

[ Diarmuid pov ]


Slashing my way through the dozens of Assassins, I couldn't help but feel glad I got the chance to participate in this war, to have found a new master so perfect for me.

"Damn, there really are way too many of you." I said, placing my red lance on my shoulder and pointing at another Assassin with my golden lance.

"You don't seem to be having any trouble despite the numbers." said their master, the priest.

I chuckled at his words. "Of course not." I replied. "It would bring my master shame if I couldn't go through Assassin's ranks with ease and end each one in a single strike after all."

My Agility is absurdly high and the 'Minds Eye' skill which merged with the 'ultimate eye' is simply cheating. As my master says, I am way too op in close combat.

Rushing forward, I clashed my golden lance with one of the Assassin's knife before stabbing his throat with my red lance.

As I continued to move, killing one Assassin with every swing of my weapons, I began realising how much I had changed. Usually I wouldn't have cared about killing enemies like this, but right now... right now I am enjoying this!

A smile grew in my face as the blood of my enemies painted me red, their numbers lowering with every movement of my weapons.

Pausing for a moment, I looked at the nearly 30 Assassins that remained. In a way, their situation truly is... pitiful. Their master clearly couldn't care less for them, seen as he was just watching form the sidelines as they fell one by one, the question now was how many more would I have to kill before they realise they truly stand no chance of winning, or perhaps they already did know that...

"Well then, let's continue." I say, once again jumping forward and leaving behind a trail of corpses.

I dodged every single knife they threw at me and pierced through every single one of their heads until only one remained, a purple haired woman with a white mask.

She stared at me for a moment before looking at her own master.

"So you betrayed me?" she asked, though it was more of a fact at this point.

"Don't take it personally, Assassin." replied the priest. "I simply have no more use for you on this war, nothing more."

Assassin remained silent for a moment before looking at me. Dropping her knife on the floor she simply sighed as my spear went through her heart, granting her a quick death.

"I wish you good luck on the wars to come." I muttered as I watched her vanish.

"Luck is useless when you have a shitty master." she replied as she returned to the throne of heroes, or as I learnt recently, went to the holy grail to become fuel for the wish.

Truly, except for my master, all magus are genuinely disgusting...

Looking up for her vanishing body I focused my attention on the priest.

"What is the matter, Lancer?" he asked, his hands behind his back as he focused his attention on the ongoing fight between Archer and my master.

Shaking my head, I left without replying and went next to Saber.

There is no need to waste words on him after all.

"You took longer than I expected." said Saber as soon as I got next to her.

"Don't be like that." I replied with a slight smirk. "I had to deal with a hundred enemies, you only had one opponent."

My teasing went right over her head as she remained focused on my master, who was currently riding a unicorn in order to avoid being hit by Archer's weapons.

"Well, that a is not something you see everyday." I muttered while whistling.

"Indeed." replied Saber with a slight blush.

"Wow, you are really enjoying the view huh?" I asked amused.

"Of course, he is my husband and my king after all." she replied seriously, her eyes still following the battle with perfect accuracy.

"Is that also why you watch him sleep?" I asked, trying to get some amusement before my master finishes having his fun.

"Hey!" she replied, turning her head to face me. "How do you know that?!"

"Well, you are never around when he is asleep." I replied. "Medea and I usually watch tv or eat whenever he is asleep, unless I am training of course, while you on the other hand are never around. It does not take a genius to realise that you spend the night watching him sleep." I explained while watching her face get red.

"Don't tell him, you hear me?!" she said, grabbing my collar. "Besides, I am just watching over him in case he needs something."

"Of course." I replied with a close-eyed smile while raising my hands in defeat.

Releasing me, she focused her attention back on the battle, luckily her embarrassed expression was fun enough for the meantime.

Unlike her, I wasn't particularly worried about tonight's events. Everything in this war had gone as per my master's expectations, and even when things didn't go as planned he just turned things around and came out with an even better outcome than originally planned, and while the king of heroes is someone who shouldn't be underestimated, I was confident that my master wasn't doing that.

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