
Thoughts of a fallen princess

[ Medea pov ]

"Here it is." I muttered once I arrived to the place where I would be summoning the greater grail.

I ignored the gloomy and dark environment and instead focused on doing my job.

Crouching down, I began painting the magical circles for the summoning using chalk and blood.

"Is everything going well?" asked Giorno, entering the place where I was drawing.

"It is." I replied, still painting on the floor. "You finished faster than I expected." I said.

I hadn't even finished drawing the fourth circle out of the six I need to do and he had already finished Berserker's master.

"Well, I for one think that it took me too long to squash the bug." he said. "Anything you require help with?"

Standing up, I looked at the four circles already painted. "Not particularly." I said. He couldn't help me with the circles which is what would take most of the time, however he could indeed prepare the rest of the materials. "But if you have nothing better to do, you could bring out the five gems master gave me as well as the lesser grail. It won't save us a lot of time but I suppose it is better if everything is already prepared."

"Very well." he said and went to pick up the suitcase master gave me. It wasn't the one he usually had, this one didn't have beautiful patters nor did it brim with mana, however it did its job of hiding the gems and the lesser grail properly, and that was enough.

Silence fell down on the room as Giorno pulled out the gems carefully one by one and placed them on each of the four circles I had ready.

Finishing the fifth circle, I once again took a step back to make sure everything so far was perfect. I watched Giorno place the fifth gem on the fifth circle, making the pentagon complete.

"Now it's time to paint the final circle, this one in the centre of the pentagon." I said as I went to the middle and began drawing.

"That one will contain the lesser grail, right?" asked Giorno, to which I nodded in reply.

Silence returned to the room as I focused on finishing the circle, which didn't take too long.

"Good." I said, standing up. "Now, place the lesser grail int he centre. I will finish drawing the lines that connect the circles and being the preparations for the summoning ceremony."

Giorno nodded and placed the lesser grail in the centre of the sixth circle before getting back once again.

As I finished the drawing, I turned to Giorno and looked at him amused. "You are an awfully silent person, aren't you?" I asked, trying to make a bit of small talk while finding some amusement.

"Well, the young master needs silence whenever he focuses on something since he gets distracted quite easily, so I have gotten used to being quiet when someone is working." he replied calmly. "Besides, you are an awfully quiet person yourself, aren't you?" he asked back, making my eyebrow twitch.

My teasing didn't go as planned at all.

"Well..." I muttered "I just don't like people, that is all."

He chuckled slightly at my words, making a vein pop on my forehead.

"Hey!" I say. "What are you laughing at huh?"

"Nothing." he replied, though he was still laughing slightly. "Your reaction was just awfully similar to the way my master reacted when I asked him if he had made any friends in the academy, that's all."

"Huh..." I hummed. My teasing may not have worked, but perhaps a story would be a good way to pass the time until the preparations for the summoning of the greater grail are completed. "I would have expected him to have many friends."

"Well, I believe he only has one." said Giorno, chuckling slightly. "I can't say that it is his fault though. People tend to get nervous around him or simply think he is too above them to actually be friends, either that or they would much rather use him. There is also the fact that magus overall are terrible are relationships, so having friends is a pretty strange concept overall."

Huh, I admit... I didn't see this coming. "I would have expected you to be rather angry if someone treated master as an equal instead of as their superior." I replied.

"Don't get me wrong, my master is the absolute best there is and there is no one who could be his equal." he said with a relatively serious expression, though he was still wearing the same small smile on his face he had whenever talking about master. "However, there are times were I would like for him to have someone to talk to, someone to laugh with... even if that someone wasn't on his level."

So he is afraid his master might feel lonely huh... I suppose that is a noble thought. "However, he has you, does he not?" I ask. I have experienced loneliness, and I can tell that the man in front of me has too, I suppose that is why he doesn't want the person he cares about the most experience it as well.

"Indeed, he has me." he replied. "And I would rather die than leaving him alone. Still, I know very well that he and I are different, I can't usually understand what he talks about, nor can I follow his train of thought. I suppose I already know that I am not suited to be his friend, at the very least not the friend that I would like for him to have, so I can only wish he will one day find someone like that."

I nodded at his words. "He is very lucky to have someone like you at his side." I muttered. I didn't want to admit it, but right now I was jealous... truly jealous. If only I had that too, someone who would rather die than letting me feel alone, someone who would wish for my happiness, someone who was happy whenever I smiled...

"Have you decided?" he asked, slightly changing the subject.

"Decided what?" I asked confused.

"What you will wish for, of course." he replied. "I remember you said that you had been confused about your wish, so have you finally cleared your thoughts?"

That's right, my wish...

I wanted to go back and have vengeance on that bastard, I was also planning on wishing perhaps for the suffering of the gods, however those thoughts went away when I was told the truth about the grail, that it is not an omnipotent wish granting machine but instead a sacrificial ritual.

"No." I replied, shaking my head. "I still don't know what to wish for. Perhaps I will wish for nothing at all." I said, chuckling.

"Nothing to wish for huh?" he asked, rubbing his chin. "That must mean you have had a very fulfilling life then." he said with a small smile.

I sighed. "Not at all." I muttered in a low tone. "In fact it should be the complete opposite I guess. I never got the chance to do anything I wanted, I lived as a puppet of the gods before I was discarded and thrown away."

"So there is still a lot you want to try?" he asked.

"I suppose there is." I replied, chuckling slightly.

"Then why don't you stick around for a while longer?" he asked. "Unlike me, you can actually talk with my master about magic topics, and I am sure he in turn could show you what it means to live."

My eyes widened slightly at his words. "To stay here..." I muttered.

Would that make me happy? To stay here for a while longer?

A small smile grew on my face as my lips curled upwards. "He did tell me he would never throw me away..." I muttered. "I suppose I could make him take responsibility for those words and show me, as you said, what it really means to live."




Author note:

Yes, Giorno is indeed the ultimate wingman.

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