
Chapter 269 Arhat

The monk who called himself an old monk was indeed a true elder monk, his face full of wrinkles and his white-streaked longevity eyebrows made it immediately apparent that he was a very old man. Yet, despite being in the midst of noise, he maintained a peaceful and serene demeanor, which unconsciously influenced others to calm their inner restlessness.

He was dressed in a black monk's robe that had faded to a light gray with wash and wear, enveloping his stooped yet still upright and thin frame. His old but very clean monk shoes stood on the snowy ground untouched by dust, prompting a sense of surprise in those who saw him.

"I pay my respects to the master," said Chen Yu as he caught sight of the old monk, his eyebrows raising in surprise before he very courteously brought his hands together in a gesture of greeting.

Chen Yu's polite demeanor took Jounouchi Nami by surprise, but she quickly followed suit and gave a respectful bow to the old monk.