
2120: Finding home [BL]

He woke up in the middle of no where in an interstellar post apocalyptic world.

Arwegonnia · sci-fi
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2 Chs


He left the old man there and walked through a certain room and entered a hallway that had a concave roof and books on either side of the walls, above him were lights lighting up his way. He walked towards the books as Ace translated them for him the titles. He picked up three books entitled, 'The federation', 'The alliance' and 'Our history'.

He then sat down and Ace continued to translate.

The abandoned planet they were on used to be the home of the Nafreri, an alien race that were part of the federation. They were known for their prowess in mechanical science and history. The federation used them to study the Alliance technology and made them imitate it or advance their on to try and beat them.

The history was just about a powerful group making a weaker one work for them disregarding the danger they brought to the weaker one.

He flipped through the book at a fast pace and reached a point that looked hand written. It looked like a diary.

------ after they attacked, those monsters abandoned us-------

------we tried surviving with everything we had but it was hard-------

------survival in it self was torture----

-----the family left---

---I am not crazy---

--- they left, I didn't abandon them---


İt was filled with cryptid texts with only a few word that Ace could recognize.

But it wasn't hard to understand. İt was detailing what happened after the first attack, the one he had seen was actually one of the many. The first caused half the planet to die.

The resulting ripple effects were the fact that the federation cut connections with them thus cutting the supply of key food resources and causing of a planetary hunger.

Simultaneously they also cut the flow of electronics, raw materials, and parts supplies emanating out of earth and other planets and preventing them from making more weapons to defend themselves forcing most of the remaining population to move to their sister planets as refugees and slaves.


He tensed.

"Did you hear that," Anhin asked placing the books down.

"It came from the room we were in before," Ace answered.

He stood up and picked one of the lamps from the table and slowly move towards the place. He walked around and saw nothing out of the ordinary. He was about to relax. When something caught his eye.

"Wasn't this bodies hand on its back?" he asked looking at the hand of the corpse that was on top of it's head.

"Yes that seems to be the case, maybe somebody moved it…no that doesn't seem right, I would have sensed it-

Just as he was speaking Anhin raised his lamp and hit the on coming figure causing it to fall back down.

"Well, the corpse is moving,"

"it does not have a heart beat," Ace said to him.

"Looking at his skin the rashes show that he had a viral infection before his death,"


"What is it?" Anhin asked

"There is an disease like this in the federation terminal. They have been parasitisised with a virus that controls the body after the person dies. The infected they spread the virus by mouth or nails to any open wound whether there are dead or alive, but they take nutrient solutions to increase immunity but since your vessel hasn't had nutrient solution in a while the virus could be lethal,"

"Apart from the nutrient solution preventing the virus it also weakens the immune system. The have not allowed the body to heal diseases by it self. It is also one of the reasons the Alliance looks down on the federation."

"Since there is one, there could be others, can you lead me out safely,"

"Since I can't sense them by heat or by listening to their heart beat I can use motion but the problem is I can't tell living being from zombie with this method,"

"Then use motion and heat at the same time,"

"It would be difficult to do without a physical body,"

"Then we'll help each other," Anhin said going to the direction of the dead Drone he connected the wires in a way that the motors and sensors would not need a core to function, it one of the methods he was going to reveal before he died.

He slowly fixed the broken parts by tying them to each other. This was just a temporary fix, they needed eyes and this would be their best choice.


İt was up again.

Seeing as it was still moving after such a blow meant either he was too weak or the zombie had a problem.

"You need to decapitate it for it to stop moving,"

This caused him to frown, he hated disgusting things.

With a sigh he picked up a tool that was near the drone when they arrived probably a screw driver by the looks of it and with frightening accuracy he hit the zombies neck and the device passed through it. The zombie fell down.

"İ need exercise, such a weak throw and my hand feels like it was just detached."

"Ace can you map out the area and find the most suitable path?"

"Already did,. There three paths two go above ground and one passes below. I'd advice going through the under ground path. İ sence the presence of creature they are too many and too organized to be zombies. They are probably the remnants of the planet you could learn afew thing by being around them."

"True, but before I go I will take some clothes from this place."