
Fairy 64: Morning in the inn.

Morning soon arrived, while the bright sunlight, begin to shine through each room in the inn.

Because of this, Vottes, who was sleeping peacefully, suddenly opened her light pink eyes, before she yawned, and slowly lift her upper body from her bed.

'Morning…?' Vottes thought, while removing her light blue, like ice, hair that were covering her light pink eyes.

The first thing Vottes did, was to get out of her bed, with only a tank top covering her massive womanly charms, and panties. As she walked towards the bathroom, that located in their room.

After finishing her business in the bathroom. Vottes yawned, and still felt sleepy. Which is why, walked back to her bed, to have some more time in her bed.

However, before he entered her bed, she glances towards Zack's bed, which besides her own. And smiled, seeing the man she loved is laying there alongside with a little green haired girl.

Vottes didn't thought much of it, as she tried to control the yawn leaving her mouth. And entered her bed, to fight the sleepiness by sleeping. However, a few moments later, her light pink eyes widen opened, and forcedly lift her upper body up, and relooked towards Zack's bed, hoping she was just seeing things.

But the reality is cruel to Vottes, even after dozens of seconds staring blankly at the 11-year-old girl, right next to the dead tired Zack. No matter how much Vottes wishes it was just an illusion, that her mind is playing on her. The illusional little girl wouldn't go away from Zack's side.

It only until now, did Vottes finally accepted reality, that there really a little girl right next to Zack on his bed. Her mind was still in the state of blankness and shock. Before her light pink eyes turned not only sharp, like a predator, but also icy cold.

Due to her uncontrollable emotions, an icy cold aura unleashed from her Ice Dragon Slayer's abilities. As she slowly walked towards the bed where Zack is, along with unknown little girl who is sleeping right next to him.

Vottes stood by the bedside, as she watches the little girl went closer to Zack for his warmth. When she saw that, many images flashed in her mind, all of them how did Zack managed to trick this little girl. When Vottes imagined how Zack did these things, disgust and rage could be felt behind her icy cold aura, that also beginning to affect the whole inn by this rate, with its coldness!

Maybe it was Hisui sneaking up to him for his body heat. Or the fact, it became really cold. Out of reflex, Zack cast the Ice Resistance spell from his Ice Magic system, as he slowly got up, and become confused, when he remembers, they are inside an inn, not the outdoors.

Why should he be able to feel this cold, in closed off place, like an inn?

However, Zack soon finds out the reason of the coldness when he felt a pair of dagger-like gazes on him. The moment he felt those eyes on him, for some reason, he felt his spine become cold, sweat begin to formed and drip down his back as well.

Zack turned around slowly, towards the owner of this intense gaze, only to see a smiling Vottes, with only her tank-top, and panties on. However, Zack shows no lust, seeing her matured and stimulating body. But fear, when he noticed, even if Vottes is smiling so brightly, her eyes full of coldness and killing intent, that made Zack become afraid of her for some reason, which he doesn't understand why he does.

"Vottes…?" Zack cannot help calling out her name.

"Oh, I see you up~ good morning, Zack." Even if Vottes said that, with her usual playful voice. But for some reason, it felt not only cold, but also heavy.

"Morning…?" Zack went, not understanding why Vottes acting this way, but he sneaky managed to cast the Ice Resistance spell on Hisui, who still sleeping.

"By the way, Zack, I have one question, before I send you to oblivion~" Vottes went with a smile, even if her eyes are not smiling.

"Oblivion??" Zack asked, as he never heard the word, or the meaning of sending someone to oblivion is. However, Vottes who looked at the confused face of Zack, somehow managed to understand, he didn't understand the meaning of that word. After all, they been travelling together for 2 months now, there no way, she wouldn't pick up on his habits.

"Yep, it is a very special place, where your kind goes to… Never mind about that… is this the reason why you never touch or held me…?" Vottes went, as the icy aura beginning to become stronger when she asked this. Zack tilted his head because he doesn't understand either of her meanings.

"I see… I see, I take that silence as a yes… who would think I fallen for a sicko like you… I can't blame… since I didn't suit your taste, but I thought! I thought… we actually making some progress… hahaha… don't worry… after sending you to oblivion, I will personally see this girl goes to her home where you took her, so die!"

Rage fuelled her icy aura, as a white icy mist appeared around Vottes, only to formed into a spear made of ice. Zack who saw the usage of magic, froze, as he realised Vottes is serious, as she aimed the floating ice spear towards his heart!

"W-Wait! I don't understand what's going on!? Why are you attacking me!?" Zack truly didn't understand, why Vottes acting this way. He somewhat could relate it to Hisui, who he placed on his bed, since he was too tired from last night battle with Damon, to care if they were going to share a bed or not.

He truly doesn't understand what's going on here. But it wasn't time to think deeply behind the meaning of the raged attacks of Vottes. As he used his Gravity Magic, Gravity Force, to lessen the power behind the ice spear before he used Vibrating Fist to smashed and shattered the icy spear.

Lucky enough, even in her fit of rage, that blind her reasoning. Vottes's Icy Spear didn't manage to hurt Hisui, who just woke up, rubbing her green eyes, looking tired and confused, as her young mind didn't progress what's happening here.

"Don't understand…? What don't you understand!? It is me who doesn't understand! Not you! I even bet, that Mirajane girl is also the same age as that girl, I am right!? Damn it! Damn it all!" Overflowing with emotions, Vottes shouted, as tears begin to fell from her cheeks, before she leaped before Zack, only to send a kick towards Zack's head!

When Zack saw those tears, his mind blank out, as his heart begun to ache, when he saw those tears down her flawless white cheeks. Because he was out of it with his mind, allowed Vottes to kick his face, sending Zack onto his back on the ground.

The moment Zack slammed onto the ground, white icy mist appeared around her right hand, only to formed into an icy dagger, and pointed it above Zack's heart. But she didn't stab him, even if she got the chance of Zack's careless moment.

Instead, the tears that fell from her light pink eyes, or her cheeks, dropped onto the Zack, like pullets of ice drops, as her icy aura begun to freeze her own tears.

The moment Zack saw those icy tears, along with her crying face. His heart begun to ached more in pain then before, as his mind went blank, Zack reached his hand out towards the face of the crying Vottes. Who on the other hand, tried to kill Zack, and even had a chance.

But the moment she was about to stabbed his heart, her feelings for him, clouded her actions, as she cried while her heart bleed out of pain. She truly in love with Zack, longer she spent with him, more her feelings become solid, more she loves him.

And now, this love clouded her from taking the life of the man she loved. She also began to hate herself, for falling in love with the kind of person Zack is.

While Zack is being pinned and weaponed pointed by Vottes. Hisui finally wake up fully and become confused what's going on here. At first, she realised, she seems to be in unknown room, the last thing he remember, crying her eyes out, while falling sleep while hugging Zack.

Hisui soon blushed, not only she was hugging a man, besides her father, but he even seen her crying yet again! She felt like crying with this feeling of shyness and strangeness in her heart. And those strange feelings and shyness kept on growing, when she noticed she was sleeping in the same bed as Zack for some reason.

However, Hisui soon snapped out of it, when she saw the stranger that saved her last light, not only he is pinned down, by some unknown woman, who seems to be crying. But even has this ice made dagger against his chest.

Seeing these things, and recalling Zack is not alone, from their talks last night. Hisui is not only smart girl for her age, but she also like Gray, she also very logical thinker, as she linked the points of evidence before her, and understood the meaning of this mess is no other than herself.

Which is why, Hisui didn't waste any time at all, when she rushed off the bed, and leaped and hugged the arm of the light blue haired woman before her, who also become startled with tears down her face, when she turned to look at Hisui, but before this beautiful blue haired woman, could ask her what she's doing. Hisui is faster, and only shouted this. (AN: Zack was about to touch her face, but Hisui interfere at that moment)

"P-Please stopped! This is all a misunderstanding! Sir Zack, I mean Zack has done nothing to me!!" Hisui shouted, and looked into the eyes, of the shocked woman, Vottes. Who also become shocked, seeing the odd strong willpower, that dwelled within those green eyes of a 11-year-old kid.


Author Notice

Six more original chapters to go!

This chapter was around 2,400 long, since it was the important chapter, however, like normal, when I edited it, it came over 4000+ words. Which is why it is split into three chapters.

Anyway, I am not writing this, to let you know about that. Besides six more original chapters to go, before vol.2 finishes.

But to let you know, I had updated chapter 1 of my DxD fanfic, it is nearly 4,000 words long… and I don't know how to separate chapters between already posted chapters in Webnovel. But it not important, what important is, does it still feel like a machine wrote it?

When I was reading it, I agreed I forgot some things, that made it feel like a machine, but that only around 8~15% of the chapter, and that was near the ending of it, the beginning didn't feel like machine to me, besides near the ending.

I wonder, if my acid acted up back then, and rushed it, when I was in a discomfort state. It happens, due to my health or mental problems. And acid diseases run through my family, and I just happened to be unlucky to get the same.

Which is one of the reasons, why sometimes the chapters can change, or become slightly unreadable, either I forget to add more details to the chapter, or my acid cloud my mind, from rushing it.

Anyway, enough with the excuses, and venting my feelings, I am sure many of you don't want my personal history or problems, on top of your own, I am right?

Anyway, thanks for reading, and if you were following my DxD fanfic, just letting you know, it already been updated, since there will be no notification for you guys, when chapters get updated or re-edited, I am right?

That's all, thanks for reading this chapter, and my nonsense at the ending, that all.

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