
Overcoming Darkness Part 3

Meanwhile Arcee was still driving in search of Emily as she was really worried about her friend and someone that she sees as a daughter.

"Where are you, Emily?" Arcee whispered as she kept on driving forward before she stumbled upon destroyed rocks.

From the looks of it Emily came through here but just to be sure Arcee transforms to check it a little further as she inspect the damage.

"Hmm. She must've gone through here." Arcee said to herself as she started to check the area before she suddenly heard someone coming behind her.

She quickly turns around and points her gun at the person who was sneaking up behind her but to her relief and surprise, it was just Cliffjumper.

"Whoa. Take it easy, I'm on your side." Cliffjumper jumped slightly and raised his servos in a calming motion as she calmed down slightly.

"You should know better than to sneak up behind me." Arcee told him as she switched her servos back.

"True. Knowing you, you would have shot me by now." Cliffjumper said as she sent a small smile at him.

"Lucky for you. I'm not an easy trigger. What are you doing here?" Arcee then asked before she saw how his expression changed to a worried one.

"I'm here to help a friend." Cliffjumper said and Arcee knew that he chased after her to help Emily as well.

"I think I can handle this on my own." Arcee said as she was about to walk away to search for their friend but stopped as Cliffjumper spoke.

"I know you can. I'm here to help Emily." Cliffjumper said as Arcee turned to him.

"How? By trying to attack her?" Arcee stated but Cliffjumper shook his head. He tried that already and it got him to get attacked by their friend that revived him.

"No. By talking to her. Look, Arcee, I'm here today with you and thanks to her that I'm here now with you and the others. I owe her one. And today I wanna help her." Cliffjumper said as he wanted to help his friend and the human girl that he was slowly seeing as a niece.

"Look, I know you wanna help her. But this is something I have to do on my own." Arcee said as Cliffjumper put a servo on her shoulder as she crossed her arms.

"Arcee, you're scared and I get that. But if you wanna help Emily, you must let her friends help you out." Cliffjumper told her gently as Arcee was trying to fight back the small tears.

"I know it's just that. I just don't wanna lose her. She's just a child... she doesn't know what she is yet... and I don't want to see her suffer." Arcee told him shakily before the voice of their leader spoke up.

"I understand your concern, Arcee." Optimus said as he and the others came up to them in their robot forms as Optimus held concern and worry in his optics.

"We all do. And that is why we must do what we can to help her." Optimus told her and she smiled at them as Smokescreen saw the damage in the area they were in and was really surprised and shocked.

"My guess is that she went through that way considering all the smashed rocks." Smokescreen said as he followed with his optics the direction the destruction that Emily caused but they couldn't blame her for it.

"She must be going through something rough." Bulkhead said as they were getting worried.

"We must find her before the Decepticons do." Optimus told them as they nodded.

"Let's follow this trail." Cliffjumper said and before they could even make a step, Optimus spoke up.

"We won't. Arcee will." Their optics turn to Arcee as she looks back at them in confusion.

"Me?" She asked in confusion as Optimus nodded as he saw how Arcee approached Emily earlier.

"Emily puts her trust in you. So she will listen to what you have to say." Optimus said as Arcee nodded.

"What about you?" She asked as she turned to the others.

"I'll lead the others to watch from a safe distance." Optimus said as Bulkhead and Bumblebee looked at him with Cliffjumper and Smokescreen in confusion.

"Safe distance?" Bulkhead asked as Bumblebee whirred the same question.

"Optimus, we all should go in together." Smokescreen said but Optimus shook his head.

"Do not worry, Smokescreen. I refuse to abandon one of our own. But if we want to bring her back safely, only one of us must go." Optimus reassured him as Arcee agreed.

"Optimus is right. If we go in all together, she'll start attacking us. Like she did earlier." Arcee said as they remembered how Emily attacked the others and realized that she mistook their attempts to make her stop as attacks.

"Be careful, Arcee. The Emily we know might not be there anymore." Optimus told her grimly as Arcee gave him a determined look.

"She is still the same Emily on the inside. I know it." Arcee said as Optimus nodded.

"So do I. Let's go, Autobots." Optimus said as they went in two ways as Arcee started walking the same trail Emily did while the other Autobots followed another route so they could watch from a safe distance.

Meanwhile back at the base, everyone was very nervous including Ratchet who was trying to find a way to extract the Dark Energon from Emily and to return her back to normal.

"There must be something. Think, Ratchet, think." Ratchet muttered to himself as the kids looked at him.

"Don't you have a super techno Dark Energon extractor thingy somewhere?" Miko asked as Ratchet let out a frustrated sigh.

"If I had one, I would have used it already." Ratchet told her as Jack thinks that there must be something they could try.

"There's gotta be something we could do." Jack said as Ratchet turned to them.

"I'm trying to find a way. But nothing works." Ratchet said as Raf spoke up meekly.

"Maybe... we could try and talk to her." Raf said as Ratchet turned towards him and the 12 year old cowered slightly at the gaze that Ratchet was throwing at him.

"And then what? Just hope that she goes back to normal just like that?!" Ratchet calmed down instantly when he saw that Raf was on the verge of crying as Bolty chirped sadly.

"I'm sorry, Raf... I... I didn't mean to..." Ratchet said as Raf sniffled and wiped the tears that appeared.

"It's okay." Raf said as he sniffed slightly but was calming down slightly.

"I know you didn't mean to do that." Raf reassured him as he understood that Ratchet was just worried.

"Raf might be right. It might be silly. But maybe if we talk to Emily, we could help her." Jack said. Talking to Emily might make her snap out of it.

"Then let's go." Miko said as she stood up but Ratchet stopped her.

"No. This is too dangerous for you, kids. I'll go." Ratchet said as Jack looked at him in confusion as well as Miko and Raf.

"What?" Jack asked in confusion.

"No fair, she's our friend too, you know." Miko said as she wanted to come and help their friend but Ratchet gave them a look as if saying to stay put until he and the others came back.

"That is why you can't go. As her friends, she would never forgive herself if one of you got hurt because of her. And neither will I. Rafael, open the ground bridge." Ratchet said before turning to Raf who nodded.

"On it." Raf said before he used his laptop to put in the previous coordinates as the ground bridge opened up as Ratchet approached it.

"Be careful, Ratchet." Jack said as Ratchet turned to them.

"Bring her back." Miko told him as he nodded.

"I will." Ratchet nodded before he transformed and drove through the ground bridge as the trio watched him go.

When he gets to the area where he sent the others, he starts looking for clues to where Emily and the others could've gone. He then found something, he followed it and hoped that he would reach the others and hopefully bring Emily back to normal.

Meanwhile, Megatron was still looking for Emily when he suddenly felt the Dark Energon inside him pulsing and he could feel the human girl was close.

"She's close. I can feel her presence." Megatron said before he flew down as he transformed and landed down on the ground.

His Dark Energon starts pulsing even faster meaning that Emily was not too far away from him.

"She's close. Ah!" Megatron muttered as he grunted as visions started to appear in his mind.

Megatron starts seeing the same visions from before. But in one of them, he saw Alpha Trion holding a tiny sparkling as the sparkling was cooing and giggling in the vision before the visions stopped and leaving Megatron with many questions as he tried to figure out what he saw. Alpha Trion was holding a sparkling? What does that even mean?

"What does this mean?" Megatron said in confusion before he then felt something pounding the ground hard.

Suddenly his Dark Energon starts pulsating even more and he follows where the sounds are coming from before seeing who he was looking for.

"There you are." Megatron whispered as he saw how Emily was pounding the whole terrain with her punches before he aimed his fusion cannon at her.

When he was about to use his cannon and shoot her, he saw Arcee coming in the area so he decided to watch and wait for what would happen. Arcee, with worry, approached her friend slowly to see how Emily was doing.

"Emily." Arcee called out as Emily stopped pounding the ground before turning to her with unease as Arcee could see that her eyes were a mixture of dark purple and her normal eyes color.

"It's okay. I'm here to help you." Arcee told her calmly as Emily took a step back while shaking her head.

"No... no... Leave me alone." Emily told her and Arcee could sense the fear and sadness in her voice.

"Please, Emily. I know it's hard right now but I can help." Arcee told her as she continued to approach her slowly and calmly.

The other Autobots arrive at the place and see how Arcee was approaching Emily but didn't make a move to enter the scene yet.

"There she is. Should we go?" Bulkhead asks but Optimus shakes his head as he observes. He could still see that Emily was scared but he knew that she was crying out for help.

"Patience." Optimus told them as they continued to watch.

"You can't help me. No one can. This dark presence inside me... It's... It's showing me things..." This made everyone in the area confused as she said this as Arcee asked with concern and confusion.

"What do you mean 'things'?" Arcee asked as Emily seemed to relax but was shaking in fear and she could see it.

"Things I've never seen in my life. These visions are passing through my mind without stopping." Emily whimpered in fear as she held her head and Arcee felt her spark clenched painfully at the sight. Oh, Emily...

"It's okay. It's alright. I get it you're afraid. Please let me help you." Arcee told her as she continued to approach her.

"No... you can't help me... no one can." Emily whimpered in pain and fear and Arcee knew that she would tell her as long as she didn't approach her too quickly.

"Then please tell me." Arcee told her as Emily hesitated but told her.

"When this... dark presence showed me these visions... they invade... And I can't stop them. She's too strong." Emily said as Arcee was confused. Who was she talking about?

"You're strong too." Arcee said as she was nearing her slowly.

"Maybe I'm not." Emily whispered sadly but Arcee just shook her head with a smile.

"Trust me, Emily. You are." She told her warmly as Emily listened to what Arcee was saying and was starting to trust her slowly.

Megatron saw this and couldn't believe it. Even the other Autobots couldn't believe it either. They can clearly see that Emily was starting to trust Arcee and all they have to do is wait for her to trust Arcee fully then they can take her back to base to help her.

"It's working." Bulkhead said as Bumblebee beeped in agreement.

Suddenly they all heard the sound of an engine coming their way and they recognized who it was. It was Ratchet.

"What's Ratchet doing here?" Smokescreen asked nervously as he saw how Emily tensed up completely.

Megatron also saw Ratchet coming and he's quite surprised by this. What's the medic of the Autobots doing here?

"The medic?" Megatron said to himself in confusion.

Ratchet soon saw Emily along with Arcee. He transforms so that he can try and help Emily but took notice how she looked completely different.

"Emily." Ratchet said as his spark clenched painfully as he saw that he failed to protect Emily from this happening to her.

"Ratchet, stay back." Arcee said as Ratchet became confused as Emily took a step back before her eyes darkened with fear.

"You... you tricked me...!" She yelled at them as fear was in her voice.

"No, Emily, that's not it." Arcee said as she wanted to give Ratchet a punch to the helm for ruining the plan as Emily was almost trusting herm

"You tried to set me up!" She yelled at Arcee and she sensed hatred in them as well as sadness.

"No... no... I didn't." Arcee said as she tried to approach her but Emily backed away from her.

"You lied to me!!!!!" She yelled heatedly at her.

"You're wrong, I'm trying to help." Arcee was on the verge of crying as Ratchet tried to make her listen.

"So am I. Please, Emily, you must listen to reason and come with us so we can help you." Ratchet said as Emily looked at him as she shook her head.

"No..." She whimpered before she started seeing the visions again and it made her grab her head in pain to make them all stop from appearing.

"Stop... stop..." Emily whimpered in fear as the Autobots and Megatron watched on.

Megatron then sees what's happening to Emily and asks himself what's going on with her as he could feel something similar to pain settle on his spark.

"What is wrong with her?" Megatron asked before he started seeing the visions again and making him grunt from them in slight pain.

"Ugh..." Megatron groaned as he held his head.

He starts seeing many things and notices that they were at war on Cybertron before and when they started but in one of the visions he sees a younger version of Ratchet with Alpha Trion and calling the sparkling his daughter in his arms.

"What? Could it be...?" Megatron muttered in shock. Could it be that Emily was...?

Ratchet tries to approach Emily and to calm her down as this was hurting them all.

"Emily, please calm down." He pleaded for her as he was in front of her now but she took that as a bad sign when he tried to reach for her.

"No... no... stay back. STAY AWAY FROM ME!!!!!!!!" Emily screamed at him as she pushed Ratchet away as he was sent flying to where Arcee is as her powers were surging out of control again.

The Autobots are about to take action but Optimus looks at them and they stop.

"Ratchet's down. Let's go help him." Bulkhead said before Optimus spoke.

"No, we cannot risk hurting Emily." Optimus told them sternly as they backed down hesitantly as they couldn't do anything but watch.

Emily soon takes out her Sword of Destruction and starts attacking Arcee who stops her with her side blades and tries to make her snap out of her rampage.

"Emily, stop! We're only trying to help you!" Arcee said but it looks like Emily wasn't listening.

"You're lying! You don't wanna help me! You want to destroy me!" Emily yelled at her but her voice was mixed with someone else's as well.

"It's not true." Arcee said but Emily glared at her as her eyes soon glowed a deep purple.

"Stay away from me." She growled at her.

Emily pushes off Arcee as she is sent flying to where Ratchet is, who got up to help her as they tried to snap her out of it. Not wanting to stand there and do nothing, Optimus decides to take action as he slips his battle mask on.

"Autobots, advance!" Optimus commanded as he and the others rushed in to help both Arcee and Ratchet.

Arcee saw this and tried to stop them.

"No, don't do this!" Arcee told them as Emily was starting to lose control quickly.

"Stay back... get away from me!" Emily yelled at them as they didn't attack.

"Emily, please. You must stop this." Optimus told her but he was getting a bad feeling as he noticed the aura around her was spiralling out of control.

"Come on, kid, get a grip." Bulkhead said.

"I say... stay back!!!!!" Emily screamed before she was completely consumed by the dark aura and caused the Autobots to stand back from shock and horror.

Emily was being surrounded by a dark aura that was transforming into a monster made of dark aura as its eyes glowed a deep purple as the Autobots almost felt their sparks stop as they witnessed the birth of a creature from the dark aura of darkness.

"By the Allspark..." Ratchet breathed in shock as it towered over them and they could see that Emily was in the core and completely motionless while her eyes were lifeless.

"This... is... not good..." Cliffjumper gulped as his optics widened at the size of the thing.

"Not good at all." Smokescreen agreed. Just how are they gonna beat that thing?!

Megatron sees what's happening and even he was taken back by the turn of events.

"Incredible... such raw power. Hahaha... let's see how the Autobots deal with this." Megatron said as he decided to stay back and watch the events.

The Dark Aura surrounding Emily finished forming a monster made out of dark energy as it towered over them.

"Oh scrap." Bulkhead muttered as the dark energy creature let out an earth shattering roar that almost destroyed their audio receptors.

"The Dark Energon is growing on her. Taking control of her. If we attack, it will strike to protect her." Ratchet told them grimly.

"Sounds fun." Cliffjumper said sarcastically but was worried about their situation.

"How are we going to fight this thing while our friend is still there?" Smokescreen asked as he didn't just wanna attack but they will in order to save Emily.

"We won't fight her. We will stall until we can find a solution." Optimus said before he rushed in as the others followed suit.

The dark energy creature started to attack them but they avoided every attack that it sent at them.

"You're gonna have to do better than that." Cliffjumper taunted but that only provoked it more as it let out an angered roar before releasing some tentacles to try and catch him.

"You can't catch me!" Cliffjumper said as he dodged them but the creature was able to catch him as he started to struggle.

"Let go." Cliffjumper grunted as he struggled to break free.

The dark energy creature is about to absorb Cliffjumper but with Ratchet and Bulkhead's help, he was able to get free as he landed where the others were as they avoided getting grabbed.

"What are those?" Cliffjumper asked as he avoided another one that tried to grab him.

"They look like tentacles." Bulkhead said as he avoided one as well.

"This dark creature had created several limbs to defend itself. If we try to get any closer, we risk getting absorbed." Ratchet told them as he scanned the creature to try and find a weakness.

"Autobots, keep your distance! Don't let the tentacles grab you!" Optimus told them before he tries to get closer to Emily while avoiding the tendrils.

"We should distract this thing so that Optimus may have a chance." Smokescreen said before he rushed in to distract it.

"Hey, ugly. How about you try to get me?" Smokescreen taunted but that just angered it more as it created more extra limbs as Arcee gave Smokescreen a scolding look.

"Way to go, rookie." Arcee said as he laughed nervously.

The dark energy creature then starts unleashing it's full power and is trying to catch the Autobots to absorb them. Everyone is fighting with all their strength to avoid getting caught.

Bulkhead was using his mace to smash every tentacle coming for him, Bumblebee was using his warrior skills to repel every tentacle that was coming towards him. Arcee was using her side blades to defend herself before she suddenly saw an opening and called over her shoulder to tell Optimus.

"Optimus, I see an opening!" Arcee said as she pointed to the opening.

"Understood." Optimus nodded before he ran towards it but the creature was able to stop before he could hit it.

"Ahhhh...! I can't get there." Optimus grunted as he tried to fight the tendrils.

Seeing how Optimus can't seem to match the creature's speed and ferocity, Arcee decides to go in. She had to do it. For them. For Emily.

"I can." Arcee said before sliced the tendril before transforming and rushed in full speed.

"Arcee, no!" Optimus shouted.

Arcee rushes toward the opening and when she was about to hit her target, she was caught by one of the tentacles. To try and get free, she transforms and starts struggling to get free.

"Emily, please you must stop this!" Arcee called out to her as Emily looked up to her as Arcee saw that her eyes were shrouded in darkness but she could still see that there was a small light in them.

"No... you wanted to destroy me..." She growled at her but Arcee knew that it wasn't true.

"You're wrong. We all want to help you. We would never destroy you. You are part of our team." Arcee said as Emily stayed silent and starts to listen to what Arcee as saying and the femme took that as a sign to continue.

"Think, Emily. Ever since you came to our lives, we've been through so much together. I've seen you fight with bravery and courage. You are stronger than you think. Please, Emily, you must think back." Arcee told her as she could see the small tears forming in Emily's dark shrouded eyes.

Emily starts remembering all the things she's been through with the Autobots. All the good moments, the battles, the comfort and fun times they all shared together as everything came back to her as her eyes returned back slightly to normal as she stared at Arcee with reluctance and confusion.

"I... am I stronger?" She asked as Arcee nodded with a smile. That's the Emily that they know.

"Yes... you are." Arcee said with a warm smile as the others saw this chance to try and calm her down and to bring her back from the darkness.

"Emily, you're a part of our family. And we will be there for you. All of us." Optimus told her as the others followed suit on trying to encourage her and to get her to break free from the darkness.

"Pull it together, Ems!" Bulkhead called out as the dark creature stopped attacking.

"Fight that thing!" Smokescreen said.

"Snap out of it, kid!" Cliffjumper said as she looked at them.

"Dark Energon is strong but you're stronger than it." Ratchet told her as she was starting to fight back but held her head in pain.

"Ahhhh!!!!!" She let out a pained scream as the creature started losing control before it started talking and the Autobots were taken by shock by this as well as Megatron.

"Weakling, you can't ignore the darkness inside you. Destroy them!" It growled at her as a smoke of silhouette appeared in front of her with glowing purple eyes.

"No! Get out of my head..." Emily growled at it as her eyes kept flashing from her normal eye color to purple eyes.

"Fool, you can't get rid of me... for I'm one with you. I'm inside your mind, inside your heart, and inside your soul. You will never get rid of me." It seemed to laugh evilly but Optimus knew that Emily won't give in that easily.

"Do not listen to these words. Real strength comes from the heart, not from the fists." Optimus told her as she looked at him.

"You're weak... you can never defeat the darkness." It hissed at her as she stayed silent but it was taken aback as Emily became more determined as she glared at it.

"No... you're wrong... for I am stronger than you!!!" Emily yelled at it before the same blue light started to shine from her as it was destroying the darkness.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Emily screamed as the light consumed the area as she was able to break free from the darkness' hold on her.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The silhouette screamed in pain as it dissolved into nothingness.

The blue light starts shining more as the others can see what's happening. The light was able to bring back Emily but something came out from her and before disappearing. Emily soon falls to the ground, completely unconscious from both the events and experience.

"Emily!" Arcee called out worriedly as she went to check on her to see if she was alright as she picked her up in her servos.

The others went to them as well as Ratchet starts checking her vitals and seeing if she's still alive and if the Dark Energon inside her is gone and it was a good sign as their friend is alive and well and the dark energon was gone from her.

"She's alive but unconscious. There's no sign of the Dark Energon. We must bring her back to the base so I can run some tests on her." Ratchet told them as they were filled with relief.

Ratchet then turn on his comm-link and used it to contact the base

"Ratchet to base, do you read me?" Ratchet asked through the comm-link.

Back at the base, the others were all worried about what had happened but perked up with relief to hear that Ratchet was okay from the sound of it.

"We hear you, Ratchet. Is Emily okay?" Raf asked as Bolty chirped the question as well and wanted to know if his caretaker was okay.

"She's alright." Ratchet told them and they cheered knowing that their friend was safe and okay.

"Yes!" Jack cheered.

"Alright!" Raf smiled as he was glad that his sister figure was okay.

"Whoo-hoo!" Miko whooped in joy as Ratchet's chuckle could be heard.

"Rafael, I need you to open the ground bridge." Ratchet told him as he nodded before typing the coordinates on where they are.

"Right away. Activating the ground bridge now." Rad said as he activated the ground bridge.

The ground bridge opened up to where the others were and they all relaxed and knew that it was time to go home and to get Emily checked up from what she's been through.

"Let's go home, team." Bulkhead said as they nodded and entered the portal as it closed up behind them.

Megatron watched them go back to their base as he was still trying to process what just happened as he had a sinister smile. He could use this to his advantage.

"Impressive, very impressive." Megatron said before activating his comm-link to contact the Nemesis for a ground bridge.

"Soundwave, open a ground bridge." Megatron ordered before a ground bridge opened up behind him and he walked through it and was back on the Nemesis.

Meanwhile back at the base, the kids along with Bolty were waiting for the others to come back through the portal. The Autobots entered the base as the kids were relieved to see them.

"You guys are back. But where's Emily?" Miko smiled before becoming confused since Emily wasn't walking with the bots.

Ratchet then comes in with Emily in his servos and the kids are shocked at how frail she looks as she is unconscious.

"Oh no..." Miko covered her mouth from shock as Jack and Raf ran to her side and asked if their friend was okay.

"Ratchet, is she...?" Jack was afraid to finish his sentence but Ratchet gave them a reassuring look.

"Don't worry. She's fine, she just needs to rest." Ratchet reassures them as Bolty jumps from Raf's head and climbs up Ratchet's arm to see his caretaker.

When he gets there, he nuzzles her cheek in worry as he looks up to Ratchet with a small worried chirp as Ratchet looks at their little friend.

"She'll be fine. I'll run some tests to make sure there's no sign of the Dark Energon infection." Ratchet told them as Bolty nodded as the medic took Emily to the med bay to be sure that the dark energon is completely gone from her system as the others watched on in worry.

"What happened out there?" Miko asked in concern as she turned to the bots who were looking more worried than ever as Arcee held herself to keep it together.

"Something... horrible... it's as if the Dark Energon changed her." Arcee told her as she still remembered what happened and how it all went.

"I still don't get how Dark Energon did this to her." Miko said as she was still confused and the other bots grew nervous about this.

"Well... Uh... It's... hard to tell..." Bulkhead said hesitantly as Miko sensed it and became a little worried.

"You okay, Bulkhead?" Miko asked as Bulkhead nodded.

"Yeah, yeah... I just... need to rest up a little." Bulkhead said as he went to the sitting area as Cliffjumper followed as well.

"We all do." Cliffjumper said as Bumblebee beeped and whirred in agreement.

"It's a good thing that we were able to bring her back in one piece." Arcee said. That was at least a good thing but why does it feel like something even worse is about to happen?

"Yes. But I feel that the worst is yet to come." Optimus said grimly as Smokescreen turned to him in confusion.

"What do you mean?" He asked in confusion as Optimus was hesitating on telling the rookie and Cliffjumper the truth.

"I'm not... entirely sure." Optimus said as he looked to where Ratchet was by the computers and was praying to Primus to let Emily be okay after what happened.

Meanwhile back at the Nemesis, Megatron entered the control room as Knock Out turned around and was glad that he was back.

"Good to see you back, Lord Megatron. I'm sure you took care of that little business." Knock Out said as Megatron went to the computers as he glanced at him.

"I did. And I've discovered very.... intriguing things." He told him as he thought back to the visions especially with the ones with Alpha Trion, the young version of Ratchet and the sparkling that Alpha Trion calls his daughter.

"Like what?" Knock Out asked curiously.

"Let's just say that we may have now possessed the key to gain an advantage over our enemy. An advantage that could turn the tables in our favour."

Meanwhile back at the base Ratchet was conducting some tests on Emily who was still unconscious as he was checking her vitals and making sure that there wasn't any dark energon infection in her anymore.

"Hmm... so far nothing. Which means that Emily is no longer infected with Dark Energon." Ratchet said as he sighed in relief. At least that was a good sign.

"Did you find out why Emily was infected and didn't... you know...?" Jack asked as he went up to where Ratchet was as he looked at Emily who was breathing slowly but steadily on the bed she was on.

"Well, uh,... not yet. And maybe it's best not to know... for now. We should be grateful that nothing bad happened to her." Ratchet told him but Miko went up to where Jack is and gave him a look.

"Nothing bad? Are you serious right now, Ratchet?" Miko stated and Ratchet knew that she was getting suspicious.

"What do you mean?" He asked her in confusion but he knew what she was trying to say.

"What I mean is that you seem to know more than you say." Miko pointed out the fact

"For once I agree with Miko. First she gets infected and then you're acting as if you're hiding something." Jack said as he pointed that Emily first got infected by the dark energon from earlier and now Jack could see that he was really hiding something.

"That's absurd." Ratchet said but he knew that time was running thin and running out.

"Oh really? Then tell me why Bulkhead has been acting weird lately?" Miko asked as she wasn't falling for him pretending that he wasn't hiding something.

"And what did Optimus mean by something worse is coming?" Raf came up and asked in confusion and Ratchet was really getting nervous. Looks like the gig is up but he had to keep trying to hide the truth.

"Well... how should I know? Bulkhead must've been shaken off by what happened." Ratchet told them as he went back to his computers.

"Like all of us. But we must know why this happened. It's not normal." Jack said as Ratchet was trying to stop himself from getting nervous.

"We're a team, Ratchet. A family. And a family never hides a secret." Raf said as the medic heard this and sighed. It's time to tell them the truth.

"I know. And I think it's time you know the truth." Ratchet told them grimly as the trio looked at him in confusion.

"The truth?" Jack asked in confusion. What did Ratchet mean by that?

"What truth?" Miko asked as she was equally confused as Jack and Raf.

"Have you ever asked yourself why Emily is strong enough to defeat a Decepticon? Or how she's able to wield two of the most powerful weapons in the universe?" Ratchet asked them as the trio remembered how she wielded the two swords and how she was able to obtained them

"Well, uh, yeah." Jack said as he remembered.

"We figured that she must be some sort of superhero." Raf said as he just guessed that Emily must be born with it and boy was he wrong about it.

"Yeah like the ones in the comic books." Miko agreed to what Raf said but after seeing the grim look in Ratchet's face-plate the trio knew that it wasn't.

"I'm afraid it's not that. You see... Emily is different. Way different than you think." Ratchet told them as the trio looked confused. What did he mean by that?

"What do you mean?" Jack asked as Ratchet was clenching and closing his servos into fists.

"Emily might be human. But she's also half Cybertronian." Ratchet told them as the kids looked confused. Emily was part of what the Autobots are?

"Half Cybertronian?" They asked in confusion.

"Yes. I discovered not long ago that she had Energon inside her blood. And that she's the lost daughter of Alpha Trion. Optimus' former mentor." This made the trio gawk in shock as they tried to process what they were told.

"Whoa... Are you serious?" Jack asked him as he tried to comprehend what they were told. Emily is a daughter of Alpha Trion and a Prime at that?!

"Yes, Jack." Ratchet nodded as Jack looked at Miko and Raf before looking back at the medic.

"Does she know?" Jack asked as he looked to where Emily was laying as Ratchet shook his head.

"We... haven't told her yet. It's too dangerous." Ratchet told him as Jack looked confused but he knew that every kid deserved to know the truth. Even Emily.

"Too dangerous? Are you kidding me? Ratchet, she deserves to know the truth." Jack told him as Ratchet looked at them with an upset look.

"At what cost, Jack? If we tell her, she might do something rash." Ratchet said as he was clearly upset and guilty for not telling her but it was for her own good.

"Pfft. Are you saying that hiding the truth wasn't rash?" Jack asked as he crossed his arms.

"It was the right choice to make." Ratchet argued as Jack shook his head.

"Says you." Jack gave him a deadpanned look.

"It's the right choice to protect her. I know it's hard. And now that you know the truth I must compel you to keep it a secret. Emily is not ready to know the truth." Ratchet told him but they all froze when a weak and familiar asked.

"The truth?" She asked them weakly. Mainly Ratchet.

Ratchet hears that Emily was speaking and he realizes that she just woke up and he turned around and started to feel guilty. The gig is out now.

"Uh oh..." Miko said. How will Emily handle this?

"Emily... I..." Ratchet tried to come up with an excuse but he couldn't as Emily was giving them a worried, confused and scared look. What did Ratchet mean by that? Was he hiding something?

"What were you talking about? And what do you mean that I'm not ready for the truth? What truth are you talking about?" Emily asked them as she sat up weakly while holding her side in pain since it hurt as the trio and Ratchet knew that it was time. And there was no backing down now.

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