was violent as the sky turns even darker in the middle of that day, the thick smoke-like aura was changing the landscape of the area dead fallen leaves were swirling all over the temple as people who were just visiting the temple are now in a state of panic as the wind was getting stronger and hotter and the earth violently shakes once again people started to run as they evade fallen pieces of the historical temple grandpa Tang and Guan Yu were able to save the tourist from severely getting hurt, while Amisha was able to acquire a vehicle to secure their safety as soon as they drove out of the street bound to the main highway a more powerful earthquake made it difficult to drive. a surge of lightning flowed upward and started to destroy everything that gets hit near the vicinity were blown apart and turned to ash.

innocent bystanders were instantly killed and man-made structures were destroyed, the open field was being consumed by fire and it was spreading, Amisha's skill in driving was put to the test as more violent electrical outbursts were continuously eating the land.

Guan Yu took out his weapon as well as grandpa Tang as the doorway finishes its physical form in this realm and began to open, a 6-foot tall bulking shadow stood on the other side of the door and walked toward the opening, and grab both sides of the doorway frame as the image slowly reveals itself, its eyes were glowing red like burning Brimstone with was wearing a leather armour its body was wrap in iron chains of a warrior and has a 5 feet battle mace being dragged unto the ground it was a Jack-In-Irons is a mythical giant of Yorkshire lore.

the colour alone made grandpa Tang raise his defence that this is going to be a difficult battle because who or whatever the Jack-In-Irons was waiting will above level 100

after a few more minutes there 4 Jack-In-Irons standing and waiting in front of the doorway, suddenly a crackling sound was heard and it was laughing like a jackal as soon as Grandpa Tang saw who was the one laughing he took out a 20-inch retractable weapon that was a folding 8-inch scythe.

Grandpa Tang told Guan Yu to let him and his auntie Mao deal with the person who was laughing, and that he should focus on the Jack-In-Irons. Grandma Mao took out a metal folding fan and told Guan Yu just trust them this was personal.

as reporters flock they are like flies stupidly eager to gain any chance to get exclusive news about what was happening, a reporter was able to get near the danger zone and was able to use her smartphone to broadcast what was happing live at the expense of her safety and life, Ethereal League's main headquarters saw the gate as Terror washed over all their body, raising the fine hairs on the back of their neck, admitting that this was the most difficult thing to admit because the gate that opened in the land of Indonesia was new and undocumented.

many people question why it was appearing here in Asia, it should be appearing in northern England the myth originated, and soon it was clear from setting foot into the human realm it stood silently like it was waiting for someone or something to give it orders, Guan Yu and the two elders were on a defensive stance as they wait the chaos around the land made it impossible to comprehend,

the dimensional doorway once again exhibits tremendous energy as two beings went thru the door floating through the tall image were slim and wearing red and black medieval jesters, Floating beside it, an old hag in dirty rag clothing held an old sack as it continued to laugh. Both of them were considered calamities.

the mother and son demon was Ellmorith and Drorzathar, Guan Yu asked his uncle and auntie about those two grandma Mao told him they both have a long-standing quarrel with them and every time they appear thousand of lives are taken, especially Drorzathar is called the laughing demon, It loves to torture and slowly kill its victims for fun, and his mother Ellmorith abducts children and harvest their body parts and stitch them in another body part, and make a puppet doll out those innocent kids, and turns them into her private collection and then used those same dolls to lure more kids she is known as the demon Doll maker.

These two were hard to kill they are so elusive and hard to track due to their ability to shapeshift and blend with human characteristics, the only thing they can do was wait until the moment they make a mistake and expose their true identity These two might not be the most powerful demons in the outer world but they are the most manipulating mischievous vile evil demons that escape their hands before.

"Not this time!"

"I make that old hag feel pain a thousandfold!"

grandma Mao was trembling in anger while she stares at Ellmorith, she explains those two killed so many people, and Ellmorith took the lives of 200 children that she took under her care, those who were abandoned due to war, famine, and neglect, Grandma Mao spent years waiting to finally get to rip it apart and torture until she begs to be killed by her bare hands,

Although the two demons were still excited about being able to enter the human realm once again, they were aware that they would soon face pain and fear.

the two lower demons were drunk with excitement as they deeply breathe in the smell of their target, sadly there were a lot of tourists at the temple so Drorzathar ordered his 4 Jack-In-Irons slaves to begin the massacre as the 4 monsters ran toward the civilian tourist 50 meters from the doorway opened Drorzathar was laughing with excitement as his slave begins the killing spree, saw a man running towards one of Jack-In-Irons and fully engage it to head on with no hesitation and doubt,

as soon one of the Jack-In-Iron saw the man swings its battle mace to be its first kill, Guan Yu stops his movement by shifting his weight as he glide on the burnt grass and as soon at he gets foot hold immediately swing his legs and force his body to turn sideways eluding the in coming battle mace and adjust his body and leans back ward as he extend his left arm grabbing the Jack-In-Iron wrist the one that was holding the mace as it hits the ground and pummel the soil as the impact made a hole on ground with a fluid interconnected motion Guan Yu pulls his body up and twist his body upward and used his grip to balance and flip his legs upward and kicks the Jack-In-Iron face with both of his feet and on the same time with his right hand took out his Retractable whip Sword behind his strap belt and use the momentum to extend the whip sword and with a whipping motion is flew up around its neck and with a little hand movement it looped around as he tugs on his whip sword it begins lacerates the flesh as the small serrated teeth cuts thru the skin like butter then penetrating the artery and as Guan Yu felt that his sword punctured the bone and clasp deep on it,he swings his body around and shoot his entire body upward and while going up he used both his feet to gain Centrifugal force and decapitates its head as he lands behind the monster back.

the movement was precise and fast it only 2 minutes to kill one of its minions while floating 4 feet above the ground Drorzathar's laughter stopped as it saw the death of his slave it made a grinding sound as if it was truly annoying, it was about to move when a hand suddenly appeared in front of its face and grabs it and force Drorzathar to directly hit the soil blow him, the force was strong as Drorzathar gets trawl into the soil like a farm plough the farther the deeper he gets after that his entire head up to his shoulders are buried,

the demon Drorzathar was about to move when his exposed feet were also grappled and get pulled out of the dirt while upside down the demon gets thrown upward by a powerful kick in the face, while going up daze and confused he was still able to see multiple fists coming toward his face and body, the loud thundering thud was heard even the reporter was baffled to what was going on a calamity type monster was getting beaten to a pulp.

as the law of gravity finally took hold of the situation as the demon was falling he was about to hit the ground once again and saw a familiar Elderly man also coming down the demon regained some control and was able to flip upward and landed firmly on the ground, the demon summoned its weapon at was manifesting on Its hand, grandpa Tang landed and just rush toward Drorzathar while both holding his retractable scythe exchange deadly swings intent to kill and opponent instantly, each swing produces a metal clashing sound and sparks could be seen flashing their movements were so fast that normal eyes can't see them,

meanwhile, grandma Mao was also in pursuit to kill the doll maker, but she was having a hard time as she was continuously being attacked by Ellmorith 6 puppet dolls. They are small, about 2 feet tall, but grandma Mao was being tricked because the faces on those dolls were from the kids she once raised at the orphanage.

she felt that the spirits of those kids are still attached to the dolls so she could only defend herself while thinking of a way to purify their souls and finally be released from the demons' prison.

as the demon Ellmorith was just standing there laughing and talking to herself saying that it was such a wonderful time to see the little children again and add them to her collection, Grandma Mao heard this and made her even angrier, the battleground was being torn apart as three are getting further away from the dimensional doorway.

Grandpa Tang was gaining the upper hand when he saw that his wife was having a difficult time, he was overwhelming the demon with power and battle experience grandpa Tang had already inflicted so many wounds on Drorzathar's body many times but was able to use its energy to regenerate to last this long it was agonizing and painful, the demon was in so much pain its was trying too hard to gain any kind of chance to escape the elderly man non-stop attacks until it saw a small opportunity to summon more of his other minions for reinforcements, as soon as Grandpa Tang turns his attention to his wife Drorzathar was able to pull out a summoning key and threw it into the direction of the Yogyakarta main street where people are now escaping out of panic

meanwhile, Indonesian officials are in a desperate situation as they aren't able to move near the location, as more people get hurt from widespread fire and the electrical storm that was rapidly consuming the eastern part of the city, and because of the strong wind the fire and electric surge is now traveling and burning the abandoned cars at it gets to fuel the calamity even more toward the housing area on the southern area,

as hundreds of people were trying to escape by car Amisha Amelia and Ramiel were stuck on the street going east toward people just abandon their vehicles in the middle of the street chaos was all over the place they saw the Sugeng Tindak Monument Ramiel recall that they are still a few miles away from the shortcut that they used to enter the temple grounds. so they have no choice but to follow the rest of the escaping civilians on foot as soon as they ran passing the Sugeng Tindak structure Ramiel saw a glowing object in the air as it drops ahead of them from where they are all going, the moment the object hits the ground a symbol suddenly appeared on the floor and it busts open as hoards of small ash green deformed child looking beings, in mythology or folklore they are called Red Caps rush upward and started attacking all of the people on that location, blood was flowing in the street and screams could be heard Amisha has to do something he asks Amelia to go back and find a safe place to hide.

Amelia didn't argue and just held his son's hand and ran back she was even able to inform the rest of the people to follow her, Ramiel was shouting and waving saying

'tolong, ikuti kami untuk keselamatan!'

please, follow us to safety!

Amelia looked at him and she was proud of him for being so capable as countless people ran trying to save themselves, Amisha began to massacre the Red Caps they were small but ferocious types of goblins that are known for their skill for decapitation and hunger to kill, as they all are equipped with daggers lace with poison,

and as long as the main summoner was alive the Doorway will remain open so This made grandpa Tang adjust his plans to capture the two demons just kill them quickly and saw that Guan Yu was about to finish the last jack of irons when he smelled blood in the air this made him worry, wasting a few minutes will still be a huge disaster on the civilian populace.

Drorzathar was laughing 50 feet above grandpa Tang saying it was a mistake to give him a chance to counterattack, the demon cast a fire spell on his left hand and added an enchantment spell to increase its firepower and the demon shouted

"Now die!"

a large comet-like flame descended and directly hits Grandpa Tang the explosion saw so strong it could be heard half a mile away, Amisha saw the tower of flames as it rose 100 feet into the air, Drorzathar was screaming with happiness as the flame crystalize the rock around the crater it made a sudden strong wing even made the fire bigger the demon was looking down when something hit its stomach and grab his neck and two red eyes were looking at him, Terror sucked the very breath from Drorzathar mouth he wasn't able to laugh he tried to scream but something was blocking out all other sounds, the weapon on the demon right hand just fell and landed on the ground.

the demon's face started to twitch in agony, the muscle in his face was in pure pain floating 50 feet above teeth chattered in fear as it could be heard as it was desperately trying to escape its tight grip, slowly blood poured down from its body as the demons free hands punch and hit the grandpa Tang face with the weapon on its hand but it was useless, the demon was gasping for air as grandpa Tang left hand was crushing its internal organs and pulling them out like plucking a feather from a chicken, it was just 3 minutes but the demon felt the pain like it was hours of torment.

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