

244 B.C

With 200,000 men, Chancellor Ryo invades Han. It is decided that the troops who survived the Wei campaign will stay behind, they don't want too many people from one area dying and will give the soldiers a chance to rest and recover.

The advance into Han is going well under Qin Great General Mou Gou, Han city after Han city quickly falls to him.

Meng idolizes General Mou Gou, he has survived the era of Qin Six Great Generals! Qin faces many powerful enemies in that era, Mou Gou wasn't an OP General like others! yet he managed to survive to old age.

Many people consider Mou Gou to be mediocre and average. Whenever Mou Gou encounters an enemy he can't beat, he simply runs away. Thanks to this he is now one of Qin's most senior and experienced Generals.

Meng considers him the King of MOB's and hopes to be like him. He would rather live to grow to old age and be considered mediocre than to die young as a brave young hero!

Within one month Mou Gou manages to capture eleven cities! Their main goal was to capture the city of Anhou, having captured it, Mou Gou decided to keep advancing and now eleven Han cities have fallen.

Mou Gou's invasion of Han is going well and he is deep within Han territory! Zhao seeing that Qin's army is away decides that this would be a good time to invade!

Meng is out training with his men when a messenger runs up to him to report that Zhao has been spotted near the Qin border, a lot of Zhao soldiers appear to mass in the area.

Meng then remembers that Zhao ends up murdering thousands of innocent villagers when they invade Qin. Qin's border town Baou is overrun and falls, all the townspeople are killed, even the woman and children! the villages around the area are burned to the ground and the people murdered!

Zhao still hasn't crossed the border, if he hurries maybe he can save the people! without waiting for orders he gathers his thousand mounted archers and rushes to the Zhao border!

A few days later, a messenger is can be seen running into the palace throne room! Zheng learns that Zhao has attacked the city of Baou with 130,000 soldiers! Qins only army in this section of the border is now deep invading Han!

All the other Qin armies are already guarding the borders against other nations and can't move. With no other choice Qin issues an emergency military conscription! they will quickly gather 100,000 militia from the local population.

Meng (POV)

It has been a few days and he is nearing Baou, it seems he might already be too late, off in the distance he can see smoke rising from a village! he has passed a few villages already near Baou and warned the people to hurry and flee, don't even bother bringing their belongings!

As he rides towards the smoke a scout rides towards him!

"Sir! Zhao has around 20,000 men spread out around the area!", shouts the scout.

"We spotted the flag of the enemy General sir! it appears to be Man Goku! he's killing the villages and piling up their corpses! it looks like he has around 5,000 men with him!", reports the scout.

So Man Goku with only 5,000 men is right in front of him! if they attack him then the other 15,000 men spread out around the area attacking the villages will likely return to rescue their General.

Man Goku becomes infamous after today for murdering thousands of Qin villagers. With only 5,000 men protecting him they have a chance to kill him here today! Zhao has 20,000 troops in the area, if they're not careful then they'll get surrounded and wiped out.

It starts to downpour and a strong wind blows, despite the storm howling around them, the Qin soldiers can still hear the scream from the village from in front of them!

Man Goku (POV)

He has done it! he is making the vile Qin pay! for what they had done! the earth will be soaked with Qin blood today! after they finish here they will quickly move on to the rest of the villages in the area.

With Bayou being besieged he decided to spread out his 20,000 men and slaughter the Qin villagers!

His men had already killed most of the people in this village when suddenly! they were assaulted by a volley of arrows!

"Sir! we are under attack by 300 Qin soldiers!", shouted one of his men.

The Qin is bold! with only 300 men they dare attack me! he thought. He quickly ordered his men to slaughter these fools and rushed outside the village with his 5,000 cavalries to engage the enemy.

Having chased the 300 soldiers a good distance they suddenly found themselves being ambushed! 1,000 mounted archers suddenly fired at them! he watched as a few of his men fell around him.

With so few men dying, he considered the Qin soldiers to be weak and quickly pushed their horses harder to give chase and close the distance!

Meng (POV)

They had just fired at long range at the enemy Cavalry, and just liked they hoped instead of fleeing, the enemy cavalry under Man Goku could be seen charging at them. Meng could see Man Goku in front leading his men with a deranged look on his face!

He orders his men to hold their fire and slow their pace to let the enemy catch up, they flee with the enemy hot on their tails. After a while of running away, Meng notices that his horse is sweaty and is beginning to tire, with his horse like this, it's likely that the enemy horses are also tiring.

Signaling to his troops that now is the time! as one they all take aim and let the enemy get to the point-blank range before firing! their arrows lack power when fired from long range, but that's not the case when fired from short range, short-range they have a lot more penetration power!

1,000 arrows fire into the enemy! the enemy is stunned by the attack! their volley has managed to kill a few hundred of them! Meng and his men quickly fire another volley, and then another, another, another, and another!

The Zhao forces quickly fall to the volley of arrows and stop chasing them and begin to flee! without any range weapons, they are unable to fight back and are just getting slaughtered!

Meng seeing that the enemy is fleeing quickly waves a flag towards the hills not too far away, soon a thousand fresh mounts can be seen coming over. With his soldiers now riding fresh mounts, they quickly move to catch up with the tired Zhao soldiers!

Man Goku (POV)

He has messed up and underestimated the enemy! they were lured far away and were now left helpless against the enemy! their numbers are now down to a couple thousand! having just fled and gotten away they thought they were safe, but they soon learned that they hadn't fled far enough! as a volley of arrows rained down on them once again.

Looking around it occurred to him that he was going to die here! he was just about to give up hope! when he noticed 5,000 reinforcement riding towards him! with his 1,000 survivors they turned and clashed with the enemy! the battlefield quickly becoming a chaotic mess!

Meng (POV)

Meng and his men were heavily engaged with the enemy, they had almost managed to kill the enemy general when a new force came and clashed with them!

His men could now be seen riding around the battlefield shooting arrows they rode!

It looked chaotic at first but he knew that it was far from it, he had trained his men to ride in a large eight! if viewed from the sky you would notice the path that the Qin men were riding in, was the shape of a giant eight!

If his men couldn't cut through the center of the enemy they were allowed to just ride around the enemy in a large circle, they were also freely able to move as they needed while being chased, they just needed to be mindful of how the rest of the men would be riding and avoid blocking their path.

The battlefield looked chaotic but Meng had a decent idea of how his men would be riding through the enemy and could move to support them or avoid being in the area that might block their path.

As he rode through the battlefield he watched as one of his men fired at someone on their left! then quickly twist their waist to face the right and fire at someone on that side! Meng watched as the rider repeated this and quickly took down several enemy riders! it seems their training wasn't wasted.

Man Goku (POV)

His men were being slaughtered! they now only had around 3,000 men left! as he rode through the battlefield he often had to slow down or stop to avoid his men.

He was stunned when he spotted a group of his men chasing a small group of ten enemy riders! they had almost caught them when suddenly the group cut through the middle of the battlefield and another group coming the other way quickly picked off his men chasing the small group!

With the battle lost he quickly gave the order for everyone to retreat! with 2,000 survivors he attempted to flee but the enemy was relentless and was right behind them!

He tried to push his horse faster but the dumb beast was exhausted! with his horse tired he could only helplessly watch as volley after volley fired into his men! eventually one of those volleys hit his horse and down it went!

Hitting the ground hard! Man Goku was left helpless as his men rode over his body! his body having been trampled on by many horses was left in a battered and broken state! trying to get to his feet he could only watch as the Qin horses approached him! once again his body was trampled on by many horses, quickly ending his life!

Meng (POV)

His men had done well, he still had around 800 mounted archers left! although the enemy had gotten them to engage in close quarters battle, they still had enough room to move around, they just kept running and shooting at the enemy as they chased after them.

In groups of five and Ten, they would flee or give chase around the battlefield, they avoided using their short swords whenever possible and tried to pick off enemy riders with their bows! the enemy lacking any ranged weapons could only get in a kill after corning a rider or getting lucky and happening to meet one up close as they crossed paths. Otherwise, they were left helpless as Mengs mounted archers would just fire at them as they gave chase.

Meng was pleased with his men, they had managed to lure the enemy away successfully and killed 3,000 of them, the enemy had received another 5,000 men and had reinforced the 2,000 survivors but they had arrived with tired horses after having rushed over to save their general!

With fresh mounts and plenty of arrows, Meng men had managed to win once again! they were now chasing less than 2,000 enemies! with that number quickly dropping.

Meng noticed that the enemy General was still alive and ordered his men to focus on him! he was pleased when they managed to hit him, then they made sure to run over him with their horses after he had fallen. Meng ordered his men to chase after the fleeing men while he went to collect the enemy General's Head!

They had managed to kill an enemy general and around 9,000 enemy troops! sadly around half the villages in the area were already burned, he had sent out riders to warn the other villages. By engaging the enemy here and luring away troops from attacking the villages, he hoped that at least some of them had enough time to flee.

"Sir! Baou has fallen!", reported one of his men.

With Baou gone the Zhao would next march towards Bayou, once that falls they could march into the hear of Qin! then the people would really suffer.

With no other choice he orders his men to fall back to Bayou city, they will at least warn the people around Bayou and hope the Qin send another army to save them before Bayou falls.

*A few days later*

Meng could only watch as the last of his 350 soldiers fought on the wall of Bayou! they had dismounted and were acting as foot archers. Bayou had managed to hold a few days against the enemy but things were starting to look bad!

His men were out of arrows! and now they made up the bulk of the soldiers left on their section of the wall! they could maybe hold another half an hour then they would be overrun and Zhao would pore into Bayou city!

With no other choice, he drew his sword! and was about to go help his men fight! Zhao would cut off all the heads of the soldiers here or burn them all in one huge fire! his ultimate weapon wouldn't work here. He was about to go help fight when he suddenly heard Qin war drums off in the distance!

Loud cheers! could be heard around Bayou! their reinforcements had arrived!

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