
First night gone

There was a lot of chatter as we ate. Neville spoke about his first time using magic, which was- nuts to say the least. Being chucked out of the window, is one way to see if you have magic. Luckily he did and bounced to safety. There was Ron the pig, who munched on his food like he hadn't eaten before. I was glad that I was far away to avoid his mess.

There were the Weasely twins who tried to play tricks on the first years. They succeeded sometimes and sometimes they didn't. Naturally, me and Hermione saw through their tricks and avoided making fools out of ourselves.

Many talked about their origins and their experiences on certain topics. No one asked me or Hermione about anything which I found to be most pleasant since having idle chats was never my strong point.

Me and Hermione just talked about different things, one of them being about what the hat said to us. She mentioned that the hat was thinking about sending her to Ravenclaw but decided against it since it wouldn't challenge her or develop her in the best way. She didn't seem to understand but I got the gist of it.

Hermione needed confidence, she was smart but lacked outlook and was too much of a stickler for the rules. which was fine when you were a kid but it would end up being a burden as you got older. I narrated what the hat said to me but took out Drak's comments and my heritage for obvious reasons.

Soon the feast ended and Dumbledore being the scheming man that he is, needed to give his end of feast speech.

"Ahem -- just a few more words now that we are all fed and watered. I have a few start-of-term notices to give you.

First years should note that the forest on the grounds is forbidden to all pupils.

I have also been asked by Mr Filch, the caretaker, to remind you all that no magic should be used between classes or in the corridors.

Quidditch trials will be held in the second week of the term. Anyone interested in playing for their house teams should contact Madam Hooch.

And finally, I must tell you that this year, the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a very painful death." He said before chuckling. Only a few laughed with him, I was one of them, but for a different reason.

Hermione looked at me questioningly only to receive a shrug. It's too early to tell her anything.

I really was amused at the old man's speech though. His hints are hilarious, the old man really is keen on testing Harry, isn't he?

I looked at him amusedly before having to hear that god awful school anthem. Some students sang and some only opened their mouths pretending to sing. After the song was over the Prefects of each house led the first years to their respective homerooms.

Our prefect was Percy Weasely, he gave us a proud and smug look as he led through the school corridors and up the first flight of stairs. The peculiar thing, was that the stairs moved in different directions every so often making it hard to reach your destination if you did not know the pattern beforehand. Some even had false steps which if not aware of could send you plummeting down to the ground.

Luckily no one fell. The stairs had their own patterns as they changed directions, often leading you to an unintended floor or room. It was annoying, to say the least since it was one more thing I would need to remember.

On the way, we met a couple of ghosts including the annoying poltergeist Peeves who really didn't add anything to the castle apart from annoying the shit out of everyone. Not even Percy's threats worked which made it difficult to pass. Soon we reached a portrait of a fat ass lady sitting on a chair. Percy said the passcode which was accepted by the painting, before swinging open to find a living room area, aka the Gryffindor common room.

Now standing on the predominantly red common room, Percy explained about the passcode which he passed to everyone before rambling on about how great Gryffindor was and how much of an honour it was to be in the same house that Dumbledor stayed in blah-blah-blah.

After the explanation, Hermione and I chose to sit in a secluded corner near the fireplace on a couch everyone seemed to ignore for some reason. We didn't complain as it suited our needs perfectly.

"We should take a look around the school these next couple of days to familiarise ourselves with the place. I sincerely doubt Percy will care about us." I said to Hermione who was next to me reading a book.

She lifted her head from the book and thought in contemplation before nodding.

"Your right, I would prefer to go to the library as soon as possible but If Percy is as unreliable as you say then it would be in our best interests to familiarise ourselves with the way to our classes at least. Although I doubt that Percy is as irresponsible as you say," she said before turning to her book again.

" we will only find out tomorrow, I will meet you here at 7 am and go exploring, If I'm proven wrong and Percy is responsible then there will be no need for us to do so individually," I said before getting up and heading to the men's wing.

I was allocated to stay in a rather big room with beds positioned in a circular formation. I was put together with Ron, Harry, Neville, Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan. We all chose a bed to stay in before going to bed. I went over to take a shower since I did my training this morning. I was accustomed to taking anywhere between 1 and 2 showers depending on the amount and type of training done.

After that, it was finally time for bed.

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