
introduction :


I sluggishly made my way towards the alter where my so-called groom was waiting and shock could be visibly seen on the faces of the guests.

well who wouldn't be in shock to find the bride on her wedding day dress in an oversized t-shirt, with a messy bun while holding a bottle of whiskey in one hand and a cigarette in another

" What insolence ! " a lady screamed and from her looks, she seems to be the mother of my good-for-nothing groom

" hey keep it down " I scoffed " actually am here to tell you that the wedding has been called off, " I said while pulling a chair to where I stood and sat comfortably

" What are you talking about ? " this time it was my so-called groom who spoke up

" hmm let's make everything clear... am a lesbian and can't get married to you cause you know I already have a girlfriend and she'll be pretty mad at me if she finds out I got married to a specie that has a dick in between its legs, " I said not minding if it makes headlines in the next hour and yes I know am being pretty blunt but no one cares.

I turned to look at both my parents and I could tell they are proud of me as mum had a huge grin on her face

" what you're trying to say is that you're.. A LESBIAN ? " he asked again as if trying to convince himself

" yes ...now I give you and your mother fucking family five minutes to get the hell out of here before I lose my cool "


~~ ELON'S POV ~~

I received a call from Ramona yesterday requesting me to bring as many arms as I can get while coming home, but when I asked about the situation on the ground she said nothing so I called mum to ask about what was going on just to find out that she's getting married.

like what the fuck..and one thing is for sure that little sister of mine is going to turn her wedding into a mourning day


so here I am on my way home in a hurry leaving my bodyguards behind at the airport..when suddenly I got stopped by a lady..

she was on a black crop top with black jeans and something about the butterfly design beads she wore on her waist made her more attractive so I stopped the car

" Hello handsome " she smiled and for some reason I felt hypnotized

" hi "

"I lost my way and I kinda need directions do you mind stepping out to show me this address," she said with the cutest smile have seen I didn't mind stepping out of my car but her next action cut me off guard

she hit me with her purse on my head and then kicked my balls making me fall flat on the ground

" Thanks, baby boy you're a lifesaver " she blew a kiss towards me and drove off with my car

like what the fuck?

just on my first day back in Florida I got beaten up and rubbed

fuck my luck for being so stupid


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