
Chapter 18

Grandma Mao saw her husband's Reaction and felt embarrassed to be affected by those memories in the past, so after seeing the mass panic around them that only took a few minutes As soon as the demonic dolls reached her visual and physical reach, she stood silently and waited, and as soon as they all appeared, she punctured its ceramic body with countless flickering movements as more holes punctured the doll's body in a matter of seconds. Ceramic dust was carried away by the wind as the dolls exploded in mid-air and then drop like flies and gradually turned to dust,

Ellmorith just stood there murmuring the words ''the Queen parturition'' over and over again she was like in a deep trace and was scratching her arm, face and even its decaying body, like it was in agony until dead worms, and rotten flesh was peeled off, and blood was pouring out her eyes were also bleeding as she continued to scratch all over her body, and the demon started to scream in fear and terror.

grandma Mao was about 5 feet away and she was facing the vile monster, she took out a small pouch in her pocket and walk toward Ellmorith, Guan Yu, and Grandpa Tang Finnish their task and was about to go to grandma Mao as they notice that the dimensional doorway was slowly loosing its physical form and the energy was dispersing,

unlike the monster that crosses to the human realm, demons when they die to turn to dust, and the remaining spirit disintegrate into the void, the sky remains gloomy but the energy and firestorm somewhat stop and a gunshot could be heard, a sign that the main populace was fighting back,

grandma mao was a foot away the demon felt her and turned giving the impression that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen, grandma, Mao threw the pouch to Ellmorith as red sand poured out, and amazingly it covered the body of the demon-like it alive and began to petrify it to stone, Ellmorith continuously screams not because of the red dust but to seemingly different reason before the red dust could reach her chest it exploded and black mercury like slime goo came out and vanishes into the strong gushing air.

Ellmorith the demon doll maker was now dead as her entire body was stone, a shameful end to a monster that has tormented so many parents upon losing their children to her evil hand, numerous small shinning dust particles slowly came out of the demons sack, and weak child voice could be heard as the glowing dust all swirled around grandma Mao and went up into the sky. grandpa Tang came near his wife and hug whispering in her ear

" They are now free"

at the same time, the summoning circle vanishes as soon as the demon Drorzathar went into the void. but the sheer amount of red caps was massive the police were able to fight back because the threat of the firestorm has subsided and they were able to face the enemy on equal footing, some civilians follow Amelia and Ramiels instructions and were able to get shelter at a gadget shop that has a two 6 foot by a 3-foot window display in front of the Prambanan market Amelia told them to call the local authority about their current state and made them call everybody that they knew and wait until they get confirmation from the local authority.

Amelia was able to give sufficient instruction in Bahasa, she and Ramiel had a crash course in their native language, and they were able to communicate with the people effectively, especially in a situation like this

the shop owner was shocked to see them suddenly enter his shop and couldn't stop them from entering, and the shop owner was confused and was thinking that this might be one of those social media pranks that were being televised on their local news,

he was a little flustered and mildly upset but when a beautiful woman grabs his arm and politely asks him to close the shop door, the thought went into his mind thinking this truly might be a social media event, and this lovely woman was the host, he heard people and saw people running from the main streets so out of curiosity he went out to investigate, but one elderly woman spoke in there native language and said

"jangan keluar, ada ratusan tuyul membunuh orang.."

don't go outside, there a hundreds of tuyul killing people..

the shop owner was about to walk outside when he saw the fear in all of their eyes, it was overwhelming, and decided to stay inside and lock the door, the owner Stood there and patiently waited and looked outside as 5 of his fellow Indonesians were frantically running away from something, across the street a few meters from his shop,

then everybody saw put the owner's hand over his mouth to stifle and block the scream he was about to do, his shop had those huge window blinds that were motorized and attached near the shops light switch, the shop owner slowly move sideways trembling and sweat was seen dripping from his forehead, his legs were also shaking but he was able to activate the window blinds as in move downward blocking the view outside the shop owner slid down beside door wall frame, bringing his knees up to his chest and remained still and was terrified.

Ramiel saw the shop owner already lost control of his body as he wet himself out of fear, Ramiel was not about to act foolishly to do something that will attract the creatures outside, he surveyed the area the place was jam pack with people who followed them, it was secure and safe for now, Ramiel asks any of the people with them who knows where the security office was, but they were too scared to do anything, but a woman raised her hand and she was like them a tourist and said her friend owns a shop at this place and she was able to give her a tour all over the market 2 days ago, she just got mixed up at this situation after buying a new charger for her camera, she was about to get a taxi when the place took a drastic terrible change of event.

when she saw and witness the world was like going upside down and people started to panic due to the lightning storm and fires burning anything that it touches, she just ran back to the market and just stayed there until all went it. Ramiel smiled and told him that this was their first time meeting. the female tourist smiled and said

"Sadly yes!"

Ramiel shook the female hand and said "

"nice to meet you"

Amelia while in a crouching position went to Ramiel and told him to stay but Ramiels explanation and reasoning were valid and told her mother the building security must assist them as much as they can because the market was an open structure and this was just a temporary hiding spot because he didn't expect that 15 people would follow his instruction,

and now he is forced to take full responsibility for those people's lives he told his mother that grandpa Tang has a book that was filled with a lot of information about mythical beings from the old days that he got to read before and the moment he identified and saw those things they hunt by smell and staying here without any people with then who could fight would be a fatal mistake.

knowing this Amelia was still having second thoughts, but Rameil was right they need help and he was the only one who was still with a clear mind to accomplish this so she made told him to act quickly, the female tourist that was accompanying him told Amelia they will be careful and they will return in 5 minutes as the two ran toward the shops back door,

Amilia ask the people that followed them to stay low and keep silent will but then a glass window panel broke and five red caps savagely attack the cowering people inside the shop Amelia knew they will die if she gets scared again so the only thing she could do was grab anything and use it as a weapon,

she was able to grab a camera tripod stand and just bash the red cap in full swing and pray it can hurt the monster so the rest of the people inside the shop could escape, as soon as the metal tripod camera holder hits the red cap head it burst and died instantly and she just swings it for the second time not knowing what happened to first red cap and instantly the forth red cap gets slammed into the ceiling dying as it drops dead with a torn jaw, the 4 red caps saw this and started to scream signaling the rest of their horde to join them inside the market.

the people with her were amazed to see the wealthy and good-looking woman was able to kill a bloodthirsty monster easily so some of them were able to gather sufficient courage to stand up and fight for their life, as more red caps stampede inside each individual who was physically healthy and able to fight back just took arms and fought, and those who were still in panic just ran out and escape thru the back door,

among the 2 dozen civilians, seven of them remained they were mostly parents, older sisters, and brothers including Amelia, the six were slowly getting cornered but Amelia still had the stamina to fight so most of the red caps move around and entered the market building open area and climb up the rain gutter downspout and each floor the 3-floor building gets raided by several red caps intent to kill any living thing people who were oblivious to what was going on got surprised and were paralyzed to run away,

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