
Fairy 63: Cherry Blossom Holy Knight Squadron arrives in Bosco Part II

Seeing through the boy, he personally trained for many years. Scar begin to comfort the young unfocused knight, the best way he could at this moment. To be blunt and honest with him.

"Arcadios, I am very sure, those Nine Hands, or whatever they call themselves, are not fools, but professionals." Scar said, as this only made Arcadios feel more nervous, hearing Scar's words, that was meant to comfort him.

"You brat, that means, they wouldn't harm the princess, because they are not fools, but professionals. Until they get what they wanted, they will not harm the princess." Scar went.

"But sir… didn't we already captured the Earl, that hired them?" Arcadios asked with an uneasy look on his face, as Scar could tell what he is thinking off.

"Yes, that damned noble, is captured, logically sounding, they don't have any further uses of our little princess, most even will kill off their targets they captured, when they become useless." Scar bluntly went, making Arcadios' face become as pale as a ghost, hearing his blunt words.

"Arcadios, I said when their target become useless, it is indeed true, a normal kidnapped girl, will become useless, if their client gets captured. However, unless they are fools, which I doubt, they will also see our princess will have other values to herself, being the future queen of our Fiore Kingdom." Scar went, as Arcadios still not getting it, which made the old man, with short silverly grey hair, and bread sighed.

"You damned brat, it means, ransom, the princess has a whole kingdom behind her, killing her will bring more troubles to the Nine Hands or Heads, whatever they are called. They will properly ask for money from our King, seeing they cannot get a pay cut from that damned Earl." Scar went, hitting the head of Arcadios, who didn't cry, just hold the pain from having his thick head being smacked.

"Those shameless!" Arcadios shouted, seeing these Nine Hands guys are nothing but shameless bandits, daring to rob money from them, when they can't get money from the people, that dared to hired them to kidnapped their princess.

Scar didn't correct or disagree with Arcadios' statement, because over half of the knights, agree with Arcadios, that they are shames, but Scar himself, along with the Wizards from the Wizard Count, also don't see the Nine Hands actions are shameful, but logically.

They are assassins, not knights who abided by honour. But a group of murderers, that willing to do anything for their goal. Scar also knew, the Nine Hands knew, Hisui's life is more important to them alive, then dead.

However, little did Scar and Arcadios, as well the other knights from the Cherry Blossom Holy Knights Squadron knew. That Hisui is no longer in the hands of the Nine Hands, but someone else's.

"Enough chitchatting! We still need to save her highness from these damned Nine Heads or legs, whatever they called!" Scar suddenly shouted, which meant to calmed down Arcadios and the other uneasy heart knights. And also strengthen their willpower and spirits when they will face the Nine Hands in the later future.

While they all cheering and strengthening their willpower, the talk between the vice-captain and the Bosco Knights, seems to end. As the vice-captain himself, is heading back to the Cherry Blossom Holy Knights.

"Captain, the Trade of Trade is currently not in Foresta at the moment, however, he is currently heading his way here from Albero Town. And also given us permission to enter the city and wait for him. He also said, he will send units of his men to look for her Highness in the surrounding towns and cities."

Hearing his vice-captain, Scar, this old knight, didn't say anything, and just nodded. Because he knew, if the leader of the Boese Province, the Duke of Trade himself, Aldrich Boese, refuses them to look for their princess in their lands, this could lead a bad relationship between the two kingdoms. Or worst yet, a war between the two kingdoms could even happened.

But Scar also knew the Duke of Trade, Aldrich Boese's personality as well. If there is a chance to profit from this, he wouldn't be called the Duke of Trade. Even if the duke himself, looked like a cunning lazy bum bandit, or homeless man.

Anyone in and outside of Bosco knew, not only he is one of powerhouses in Bosco, as a SS-Class Wizard himself. But even it could be crude, or messy, he is very good when it comes to trading. He is known to be cunning to forceful people. And to cunning people, he switches from a snake to a bull, and become forceful when it comes to trading.

He is the kind of person, you should never belittle, or underestimate. Because once you do, you the one that loses.

'Aldrich Boese, the Devil Slayer of Light… that damned Duke, wouldn't pull one over us, in this damned situation, right? Even so, even if he tries anything, he still can't refuse, because if her highness is in fact Bosco, and Bosco or Aldrich Boese did nothing, this will lead to conflict between both kingdoms.'

'Not to mention… longer her highness is missing… more the King, Toma will become uneasy. He is a beloved king, wise as well. But a damned annoying as a father. He is way too overprotective, when it comes to his sweet daughter, her highness, he can become reckless and foolish… I just hope we find the princess before Toma reaches his limit. I just hope my old friend, Darton, is able to keep Toma in check, as long as possible.'

Scar sighed, as he and his men went towards the city of Foresta.




(AN: This is all false, and made up, only exist in this Fanfic, not in the original canon)

In the original timeline.

Vottes Brave, in the year of X783, the current date as it is now. Vottes dies within the forest where Zack found her, and the cause of her death, was infection from her heavily wounded body, and blood lost.

Not many knew about Vottes, who also a second generation Ice Dragon Slayer, once her death came, most of the underworld became uninterested in the young dead woman, while the Magic Council that aimed to recruit Vottes, under the noses of Black Rivers, also grown uninterest or pity the young woman, who also happened to be very unlucky in her life.

The Minot Brothers, who also the cause behind Vottes wounds in the first place. Was hunted down by the Black River guild. Until 2 months after the discovery Vottes' death, when did Black River finally captured the Minot Brothers, while Mister Rivers, the Guild Master of the Dark Guild, Black Rivers, tortured the Minot Brothers to death personally.

On the day when Hisui E. Fiore fled from the Nine Hands, she didn't manage to escape far, when they recaptured her again. But because the member of the Nine Hands was nosy, while recapturing Hisui, created a clue that allowed the knights of Bosco to formed the Cherry Blossom Holy Knights Squadron, the current location where the Nine Hands were hiding.

Five days of searching. Scar along with his Squadron, managed to find Hisui, and her kidnappers, the Nine Hands, along with the aid of the knights belonging to the Duke of Trade.

The ransom went wrong, when Damon out of boredom, ordered his eight men to attack them. While in the battle, one of the two S-Class Wizards lost their lives, 7 knights were also killed, while over of the knights on both Bosco and Fiore side, become wounded.

And in the middle of the battle, Scar died, while facing Damon alone, with his monstrous strength and weaponry. Forcing Scar to use his black sinister armour's powers, which also became the reason behind his death. Since his old wounds reopened when the backlash of using power beyond his level, hit him.

Damon himself, lost three of his men, another 3 heavily wounded, and the last 2, only has minor wounds. But Damon actually died around the same time when Lucy Heartfilia joined Fairy Tail.

Because the leader of the Nine Hands died, and three of them too wounded to carried on as assassins. The remain six former assassins, disband the Nine Hands, and went their own way from each other.

All of this would had happened, if it wasn't for Zack Smasher who were summon to the world of Fairy Tail, this will be the only history that will never past, because of one man, along with it's annoying sword, changed the course of history.

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