
The Cursed Seal

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I am working on a rewrite ver. Draconia. Not sure when I will complete it. But, work is going on slow and steadily. ************************** Humanity survived the Demonic War and barely won the battle with the help of the Six Strongest Heroes. But the Heroes who sacrificed everything were betrayed by their own ally, the Heavenly Palace and the King of Humanity. Betrayed and backstabbed by his closest friend, Lucas shattered the cursed seal with his remaining power before he took his last breath. Thousands of years passed, and Lucas opened his eyes in the New Era of Heroes. He was reborn into a body of a newborn child. A new journey began for Lucas. Follow our reincarnated Hero along with his five comrades in this action-filled tragic journey in search of the truth and free his realm from The Cursed Seal. Sometimes truth is better left buried...

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[AN: Draconia: The Realm Beyond. Rewrite and rework of this fic is ongoing. Check that out for more detailed explanation and story.]

[Year XXXX]

The world has been plunged into the largest war humankind has ever known. Angels from the Heavenly Palace have come to help people in their fight against the Demon King.

The cries and battles of the warriors on the battlefield have spread throughout the world. The fallen warriors' bodies lay on the bloodstained earth. The rivers were flushed with blood. The sky was shrouded in black smoke and thunder. Everything that stood between angels and demons has been destroyed by their ferocious power.

The battle lasted half a year. Fear seized the heart of Humanity when the Angels began to lose their divine power one after the other when the door of the Heavenly Palace suddenly fell. The devil's army has begun to push all life to the brink of extinction.

With no way out, the surviving Angels converged all their remaining Divine power and created a seal strong enough to lock away the Demon King with his whole army in an isolated dimension. But this requires a drop of blood from the Devil King himself.

Adrian, the king of all humankind, the strongest magician, has come forward to take on this last effort to save humankind. Everyone stood tall and proud of their gallant leader. King Adrien marched to the demon king's castle with his remaining elite soldiers.

After defeating the four demonic generals, King Adrian and one of his faithful soldiers departed to confront the demonic king.

"Sir, it was an honor to fight at your side," said the faithful soldier.

"Well, our last battle is near. Whoever obtains the demon blood must activate the seal," said King Adrian with a grim tone.

"As a magician, I can stop the Demon King's movement for only five seconds, and within that time, you must slash that abomination with everything you got. Just a single drop of blood is enough. You are a Weapon Master, and I trust in your abilities with a weapon."

Five seconds looked like an eternity to the Weapon Master. Ultimately, the unknown soldier was able to obtain a drop of demonic blood.

The unidentified soldier then dropped the blood onto the seal of the angels and activated it. A thunderstorm ravaged the castle, a green vortex opened, and every abomination was sucked into the unknown whirlpool of the vortex.

"So much power did you see that Weapon Master,"... "If I managed to absorb this power, I might become stronger than those cursed Gods abandoning us in our time of needs," laughed King Adrian.

"Don't do this, my Lord, that power is a curse that brought so much death and misery it is affecting your mind, give me the seal, I will destroy it with my last sword essence" with a final struggle, the unknown soldier got up from the ground.

"Never this power is mine to wield me the King, the strongest being alive hahaha hah" screamed the corrupted King Adrian, blinded by the unknown power.

Using his last breath, the Weapon Master somehow managed to break the seal into six pieces as King Adrian was out of magic energy.

With violent turbulence, the five broken pieces of seal scattered all over the realms. And one piece remained on the dark ground in the demon castle.

Two days passed, and everyone alive joyed over their victory. The Angels managed to open a portal to the Heavenly Palace and returned to their home. The bodies of the fallen are buried. Heroes were born from the battle.

The King issued a decree, "The Weapon Master gets their abilities from demonic essence. Kill every Weapon Master alive in the Country. Death to the traitors."

King Adrian used his authority to get rid of everyone with the Weapon Master's ability, thinking only a person with the bloodline of the Weapon Master can break the seal.

"I'll have all the pieces of seal, my dearly departed friend, but there won't be a weapon master like you to stop me."

"You stopped me before, helped me win this war, even managed to hurt this damned abomination, you even shattered the seal crushing my life dream, but at what cost."



[1000 years later]

1000 years have passed since the Demons invaded Earth and the victory of mankind. History got buried under the influence of time. Only one thing remained, and that is the bloodlines of ancient Heroes. People born with special bloodline power are considered as greatest geniuses. And those who were able to awaken their unique bloodline power were considered a genius among geniuses because the success rate is only one among millions. Those unique abilities don't belong to any previous Heroes' bloodlines, but it is their power. Thus, they were considered treasures of their nation.

Currently, Earth was divided into six Nations. Each nation has at least one unique ability holder. The government named those genius Eons. The ones with the bloodlines of ancient heroes are named Guardians. According to the rules of ancestors, among thousands of Heroic bloodlines warriors, only three strongest can sit on the throne of National Guardian.

The First Nation is in the northern region covered in ice and mountains known as Sappharix. People believed that the Ancient Hero, the Ice Magician Fenrial used his life essence to create those unreachable icy mountains to prevent demons from entering the territory. People in the northern region used teleportation arrays to travel outside their nation. Over time, most of the Icy mountains melted, but one till today remained standing. In Sappharix, two Eons rule the nation together. The first leader is called The Butcher. Well, he earned his name when he saved the nation from a beast wave by butchering 800 monsters alone with his axe. And the second leader is called Scarlet Maiden. Vampiric Aura is her unique ability.

The Second Nation is in the western region known as Endless Valley because if one is to travel into this nation, they have to cross the endless desert to reach the Valley. Endless Valley is the den of Bandits, Black market traders, Slave traders, mercenaries, and everything evil a person can think of, can be found there. The leader of the Endless Valley is The Immortal Grom, who is said to be the only Ancient Hero alive till today, even after 1000 years. In the Endless Valley, the only rule that everyone follows is no killing. If one is to murder someone inside the Valley, the killer dies on the spot and. Everyone believes that it is the effect of an array covering the whole Nation set up by Leader Grom.

The Third Nation is in the southern region known as Eternal Elegant and, this nation is located in between the greatest ocean Tiara. A bubbly dome covered the four sides of this nation. Not much is known about this nation. It is rumored that this nation has three Eons.

The Fourth Nation is in the Eastern region known as The Green Glow, covered in forest and glowing green mountains. No one knows why the mountains emit a green glow. The Angels, who after losing their divine power decided not to leave Earth and made their home in the eastern forest. Now in the new era of Heroes, the people of the eastern region are considered to be the strongest of them all, as they have the blood of Angels running through their veins. In Green Glow, there is only one Eon and, five National Guardians. The ancient rules set by ancestors don't apply to those of Angel bloodlines. And no outsider ever saw the leader of The Green Glow.

The Fifth Nation is in the northwestern region in between ice and sand, known as Whitestone. Whitestone is well known for its precious magic crystals and ores. It is also known as the nation of traders. Apart from those magic crystals and ores, in Whitestone, there is the world's greatest auction house known as Stone Pagoda. If there is something one needs, any treasure, weapons, or medicines anything one can imagine can be found in Whitestone. Their leader is the youngest Hero of the era Alicia, she is the first Guardian of the nation. Whitestone doesn't have any eons, but people believed that there is someone even stronger than Eons residing in Whitestone.

The Sixth Nation was in the northeastern part of the Sappharix known as Eternal Barren. The place where the cursed seal was broken and, endless lives were lost, the final resting place of our nameless Weapon Master.

It is said that King Adrian managed to collect all six pieces of the seal, but failed to make them one. Till today, no one knows what exactly happened during that dark era. Ever since that day, no Weapon Master was born. The excavation was made and the pieces of the seal were recovered, but there were only five.

In the new era, no one knows the truth behind the seal. According to the historians who read the journals of King Adrian the Hero and the strongest Magician who ever lived, the seal opens a new dimension, a new world of power, and endless treasures. But whenever they tried to join the seal together, only one reply came from the seal, "THE ONE WHO BREAKS CAN ONLY MEND." Thus, the pieces of seals were divided among the five nations. Every time an eon or a Guardian awakens their abilities, they have to go through a testing process where they have to touch the piece of the seal and inject their power to awaken it. No one ever succeeds to awaken the seal in the Era of New Heroes.

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