
Chapter 17: Truths revealed, Daughter of prime vs Decepticon lord Part 1

After being able to bring their lost friend back home. The time has come to tell the truth to Emily and it won't be a good sight to see.

"Ratchet, what did you mean I'm not ready for the truth?" Emily asked as she stood up from the bed she was laying on as she looked up to him and he could see that she had so many questions.

"Emily, please calm down. Right now you need to rest. You've been through quite an ordeal." Ratchet tried to tell her but Emily hardened her gaze as she was trying to keep her emotions in check.

"I'm fine. I don't need to rest. I want to know what truth you are talking about." Emily told him sternly.

The others heard what's happening and they all gathered together as Arcee saw that Emily was awake but could sense the tension in the air.

"What's going on here?" She asked in confusion.

"What's all the ruckus?" Bulkhead asked as Ratchet seemed like he was caught red handed.

"It's nothing. Emily, please you must rest. Right now there's nothing to be worried about." Ratchet tried to make her go back to rest but Emily gave him a hard look and the others could tell that she found out that he was hiding something.

"Stop saying that. You said that I'm not ready to know the truth. And whatever that truth may be. I wanna know. Please, Ratchet, you must tell me. No more excuses. No more secrets. I want the real truth. Now." Emily told him as she stopped the tears that threatened to show as her voice cracked when she told him.

Ratchet looked at everyone and saw that it was time as Jack gave Ratchet a sympathetic look with understanding. This will not be good.

"The time has come, Ratchet. You know what to do." Jack told him as Emily looked at them.

"All secrets must come to the light." Optimus told him as Emily looked back to Ratchet.

"Indeed. The time has come. There's something you need to see." Ratchet told Emily as he gestured for her to go to where the computers were as he typed in her blood tests as she looked at it in confusion and curiosity.

"That's my blood test." She said as Ratchet nodded grimly.

"Yes. I never showed you the results due to a reason." Ratchet told her as Emily looked at him. What reason did Ratchet mean?

"What reason?" Emily asked as Ratchet sighed heavily.

"This one." Ratchet said as he showed her the results of her blood test.

Emily then looks at her blood test results and to her surprise and confusion that there's Energon in it. Meaning that she has Energon inside her. She's also able to read the blood results written in Cybertronian like it was English which confuses her even more. How can she read the language of the Autobots?

"Is that Energon? How... How is it possible? Energon is fatal to humans." Emily said in shock as she looked at the results and double checked to see if it wasn't true but it is.

"Yes. I know it might come as a shock to know. Emily, you're half human but also half Cybertronian." Ratchet told her as she gasped in shock at this. She was half of what the Autobots and Decepticons are...?

"Half Cybertronian?" Emily asked in shock as her voice was just barely above a whisper.

"Yes, that's the logical reason for why you could wield such powerful weapons like the Sword of Creation and the Sword of Destruction." Ratchet told her as he watched her collapse on the chair as she tried to process what she was being told. This... can't be real... Right?

"No... no... this can't be..." Emily wiped a stray tear that fell from her cheek as Cliffjumper and Smokescreen were both surprised and shocked at this revelation. Their human friend is part Cybertronian?! How was that even possible?!

"Whoa, whoa back off, Ratchet. You say she's half human and half Cybertronian. I'm no scientist but that's impossible." Cliffjumper said as he just can't believe it.

"Cliffjumper is right. This doesn't make any sense." Smokescreen said as he looked at Ratchet. How come the three of them didn't know?

"There is... a logical explanation." Ratchet said as he knew that it was time for them to know as Emily looked up to him as he let out a sigh and began his tale.

"A long time ago back in the war, I made a vow to Alpha Trion himself. To protect what was more precious to him. During the war, Alpha Trion had a child. A newborn Sparkling. This Sparkling was born with a great and dangerous power inside her. A half of the Allspark. Alpha Trion feared that if this power fell into the hands of the Decepticons, they would use it for great evil. To keep her out of harm's way, he sent his daughter to Earth. I vowed to find and protect her. When we arrived on Earth, I spent most of my time finding her. When I couldn't find her, I concluded that the child never made it to Earth. Until the day we first met Emily." Ratchet said as Smokescreen, Cliffjumper and Emily couldn't believe what they were told.

Smokescreen never knew that Alpha Trion had a daughter. Why did his mentor tell him? Was it really dangerous for the child of a prime to be announced to the world? And with the fragment of the Allspark in her?

"Wait a minute, Ratchet. What you're saying doesn't make any sense. The child of a Prime is here on Earth?" Smokescreen asked in shock and disbelief.

"It may be hard to believe. But she's been right in front of us all the whole time. The day we met her, I didn't even know her true nature. This blood test revealed to me who she really was, the daughter of Alpha Trion." They turn their optics and eyes on Emily who felt her heart almost gone cold. She was the daughter of a Prime. The long lost daughter of Alpha Trion.

"Daughter of Alpha Trion? No... no, no, no, no, no,... this can't be. Did you all know about this? Arcee?" Emily asked before looking to Arcee who didn't answer as the femme look down.

"Bumblebee?" Emily looked to the scout who whirred an apology as he looked down as he didn't want to see the hurt in his sister's eyes.

"Uncle Bulk?" Emily's voice was getting desperate but Bulkhead just looked down in shame.

"Optimus?" Emily felt her heart break as she saw the look in his blue optics as he didn't say anything as he looked down as he couldn't bear to look at her when her voice cracked when she called his name as Emily felt her throat run dry. They knew all this time...

"Don't look at me. I'm surprised as you are." Smokescreen raises his servos in defense when Emily looks to him and Cliffjumper.

"Me too." Cliffjumper nodded as he saw how the others didn't answer and saw the saddened look in Optimus' optics and felt bad for their leader.

"I know it's hard to take in but-" Ratchet tried to calm her down but they could see the betrayed and hurt look in her eyes as she clenched her fists.

"Why...? Why didn't you tell me about who I really am?!" She yelled at them as they winced at the tone of her voice.

"Easy, Emily, we just wanted to protect you." Arcee tried to make her calm down but Emily sent her a hurt look but in a glare as tears started to fall down her eyes.

"And you think that reason is enough to lie to me?! Ever since I was a kid, I was treated differently by others! No one understands that I only wanted to fit in! To be accepted. I've spent 18 years searching for the answers of who I really am! And you just kept it all a secret and didn't tell me?! For what reason?! Oh let me guess to protect me! Well guess what! I don't need protection. I can take care of myself!" Emily screamed at them as she felt betrayed and hurt by this. Optimus walks up to where she is to try and calm her down.

"Emily, please. We only wanted what was best for you." Optimus stopped as she sent him a glare that made his spark break at this. They should have told her and now... They knew that they lost her completely...

"Save it, Optimus! I don't want to hear anything you have to say to defend yourself. You know what? I'm out of here. I won't be in a team that keeps secrets from me!" Emily told them harshly as they were feeling guilty and shocked by this as Emily got down from her spot.

"Emily, wait you can't go out there. It's too dangerous." Ratchet tried to stop her but she gave him a hurt look but she masked it with a glare.

"Oh yeah?! Well I don't care. I can do just fine on my own." She told him coldly as she went to where her motorcycle is but Bulkhead stepped in front of her to stop her from leaving.

"Please, kid, you can't do that." Bulkhead said but he tried not to back off when he saw her clenched her fists tightly and not looking at them.

"Back off now, Bulkhead. I'm not in a very good mood." She told him. He sighed and nodded.

Bulkhead backs off and lets Emily go to her motorcycle as she grips the helmet but doesn't turn around as more tears continue to fall from her eyes as one hits the floor.

"You know what's worse? After all this time, I considered you all like my friends, my family. Now I realize you can't trust anyone except yourself. I hate you... all of you." Emily told them coldly as she put her helmet on before getting on her motorcycle and turning the engine on and leaving the base with a lot of cold feelings in her but her heart broke even more when she remembered how Optimus looked at her with so much sorrow and hurt in his optics.

The Autobots almost lost their friend to the darkness but they felt shame and guilt in their sparks and hearts that they may have lost her completely.

"Emily..." Arcee tried to go after her but Optimus put his servo on her shoulder to stop her as she looked at him as he shook his head but she could see deep in his optics that he was saddened by what happened and was feeling guilty about this.

"Let her go. We can't force her to stay with us." Optimus told her as she fought back the tears as they just stared at the last spot Emily was on before she left.

Meanwhile in the Nemesis, Megatron was walking to the flight area and Starscream just so happened to see him and was curious on what he found that could give them an advantage to their enemies.

"Lord Megatron. Now that you've found a way that could give us an advantage over the Autobots. I suppose that you formed a plan to carry this... task." Starscream said as Megatron didn't look at him as he continued his walk to the hangar.

"Yes, Starscream. I did form a plan. A plan, in which I decided that I'll be carrying on my own." Megatron said as he was making sure that he thought of this plan clearly.

"Are you sure, master?" Starscream asked to be sure since the earlier plan backfired big time.

"I've never been more sure in my life, Starscream. The information that I've acquired today may help understand the truth of another of the human girl that the Autobots call Emily." Megatron said as he remembered the visions clearly and knew what he needed to do and soon the human girl would be on their side.

"Really? And... what did you find?" Starscream was curious about what Megatron found but knowing him, he won't say it.

"Nothing to be concerned about. I must leave at once. Stand by for further possible order." Megatron told him as they arrived at the hangar as Starscream looked at him in confusion.

"Possible? My liege, I do not think that going out there alone is wise. Please allow me to send a squadron and escort you." Starscream said but stopped when Megatron sent him the look and he backed down quickly.

"You have your orders. Do as I say or else you'll face my wrath." Megatron growled at him.

"Uh...yes of course, master." Starscream said as he didn't want to face any punishment from Megatron.

Megatron then transforms into his alt mode and leaves the ship as Starscream watches him leave.

Meanwhile, Emily was still driving on the highway, trying to face the truth about her true past and origins. During the journey, she was still remembering the visions that she saw when she was infected by Dark Energon and it just made her more angry and frustrated. The anger made her drive very fast as she tried to distance herself from all of this but why did she suddenly feel so... empty.

Meanwhile back at the base, the Autobots were feeling guilty about what happened as Optimus was hit the hardest but he didn't show it but his optics showed it.

"I can't believe what happened." Bulkhead said as he looked at the others. They should have expected that kind of reaction.

"Me neither. To think that Alpha Trion never told me about this." Smokescreen said as he was still in shock to learn that his friend was the daughter of his teacher.

"Imagine my surprise." Cliffjumper said as he was still in shock as well.

"I feel bad about what we did." Arcee said as she crossed her arms.

"I know what you mean." Bulkhead nodded sadly as Bumblebee whirred sadly as he already missed Emily, his sister.

"Well I hope you're feeling bad because you deserve it." Jack spoke up as the others looked at him and the Autobots except Optimus had to wince at the stern look he was giving them.

"What does that mean?" Arcee asked in confusion as Jack looked at her.

"It means that you messed up. You messed up big time. And now because of that, Emily is gone." Jack said as he clenched his fist. He liked Emily a lot like a big sister. She helped him a lot and he owed her.

"Thanks for pointing out the obvious, Jack." Bulkhead said sarcastically.

"I agree with Jack." Miko said as she knew that Jack had a point and plus she liked having Emily around and to play and practice guitars with her.

"Me too. I'm sorry." Raf said but apologized quickly. He viewed Emily like the big sister he knew.

"I mean, how dare you keep that kind from her, from us." Jack said as he pointed to the trio and Emily.

"We did what was right to protect her." Arcee said but Jack knew otherwise.

"Maybe you had your reason not to tell her. But the real question is, did you want to protect her or yourselves?" Jack asked them the obvious and they saw what he meant. Did they do it to protect Emily or themselves?

"Jack is right. If Alpha Trion was here, he would never agree to that. Secrecy is one thing, but lying that's a whole other." Smokescreen said. He knew Alpha Trion like Optimus when he was just Orion Pax. He knew that Alpha Trion would be disappointed with them.

"You know for a newbie you have a big mouth you know that?" Bulkhead said as he gave Smokescreen a small glare which he returned but Cliffjumper got between them before a fight broke out.

"Easy, Bulk." Cliffjumper said as he gave Bulkhead a calm look.

"You're just saying that because you can't admit that I'm right and you were wrong. Come on, even Optimus knows I'm right." Smokescreen said as Optimus had to agree that he was right, he would have kept this whole thing a secret from Emily until she was old enough to know. But keeping it a secret for too long isn't right.

"Smokescreen, you're very right. My former mentor had the knowledge of many secrets. Secrets he had kept hidden until the time was right. My mistake was to assume that by keeping this information to ourselves. We would avoid a severe casualty." Optimus told them as they listened.

"Optimus, I know you meant well. But by doing so you made things even worse. There comes a time where secrets come to the light. And the best way to bring them out of the shadows is by trusting those around you." Jack said as he was glad that Optimus understood.

"Jack, you're too young to understand that sometimes. There are things that must be kept secret." Ratchet said as Jack looked at the medic bot.

"Oh yeah? Just until you decide that the time is right to speak about it. Newsflash you did and look at what happened." Jack said as more guilt piled even more in Ratchet.

"And you think I'm happy with all that? All of this is my fault. Tell me something, Jack. Have you ever vowed to protect something? Have you ever made a promise that you knew you couldn't keep? Have you?" Ratchet said as Jack knew what he meant.

"Yes I did. I didn't vow to any of you. I did it to myself. I promised that I would do anything to help my friends. No matter what. Look I know I was out of line but you must understand that what you did is a mistake. And right now you need to fix this." Jack told him as Ratchet stayed silent as the Autobots knew that the only way to bring Emily back to forgive them is to apologize to her for keeping the truth about who she is a secret from her.

Jack goes down the ladder as he hopped down. He needs to find Emily so this whole thing can be fixed.

"I'm going to find her." Jack said as Arcee stepped forward. She wants to fix everything with the girl and she needs to do so to get Emily to forgive her, the whole team.

"I'm coming with you." Arcee said as she transformed as Jack looked surprised but smiled.

"If that's okay with you." She said with a smile.

"I'm going too." Bulkhead said. He wants to apologize to Emily as well.

"Me too." Smokescreen steps forward.

"Don't leave without me." Cliffjumper said with a smile.

"She's our friend, Jack. We need to be there for her." Arcee said as she would have smiled if she was in her robot form as Bumblebee beeped and whirred that he was coming too.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Jack said with a smile as he got on Arcee as Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Cliffjumper and Smokescreen transformed into the alt modes and ignited their engines.

"Don't leave without us." Miko ran down the railing as she went to where Bulkhead is as Raf ran after her to where Bumblebee is.

"Wait up!" Raf said.

Miko and Raf both got inside their respective guardian and when everyone was ready, they all left the base in search for Emily while Optimus watch them proudly as Ratchet just watch them leave before turning to him

"Optimus, you know better than anyone that as long as Emily is out there. She could be in great danger." Ratchet said as he was still feeling guilty but was worried for Emily.

"I know, old friend, and that is why we must be ready. For when the time will come to help our friend. We will be ready." Optimus told him as he knew that if something really happened to Emily, he would not forgive himself. He almost lost her twice to the dark energon that controlled her, he's not gonna lose her again.

Meanwhile, Emily was still driving while trying to control her emotions. Unable to do so since the tears continue to fall, she drives onto another road that goes to an abandoned lake. Not wanting to drive all the way there, she stops before getting off her motorcycle as it falls to the side as she starts running, still remembering the visions she saw earlier and it just made her run faster.

She started running really fast until she reached the lake and slowed down. She then got down on her knees, crying softly. She then looked at the water and saw her reflection on the surface. She touched her left eye while remembering all the pain she suffered for being so different. In her anger and frustrations, she then hit the water with her right hand to make her reflection disappear. Out of anger she started throwing some rocks at the water before the anger, sadness, hurt, and betrayal she felt finally reached its breaking point.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" She let out a loud cry of pain and sadness as it spooked some birds that flew away before she hugs her knees and starts to sob softly.

She felt so alone. She should have never said those things to the others. She kept remembering the hurt look that Optimus gave her with his optics and it just made her cry even more. She just wants to be accepted and fit in. Was that too much to ask...?

Meanwhile, the Autobots were still looking for her. They were driving on the highway while thinking of where Emily could have gone as Raf was helping by trying to locate Emily.

"Any idea of where she could've gone to?" Bulkhead asked through the commlink and radio for the others to hear.

"I'm not really sure." Arcee said as she knew that Emily could be anywhere by now.

"Any luck with your laptop, Raf?" Miko asked through the radio as Raf didn't look up from his laptop inside Bumblebee.

"Nothing. I can't detect her phone signal. Meaning it must be off or something. No sign of her in the social media. She just vanished." Raf said sadly as Bumblebee whirred and beeped sadly but he was worried about their friend.

"We should look into town. Maybe we'll find something." Smokescreen told them through the comm-link and radio as he was driving the same speed the others were going.

"It's like trying to look for a needle in a haystack." Jack said to himself but loud enough for the others to hear.

"More like trying to find an optic in a scrapyard." Bulkhead said.

"Then we better start looking. Right now the cons could be after her." Arcee said. She wasn't gonna lose Emily to the cons. Not now, not ever.

"I'll call my mom. Maybe she talked to Emily." Jack said as he took out his phone and dialed her number.

At the hospital, June was taking her break when she heard her phone ringing before getting out of her pocket. She saw that it was Jack calling her before answering it.

"Hi, Jack. I was just about to call you. How are you doing, son?" June said as she drank some pineapple juice.

Back on the highway, the others were trying to come up with places where Emily could have gone.

"I'm okay, mom. I know it might sound weird but, did you talk to Emily?" Jack asked as he was worried about her.

Back at the hospital, June heard it and became worried quickly. Did something happen to her? She saw how Emily was different and she welcomed her with open arms like she was her daughter.

"No, why?" She asked worriedly as she was fearing that something happened to her.

Back on the highway, Jack was still talking with his mom on the phone.

"Something bad happened. Something really bad. I... I think she ran away. We're looking for her right now." Jack told her as he didn't know how to explain it to his mom about who Emily really ism

Back at the hospital, June only talked to Emily yesterday but the 18 year old hasn't called yet.

"Well I haven't heard from her all day. I will call if I know anything." June said.

Back on the highway, Jack nodded as he glanced at the others.

"Keep me posted." She told him.

"Sure thing, mom." He smiled.

"Be careful out there. I love you." June told him as he smiled at that.

"I love you too, mom." Jack said before he hung up and focused on the road ahead of him before telling the others.

"My mom says she hasn't talked to Emily." He told them as they knew that they had to look for her.

"Let's go into town. Someone might've seen her." Arcee suggested.

Miko was quiet as she was thinking of places where Emily could've gone off to and the only place both she and Emily go to when they wanna be left alone or to think is the one place they visited twice.

"I think I know where we should check. There's a river up ahead. Me and Emily have been there once or twice." Miko said as she told them through the comm-link and radio.

"Sounds like a stretch." Bulkhead said and it sounds like an ideal place for someone to go to when they're upset.

"Even so we should take a look." Smokescreen told them as he just knew that Emily would go to a place like that to calm down.

"Let's go, guys." Cliffjumper said as they drove to the road to where the lake is located and to hopefully find their friend there to fix everything that happened.

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