
Training Time

(245 B.C, near end of the year)

Shin after being toyed with by Kyou Kai learns that he still has a lot to learn, in order to become stronger he decides that he must be trained, now that he knows that Ou Ki was once one of Qins Six General he decides that he would be the best person to get trained by.

Ou Ki sort of agrees and sends Shin out to gain battle experience leading 100 of the weakest tribesmen out in the stateless area. He must subjugate the area for Ou Ki.

Ten, wanting to be more useful in a fight talks with Kyou Kai and is able to get a recommendation to be trained as a strategist in Chancellor Ryo strategist academy being led by Shou Hei Kun. Kyou Kai heads off to Wei to get revenge.

Meng (POV)

He is currently watching heavy-mounted archers practice out on the plains near the capital. His three 300 man commanders are taking turns attacking in waves against a group of practice targets.

The first wave charges at the enemy deciding to either fire from far away (less power), or from close range, right in front of the enemy (great penetration power). They also now have the option of charging directly into the enemy since they have thicker armor on, having to carry bows they sadly only have short swords. (halberd would be better but they need to keep a bow).

As the first wave retreats, they make sure to leave room for the next wave to pass by. Many of them had learned the hard way about how important this was! having crashed into the next wave head-on.

The second and third waves repeat this process, the enemy is put under constant pressure from the arrow fire, and the unknown of if the cavalry will actually charge into their ranks! With the new armor, they can now charge into the enemy and have a higher chance of surviving, even their horses have some armor now.

The thicker armor is also heavier, the horses get tired quicker and cant travel as fast or as far, to help solve this they have now started keeping spare mounts for each rider, for the moment they have one extra horse for each rider, and another two quivers carried on those horses. It would be nice to have more, but this must be already costing Zheng a large amount of money.

He also has a 100 man commander who is out practicing encircling a small group of dummies, they circle around the dummies and harass them, then eventually they start leaving a gap in the encirclement. Hopefully, the enemy from the constant harassment will think they have a chance to flee and break rank.

Once they do, the mounted archers can chase after them on multiple sides, as they flee, if they weaken them enough, they can even charge into them as they flee, as long as they leave the fleeing troops a way out, they will likely think that they can still escape, and won't be as likely to fight to the bitter end.

Meng also hopes to get more training with kiting the enemy, he wants to start trying to lure the chasing troops into ambushes. He's also making sure that his men are practicing their final trump card! they are getting skilled at playing dead.

His new ultimate move! is Meng combining his enemies' attack that causes him to spin away from the fight while puking up his fake blood! he knows that eventually, he'll fight a strong opponent he can't beat or run away from.

He at least hopes that he can trick them into thinking that he died a dramatic death. He has also made a fake arrow that makes it look like he got shot in the head.

For the next few months he's going to keep drilling the troops, he knows that they are weak by themselves but if he can train them to work together and fight as one, they can become something deadly, they might even be able to take out a general if they can lure them into an ambush and fill them full of arrows.

I update the last chapter and included the names of characters near end, the manga has multiple names for characters.

Bit of a shorter chapter but I hope you enjoyed.

Rm89creators' thoughts
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