


Everyone couldn't stop singing Bella's praises and for some reason, I felt proud to have a wife like her. I wrapped my hands around her and teasingly requested my gift just to hear the most shocking words of my life which I never expected to ever hear

" I love you," she said and slammed her lips on mine

It has to be a dream yes it has to, but still, I hope this isn't a dream

no, it's not

Bella confessed her feelings to me and she's kissing the hell out of me

" hmm youngsters of nowadays never know where things are supposed to be done " she broke the kiss and we turned to find GP, both mum, and dad, and Mrs. Carson laughing

" You know what little Don is still so young so you both should be ashamed of yourself " Bella's mum teased

" well I wouldn't mind having another great-grandchild " GP winked

" Will you all ever get tired of having grandkids around huh? " Bella rolled her eyes and quickly pulled me with her toward a room

" how do you like my Gift," she asked wrapping her hands around my neck while she slammed the door behind us.

to be sincere I don't have any words to express how I feel so I hope my actions can express how I truly feel about her

I pulled her closer slamming my lips on hers while the rest could be known as history to you all


I received a message from an unknown number asking me to come to this particular address.

at first, I doubted but after much thought, I decided to go but was surprised to find the apartment filled with people

" Donna is so nice, at first I taught she was just ruthless but after seeing what she did today I suddenly have a change of mind about her, " one of the guys standing at the door said and I suddenly got an idea about the person who called me here

" YESSSSSS !!!! ". everyone screamed for a reason am not aware of. I finally made my way toward the center of the attraction to find Leon and Bella...

wait for two Bella.

What the fuck is even going on am I daydreaming.

it's either Bella wants me dead today or she wants to skin me alive and I wouldn't mind that as I still feel guilty for my offense

and all thanks to mum have finally gotten back to my scenes but I still, am unaware of the way to apologize to her well actually them

so before I would get sent to hell I made my way towards the bar and ordered a drink when suddenly someone tapping me

" Hello there handsome " Bella said and gave me a blow

although it took me some minutes to recover myself I could tell my nose was badly bleeding and before I could tell what was going on in my surroundings she suddenly pulled me by my hand towards a room and slammed the door

" Clarence right?..have surely heard a lot about you "

" Be.. "

" Eish.. sorry I forget to introduce myself am Della Bella's twin sister," she said with a grin and something tells me this is going to be the end for me

but when did Bella have a twin?

" don't be scared because the night is still young

you're just going to receive punishments for all your bad deeds" she winked and pressed a button and suddenly both my hands got cuffed



" BELLA KIARA !!! " Mia called running towards the room where both best friends were being dressed

" Hey both of you the brides are being called "

" We are coming don't hurry us " Bella rolled her eyes while both she and Kiara made their way toward the stairs

" aww both my sisters are looking so gorgeous," Mia said grinning from ear to ear

" don't waste our time let's go," Bella said pulling her veil over her face


Everyone couldn't take their eyes off both the bride

although Bella and Leon are already married they both insisted on re-doing their marriage vows as their first wedding was another definition of chaos and everyone couldn't help but hold back their laughter remembering it, especially Leon, but Bella felt more than satisfied having her entire family present at her wedding and this time she made sure her wedding gown was designed by Phillipa Lepley her dream designer

Kiara and Scott, were more than excited to take a step into their new lives while Clarence and Della were also taking a new step into their new lives although it wasn't going as smoothly as they expect

" Bella," Annabelle said bursting out in tears

" mum why are you so dramatic, sister isn't relocating she's just going for another honeymoon, " Della said trying to console her mum

" the four of you better bring good news with you while coming back from this honeymoon," Richard said and Leon couldn't help but roll his eyes

" Whatever you all never get tired of having grandkids around..you all better take good care of little Don," Leon said and pulled Bella into their helicopter

" BYE !!! "

everyone waved while their helicopter took off into the air

" Now you both have to get married " GP turned to face Della

" hmm GP are you referring to me ? " she said looking around

"yes I also want to have grandchildren from both you and that asshole you call a boyfriend," GP said turning to find Della and Clarence nowhere to be found

" THOSE RASCALS !!! " GP screamed and everyone suddenly burst out laughing


well is this the end of this book? I don't think so stay tuned for another volume of ' GAMES OF A MAFIA QUEEN '


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