
Which house will it be

An: Finally uploaded them again, I hope you enjoy the chapters. For now, I will be uploading 2 a day until I decided otherwise, happy reading :)


[HA! It has been a long time since I last heard one of you dragons talk. Yes, you are right, I do not spill the secrets of the ones I sort.] said the hat sincerely.

I relaxed after hearing that since otherwise, I would have to burn the hat to keep the secret. Who knows how that old man Dumbledore would react.

[hmm, it seems that you, young Thomas have the characteristics of all four houses. You have ambition due to your hate for the ministry of magic and to help your family name rise from the ashes anew. You have the courage to face Voldemort and attempt to change the wizarding world. You have the intelligence to accomplish great things and you are hard-working which has been demonstrated over the entire course of your life.] said the hat in contemplation.

I really was disturbed by someone reading my memories that's not Drak. But I trusted Drak's words and tried to remain objective.

"Do not send me to Slytherin," I said adamantly.

[why? you can achieve grea-] I cut him off before he could finish that stupid line.

"simple, that house is currently one that puts much emphasis on purity of blood and even though I am a Pendragon that dwarfs all of their origins, I am currently labelled as the equivalent of a muggle-born. I cannot reveal my origins too early as it would be detrimental to my life. It would be extremely troublesome and ineffective to be put in that house" I said dismissing the choice.

[hmm, you do have a point, what about Ravenclaw then? I don't see a problem with that one. you would be able to pursue knowledge which I can see you value a lot.] asked the hat.

I didn't expect it to actually ask for my input, but, It does take into consideration my choice when making a decision.

"I did seriously consider Ravenclaw and I don't see much of an issue in choosing that house. The only fault I can see is that they do not pay much attention to power. It is more like it comes as a result of acquiring knowledge and they don't actively pursue it. I need power in order to accomplish my goal." I answered truthfully.

[I see, and Hufflepuff?]

"hard-working, kind and accommodating but they are seen as the house for all those who show no other traits. I personally do not mind it but it would definitely not be my first or second choice."

[And finally, Gryffindor.]

"Bunch of chaotic fools who value bravery over everything else. They are far from united and have a tendency to act like a flock of sheep, mindlessly following others opinions without thought of their own. Since you can read my mind you will know that the boy who will come up here eventually, Harry Potter, is excluded and outcasted many times over the course of his school years and by his own house nonetheless. That is their biggest flaw. Contrastingly, Slytherin, although arrogant, are very close and united when doing anything which is one of their strengths and is one of the main things that attributed to their 6-year consecutive house cup victories." I concluded.

[ Very well put. I have made my decision, so don't burn me if you don't like it later] said the hat with a chuckle. I didn't really mind since I would spend most of my time in the library studying anyway.

[I will make sure to eat your soul if you're not careful with your decision, Hat!] said Drak suddenly. I chuckled at his statement and waited for the verdict.

"GRYFFINDOR" yelled the hat

The Gryffindor table cheered as they heard the verdict. I was- ok with it, it was one of the two that I had in mind anyway.

Professor McGonagall walked over and took the hat off of my head. I got up and walked to the house full of cheering and sat in the empty spot next to Hermione.

As I sat down others from the table welcomed me warmly and some even clapped my shoulders with a smile. I didn't really mind since it happened to everyone else and it was better than just getting ignored.

"It seems that both of us weren't meant to be in Ravenclaw after all," said Hermione with a smile as she punched me on the shoulder with her fist.

"That seems to be the case, it just means that our common room will be considerably louder. The library will have to do after all," I said with a sigh.

"Well, I for one, am happy that you are in Gryffindor since you are the only person I have talked to so far," she commented while looking at me.

"I can say the same thing Hermione," I said before we both looked towards the sorting again.

It continued as it should, people being sorted and before long Harry Potter was called up.

"Harry Potter," said Professor McGonagall as she lifted her gaze off the scroll and stared intently at the young boy.

The silent crowd suddenly erupted into whispers as they stared at Harry with curiosity.

Hermione turned towards me, "Is that THE Harry Potter?" she asked.

"What do you take me for? a Library? How would I know, listen and find out." I said indignantly.

"oh you, be quiet, how could I not treat you like one when you clearly have all the answers" she said. To which I could only stay silent, I hate to say it but she had a point.

A small and skinny boy walked forward, even for his age he looked frail, his cracked bicycle glasses, untidy black hair, thin face with a lightning bolt-shaped scar on his forehead sat on the stool. I looked at Dumbledore who had an eager expression on his face, probably elated at the fact that he could start his dubious plan of testing Harry this year. I chuckle lightly as I thought about that.

After about a minute Harry was sorted into Gryffindor to the surprise of everyone except me and Dumbledore. The old man was would probably happy with any of the three houses as long as he didnt go into Slytherin.

The table I was sitting at was sent into an uproar as their thunderous applause and cheering threatened to burst me and Hermione's eardrums. Harry went over and sat next to Ron and the Weasley twins. Soon Neville was sent up and just like in the book the kid was sent to Gryffindor and took the hat with him. He had to run and hand it back to Professor McGonagall under the laughs of everyone else.

After all the first years were sorted into their houses and the feast was about to begin, Dumbledore said his very brief but interesting speech.

"Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you!" he said before raising his arms. Food magically appeared on the tables, it was so much that it looked like it was overflowing. I really contemplated whether it was some type of illusion but it was real! And very delicious.

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